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v2.95d [QUERY/BUG?] Heavy...

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Instrument gun weapon typ...

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[v2.95d] Libegrande Guard...

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Heart Request for Altera appearence
Posted by: Mangofruit - Yesterday, 05:45 PM - Forum: Character Applications - No Replies

Applicable BYOND Key - KyIie
Character Name - Ivy
Request Type - Appearance details

Request Details - I want to use Altera (Lantern Bearer skill) as part of my character look. It would appear as a black fog following her. It's not a real creature and doesn't do anything, just a visual effect

Specific Request - Permission to have this fog follow Ivy. It's only for looks and doesn't affect gameplay.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - The black fog Altera comes from the eternal flame inside her lantern. Since Lantern Bearer is her main class, the flame is always active, meaning Altera is constantly present. A pseudo-elemental, once housed, now flows freely.


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  v2.95d [QUERY/BUG?] Heavy Tackle
Posted by: Fern - Yesterday, 01:37 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

Heavy Tackle still applies the knockback and knockdown when it misses/fails a hit check, but it's also done this for a very long (10~ years) time and (unless I'm crazy) there were mentions of it being intentional way back then.

Is this a bug?

[Image: oTwb2Zg.png]

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  Instrument gun weapon types
Posted by: Flun - 02-08-2025, 04:18 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Now with the Zepias existing and having two subtypes, what if the instrument guns got subtypes too to be able to be used with the gun classes as well? 

Bells of no rest can have the "also counts as a handgun" tag to restore its old niche while still being able to be used as an instrument

And while we're at it, the blaster trumpet could be a shotgun as well, the knockback from songs and the wide lip of a trumpet fits that weapon type well!

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  v2.95d Item Belt Weapon not behaving properly when you change equipment
Posted by: Fern - 02-06-2025, 09:45 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

If you put a weapon in your item belt, then change anything about your normal equipment such as an accessory, the inventory will show the weapon as still being in your item belt... but the next time you go into a fight, the game will act as if it's not there. You won't get the option to swap your weapon.

Once the fight ends, the inventory's item belt section shows the weapon has been unequipped, it just doesn't tell you before that.

I can't tell if the bug here is that it doesn't inform you it's been unequipped when you change accessories, or if the bug is the item belt weapon being unequipped when you change accessories at all. But either way, just bringing that up.

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  [v2.95d] Libegrande Guard Break Occurs After Damage
Posted by: pilcrow - 02-06-2025, 09:19 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

yeah the title is about it. the description says it should guard break before the damage.

i'll see if i can't grab a screencap of it the next time i see a forgery decide to guard. doublecasting libegrande makes it pretty obvious because it jumps up like 2x the damage on the second cast.

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  Plant Druid
Posted by: Rendar - 02-06-2025, 07:53 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (6)

Druid has been out for a hot minute, and I've been playing a few different varieties of Druid. Both in PVE (Tier 2 Rematches vs Alraune/Goblins/etc), Events, And PVP. The Wildshape side of Druid is obscenely strong, to the point that I would probably say a Druid's best weapon option is actually Axes due to the nature of Crit Mod on things that get ele-attack, or use more than 100% SWA scaling.  This isn't really the focus of this though.

The Plant Side (and by extension, Spell side) is VERY lacking. The plants are all lackluster, with huge wind ups before they bloom that leaves a super telegraphed attack that you would EXPECT to be strong for how much wind up is involved, but they end up being lackluster.

Burning Bush
An Aquamancer's Water Tentacle does More Damage, Can Slow/Immobilize, and all-around is better supported by other abilities in the class than Burning Bush.

  • Burning Bush isn't an autohit (and doesnt even use your weapon's hit)
  • Burning Bush lasts LESS time than Water Tentacle
  • Burning Bush has an initial AoE attack, but after that it's a tiny area which it strikes.
  • Just??? Does less damage than Water Tentacle? (100% fire attack +25 vs 140% water attack)
IN Burning Bush's favor, for 4m, you can get TWO out. Which does skew it a bit more in favor of burning bush for damage. Until you realize that the attack range is 2, and anyone with an ounce of tactical knowledge will just. Not stand near it.

Devil Vines
These little bastards deserve a Special place in hell. A 35% damage redux parry on Phys 50% of the time is fantastic. And with the plant itself self-propagating, it actually really lends itself to getting everywhere. The problem lies in a few things. Namely that if you use Mass Brighten on them, no tile near them (if they are near the center) will be valid. Which will completely self-terminate the devil Vines and end their propagation. So Devil Vines are killed by one interaction within the class that it WANTS to use..

And then.. Druidic Tending comes into play with these little fuckers. They WILL EAT. ALL OF YOUR QUICKNESS AND INVIGORATION TARGETS. WITHOUT EXECEPTION. Oh you wanted to mass > listblume > invigorate? Sorry. There were devil vines in the SW of your AoE, and they just ate them instead. It is incredibly frustrating to use Druidic Tending if Devil Vines are anywhere in play. This ability, alone, completely kills synergy within the class itself.


I am actually relatively OK with this ability? If nothing else, I would love for an interaction with this to turn all tiles adjacent to a Mortefiore'd target into Plant Tiles. It's not really a Plant Druid skill though, so. Kind of just a side tangent.


This one is hard to judge. Mostly because of the sheer amount of Shaitans running around. Beyond this, though. Listblume has the strongest (possible) charm in the game at a whopping level 50 if the Listblume is Invigorated. The range is fantastic, the effect is fantastic. The only gripe I have with this is using it on Duelists (or anyone who can benefit from the Crit Momentum) will generally put the druid at a disadvantage momentum wise. But. I am also fine with this, so. Shrugsies.

"What do you mean there are other plants"
"Oh fuck. I forgot the Spell Plan-"

Fulgur of Flight / Fulgurbloom Sapling

So this one is kind of hard to talk about, since it's tied to an ability that has a FIVE ROUND cooldown. And not nearly as usable as the other. It.. The Fulgurbloom Sapling Sure Does Exist. It creates level 30 static tiles when placed. Level 40 if Spirited. Level 50 if Invigorated. Which is a lot of damage in certain circumstances! The problem is that it's tied to Fulgur of Flight. Which is generally your 'oh shit' button, and not a button you throw out every five seconds. Also the 'Oh Shit' button has a 15% / 20% wind weakness (It's a pierce? So.. Idk.) tied to it, so you never actually see Fulgurbloom Sapling coming out in basically every single usage that you might want to.

Also??? The placing of the Fulgurbloom Sapling is??? weird???? Sometimes it doesn't place it in the dead center of the AoE, where you would think it should be placed. I straight up don't know what to do with that.

Geo of Drought / Bristleblade Sapling

This has a 3 round cooldown. Specifically exists to spite Aquamancer. Fire Pierce. The Bristlblade sapling can actually hit pretty hard if spirited + invigorated, with it's Bloom effect being 350 damage (armor ignoring. Not protection ignoring)... and uh... then it does Fuck All after that. Dealing a whopping 70 damage to targets in 2 range. It does get benefits from Aero Shift, but. Again. You will RARELY see this plant come into play for the actual plant and not for the "I want Geo of Drought".

Also it's 3 rounds cooldown on Geo of Drought. Then 3 rounds to bloom. You have SO LONG to just. Walk Away from this plant.

Nature's Bounty

Also known as The Really Bad, plant. 25% FP to 1 target IF they eat it after 3 turns. And for an extra 1m, you can also give out 25% HP to 1 target, if they eat it after 3 turns. The rider effects of Druidic Tending are really good! But. I'll be completely honest here. I have this skill. I have literally never used it, because of just how much work is needed to be put into this for an absolute abysmal amount of return. 

Special Mention
Canto of Nature

This makes you think it's a 1m skill. But it's actually a 3m skill that refunds 2m. And ALSO requires an instrument... and ALSO is very much unable to be used in most cases because you don't often have 1m left over. Really, the main problem here is that it requires an instrument.


I'm really not sure HOW to improve upon Plant Druid, but I think a major thing that should change is four fold.

Druidic Tending no longer has a limitation to how many plants it can effect. If this limitation really needs to exist, then make it Invig/Quickness Rank Times 2.

Devil Vines now self propagate Invig/Quickness that has been cast upon them. Meaning that any that spawn from one that HAS it, will also spawn with Invig/Quickness.

Bloom Timer is no longer tied to Round Start. This has always been weird, and made Druids with higher Cel than your opponent be Just Kind Of Worse, since Low-Cel Druids can instant-throw stuff out that people can't interact with/avoid. I would suggest the Fuse Timer function that was given to Explosion, so that Fast and Slow Druids are equal in their power with that regard.

Nature's Conduit now gives 0.5 skill slots per Druid skill equipped. Alternatively, Nature's Conduit gives 0.5 skill slots per Plant, Animal Companion, and Wild Shape ability equipped.

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  Medicine List (Geladyne)
Posted by: Snake - 02-06-2025, 06:59 PM - Forum: Applications - No Replies

Applicable BYOND Key: RED Medic
Character Name: Seras Engel
Request Type: Inventions / Medicinal Catalogue

Request Details
I am submitting this medicinal catalogue for review and approval by the GM team to ensure the Geladynian Medical Team can officially utilize the listed formulas in roleplay. This catalogue consists of:

  • My early Korvara-based medicinal invention (previously known as "LBM").
  • A previously discussed G6 lore question (needles and potions).
  • A selection of real-life medieval medicines, chosen to align with the established theme.
Specific Request
Due to recent changes regarding Modmail applications, I am submitting this for evaluation in accordance with the updated process. Future additions or modifications may occur as my research team expands upon these foundations. This document will be updated accordingly, with this thread being bumped every time it happens so it gets a re-check.

Reason for Request
With the new edict over application submissions not being private anymore, I am moving this to the appropriate format. Additionally, this method provides better organization and accessibility for GM review, I feel.

Roleplay & Lore Justification
Geladyne is renowned for its structured and pragmatic approach to medicine, where controlled magical healing is supplemented by traditional techniques. Given the high-risk nature of their military forces, their medical practices have evolved to be both efficient and sustainable. This catalogue represents the fundamental knowledge every Geladynian medic acquires, with opportunities for further innovation—especially when integrating magic. Those who successfully refine or enhance these methods earn prestigious recognition, embodying Geladyne’s guiding principle: "Waste Not, Want Not."

I would like for the Google Doc primarily not to be public knowledge, but displayed more on a 'request the link' basis, as to avoid having people use them in their own roleplay without being related to Geladyne and taking it for granted. I will provide the GM the link to it with a DM over to me (@silentkunai). Don't worry, there's nothing crazy in it (yet).

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  [2.95d] Battle Weight And Gear
Posted by: Rendar - 02-06-2025, 06:35 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

Some gear items (Metal Greaves + for instance) have weight on their stat screen. This weight seems to be purely ornamental, and doesn't actually do anything.

Which is cool and all, because battleweight can be hell at times, but. There are a ton of foot/boot slot items that HAVE a weight attached to them that isn't 1, so it kind of implies that the weight is.. supposed to do something?

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  Amalgummy Boon of Apus
Posted by: zericosmic - 02-06-2025, 01:11 AM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Amalgama offensive skills give you Offensive boon of Apus, but the healing ones or Mared Jorg don't give you any boons, despite stuff like drinking an FP pot giving you boon.

Give boon.

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  Longterm Evade Buffing
Posted by: Autumn - 02-05-2025, 10:38 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

The three armors that were granted the "Evade Up" status in a relatively recent update are pretty great and all, but the only reason they're not considered as often as they are is mostly due to the possibility that they do not work effectively in a longterm fight, and will even fall behind the other evade armors, I've suggested ways to extend their buffs that relies on fulfilling a secondary condition, just so they aren't "always" better than said armors.

I think these would fit personally:

Quote:Animal Pelt:

Evade Up status increases by 1 duration whenever you shapeshift (Wild Shape and Chaotic Reflex, this can only occur once per round)

Quote:Battlemaid Dress:
Evade Up status is refreshed to 5 rounds whenever you "Clean" up a battle tile. (Which means to clear a battlefield tile effect or destroy a field object.)

Evade Up status is refreshed to 5 rounds whenever you charm an enemy successfully.

That's all really.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord