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  Pickaxes Please
Posted by: renowner - 08-04-2022, 03:12 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (1)

Now that Korvara exists, I am feeling the immense pain of having to purchase hundreds of rusty pickaxes, as there is no 'decent pickaxe' salesman in Korvara. 
At the same time, we're able to buy shovels, Pickaxes, and Woodcutting axes from salesmen in every major city in Korvara. 
Things that are also craftable with the ONE SINGLE EXCEPTION of Pickaxes!

And so my Quality of life Suggestion is simple. Allow us to craft Pickaxes using toolcrafting like any other tool. And maybe have higher levels of pickaxes we can make as well, such as decent pickaxes.

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  [2.62c] Glancing resistances
Posted by: renowner - 08-04-2022, 03:08 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Currently it seems that if you trigger a glancing strike while simultaneously triggering "Resist" on a spell, (Untested on basic attacks) it does not lower momentum by 1.

I've noticed this a lot during my playthrough as a summoner, that casting a spell that is resisted will drop your momentum to 3 instead of 4, as intended. Unable to cast the spell a second time that round. However if the resisted spell triggers GLANCING, then you remain at 4m after the spell and can cast it a second time. My Youkai make this happen fairly often. Untested if it works with players as well, but I assume it does.

Steps to reproduce:
1: Make sure the enemy will resist your element of choice enough to proc "Resist!"
2: Hit them with the spell.
3: Hit them with the spell again until it triggers "Glancing"
4: Note the momentum discrepancy between steps two and three.

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  Smart Casting ideas (Tactician Trickery effects for Spells)
Posted by: Snake - 08-04-2022, 12:50 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Alright alright, someone had to do it and I'll do it. Incoming, boyos.

Trickery Spell Effects can only happen if you have Tactician as your main class, for it requires On My Mark.

Quote:Fire Whip

Trickery: Damage becomes Hellfire instead, and your Tactics Rank is increased by 1.

Quote:Frigid Formation

Trickery: Inflicts Frozen LV(Scaled GUI * 2) for 3 rounds while knocking enemies away from the formation tile, and your Tactics Rank is increased by 1.

Quote:Titan Gale

Trickery: Inflicts Knockdown.

Quote:White Prison

Trickery: The wall becomes empowered, granting protection to adjacent allies from enemy ranged attacks (nullifies damage, but reduces wall's health) and enemy projectiles are destroyed on contact. When an empowered wall is broken, your Tactics Rank is increased by 1.

Quote:Pinpoint Electro

Trickery: Increases the duration of Analyze Weakness/Enemy Evaluation by 1 round.


Trickery: Reduces the duration of a random, non-permanent buff by 1 round.

Quote:Acid Rain

Trickery: Inflicts Wear Out LV(Scaled GUI/2) for 2 rounds.

Quote:Dark Eye

Trickery: The Dark Eyes spawn with 7M.

Quote:Sacred Prism

Trickery: Grants Adaptive Barrier LV(Scaled GUI) to allies until your next round. If the barrier is broken, your Tactics Rank increases by 1.

Quote:Domino Resonate

Trickery: On damage, all enemies in 2 (+1 per 15 Scaled GUI) range are also affected by this skill. For each enemy hit, your Tactics Rank is increased by 1.

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  [v.2.62c] Scalecrows
Posted by: Snake - 08-04-2022, 11:59 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: unknown.png]

Likely an oversight hence the bug report, but Scarecrows have not been adjusted to match their usefulness when pitched against the 6 OOC hours that farming takes now, so the protection is a moot point when they'll be spent before they're truly useful, which is when the plants are ready to be harvested.

If it's not a bug, then I'll just make a QoL thread to ask them to not lose duration until the plants are ready to be harvested, and all of their ranges to be the same five, since some of those materials are impossible to come by on Korvie.

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  [v2.62c] Shoveln't
Posted by: Snake - 08-04-2022, 11:51 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

It seems that Shovels are not gaining the bonus digging speed buff from the Trenchman talent in Scout.

I have it at maximum, but the digging speed is the same. Tested this by using a shovel I crafted myself with a Science Kit, and it is arduously slow as you'd expect from a talentless person.

Fieldworker and Lumberjack are fine, by the by, so this seems to be exclusive to shovels and digging.

[Image: unknown.png]

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Posted by: FaeLenx - 08-04-2022, 09:17 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (2)

Could RP XP be given a base value that grows larger with each bonus up to a limit that sticks with the character? That way, RPing to a reasonable level is actually an option, and LEs can be boosted by RP rather than a proclamation that you won't do anything until you hit at least 55 again?

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  [Korvara] Funny Rock Finding
Posted by: FaeLenx - 08-04-2022, 09:14 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

Either as an upgrade at the crystal terminals or by default, can the shards be made to give off light as if they were a torch? The ones behind trees are a bit awful.

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  Smoken't Wall
Posted by: FaeLenx - 08-04-2022, 07:18 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (12)

Considering smoke got changed from being a way to block LOS to a small hit debuff, spellthief smoke wall could use a buff. I would propose it either gain a much larger size, perhaps being three times as thick and a few tiles longer to make it more likely that someone ends up in a tile when attacking considering the huge amount of mobility available or make it specifically block vision like the tactician earth spell, thought that'd require making it a different tile type probably. Or make it 1-2m and less focus. Right now, it just doesn't do anything and I'd rather spellthief have some of its smoke and mirrors utility added back in rather than just being a build-a-buff mage with distortion for free.

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  Boss Plushies
Posted by: Slydria - 08-04-2022, 05:31 AM - Forum: Submissions - Replies (3)

Well, a certain someone REALLY wanted there to be plushies for all the bosses available on Korvara so...

[Image: d6d22d226d.png]

Special thanks to Autumn who helped out and made the Jorfel and Alraune plushies. (I know Mirror Knight isn't on Korvara but I figured I might as well do a simple palette swap while I was here, right?)

.zip   boss_plushies.zip (Size: 3.66 KB / Downloads: 189)

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  [V2.62c] (Event Tools) UI Weirdness
Posted by: InsainArcaneBirdbrain - 08-03-2022, 08:13 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

I noticed a rather strange occurrence with the GM slot UI while working on things earlier, namely that the HUD seems to be bugged in-battle as of the latest version. The issues are that the overworld menu bar on the right along with the toolbelt on the bottom seem to be appearing in fights, and that the action HUD doesn't vanish when you have skill targeting active (Shown in the first screenshot). I figured it was perhaps a cache or a one-off visual bug at first, but relogging and the like didn't correct the issue. While it doesn't stop one from fighting regardless, it makes the screen very cluttered, and also prevents me from using my battle hotbar since the toolbelt overlaps it.

To make sure it wasn't a key-wide related issue, I loaded up a normal character slot on the same key and it seems to be perfectly normal as expected (Second screenshot). The issue only seems to affect Eventmin/GMs at the present moment, and not normal players.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

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