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Why my stacks, just why
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[2.95d] Awooooooo- (Wolf ...
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[2.94b] Charge Mind Miu
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Druid Form Suggestion
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Arbalest Is Pretty Good
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mutato potato
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[2.95d] Minor shuriken an...
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Sandbox Cards & Games |
Posted by: Turadis - 01-07-2025, 07:45 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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After a recent chat on discord, I came to the conclusion that the game would be improved by more activities that did not relate to combat.
After giving this idea more thought, I thought about expanding the small handful of gambling-based minigames we have already. When it comes to getting the most bang for Dev's buck when it comes to development hours, I concluded that the best 'game' was just a standard set of 52 playing cards that the players could manipulate how they wanted. Think Tabletop Simulator, with functions to shuffle, search, and draw from the deck. Hiding or showing individual player's hands, and revealing or hiding individual cards on the table.
Obviously the intention here is to give players a sandbox toolset to play any card game they could think of or invent. I can picture it existing in the form of a Player Prop or Placable that can be interacted with.
Now that alone would be pretty good. But if we wanted we could push it even further by taking further inspiration from Tabletop Simulator too. Maybe with drawing tools, spawnable generic tokens, and template grid patterns, we could implement the necessary tools for players to run or invent all kinds of games around a bar table or campfire.
Idol Dissonance |
Posted by: Autumn - 01-06-2025, 10:14 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
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Currently I don't think Idol Step really matches up to the theme of the skill, and it's no secret that Idol Step currently makes 1v1s a ballache, and while I don't agree with balancing things solely around 1v1s, I do think this change I am about to suggest fixes all three of the issues that are presented by this skill.
Idol Step's issues:
- 1v1 Strength as mentioned is much too strong, the combination of a huge chunk of light damage/healing at once makes it an uphill battle where you have to seriously outmatch your opponent to win.
- In teamfights, Idol Step needs to be carefully positioned to hit as few non-key targets as possible, ideally you would hit 1-2 allies and/or 1-2 enemies, this makes playing around this skill kind of annoying for the Dancer themself more than the recipients of the attack.
- The Battle Rush attached to the skill is non-negotiable and just comes packaged with the deal, this is great for basic attackers for a couple of rounds but it quickly devolves into a mess of FP sustain issues for the entire party to have to deal with, often enough its kind of trolling your party due to their now limited arsenal of moves (Shukuchi goes up to a 30 FP cost, for 1m, for example)
So here is what I am suggesting for Idol Step to be changed to, these changes should make it match up to the fantasy of gaining as many fans as possible.
Quote:Idol Step -
Dance Skill. Affected units may be inflicted with Charm LV X and are given Battle Rush LV X (based on rank) for rounds each. You will step up to X times (X = Allies and Enemies affected, max. 5), damaging all enemies and healing all allies one time per step, if you have affected at least 5 units, replace Battle Rush with Sharpen on all allies.
Scalings changed:
60/70/80/90/100% Light ATK, Base DMG/heal/charm: 5/10/15/20/25, Rush/Sharpen LV: 2/4/6/8/10
Thank you for consideration as usual.
Tis but a Scratch! - Salamandra Character Ability (Major Regeneration) |
Posted by: SetumanPrawidja - 01-06-2025, 11:35 AM - Forum: Character Applications
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Applicable BYOND Key - StewofStu
Character Name - TBD/S.A.T.U (Acronym of the Shell)
Request Type - Character Ability
Request Details - The ability to regenerate naturally(to an extent) AND reform loss limbs, organs, and mend donutification. Because of a Salamandra's unique construction involving nerif's blood and lava, it would be disastrous for the Salamandra and everyone around them if it leaks out or in. Also I was inspired by the Black Knight in Monty Python.
Specific Request - Due to that, a special modification is created to the Salamandra's biology, specifically their core, to be able to use magic mud to mend both minor wounds such as cuts and stabs to major wounds like dismemberment, donutification, and loss of organs. This would allow the Salamandra to "repair" themselves on the spot and properly cycle their Nerif's Blood inside of their body and to not leak it outside OR inside until they can be properly maintained in a safe spot by an expert or someone with the right knowledge. They can repair internal damage by simply consuming Magic Mud, while they can just slap on Magic Mud to the limbs or open wounds they have and let their biology do the rest of the work.
This naturally comes with downsides, because in anticipation of it leaking outside or inside, more fire resistant materials were used in their construction... Leaving them vulnerable to freezing temperatures. More specifically, ice magic used offensively. Salamandras are likely naturally toasty due to their innate construction.
However, they cannot do this forever. They still need to be maintained regularly, lest the core can be "weakened" and regenerate slower or all out temporarily forget how to reform their limbs and wounds from the given magic mud. This is particularly apparent after rigorous or deadly battles where the regeneration is slower. This is a sign for the Salamandra to quickly find somebody that can help her. But unless her insides spill out, this isn't detrimental to her health as long as she doesn't get hurt.
Reason why you are making this request - In the basement of some homunculi creator and their experiments, this seems like a proper safeguard to be added if for some reason the Salamandra cannot get to them quick enough, or it's not possible at the moment. Also I want to walk off getting my arm cut off because think about it imagine you just cut off this dude's arm and they're like "Oh that's Inconvenient."
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Salamandras, like Amalgama and Chimeras, are artificial beings literally created from the very intellectual prowess of some dude with the right tools and Magical Mud. Experimenting on what works and doesn't is crucial in creating a lifeform that is the peak of what they, the creators, intended them to do.
I can answer more questions if it is needed! Thank you!
[2.94b] Mortefiore Fire |
Posted by: Rendar - 01-05-2025, 07:21 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Firebloods are invalid targets for Mortefiore.
Which is probably nice to know on a player sense, but. From a metagaming perspective, Fireblood Chimeras are immediately invalid, and no momentum can be wasted upon them for a 'failed' effect.
You're still flicking a seed at someone with intent to do harm. It should still have them be valid targets, they should just have the Mortefiore wither and die.....
[2.94b] Trans Plants |
Posted by: Rendar - 01-05-2025, 07:00 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Using Transplant on a plant, and trying to send it to another tile that has ANY other effect just. Doesn't work.
It says its valid. Then doesn't do it. The tile could be a solsphere, ice, cinders.. Normal Flowers. You name it.
[2.94b] Axe A Lot of Axlatol |
Posted by: Rendar - 01-05-2025, 05:58 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Spiked Axehead (Axe part) does not apply the 10% critical damage to Druid Crit Skills (Hawk Gale in specific for testing).
Critical hit multi was 168. Flat critical damage bonus was 0. (289.8) (Basic Attack)
Critical hit multi was 158. Flat critical damage bonus was 0. (350.76) (Hawk Gale)
[Ruler] Quality of Life (and fun) suggestions. |
Posted by: Skullcatrons - 01-05-2025, 07:31 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
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[Cruel Enchant]
The Cruel Enchantment is 1MV 10FP skill that converts all mages/rulers enchantment into 4-tile diamond radius. Inflicting all kickback damages, and applying the buff to everybody in that radius.
While some of enchantments from rulers are fairly strong. They however have large cooldown.
On other hand, rulers have to apply several enchantments and wherever they want to do another action. They can't!
Because Cruel Enchantment cast 1MV just like Curate's Mass.
The thing is, why? It's not Curate's Mass. There's no massive heals. There's no mass resurrection. There's no mass rescues.
It only converts Ruler/Mage buffs into 4-tile radius. Therefore I dangerously propose that we remove 1MV cost from Cruel Enchant.
This would make it so Ruler that have Fleur or Twin-dance would at least be able to AoE-buff at least two time, allowing
a faster flow of combat.
[Seal of Fortune]
This enchantment is perhaps the most important component of any Ruler's toolkit. All rulers must take this skill as it is mandatory. 3MV with 15 FP cost on 5 turn cooldown. It's essentially a FP regeneration buff (for having more mage/ruler buffs), that is critical for automatons to have as this buff grants them one level of automatons. However that is not enough when they can do two actions per turn.
To least reduce the amount of insane buffing and setting up for rulers. The Automaton energy generation formula should be introduced.
Rank X / 2 Automaton Energy level generated (rounded down).
What this means is that if player spirited Seal of Fortune, their automatons will generate 2 levels of Automaton energy per round.
Reducing the amount of enchantments they need to be doing. They're still casting other buffs at very least.
What do you think?
[2.94] Serpent Strikes Is Not For Dogs |
Posted by: Slydria - 01-05-2025, 06:18 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Earlier I reported that Wolf and Bear's weapons were not counting as Fists, what made me think this is because I was not getting the bonus Acid Damage from Serpent Strikes and I recalled that in the test server that they had no weapon type when I was inspecting them and had assumed that was the reason.
But no, it seems it's a much more straightforward case of Serpent Strikes' bonus damage not working with Wolf Strike/Wild Wolf Claw nor with Bear Maul/Wild Bear Claw. (The critical chance increase from Serpent Strikes does still apply.)
So far from what I've tested, it appears to just be the case with Serpent Strikes. On Hit effects from Fist items like Burning Bracers and Ring of the Dancer work with the attacks, buffs from skills like Brine Blade and Roaring Falcon work with the attacks and other similar alternative fist attacks like Verglas' Stance Attacks gain Serpent Strikes as per normal.
Steps Taken:
1 - Gain 20+ Ki to qualify for Serpent Strikes' bonus damage. (I just used Power Up with 7M to achieve this.)
2 - Use Wild Shape (Wolf) or (Bear)
3 - Attack an enemy with Wolf Strike or Bear Maul.