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Important Change for Dark Impact: Duration |
Posted by: Poruku - 8 hours ago - Forum: Suggestions
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PLEASE DEV, could you add a talent for +duration to darkness tiles?
Currently darkness tiles, even when they actually are useful, last so little time I can't make use of them properly. I'm playing a darkness firebird and it's great, but due to the 2 duration, I only get 1 round of ignite power, since I don't get it on the round it runs out. It's quite aggravating. I also wish kestrel dive created darkness tiles :<
[v2.96d] Hearing through damage |
Posted by: Dezark - Today, 03:31 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)
Despite having crippling ruptured ear on my character, I could still hear people fine without it muffling them or anything; my only guess for this is keen hearing effecting it so it's not actually causing the "says something but they're too quiet to hear" or similar message from the hearing damage.
I wasn't sure if it was intended or not so I wanted to bring it up.. isn't harmful by any means but wanted to be safer than sorry.
[2.96d] Damage Amps and Kickback |
Posted by: Rendar - Yesterday, 05:30 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Kickback Damage gets bonuses from Damage Amps. Meaning that Rulers deal MORE kickback damage to their curate/soldier allies for no discernable reason. Beast type allies get hit with the Legend Extension Damage Amps. CURATES GIVING KICKBACK TO THEIR SPIRIT POSSESSED ALLIES DO MORE TOO.
Please. Kickback doesn't need to do more damage for no discernable benefit.
[v2.96d] Unable to Act |
Posted by: Dezark - Yesterday, 03:29 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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If you end up d/c'ing while in a fight it appears to break any ability to act for choosing stuff or anything and causes the item belt outside the fight to disappear. I believe it can be fixed by relogging outside of a fight but if with a group that pulls you into another it leaves you unable to do anything completely leaving to either wasting turns or closing out the client and letting the party leader control you via total control or auto ending turn if it's off.
Not sure of the exact cause for it, had my client disconnect briefly and than I wasn't able to choose anything with mouse click or keyboard, the confirm & cancel keys didn't get any response either.
[Version 2.96d] Firthrower Twin Strike?? |
Posted by: Flun - 03-09-2025, 01:37 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Im not actually sure if this is a bug or not, but firthrower DOES work with twin strike, but ONLY if one enemy gets hit, meaning its actually unbenificial to try and get people in its aoe due to not getting the crit momentum from the second shot.