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[v2.96d] Hearing through ...

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[2.96d] Can't pass the AU...

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  v2.62c [QUERY] Mared Matil doesn't heal Amalgamas for its full value
Posted by: Fern - 08-11-2022, 06:07 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

[Image: unknown.png]
The Mared Matil skill says it heals you for character LV*2 HP, but when you use it, you heal for less HP than described because of the Homunculi 15% healing reduction. Below is an example of it being used at LV60 on an Amalgama.
[Image: unknown.png]
I'm not entirely certain if this is a bug or not, since on the one hand the racial seems to be functioning """"properly"""" in this case, but skills such as Life Drain still fully hear Vampires despite their race's healing reduction, so it's inconsistent in that regard.
So I'm mentioning it in case. Is this intended?
Note: I've not been able to test the other Amalgama healing skills (Mared Reversi and Mared Litam) but they might behave the same way.

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  2.62c Limbo-hohoho
Posted by: Shujin - 08-10-2022, 05:51 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Limbo works awkwardly

It often triggers more than once on a single projetile, at something like slithering snake it triggers like 9 times I assume either till you are hit or only if all limbos are succesfully you dodged.

What I think is happening is that Limbo has a 1 tile range so it tries to Limbo when the projectile is infront/side of you without it actually attempting to damage.
So I sometimes have this awkward moment where Limbo pops up and I still get hit.

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  [Korvara] Aeternalis Flamma Faith
Posted by: Skullcatrons - 08-10-2022, 04:08 PM - Forum: Factions - No Replies

        [Image: bShJgZd.png]
"Every life we've lived, every trial we've completed, reminds us to truly enjoy Life."
- Anonymous Priest of the Faith

Approved Document link below:
(If you plans to make your character believes this religion, make your own copy of the document for prosperity's sake.)

Summarized from the document:

The Flammians held common core belief; There was once an entity called the Eternity.
It's loneliness too overbearing, the Eternity decided to sacrifice itself to give
Creation to Life. 

It sacrifices it's own body to become the Realm that we know as Korvara, and the
People that populates the Realm. 

And then granted the People a very special gift;
It's own soul. In which became an eternal ember within all men, and women.

And that they should live a life without regret, to make the best of theirs, before facing the ..

Cycle of Reincarnation.

And thus, the Eternal Soul burns ever on, never extinguishing.. 

Never fading..
With burning ambition to commit great deeds;
To become gods.

Until the First Necromancer breathed the wicked spell, and 
conjured the destruction upon the Realm, known to be as

The Empty.
Of which comes to be harbinger of doom, of tragedy, of despair;
To consume the Eternal Ember.

And to those that shall combat it's evil;
So the story begins.

Questions and Answers:

Q1. What is this faith exactly inspired from?
A. Buddhism makes up almost of the inspiration, you may notice other angles,
but the Buddhism faith tend to make most of it with the cycle of reincarnation, and reaching Nirvana (Godhoods)

Q2. Should I read the 18-page document?
A. You should. It explains much of the faith, and is pretty much open and accessible to everyone to read. I strongly encourages you make a copy if you plays on making a follower, priest, or so of this Faith.

Q3. Is it required for me to join the Faith guild (If there is one) to be member of the Faith?
A. No. Do you have to become a Priest, to call yourself a Christian? No. For Priests, You don't have to join it, but if you plans on getting any higher than Priest, you might wanna consider.

Q4. I noticed there's no real rules, or guidelines? Why is that?
A. Because things evolve, and change. And every ruling may change with every different set of Priests, Exarchs, Patriarch/Matriarch etcetera. It would be helpful to keep it open-ended, and allow others to take it for a spin.

Q5. Take it for a spin?
A. Effectively, if you want to make your own sects, or your character ended up being leader, and having their own concept of rules.

Q6. Where would I find this religion being practiced at?
A. In scattered communities around Telegrad/Meiaquar lands. You would not find any in Geladyne, nor Duyuei for reasons. I think you can name several reasons why they wouldn't be there. But it is up to the player themselves. 

Q7. Does that mean you're going to make another Monastery (again?)
A. Yes. 

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  Tome Update
Posted by: Raigen.Convict - 08-10-2022, 07:36 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

I say tomes deserve weapon parts, oriented towards basic attacking, and maybe a few elemental oriented ones, so they can keep up with weapons and have their own unique flavor, I've wanted to do basic attack tome builds for so long... They just don't work as good as weapon builds when tomes are so much easier to make use of for some builds. Im not sure what they would be but we can be adult and brainstorm, right?

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  v2.62c Homunculi Racial reduces HP gained from Salad Food
Posted by: Fern - 08-10-2022, 03:07 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Very similar bug to the one where Vampires would get reduced HP gain from the Salad food at the start of a battle (which was already fixed), Homunculi Physique reduces the HP you get from Salad.
[Image: unknown.png]
It's not really a big deal to be missing out on 3 points of HP, but doesn't hurt to bring it up...

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  Conduiz-Esque Materials
Posted by: Asellia - 08-09-2022, 10:14 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

I'd really like to see more Conduiz-like materials, for other casting types. A holy one, a fire one, and so on. It'd allow for a lot more weird builds, at least. Though, maybe tomes would need something special to make up for it, I'm unsure.

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  2.62c Gear bug
Posted by: Raigen.Convict - 08-09-2022, 09:40 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

No clear way to recreate this, but occasionally certain gear items effects will become entirely ignored and require being unequipped and re-equipped, this in some cases can cause minor inconveniences that need to be fixed and in other cases, completely throws off a set-up.

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  Class/Item Request
Posted by: Grandpa - 08-09-2022, 09:26 PM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Details of request were passed to Pandos.

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  [v.2.62c] Board Shakern't
Posted by: Snake - 08-09-2022, 03:14 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Board Shaker doesn't seem to be using your weapon's Hit, despite using its SWA to deal damage. I tested four cases on mainland using a shotgun for weapon, and bare fists for no weapon.

Summary of numbers:
[Image: unknown.png]

- Weapon's Accuracy on Basic Hit (236)
- Board Shaker (Weapon)'s accuracy (215)

- Bare Fists's Accuracy on Basic Hit (217)
- Board Shaker (No Weapon)'s accuracy (217)

With weapon equipped (Board Shaker's Hit was 215):
[Image: unknown.png]

Basic Hit (Weapon's Accuracy was 236):
[Image: unknown.png]

Without Weapon (Board Shaker's Accuracy was 217):
[Image: unknown.png]

Basic Hit (Weapon's Accuracy was still 217):
[Image: unknown.png]

IDK what to make sense of this but something wrong might not be right here. And the skill's tooltip says that it does use the weapon to "slam the ground", so the accuracy should probably be affected, in mechanical terms.

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  v2.62c Explosion does not grant or remove momentum on Weak/Resist
Posted by: Fern - 08-09-2022, 09:34 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Explosion will not give you momentum if it hits an enemy weak to fire, or reduce it if you hit an enemy that resists fire.
Tested weakness against Goblins.
Tested resist against Terra Flama enemies (Salamandra, Hot Lips, etc).
This was not the case before, so I'm assuming it's not intended.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord