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[v2.62c] Sub-hand Stheno (turns out it was Equipment Bug) |
Posted by: Ham - 08-01-2022, 02:32 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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I specifically use Summon [Youkai Name Here], instead of Summon Storm to see if this would work. It doesn't. I tried it with And without the skill that makes you push enemies away with a summoned youkai circle, no change. I haven't tried it with main-hand yet but I have a feeling it'll work when main-handed.
The question is that if it was intentional or not.
Update: Re-equiping it makes it work now, thanks to Whitender for telling me it's an Equipment bug.
Oh also note: it doesn't work with auto-summon, wasn't something I knew I wanted an answer for but hey.
A snack along the way! |
Posted by: Dezark - 08-01-2022, 12:23 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
So chimera are normally able to eat remains to change and gain new abilities and traits, and more so remains can heal a chimera that eats them after a fight. Now since we had to limit the remains spawn to eight in dungeons to prevent the great lag of '87 i'm suggesting this.
A trait or innate ability to eat remains from the inventory similar to food for a Chimera, it would work the same as eating remains naturally, giving a message in a emote so everyone knows your munching on the bits of some creature you horribly butchered for a snack, and restore the same amount. This would cost physical stamina to do unless they have the shark mutation to nullify such, same as it does for remains naturally.
This could optionally be a way for Chimera to get certain evolutions that are normally unavailable by normal means (either due to the inability to fight the creatures or otherwise) and more so allow for the missing option of edible dragon remains to grant the wings so Chimera can hover and fly like all the cool kids if they want. (This is only a optional suggestion, I'd be fine with them just being able to eat and heal on the spot without burning through food in a fight, or to top off their HP/FP before a boss fight.)
Astrology (otherwise known as Starsign) |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 08-01-2022, 10:07 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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It goes without saying that virtually every single character likely picks up Starsign from Astrology as it's a free +1 stat as well as +2 of the appropriate elemental ATK, on top of functioning with Luminary Element to enable builds that largely make use of one elemental ATK type.
Considering a star sign is generally something that a character would inherently have and is fairly impactful for something 1 Talent point gives, I have two suggestions.
1. Starsign could be a Trait rather than a Talent. While this is basically a nerf to it Astrology could be given something else to perhaps give synergy with Starsign's effect, as right now the two sub-talents Guidance and Stargazer are borderline useless, the former having absolutely no effect in Korvara at the moment and the latter rarely ever being relevant due to how extremely niche it is.
2. Starsign could be something characters start the game with, without the need to spend a talent point on it.
Personally I think the trait option might be more interesting, as Starsign is about on par with most traits in how much power it provides.
Though just giving it to everyone for free would be ideal either way removing it from Astrology would leave it as a borderline useless talent.
As for Astrology...it needs a lot of work, but a quick suggestion from me would be to alter the two current sub-talents to be more effective in general whilst also changing Astrology from being 2 SP per Talent Point to 1.5 or 1 SP per Talent Point to compensate for the following changes:
1. Guidance - Changed to grant its bonus at night. Grants SR*2 Hit vs Monsters.
Reasoning: Guidance is currently useless in Korvara. Even in Sigrogana spotting traps further only in Spatial dungeons is a questionable investment and rarely if ever becomes relevant. Restricting the bonus to PvE and only at night may seem excessive but we already have Chivalry for an obligatory +Hit Talent that also works on players, sometimes. I could potentially see it working at SR*1 vs players but it'd be an auto-pick for everyone at that point.
2. Stargazer - Changed to grant SR*2% bonus HP/FP regen and SR*1 Physical/Mental Stamina regen at night.
Reasoning: The requirement to be at a campfire to gain the SR*3% HP/FP regen is extremely restrictive, on top of it having to be at night. Relaxing the restriction to be only at night allows it to function on Korvara without the need for campfires. The stamina regen is just so it has a bit of impact even if you're not dedicated to PvE at the moment.
The 1.5 SP per Talent Point cost would better support a 3rd sub talent being added in the future to be maxed with the full 10 points invested in Astrology, assuming Starsign is moved away from it to be a Trait or simply inherent to all characters. Personally I'd suggest the following:
Prominence (5 rank subtalent)- Dependent on the Starsign chosen, grants SR*5 Elemental Resist to the element of the Starsign and SR*-5 Elemental Resist to an opposing element.
For example:
Mars - Fire Resist/Ice Weakness
Mercury - Ice Resist/Wind Weakness
Saturn - Wind Resist/Earth Weakness
Venus - Earth Resist/Water Weakness
Neptune - Water Resist/Lighting Weakness
Jupiter - Lightning Resist/Fire Weakness
Uranus - Light Resist/Dark Weakness
Pluto - Dark Resist/Light Weakness
Reasoning: Allowing players to lean more into the specialization dictated by their chosen star sign. While gaining significant resistance from a talent is powerful it comes with an equal drawback of weakness to another element. If necessary the weakness could be increased to SR*6 to make it more difficult to ignore with Sanctity or a single piece of the appropriate material to prevent Weak! procs from occuring.
Conversely Prominence could be something else entirely, but the idea is to provide something that helps a character represent greater dedication/resonance with whatever their star sign's element is.
Starsign should either be a trait or just something characters have by default due to how prevalent and impactful it is for a talent
Astrology is an extremely bad talent and sorely needs love to even function on Korvara, and it could be interesting to let it provide greater representation of a character's chosen star sign.
Daralam- New invention for hygiene |
Posted by: Mikuel - 08-01-2022, 07:45 AM - Forum: Character Applications
- Replies (4)
Applicable BYOND Key - Mikuel
Character Name - Daralam
Request Type - Permission to have my character to have invented new technology
Request Details - I would like permission to have my character to have invented and manufactured some showers with help of craftsmen.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - My character is scientist and thus works on creating things for Geladyne. I just figured that I had never heard or saw shower anywhere and though a simple plan to make it.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -
The mechanics of this shower are quite simple, but I will explaining them in bit in detail to further clarify why and how this shower could work.
-The basic structure is larger metal barrel which can be filled from outside, pipe connected to said barrel and showerhead, a simple system for the waterflow to reproduce the effect.
-In the barrel, there is few slots one can slide in slips made out nerif's blood or arctic cold to alter their preferred temperature of water.
-There is valve, which when turned applies pressure to galdric metal (or whatever silpheeds curse was called when refined), which releases steady flow of air into the barrel.
-This causes pressure to build up in the barrel, which in return causes water to move to area where there is less resistance, which leads it travelling up the pipe and out of the showerhead.
-After showering, you close the valve. This stops the air being produced and thus causes the water to stop flowing up.
-You need to manually fill the barrel between showers.
Take My (LE) Money |
Posted by: FaeLenx - 07-31-2022, 09:21 PM - Forum: Submissions
- Replies (3)
Since everyone's sentiments seem to be that LE books generally don't actually give anyone power or in game strength, can we just have an Asago item that gives you Legend Inks?