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  Animation Toggle
Posted by: Trexmaster - 06-02-2024, 01:53 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Some skills have very lengthy and or flashy and sometimes even unpleasant to the eyes and or ears animations and sound effects.

An option to toggle off skill animations would be nice for when one simply wants to grind at maximum speed or doesn't want to suffer for casting Rectifier with sound on or getting the Sun Flare flashbang special.

Mostly to speed up fights in PvE though. I'd figure it could be something like the Death Animation option presently available and depend on the party leader's settings.

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Posted by: Cogster - 06-01-2024, 07:59 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Hi, Cog again. Small post once more.


Not a big ask here. But I think its been a universal desire of everyone who has even touched Boxer for Sturm's green color as well as Asura Fist to be recolorable. And the day that Rainbow Ki dropped and I saw a yellow Kadouha, I knew deep down that we must share this wealth with Boxer. 

I'm gonna also be a little greedy here, but this suggestion's focus should remain on Boxer, but some of Verglas' stuff could also be cool to recolor. Get the UNIST Carmine playbys some actual cool effects. Get that necromancer purple frost, that blood ice.

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  Mage Enchants with Ruler
Posted by: polly - 06-01-2024, 07:45 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (11)

One of the problems I (personally) see with Ruler is that it is a support class with... no real... way to support. With it's focus on Mage Enchantments, one would expect (especially with Cruel Enchantment's low range) that they would be pretty tide turning. Something that you would definitely notice and make Ruler's presence noticeable on the battlefield. But generally, Mage Enchantments are either extremely situational or only function in a pair (Astral Belt+Relent Gale) and the stat buffs they provide are marginal and barely noticeable. Which is why I would suggest;

Quote:Enchanting Masterpiece (or something cooler, i don't know)

Main Class exclusive.

Having studied the arts of supporting others around you, it's only natural that your enchanting spells would have more of a kick than anyone would expect. Your Mage class Enchantment spells gain additional supportive effects.

Relent Gale, Static Air and Ice Fairy would give LV x 3 Evade, Crit and Hit respectively.
Fire Fairy would give LV x 2 SWA.
Astral Belt would give LV Armor and MArmor.

I've heavily based this off of Performer's enhanced songs. Something like this would definitely help Ruler better fulfill it's role as a Supporting class, considering how situational almost every single Mage Enchantment spell is.

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  [v2.87 v3] Wrapped In Advanced Darkness
Posted by: Trexmaster - 06-01-2024, 06:17 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Wrapped in Darkness applies a 15% Light Resist instead of a Weakness like the description implies.

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  [2.87 v3]Mixed Martial Arts doesn't work with Lare Grystale(again)
Posted by: Nekojinn - 06-01-2024, 04:47 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

First off, yes i posted this before, i've just tested it but it's still with the same problem.

Mixed Martial Arts description has:
"As long as you do not have a sub-weapon or a shield equipped in your hands-slot, you can use Fist skills without having a fist equipped..."

Meaning that a Lare Grystale *should* work, but doesn't.

I've tested it by using a Ether Lare Grystale, getting into a battle and seeing that i could not use my Verglas or MA skills(AKA Heaving Kick, Expanding Ice, etc.)

Then i switched to a Spine Leash and was able to use the skills normally.

This either means that it is bugged or that Mixed Martial Arts just prevents all shields altogether, even if they're in your Main-Hand and not hand-slot.

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  [v.2.87 v3] Assorted Map Oddities 3 & Knuckles
Posted by: WaifuApple - 06-01-2024, 04:41 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (7)

In retribution for the fixing of the + on the one history that didn't have one, I went and found more oddities!

[Image: SsFihda.png]

In the Crucible, the first set of lava pits as you come in, the northernmost of those before the stone is trying to connect away from the pit itself, as well.

[Image: HPS8aon.png]

The waterfall next to Fire Elemental's cave has the cliff not properly curving, and there are tiles without anything under them, leading to a black void, on both sides of the cave.

[Image: 0BDLgTQ.png]

In lava lake, the first jump left after entering should be connecting to the wall one tile down, rather than where it is.

[Image: s16TwOS.png]

The fire crystal cave never got any light sources like other places with lava!

[Image: jXLfpvq.png]

The left side of the Landal quest ruin has a roof edge that curves but a wall that doesn't.

[Image: ZlNWckr.png]

Just south of the Geladyne bridge before the Landal Ruin, this cliff only comes 2 down when it should be in line with the other cliffs.

[Image: sSY8FKV.png]

In Terra Flama, the waterfall in the cave after the first ring has this cliff that seems to be half trying to curve, half trying to stay straight.

[Image: RILUxWG.png]

In the hop scotch cypelle area of terra flama, the cliffs don't connect fully to the wall, they end and are followed by regular square tiles.

[Image: 4iAnwbo.png]

The small bridge just before the smugglers and the Vale has warps that push you back, rather than jumping between sides.

[Image: OCVrP0d.png]

As Gale pointed out, there's a skeleton under this grate in the right side of the central section of Duyuei Underground. Despite being under your feet it's dense and blocks your path. I'm not sure whether it's meant to be under or over you.

[Image: eEwSJTk.png]

In the cave system section of the Duyuei Underground, heading up to the waterfall jumps, the cliff connects prematurely before it gets to a full flat wall.

[Image: OIV41RL.png]

The cave south of the waterfall section is hard stone on grass - I think edited versions were made that could replace this?

[Image: cdBruO3.png]

The cliffs on the waterfall jumps themselves both curve, but the walls don't follow suit.

[Image: XrUiOXo.png]

The shading doesn't go all the way into the curve of the tree at the camp next to the Duyuei Arena, and ends as a flat border.

[Image: cFWKGfv.png]

In the Ice Palace, this jump doesn't actually have a cliff edge. Those likely didn't exist at the time but they do now for the snow tiles, so this can likely be added now.

[Image: jM5mJ8p.png]

The ruin in the forest south of Telegrad has incomplete shading.

[Image: UEZTIKL.png]

The ravine before the forest south of Telegrad, where the initial bridge is, tries to curve but also doesn't.

[Image: 4GXX5hA.png]

In Duyuei outskirts, many of the trees have an issue with the shading layering twice, like in this case with the trees just north of the purple tree puzzle.

[Image: qJeJdSd.png]

Where Meiaquar's training field gives way to the tent, the dirt tries to connect to the tent, too.

In Geladyne's library / archives, some of the ladders have inconsistent density. You're meant to be able to walk up them, but some of them have dense spots right at the top, or in the middle, when you're already on the ladder.

I am deceased now

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  [v.2.87 v2] Assorted Map Oddities, The Immediate Sequel
Posted by: WaifuApple - 05-31-2024, 04:02 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (5)

[Image: HnGw4E3.png]
These flower pots right here, despite seeming like they should overlay high on the top part, are dense in the top part. This puts them out of line with other plant pot types that allow you to stand behind them.

[Image: njjdRmG.png]

The top of the corners of fences - and this seems to be the case for both the wooden fences and the metal fences, is the only part of the fences that happens to be dense. Changing this to high shouldn't make the fences something you can walk through diagonally, so I think this is probably a bug that can be fixed.

[Image: Pls6wda.png]

There are issues with the frame not properly connecting to the wall beside it in the small snow map interior - not the map request tavern one.

[Image: p5Bq9XE.png]

This map in the highway between Geladyne and Meiaquar has a rock just before the bridge to the first outpost that is meant to be in two parts, but only the first part is here, leading to a harsh cut off in the rock.

[Image: OZZVPS9.png]

In the Vale the billboard seems to clip under the wagon. The autojoin also completely breaks underneath the windmill building, likely should be replaced with preset tiles if possible.

[Image: cHs8HKb.png]

The broken joined tiles also happens in the bottom section of Telegrad, where buildings intersect with the path.

[Image: aBo2doC.png]

In Sharis Forest, where the castle intersects the land, the land harshly cuts off rather than curving to appear like it continues beyond this point.

[Image: KK7myD9.png]

In the highway between Telegrad and Duyuei, the bridge closest to Duyuei is missing part of the edge right near the leftmost pole.

[Image: SbdNDpL.png]

In the Wastes, the tower opposite the wall has dark spots where there are no sand tiles underneath it.

[Image: ysE1jdI.png]

Also in the wastes, in the pit where the ruins once were, the left cliff is connecting to the other side oddly. On the top right the cliff edge is also trying to connect to the sand / ruin path.

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  Never Meet Your Idols
Posted by: Ray2064 - 05-31-2024, 09:08 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (10)

I don't think anyone will argue with me when I say that Idol is arguably the most cookie-cutter item in the game, or at least when it comes to Mages. 

The fine print of the item, shaving enemy resistance, sounds quite nifty, but nothing gamebreaking, until you realize that it goes into NEGATIVES, for those few who may be unaware. Meaning a 2% player's resist will turn into a minus 8%, and so on. That basically means the glove slot just boosts your spell's damages (already amongst the highest sources of damage in the game btw) by a flat tenth of the damage you'd otherwise deal.

In it's current state, the item is essentially 10% free damage on your own spells (Or 20% in PVE), with the most of the time fairly inconsequential drawback of -10% light Resistance. That's the main reason that it's the de-facto mage glove slot. It's easy to run, and offers an undeniable advantage at any time, arguably even so  if you run into a scenario where you encounter Light damage.

It's not even so much as a braindead choice, as that'd imply there being a choice in the first place- a mage not even using the Indignant Idol tends to be the exception to the rule, and usually in favor of an item like a shield, since no glove slot really equals it when it comes to Mages, save for Nihilist, or Conversion Gloves in certain cases. Nearly every single mage runs it as their glove slot, and with good reason, since it's in nearly every single case added value.

Whereas crit builds might have the option between Rogue Gloves, Crownbleeders, Shifty Pockets, Conversion gloves, Ghosthand, Dragon King, or more bulky builds might hesitate between a variant of a shield, Nullstone Gauntlets, Chimera Bands- nearly every single mage (that I know of, anyway) runs Idol. The item is just free.

In my opinion, the solution would just be for Idol...not to go into negatives. That way, it'd still accomplish the function of shaving down enemy elemental resistance, while it wouldn't essentially turn into free damage in every possible scenario.

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  [2.87 v2] On a Leash
Posted by: Rendar - 05-30-2024, 11:40 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Using On a Leash gives a target immobilize that says for 2 duration.

This is, however, a lie.

The turn order went as such


I On a Leashed the first monster.

Next round occurred.

Monster #1 was immobilize immune, and never suffered under the effects of Immobilize.

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  [v2.87v2] Katana Call
Posted by: Autumn - 05-30-2024, 06:55 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Curtain Call doesn't use the weapon it's casting from in it's damage display, which means that it can't trigger Hidden Cut from sheath sword, this also probably has other connotations to it that are also equally important (weapon accuracy comes to mind. Or Bakaga Shuriken's smoke effect)

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord