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SL2 Build Randomizer
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Evade Ignore Sweep
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Superior UI
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v2.95d [QUERY/BUG?] Heavy...
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Plant Druid
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Korvara's content, what'cha think? |
Posted by: Snake - 08-08-2024, 01:56 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_206.png?dateline=1630814956) |
I'm at a bit of a crossroads here and could use some input from you all on this, fellas.
I'm curious to know what you think would make for 'good content' for each nation. I'm keeping this open-ended, so it can be anything that comes to mind. I'm thinking of using these ideas as inspiration for future events and maybe the other folks from the team can make use of those too, but nothing too generic—like the Watcher traveling across Korvara in clockwork fashion. Let's aim for something more specific and tailored for each possible environment, like "Geladyne needs more inside wars." "Telegrad could use more social events." "Duyuei should have more non-behemoth hunts." or "Meiaquar needs more mafia-related activities."
- Meiaquar
- Telegrad
- Geladyne
- Duyuei
- Wanderer's Vale
- Fairview
- Worsong Canyon
- The Tundras
- Unaffiliated
So, what do you think? What kind of content would fit each of Korvara's nations and environments? The stage's all yours.
TBD Apertaurus - Height |
Posted by: Cojaximus - 08-08-2024, 05:20 AM - Forum: Approved Characters
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/images/default_avatar.png) |
Applicable BYOND Key - Cojak2016
Character Name - TBD
Request Type - Height Approval
Request Details - Over 7 foot character
Specific Request - Want to be approved to have them be over 7 foot. Ideally 7'7 in height. 8'2 in armor due to armor design and giant gene.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - It's a character idea I've had in mind, one that I've enjoyed greatly throughout the years and I want to try to implement it. It'll be refreshing from my usual pace and might get me more involved than most characters will. Want something new, something interesting in a way. The height really plays into it.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Generally, planned to be a mercenary styled character who finds comfort in being in armor at all times. Wants to be menacing. Very menacing, and are perhaps a bit discomforted otherwise. And it's a size that greatly helps with the fact they'll be a specialist in very heavy weaponry. Everyone wants a bodyguard or soldier for hire that can really strike fear without trying, don't they? That's the kind of idea she has.
Absolutely an antisocial creature that defends herself with an imposing appearance at all times. Sometimes being tall isn't so advantageous, so have to make the most out of it. Besides, who wouldn't want to interact with something that looks like walking death in battle gear, but would probably crumble from being made to socialize, it's equal parts comedy and serious. Still working on additional details beyond that, have ideas but nothing has fully settled.
Alchemy: Charcoal+Sulfer=Gunpowder |
Posted by: Shujin - 08-07-2024, 07:09 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_77.png?dateline=1593081785) |
Can we have a new alchemy recipe to make Gunpowder, please?
Sulfer could be mined in any of the fire Area's
Charcoal could be made by smelting wood (giving wood another use)
Gunpowder is very common alchemy ingridient and one of the ones that always used. Be if for Mind Enhancers, Bombs, firebreath potions, dangerous liquid or whatever... I think it be cool to be able to create it yourself, rather than just have it findable.
2 Pickaxes stack bug? |
Posted by: The_Average - 08-07-2024, 05:44 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/images/default_avatar.png) |
Now Im not sure what defines a bug but Im confident this is not an intended feature.
Im playing a new lvl 1 character
Now then I started off buying some pickaxes from the merchant shop from Telegrad
Then I went on to mine in the Beach Caverns thats a little south of Telegrad. Now I dont have image of that place but I stumbled into the minotaur labybrinth and screenshotted the issue there.
As seen when attempting to mine a rock a option to pick between 2 of the exact same pickaxe shows up
Asking why this happens on discord I got this reply from Firefate saying it was due to the pickaxes technically being different
Checking my inventory I did indeed find 2 different stacks of pickaxes, same descriptions and looks as each other yet still separated.
If I were to attempt to recreate this glitch, I would start a new character, buy pickaxes from a shop then try mining rocks and checking my inventory.
Relevant images shown here: https://imgur.com/a/vQa80UN
This is my first time doing a bug report, please tell me how well I've written this. Thank you and have a good day!
Mask of the Night Lord |
Posted by: Kazzy - 08-06-2024, 05:12 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
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![](https://i.imgur.com/LqNoAJj.jpg) |
I got a short and sweet one here. Given the fact that Shapeshifter exists, I'd like to suggest that Yokai just be added to the Mask as default forms one can take.
I know we've got a bunch of them in the form of Wild X, but we're still missing some. And personally speaking? I'd love to be able to actually use my elementals outside of battle like. Visually.
Trait: Master of Tools |
Posted by: Shujin - 08-06-2024, 11:31 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_77.png?dateline=1593081785) |
I would generally like to see more traits, that help non-combat characters get their things going and gathering in general consumes a lot of time. So I would like to see something like:
Master of Tools (trait)
Requirement: Workhorse (trait), 5 Points in: Lumberjack, Fieldworker, Miner, Trenchman
Effect: You are a master of Tools, no matter the work, you are the right person for it! Decreases Stamina cost of each tool by 1 (Minimum 1) and additionally increases work speed of Woodcutting, Mining (I guess only the nodes), Hoeing and Digging by 25%.
Means woodcutting would cost 2 stamina per chop, with a normal axe, 3 with rockdirt, 1 with arctic etc.
I just would like for my gather/artisan characters to get some ways to build themselves, so far we only really have Workhorse (and Divine Eyes if you wanna count human exclusive)
Some traits to increase the yield would also be cool, but with the above, I would already be happy, everything that saves time really.
Luck Counterbalance |
Posted by: Autumn - 08-06-2024, 05:39 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_128.png?dateline=1697521384) |
I think that Ominas and Redtails should have an interaction that cancels eachother out somehow, not because they need it for balance reasons, but because I think it'd be funny.
One idea could be to make fortune vacuum/fortune cookies influenced by eachother's presence, probably within close range, and not a global effect.
Racial Shoehorning |
Posted by: Druby - 08-05-2024, 11:50 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (13)
![](https://i.imgur.com/iTwmSBf.png?dateline=1610763702) |
While there's a lot of discussion I've seen floating around about how only certain class combinations allow one to play a dodge or not, one thing I don't see mentioned is how races often lock or heavily incentivize players to build their characters a certain way.
There are a good number of races that heavily push players to build them as either dodge or tanks, through both their base racial stats and racial traits. Quick examples are Papillion, who's racial stats lean heavily towards celerity, Felidae and Oracle who's base stats and racial traits lean them heavily towards celerity and dodge, or Lupine who's base stats and racial trait lean them heavily towards tanking. There are obviously others, but these are just the ones that come off the top of my head.
Well now, Dragonruby, some people might be saying. Base stats and racial traits don't define a build. Nothing's really stopping you from building a Felidae as a tank if you really wanted to. And, in some regards, you're right. And, theoretically, you could do so, and the build would work perfectly fine for like 90% of the content in the game. A lot of the issues that this sort of thing brings really comes into play primarily when optimizing characters, fine tuning them for harder content in the game such as Boss Rechallenges, or PVP.
However, it's exactly at this level where this stuff REALLY matters. Hit and Evade are basically in a state of constant cold war, where you hit or evade gouge as high as you can to try and nullify the other. Optimization here can be make or break for a lot of evade builds. It's not as strict for tanks in general, as constant DR is a bit more reliable than gambling whether or not you take a 300 damage crit to the face every other turn, but similar optimization happens at this level, when you start trying to take into account alternate sources of DR, or reaching certain break points the same way one might try to hit certain levels of evade.
Now, consider all of this from the perspective of a new player. You've never seen SL2 before, but it seems fun! You like RP, and you like turn based strategy games, it all meshes! You hop on, and pick a catgirl, cause fuck it, catgirls are cute, and then you find that... Well, you don't like playing dodge. Okay, well you'll retune your character to be tank, and then later on, when you want to get into more proper end game content, you find that suddenly, you're not quite as good as all the other characters and the only way to get around this would be to just completely remake your character from scratch. That's a bit disappointing isn't it? Especially if that's a character you've invested a lot of time in, and you still want to keep playing them, but now you're basically told that to keep up with everyone else, you need to go back to playing something you don't like, or just make a new character entirely.
Of course this is entirely hypothetical, but it's something that I'm sure has happened before, and highlights the issue at hand. People are free to swap around their classes to mix and match and experiment things that do or don't work, but... Your race? That tends to hard lock you into certain numbers in ways that might not be intuitive or is too restricting. Why does every dodge character need to be a Papillion, or an Oracle, or a Felidae?
Of course, I'm not saying to get rid of racial traits or equalize all base stats, part of the fun of the game comes from optimizing numbers, figuring out interesting mechanics that work with different abilities and racials. However, I'd like to suggest that some (if not all) races get new Traits available that can help tweak some of their base stats around to better optimize them for certain roles that break the mold of what their race might usually lock them into. Traits that modify how certain racial abilities work could be great too. After all, an Oracle's racial, which gives them a bonus 10-20 Evade every 2-4 turns (based off whether or not you take certain traits for it) is useless as a tank! Maybe as an example, a trait lets you convert it to something that, every now and then, converts a hit to a glancing blow, which would still play into Oracle's futuresight, narrowly avoiding an attack they see coming, while allowing people more freedom to build them how'd they'd like. This is just an example, and people are free to suggest their own ideas, or other possibilities, but I think it's a general consensus that there aren't enough Traits in the game that make people have to make a decision, and people often have spare trait points that they just don't use. Filling out Traits with some of these options could help to improve build variety and alleviate that situation as well.
Non-Mono Arbalest! (Special Armament Buff) |
Posted by: TheCommonNoob - 08-05-2024, 07:20 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (3)
![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_321.png?dateline=1722987905) |
Can Special Armament be made into a main class thing instead of being mono-class thing?
Ever since the rework hype has died down and we take an objective look at the class itself, it's still in a pretty bad shape. With how much negatives to hit there are and the massive amount of work that is involved compared to just being a duelist ranger and critting someone three times for probably more damage you'll ever do by the time you do your singular cool move, there's not much point to playing an Arbalest other than the fantasy of shooting a big gun/bow.
This would at least put it back on the menu for some niche builds.