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[v.2.62c] Headshot Mechanics |
Posted by: Latto - 08-07-2022, 09:02 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
Don't know if this is a bug or not but currently you can't use gun's headshot any a bunch of the new mobs even though they obviously have heads ie: Terra Flama monsters, Dripping Zombies (though they're not new..) I'm assuming this is an oversight.
Dancer-Physical Dance path addon |
Posted by: Shujin - 08-07-2022, 07:11 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
I have played dancer for a bit now, seen most of its Flaws and where it shines and have tested various 'styles' from the Impure Element Spam machine to the Impure Element all elemental dancer, to the Illuminary Idol step dancer of dorky destruction.
I think I have a decent enough understanding of it to make a fairly educated judgment on how it FEELS to play. Others had the chance to play in beta tests and have probably even more experience with it.
Is it a strong Class?
Yes, but at the same time no. When it works, it works WAY too much. But if it doesn't work for example a lack of hit chance it's just almost useless.
This makes it a very Frustrating experience overall. I personally do not like using super overpowered shit. Big Numbers do the happy Chemicals and get a giggle out of you, but its not really FUN to play with or play against. It just ends stuff too quickly or makes you not really feel like you had Strategy and earned it, but you are rather just abusing the fact that your opponent did not specifically build to counter you.
However with how most new classes are, things will eventually be toned down and adjusted after watching it enough, so I won't really bother with another Balance Fu topic about the current stuff, instead I want to suggest an alternate Path to put your points into...because for all that dancer brings to the table, only one skill, actually feels to me like a real good dancer Skill: Double Dance!
That skill is pure beauty in its simplicity, but actually makes you dance WITH A PARTNER. And I think thats something dancer should do so I will suggest a bunch of skills that I think would be FUN to play with...And I also finally want my Sword dancer archetype so there is ONE SKILL that I will actually want to change, cause I hate it so much...Its just an INCH away of being good and what I want.
There is only one skill I want to actually change in how it works, cause...Just why is it that way that it is? Unarmed:
Quote:-change to rank 3 max (optional, but I am gonna add a few skills here, and it might be more interesting that way, over Elemental dancers)
Make it a BASIC attack slide, using your WEAPON of choice. If fist weapon add kick damage. So it actually matters what weapon a dancer wields
If you dualwield weapons, you perform two basic attacks but each with half power.
This makes it an slightly more flexible Sidecut like move, but has the downsides of not getting boosted by Elemental Impacts effects or Flottment/Voltiger
Dualwielding weapons is usually weaker than raw SWA memes, but it gives the chance for double crit=9M so I think that gives it good value without making skills like sidecut or twin dance useless and still having its own unique identity. Given that it goes against armor twice that way its technically weaker, but the on hit effects/double crit chance might be worth the trade off. (gimme my sword/fan dancer :gun
Thats it about that one the rest are...
Turtle Waltz:
Quote:3 Ranks (Swift Guard Lv 10/20/30)
6 Range (so 8 with the Dancer passive)
Dance Skill. You choose a partner within range. Both will move towards each other and meet in the middle passing each other, swapping sides (Back to Back if possible).
This will apply Swift Guard on both (Reduced Damage, without reduced Evade, functions like guard otherwise) Lv based on Rank.
Can be used on a Charmed opponent as well, but they receive a basic attack from the back instead of swiftguard and if they had guard up it will be undone but not broken.(If possible)
Basically it works similar like that Chess move where the King and Rook change positions. This makes it really good for BK/dancers as another option to get close to your defendy and give them some survival power untill their turn comes in. Has great tactical uses for Protector types and you also shield each others backs cause together you are stronger!
The charm effect is just cool, cause I kinda like playing around with charmed enemies...Its funny and also makes sense! also probably great synergy for assassins.
Like Double Dance, this skill will not be boosted by Tempo in either way. Opening options to actually use dancer as subclass without feeling like you miss out on everything it actually does well.
Swallows Ballet:
Quote:3 Ranks
5 Range (7 with passive)
(SWA 90%/100%/110%)
Dance Skill. Choose one Ally (Except yourself) with this skill. Both will perform a Dynamic line Basic Attack ending with both swapping positions and attacking everyone in the line once.
Can be used on a Charmed Opponent, to swap positions and trade attacks.
basically the same targeting as Ice Slide, except you can only select an ally. In essence it works similar to Double Dance just in a line attack instead of a aoe around you. This skill is meant to be used in either one of two ways:
1.) the obvious attack everyone inbetween
2.) as a helping mobility tool for your teammates!
You could take the front with a dance and then back out again, helping a friend with little head start. Would take your whole turn but I think its a strategic tool thats quite useful, and I love Tactically useful skills in my tactic games.
Also not boosted by Tempo in any means, like Double Dance.
Dynamic Duo
Quote:Rank 3
range 5
(10/20/30 HP +5/10/+15 hit/crit)
You select one ally (Except yourself). You and that Ally will receive the 'Dance Partner' permanent buff for the rest of the battle, this Skill can be only used once in combat. You and your dance partner receive a hit buff based on rank if you are within 5 tiles range of one another, additionally each time your partner is choose with a Dance Skill, both of you heal HP based on rank.
Charmed enemies can also be choosen as Dancepartners, they however receive a debuff and 30 Damage each time they are choosen with a Dance skill.
Basically you decide once in Combat to go full synergy support with someone in your Party/Charmed Opponent, and get benefits from staying close to one another and using skills on them. I think this could be really fun mechanic and probably not too strong either.
Passive SKILLS:
Love is Pain
Quote:1 Rank
While equipped, hitting a charmed enemy has a 30+Scaled Will chance to NOT reduce the level of charm by one when you deal damage to them.
Explaination: Straight forward enough. I see dancers as fairly charming people who could get away easier with hitting you cause they cute. Enough said.
Dancers Curves:
Quote:Rank 1
MC only skill
Your movements and body language is something...Else.
You may inflict charme on opponents that you usually couldn't (Except bosses).
Additionally you are so graceful in your movements that people who see you defeat someone have a chance to be inflicted with charme (allies too) level Tempo*5
Black Knights Knights Indimitation Mirror skill...If the spooky knight can fear the fearless, then the sexy dancer should be able to charme the uncharmeable!
I probably have some more ideas, around charme play but these skills would already add so much value to the class outside of spamming just the same moves over and over again.
Tonk - Special Chimera Appearance |
Posted by: PossumParty - 08-07-2022, 05:58 AM - Forum: Character Applications
- Replies (4)
Applicable BYOND Key - PossumParty
Character Name - Tonk
Request Type - Special Chimera Appearance
Request Details - An earth child chimera with the appearance of a goblin.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I think people are generally worried about goblins being in their game, besides being something to bonk. I think I've shown for the two years or so I've been playing that I'm a trustworthy player that follows the rules and doesn't go off the rules. The main reason for this request is the same anyone plays the game - Fun! I think it'd be fun to play a mistrusted creature, accepting any roleplay that comes from it. Punted like a green football on sight or met with suspicious stares, whatever may happen. If given permission and seen as being mishandled, totally okay with the permission being pulled.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Homonculi are generally created within Geladyne and there is a known food shortage within it- barren, rocky lands with not much to go around. Necessity and desperation creates ingenuity, different homonculi types likely being experimented with and trying to create types of them from different materials. An artificial doriad or plant creature similar to an Alarune would be an immense boon to the area if created successfully. Tonk would be a mixed bag, a step on the path but still a failure, being an earth child.
Herons Voice |
Posted by: Shujin - 08-07-2022, 02:29 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
A small thought I had, Herons are THE voice/singer race. So I wondered as they already get a Song that put them into "Singing" status without needing an Instrument.
What if they get some optional traits to choose such as.
"Born Singer."
-The Heron is able to use its own voice as an Instrument for bard songs. But the costs are increased by 25%
"Humming tune"
-You always hum your tunes, allowing it to linger a little longer. the "Singing" status does not abort by doing other actions and will always last untill the start of your next turn.
Or something like that. Any real voice/singing related traits outside of magical voice, I'd probably like to see on them as the Lores "Best natural singers".
Just a thought that crossed my mind that could give them more effective bards and distinguishes them a little from the thenos who in my opinion got the better songs.
[v2.62c] Spellthief duplicate stealing |
Posted by: Shujin - 08-06-2022, 11:31 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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It is possible to steal a spell that you already own yourself, while that in itself isn't an issue, at the end of combat if you are over your Limit it behaves in a way where it deletes a spell you previously owned.
How to replicate:
1.) Be Spellthief
2.) Go to battle.
3.) Steal spells, obtain duplicates of your stolen spells.
4.) have too many doubles than you can 'technically carry'
5.) End battle (maybe have to steal one random spell you didn't have still)
6.) Check your spells, and find that you are missing one or two from the ones you started with.
I assume it somehow still thinks you have 2 versions of the spell, and some kicks the first stolen spell from your list for some reason..Not sure how it works cause usually you only delete at start of combat, but this happens at the end of combat. No messages pop up either for it
Buff Dev pls (Magic Gunner thread) |
Posted by: Snake - 08-06-2022, 09:43 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (6)
Mostly a jest from me, heehoo, but what if this is a good idea?
Quote:Interference Shell
High Charge changes:
- If the target is a summoner, all Summon Youkai skills are put on a 4 round cooldown.
- Inflicts Interference for 2 + X rounds.
Quote:Vamp Shell
High Charge changes:
- Additionally steals HP/FP recovery buffs from the target. (Such as Refreshing Flow, Black Elixir, Absorb Power, etc.)
Quote:Blaze Shell
High Charge changes:
- Create Cinders LV 25 + X.
Quote:Overheat Bullet
While Overcharge is on cooldown:
- SWA +2/4/6/8/10
- Crit DMG +3/6/9/12/15%
- Deals bonus unresistable Fire damage to the enemy equal to Magic Gunner's Class LV, which cannot be absorbed.
Quote:Covering Fire
Penalty to Hit, Critical and Damage equal to X.
Go wild.
Korv's Free Roam |
Posted by: Senna - 08-06-2022, 07:39 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
- Replies (1)
The return of the free roam option. To allow players to activate it in case they need to split up for a moment without breaking the party. Of course I'd say let this not operate in dungs and so on for obvious reasons.
[v2.62c] looc inconsistency |
Posted by: Autumn - 08-06-2022, 02:14 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
looc appears to not have the same range as say or emote does, and this may have been an oversight simply, since say and emote had their ranges increased, its probably not a bug but its probably worth documenting anyway.
Concealed Regalia |
Posted by: Rendar - 08-06-2022, 01:55 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
- Replies (2)
Allow for an option for people with Concealment to display their Regalia'd gear. Mostly because I'd rather not show everything about my build just to flex on some chumps with a cool-ass spear I had commissioned.