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v 2.93v5 Violet Varon equip issue? |
Posted by: Ditt - 01-01-2025, 12:26 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
Are sword-using classes that can't equip Axes supposed to be able to equip Violent Varon (Heavy Axe, but Also counts as a Sword)? Tried earlier and they couldn't equip it.
So was about to Legend extend (didn't do it yet) and try out a new weapon. My Galdric Violent Varon sounded like it might be fun since it said it also counted as a sword.
Tried to equip on Tactician Main, couldn't equip.
Then switched to Ghost main, equipped fine.
Switched to Duelist main, it unequipped the weapon soon as I changed classes.
It still qualifies for Dualpower from Tactician sub, judging by the SWA increase when I re-equipped that skill.
Unsure if thats intended or not, could see it going either way.
Edit: added final sentence and added version number to the title.
[2.93v5] Really Cool Shades |
Posted by: Rendar - 12-29-2024, 07:55 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
Deadly Shades provide a +50 crit / +25% crit damage bonus when using Swap Weapon. (Doubled versus Monsters).
This bonus applies to things that Faux Crit as well (Ryemei, Twin Shot, Forked Shinken).. and with the update, also Druid Morph Skills like Bear Bash.
When used by a Faux Crit ability, the status of Deadly Shades isn't consumed, but all attacks gain the benefit OF Deadly Shades.
Villain Poprocks and Minion Candycane: Height Application |
Posted by: Mewni - 12-29-2024, 02:48 AM - Forum: Character Applications
- Replies (1)
Applicable BYOND Keys - Birbie, Anticapy
Character Names - Poprocks, Candycane
Request Type - Appearance
Request Details - To be able to be bellow the usual heights for Papillions to better suit the thematic I am trying to achieve.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I am not allowed to privately discuss apps anymore and must break through my anxious shell.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - In the loredoc of Luminera (how Fairview is being renamed with the loredoc announcement) there is a enchanted forest called Whimsyfell; which is home for playful fairies of the trickster variant, and rarely a Papillion comes out of the forest and claims to be from there, and the Fairies even welcomes them as their own. Zeri helped me in checking the lore written to make sure everything is fine before I iron out the presentation and post up.
Luminera will have "Licensed Villains", and I am creating one since I enjoy to test drive what I write, I am making a Papillion Villain that comes from said forest, and Faye is creating her minion, also a Papillion from the forest.
And in order to properly achieve the thematics of a evil fairy having half her plans foiled by her minion that is a nicer fairy, I wanted to have a height bellow the standard minimum for the race.
Nothing too crazy, since I don't have the goal to get 2ft pixies or anything of the kind, just miniature Paps. Something in the neighborhood of 3ft something sounds ideal and what I am attempting to achieve, as low in that ballpark as the GM team finds reasonable. Especially since it would make it extra fun to have the Villain use her Illusions to be huge in a face-off against heroes a la Yoshi's land. Because compensating for height is very amusing to me.
My goal ultimately is to sell as well as possible the whole magic of prakster fairy people.
[2.93v5] Earthbound Pacifism |
Posted by: Rendar - 12-29-2024, 01:26 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)
Earthbound Vengeance, despite dealing damage using the Curate's mainhand weapon, does not actually break pacifist boon.
Which like. Does kind of fit with the Pacifist gimmick of enforcing it upon others. But... is weird and I figured it should probably be mentioned.
[v2.93 v5] Extra Ammo |
Posted by: Autumn - 12-26-2024, 06:16 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
Arbalests can equip any Sword/Axe/Spear as a condition of having the Special Armanent skill, this however does not allow you to equip one of these weapons into your item belt despite applying for the condition.
I realize this may or may not actually be a bug given that Special Armanent only allows you to equip these weapons as sub-weapons and doesn't allow you to equip these weapons in general, but given that 90% of arbalest cannot be used without a Bow or a Rifle, I can't see this being a harmful issue to fix. (and im strapped enough on talent points as is)