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  The Great Horses Suggestion
Posted by: Skullcatrons - 07-31-2022, 04:56 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (12)

[Image: MlZNeZe.png]


Thread Song for browsing pleasure


Welcome to the ultimate thread that ends all horse-suggestion threads. 

Many individuals wanted horses, but for many years, they've never came to fruit.
And thankfully, I wasted three days making this.

This is the ultimate thread that ends all horses and horse-related accessories.

For those wanting to look at the google drive, there's link in this thread: 

Proceeding forward, this thread is to discuss all horses, and horse-related suggestion.
But unlike others, I have my own suggestion I rather make. And it comes in this literal thread.
Without further ado, have a horse.
[Image: IyA4Bgz.gif]
So how many horses are there that I've made? Well if you looked into the drive I've posted all my horses to; Currently as of this writing (7/31/2022), there is five horses. 
Four with different colors, one without a saddle. These will be completely relative, and actually explains what goes down in this thread.
We'll start off with the suggestion I'm going from my own angle.
[Image: kqn3N5b.png]
I am not big fan of locking horses behind a class, or making horses any weirder for players to access. Rather, I rather horses be accessible by all classes. And so I thought of horse-riding
Horse-riding should ideally have 2 SP for every talent point invested. In the tree, there is following rows the player should see;
Riding - One Skill-rank investment
Unlocks the ability to summon, and ride a horse. The player gains 50% movement speed while mounted on the horse.
Weight - Five Skill-rank investment
Increases the Weight forgiveness by 10% * SR (Allows you to go at full-speed pass encumbrance limit) 
Speed - Two Skill-rank Investment
Increases the movement speed when riding a horse by additional 25% * SR (Up to double speed of player character running)
Of course, players that cannot squeeze this into their build for MAXIMUM SPEEDRUNNING, can instead take a trait-alternative, but they are locked at 50% speed regardless, and will a special horse variant that have no saddle on it (Wild Horse)
[Image: sMpoXga.png]
Horse Whisperer
10 base LUC, 10 base GUI req.
Your calming presence, and your good fortune calm down the wild horse, and would not see you as a threat. You gain the ability to summon, and ride a wild horse, but you cannot go any faster than 50% movement speed when traveling. In addition, you do not gain weight forgiveness as well.
We're trying to balance a suddenly fast player, and it would be useful to prevent them from doing few things.
My suggestion is thus;
- Players cannot ride a horse in dungeons. (Yes you can't ride in the Wastes)
- Players cannot ride a horse in houses (Player-houses are an exception)
- Every 15-20 tiles cover drain physical and mental stamina by 1? (Mayhaps?)
- Alternatively, no limitations on tile-movement draining stamina. Just first two is fine.

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  Gonna be the very best like no one ever was!
Posted by: Shujin - 07-31-2022, 03:19 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

I know this sounds like a joke but hear me out:

A new PVP setting where we ONLY use our Mercenaries.

Tamer battles!

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  [v2.62c] Transition Blockage
Posted by: Trexmaster - 07-31-2022, 07:06 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

With the new Area Transition feature players linger in the area where they triggered it, and if another player steps on their tile, they won't trigger the area transition and instead remain on the tile of the area transition. Any player who steps on this player will also not be able to use that tile for area transition, resulting in situations where houses, caves, dungeons, etc. may be blocked off by players obstructing the area transition tile.

Steps to replicate:

1. Find an area transition tile (say for example, a cave entrance).

2. Have Area Transition ON, and have one player step onto the area transition tile.

3. Have another player be prepared to step onto this tile the moment the other player does. If done right, the player who stepped on the tile second will remain stuck on the tile.

4. Attempt to enter the area using the tile that has a player on it. If the player remains on the tile, no other players are able to use that tile to transition to the area it's attached to.

[Image: unknown.png]

Pictured: me stuck on a door that should be an area transition tile but can no longer be used whilst I'm stuck on it.

This was previously only possible in the Azure Meteorite with the teleport pads, as they'd leave players on the tile of the pad (which is the area transition tile) meaning anyone who doesn't move off those teleport pads will block other players from using them. It wasn't as much of an issue as typically players rarely idled on these, but now this can be done on any area transition tile in the game, meaning entire parts of the game map could be blocked off and need GMs to resolve.

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  [v2.62c] Dense Seat
Posted by: Trexmaster - 07-31-2022, 02:02 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: unknown.png]

The chair on the south side of this table in the Meiaquar Inn is dense and unable to be moved onto.

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  Burn is too strong
Posted by: Snake - 07-31-2022, 01:57 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (9)

It should be changed to "Reduces your DEF bonuses by half." instead of a 100% nullification of bonus DEF.

 Do I even need to explain more than "This also stacks with Rampaging and has the potential to completely nullify both stat investment + class investment because of a single stat effect that is super common and can be mass applied by most Fire-based AoE, such as Explosion, Salamander, etc."

This is not balanced one bit. I'm not also asking to make the stat worthless, but make it less oppressive on people who bet their coins on bonus DEF, please.

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  Spell thief cheat sheet
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 07-31-2022, 12:42 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (5)

Please can we have a button in the class menu to steal spells from classes we have unlocked and put SP into. This provides no mechanical benefit but would be an immense QoL feature for spell thiefs.

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  Lighter Food
Posted by: Slydria - 07-30-2022, 11:39 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (3)

Food is pretty important for most players continued dungeoning and crafting but if you're the kind of player that likes making a lot of different food, each different kind weighing 1 each can flood your inventory that you'd prefer for crafted goods or items from dungeons.

I'd like to humbly request that food go from 1 Weight per stack each to 0.1 Weight per stack each instead.

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  [v2.62] Dead Mercs still Summon
Posted by: BoberJones - 07-30-2022, 05:04 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

If you have a dead merc within the first 3 of the list it will summon into battle and instantly die. 

If you have say 5 alive mercs and the first merc in your list is dead, it won't go to the 4th that is alive, instead, it will summon the first, and that one will die before combat starts.

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  [v2.62] Old skills, new power
Posted by: SolAndLuna - 07-30-2022, 03:41 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

If, inbetween versions, a skill becomes impossible to obtain for one reason or another (for example, a skill becoming main class only), the skill remains equipped.

This is an example I've noticed on my end (something I fixed on that character by removing the skill, please don't send me to the shadow realm Dev) - On My Mark, despite being main class only now, is still in my list of equipped skills, due to this being an old character whose skills I hadn't touched since long before the relevant change.

[Image: unknown.png]

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  Boss on break (v2.62)
Posted by: Senna - 07-30-2022, 09:04 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

It seems some...Not sure if this affects all mid to high level boss monsters, but the few it does aren't working. It will freezes the player in place with a pop up over their head. The only way to escape this is to relog. 

[Image: unknown.png]

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord