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  [2.87 v3] Fatal Stroke (and Clones)
Posted by: MultiWonder - 06-03-2024, 02:15 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Hisen's Fatal Stroke currently has a visual bug that results in any enemies you've hit with it duplicating their sprites whenever it activates!  These sprites will typically place themselves on the location of the Hisen's user, as well as face in the same direction they were facing before.

All one really needs to do to replicate this is to use Hidden Cut with Fatal Stroke toggled on.

Image provided via thumbnail.

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  [v2.87 v3] [QUERY] Strange Device (Water Purifier)
Posted by: Trexmaster - 06-03-2024, 04:10 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

Despite saying "... However, it seems the device has been overloaded for the time being. Perhaps tomorrow it will be usable again."

The water purifier is never usable until the game reboots, as far as I've been able to tell, checking over the course of 8 IRL hours/2~ in game days.

I have no way to confirm this on live or test so I can only ask to look into it to confirm, or if it's intended behavior to only refresh on reboots.

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  Iron Ingots
Posted by: Rendar - 06-03-2024, 12:30 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (5)

There are a lot of materials (Mostly tools) that require iron ingots, instead of just Material (Hard).

Could we get these shifted over to that, so I can use these 500+ arctic ingots I have for making tools.

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  Pity Me
Posted by: Autumn - 06-02-2024, 11:07 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (13)

[Image: ovbuFJh.png]
[Image: XHqGwGA.png]
[Image: UlyUc6l.png]

When an item you would find very fun drops in 1 update, you feel very compelled to grind it out no matter what it takes, or buy it from whoever may get one, the issue is when luck doesn't favor you or even everyone else for that matter, personally I have been banging my head against the wall for 12 days now trying to get a Tarnada (I even have the money to buy it if people got it, but no one has one to spare!), I've spent several hours each day to an unhealthy degree just playing slots for a 1% chance, I've spent roughly 400 dark shards on this fight or what is equivalent to roughly 130 lvl 60 AND 70 fights, and so far all I've got to show for it is an infighter gi.

This is my complaining phase over, I think if you're just not absurdly lucky, grinding for an item you specifically want for your build can take days, weeks, maybe even months depending on how rare that item can be.

There needs to be some kind of pity system in place in my opinion, commonly seen in MMOs are just the ability to obtain tokens from grinding out the content that would get you the loot in the first place, so that bad luck doesn't screw you over if you just hardline dedicate on something. It doesn't have to be a good exchange rate, just A exchange rate would do so that eventually bad luck gets snuffed out.

I am exhausted and tilted from trying to grind Tarnada, I might not do much more later, but please consider this anyway.

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Posted by: Trexmaster - 06-02-2024, 09:34 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

If you try to use a Campfire Kit in an area where you cannot place dynamic objects, you will get the message 'System: Error: You cannot place dynamic objects on this map.'.

Then not get your Campfire Kit back despite being unable to use it.

It'd be nice if Campfires could be an exception, if not just getting your kit back when it fails to be used.

For outdoors dungeon maps it would help a lot with not being able to see anything, and also provide RP opportunities for people literally camping out the dungeons.

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  Bank Text Output
Posted by: Rendar - 06-02-2024, 09:22 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - No Replies

I know this is a somewhat silly idea, but.

Having a button on the bank menu that allows a user to output the contents of their bank as a text file that they can copy and past elsewhere.

Right now I'm having to scroll through my bank, using an Image-To-Text converter to parse all of the information into a readable format so I can post it elsewhere. Which is kind of silly.

Edit: Having it be able to do a Full List option (Full name + Enchants + Material) vs Short List (Base Item Name, No Enchants or Material listed) would be supremely helpful as well.

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  [Character] - Request for Transformation.
Posted by: SaintYuki - 06-02-2024, 06:25 PM - Forum: Character Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Saint Yuki
Character Name - Anette Coeur d'Orage
Request Type - Skill Interpretation
Request DetailsMy character is a Phenex, and i encountered a funny balrog whip bug today that turned my character in a fire warrior, which i already reported. But i had a funny idea, what if after that happening my character obtained new transformation, a fire warrior one, from using the powers of a whip, after being downed twice, refusing to give up or die!?

The idea is that i reflavour the Impure Element of void assassin into the fire warrior transformation. Mechanically it will have no added bonuses what so ever, but icly? It will allow her to tap into her new form, at will, and make it so that she can utilise the balrog whip from any part of her body, extending the flames of her transformation and causing lashes onto the opponent. Its not a bending/extension of limbs, like a plastic man or mister fantastic but rather using flames of her own transformation to do a whip strikes from her limbs.

It will not change her race to anything different, she is phenex pretty much just with a cool ability to transform into a bad ass fire warrior, how do you like that?

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  [v.2.87 v3] Balrog Whip, Fire Warrior Bug.
Posted by: SaintYuki - 06-02-2024, 06:11 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

1) Okay so i am Evoker/Va Phenex, with a vorpal balrog whip, when i was playing today, i was at the terra flama in korvara and was fighting lips. I used sear on the ground while being confused and at low hp, for whatever reason sear i believe cooked my character once (her phenix revival kicked in), i used sear again, and uh... well my character died, BUT on her place spawned a player's fire warrior.

2) I BELIEVE, The bug can be reproduced 100% of times while under the effects of confusion and having a balrog whip in hand, but i do not know for 100% sure, as it needs testing and it has happened only ONCE to me!

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  Addressing Ruler Setup Issue
Posted by: Poruku - 06-02-2024, 05:12 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

So a lot of people have pointed out time and time again that Ruler is too slow to get started, Ruler sucks, Ruler is not fun because it takes like 3 turns of doing a whole process before you get things rolling... Well, I agree to some extent.

I have played 4 different Ruler builds, focused on Ruler itself and not just using it as a little side thing. I can say that Ruler is certainly usable, and it's viable in 1v1 battles especially if your enemy can't punish you easily during set up. But it's certainly got many flaws and does feel slow overall. One of the biggest flaws of Ruler from a game design standpoint in my opinion is that when you fight with a team, the battle progresses faster than you can play. By the time you get your things out, your teammates might almost be dead, engaged with the enemy, etc. This is true in both pvp and PvE. When you're doing a 1v1 battle, it's actually not that bad because you can somewhat dictate the pacing with things like high tankiness, healing, or spacing tools like explosion. But that's not necessarily good when you're in a team battle, you have less control over the match tempo. You might be able to keep enemies away from you, but then your allies get blasted while you're still digging up rocks.

Thus, let's talk about ways to remedy this. I actually love Ruler, but I think it could use a bit of help with the set up phase. Here are a few ways we could do that.

1: More Geomaterial
Giving ruler one or two extra geomaterial would go a long way for sure. Being able to create one good unit without needing to dig would make you less forced to spend turn 2 on just gathering.

2: Resources spawn on battle start
I like this idea because it doesn't take away from Ruler's current gameplan and isn't that strong. Just spawn like 10-15 resources around the map. This would encourage you to move around to collect the good stuff, which would provide a refreshing change to just sitting in the same corner digging. The only issue with this version is that random resources might block passages in certain maps, creating walls that mess with AI. I think this wouldn't be a big problem overall though. Maybe an algorithm could prevent that from happening.

3: A skill that lets you cast multiple enchants quickly
I'm thinking what if we had a 0m skill that makes enchant spells 1m, allowing you to cast up to 3. This would allow you to cast 3 enchants for 3m, but with a large cooldown. This would help rulers buff their summons and allies in turn 1-2. Of course this could be take on a variety of different forms. Like maybe it could work like design alpha where it casts them all at once, to speed things up. Would be a great quality of life.

4: A gathering skill that isn't an offensive skill
So the idea here is that we could make a skill that gathers resources but is also intended for the setup phase instead of being used in combat. It could apply the first mage basic enchant in your list in an aoe, while digging 3 times in that same area. Alternatively, make cruel enchant also gather a resource... This would mostly make ruler stronger in long fights though. I think just making it use your first enchant automatically and having a long cooldown would make it like a stronger version of cruel enchant that you use occasionally... Sounds quite nice.

5: A better skill to summon resources
Currently the best way to get resources is by using stone dragon with galren. I feel like it'd be really nice if ruler had a proper skill that lets you make resources quickly without needing to be earth-based. I find that limiting in build variety. I think other elements are viable, but this part of it seems off. Ruler should definitely be able to make more resources quickly. Relying entirely on the pawns and maybe on dig order is not good enough if you want resources quick. This is alleviated by mono ruler's +3 geomat, but on non-mono you really feel it in the early game. Having to scrounge together the rocks for your rook is rough.

Let me know what you think, and if you have other ideas to make Ruler's setup phase less egregious

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Sad dripping dimension makes me dry
Posted by: FatherCrixius - 06-02-2024, 04:32 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (1)

can u make shapeshifter not spawn dakr water underneath itself

its really gay

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord