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  [2.92b] Crest of Cheese
Posted by: Rendar - 11-07-2024, 12:36 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

If a defeated ally has Crest of Rook, they are a 'valid' person to constantly take hits for a ruler who is standing beside them.

Despite being unconscious.

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  Backstabbing is an art... (Void Assassin)
Posted by: Snake - 11-06-2024, 02:06 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - No Replies

An art where spending 5 SP for it is not worth it.

Hey boss man, can you make Backstab (Void Assassin) become a 1 Skill Point innate tech that grants +10 Critical and +10% Critical Damage for Daggers when attacking someone from behind?

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  handgun Bells of No Rest tag
Posted by: Flun - 11-06-2024, 02:02 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

What if the bells of no rest had the handgun tag, like the zepia does? It'd have it's initial role back while also still being an instrument, which makes sense!

((If you really wanna push it you can say the trumpet is like a shotgun too))

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  Boss Timer on Scars
Posted by: Druby - 11-05-2024, 12:04 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

It'd be nice in Korvara to be able to have a rough check on when scars go away, or when bosses respawn. This could be placed upon interaction with a scar, and just provide something like "Scar will disappear in about X in-game hours" or something, fluffed up a bit more than that if you want it to be a bit less directly OOC about it. But it'd be nice to have a rough measure when boss hunting so you don't have to sit around waiting forever for something that might like over half-an-hour to show up.

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  2 Cool New Weapons
Posted by: Poruku - 11-04-2024, 06:34 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

This is a funny weapon that is meant to be used by a black knight, or a build that wants to use Book Smack. It is very heavy so requires at least some strength, despite being a WIL weapon. A good candidate for MoWA as a result, and an alternative to gem staves for luminary users, but still an opportunity cost to wield that kind of weight. The book smack component is a bit of a wild card...

Worth: 150
Power: 12
Critical: 0 (110%)
Accuracy: 80%
Attack Range: 1
Material: Paper
Weight: 40
Durability: 40/40

Type: Large Tome

Description: A tome of unreasonable size. The text inside isn't particularly long, but has a massive font size. Favored by those who work out at the library.

Special Effects:
Counts as a Great weapon for the "Grandmaster" skill.
Can benefit from the "Full Swing" subtalent from Two-Hand.
+2 skill pool size.
When used for the "Book Smack" special attack, deals 3 extra damage for every equipped spell.

Stat Scaling - Basic
100% WIL

In the vein of other weapons that are whips and something else, I think a whip katana simply makes a ton of sense. Ruler and Kensei both share something in common: they have a large "Crescent" shaped attack. This rare attack pattern is very much reminescent of a large swing of a blade, or a whip... A whip sword would thus be ideal for performing these moves! Instead of a mere 2 tiles, it would be 4 tiles thick. This allows the user to hit enemies in a much more reliable aoe. As a drawback, this katana does not boast any good stats, relying on its versatility, range and aoe.

Worth: 50
Power: 7
Critical: 0 (110%)
Accuracy: 85%
Attack Range: 3
Material: Metal
Weight: 12
Durability: 40/40

Type: Medium Sword
Subtype: Katana

Description: A katana made from blade segments that are connected by an elastic membrane.

Special Effects:
Also qualifies as a Whip weapon.
"Crescent" targeting abilities made with this weapon have a thicker crescent pattern.

Stat Scaling - Finesse
70% STR
30% SKI

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  Bloody Ball Tune Up
Posted by: Autumn - 11-02-2024, 10:45 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (2)

Since a lot of monsters typically have melee weapons, I find that using this skill has limited scenarios in where its actually useful, though I think that Performer is pretty strong atm, I see no issue buffing a skill's useability from extremely niche to just a bit less niche.

Bloody Ball should make Confused enemies move towards the closest target if they aren't in attack range, this can be exclusive to monsters for all I care but I don't think it'd be too much of an issue of a difference in PvP either, and give a reason to play for this skill's maximum potential value, rather than only be available if you choose to use Conductor's Direction or have enemies with mostly good ranged weapons and basic attacking stats.

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  Multiple characters - Chronology Records Agency lore
Posted by: EdgeRP - 11-02-2024, 08:49 PM - Forum: Character Applications - No Replies

Applicable BYOND Keys - FableComposerAlt, EdgeCRA1, EdgeRP, and EdgeKB
Character Names - Hirazuki Kinuko, Koizumi Kireiko, Kobon Kinuko, Kazuma Kireiko and Yunon Kireiko
Request Type - Character Lore & Creation
Specific RequestFamily-run and Papilion-run shadow organization lore, and Papilion-specific indoctrination of said shadow organization's existence

Request Details
DISCLAIMER: A good portion of this application's contents have very sensitive information that would pose a risk to the integrity and fun of the aforementioned future plot lines, if made publicly accessible within the application forums; thus, as per the appropriate application privacy rules, I will be including said sensitive information to be accessible through a (or a series of) ModMail posts, and I will be referencing them when applicable in this application. (My discord for these ModMail posts is EdgeKB | @mr_edgerp.)
Now onto the request itself.
The Chronology Records 'Agency'
The 'Chronology Records Agency' (C.R.A) is a small and low-profile family organization run overwhelmingly by Papilions. Their origins are mostly unknown due to their (and their founding family's) completely secretive and isolationist natures. (The following information about the 'Agency's' founding and history will be included in my Modmail post under 'Section 1')
The family's goals
The Kinuko and Kireiko family founded the C.R.A solely out of the Kinuko family's elder & founding mother's (Kyrie Kinuko) 'divine vision', as she is of Oraclehood rather than a Papillion corruption. Her vision painted a glorious image of a Korvara where the corrupted (but mainly just Papilions) would reshape its world with the final and glorious truth to trump all falsehoods and delusions, which she would go on to call 'The Shining'. To achieve this future, she set out to rigorously tutor and train her entire family to enact her goals, which would then go on to manifest into the services and the Chronology Records Agency that provided these services; those being:
  1. Records of Chronology - Also sometimes referred to as the 'Labyrinth of Chronology'. This service requires Agents working under its department two things: one is for 'On-Field Agents' to explore the island's many locations within a work schedule of 5 consecutive business days for full working hours, in order to gather and mentally record any and all significant information pertaining to monsters, high-value individuals and organizations (such as Brock, Sable, Beatrice, Lyova, Pris, Records, Telegrad's Rangers, etc.), significant events throughout the island, and other miscellaneous matters. Meanwhile, the other is for 'Insider Agents' that work within the C.R.A's base of operations to receive all information from On-Field Agents and officially document them within their library of records.
  2. Hanging Star Immunity - Which isn't actually real as much as it's simply a combination of physical therapy training, and daily consumption of a potion that contains both traces of alcohol (red wine specifically) and other alchemical components that all together create a specific effect to allow its Papillion consumer the proper mental state to keep themselves calm and active despite the star's influence. However, it also partially combines a bit of mental and psychological conditioning of the Papillion C.R.A Agent (from as early as their childhood) to delude themselves— through the Placebo Effect — that they do not feel the effects of the star. This method can also replace the daily consumption of the aforementioned potion with any form of focus-rich beverage (mainly tea or iced tea) using the same Placebo Effect.
  3. C.R.A Agent-To-Agent Connection - This service is completely fictional and does not exist tangibly. What it does in theory is 'magically' establish a psycho-arcane connection between two C.R.A Agents from a great distance. This connection allegedly allows an Agent to form a 'Thread' connection between themselves and any or one of both aforementioned C.R.A services. If for whatever reason this connection cannot be established, then the C.R.A Agent in question cannot use those services unless an 'emergency communications thread' ritual is established. To do this, the requesting Agent must be in perfect conditions where their body is placed under extremely freezing temperatures and their mind is utterly tuned out of any and all exterior elements, such as touch (does not include cold feelings and cold touches), smell, hearing, and seeing.
It should be noted that the true origins and natures of the C.R.A, as well as any information regarding the Kinuko and Kireiko families, are strictly prohibited from being shared or made known to any outside personnel. This strict rule is known as 'Protocol 7'. Violate this rule as a member of the C.R.A and...
Well, you saw what happened with Agent Hirazuki Kinuko.
(More information on the C.R.A, its services, methods, and training process will be detailed in Section 2 & 3 of my ModMail post.)
Reason why you are making this request - The purpose of this application is to acquire official approval of all specific lore details and explanations required to plausibly exist, in order for all planned future character plot/event lines to be executed properly without complications or conflicts.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - This section is a little difficult for me to answer properly and I'm unsure how much substance I could currently list here regarding Roleplay that supports the Chronology Records Agency plot. Meanwhile, the contents within Section 3 of my ModMail post should sufficiently provide lore of otherwise substance to support the believability of this plot, or otherwise generally support it.

Please let me know if I missed anything or if there's any additional information I'd be required to elaborate.

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  [2.92b] Camera shift for summons
Posted by: Poruku - 11-02-2024, 05:43 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (5)

When one of your summons gets to play their turn, the camera makes a jarring shift to center upon them. 

[Image: xRaIpxp.png]

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  Total Control: End Turn
Posted by: Poruku - 11-02-2024, 05:38 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

An option that makes all units you control skip they turn by ending it right away.

This would be very useful for summoners leveling their youkai, and other applications like just grinding and wanting to use pawns as meat shields for instance. In general the quality of life to dev time ratio would be pretty big.

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  Arbalest buffs
Posted by: Poruku - 11-01-2024, 06:56 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (2)

Let's talk shop about Arbalest

Well, I think we can all agree Arbalest just isn't good enough at the moment.

The class revolves around cannon skills. The idea is that you use a big aoe skill once every few rounds.

The problem with this concept in its current state is two-fold. One, the cannon skills have a big cooldown, effectively a CD of 4, or 2 with firing posture. This would not be a huge issue if these skills were particularly powerful, but at the current time, their damage is simply not that good. The scaling is high, but it doesn't really beat a spell that has ele atk scaling on top. A wind mage with air pressure can do the same damage as a blowback cannon, without cooldown. Of course, when crit comes into play, the damage of cannon skills gets fairly good. But it still just lacks a little bit of oomph.

Buster cannon's debuff is amazing. It really helps deal with tanks, but I feel like that's the only strength of the class.

Furthermore, the class has no defenses aside from a short duration buff. It ends up being quite squishy if you're not using BK main class.

Here are my suggestions:

1: Add armament weight to cannon damage

A simple but needed change. This would give the class back its identity as a weight user. I don't know why this crucial part of the class fantasy was taken out. I think Arbalest could benefit from more raw damage, and this would make... Sense

2: Make shore up 3m

This is the only skill that lets you quickly reload. It's criminal that it costs 5m. This skill has a huge cooldown so it should be no problem.

3: Make mighty wall a passive

Mighty wall should be always active, but only give 3 def/res. If the arbalest has not moved last round, make it twice as strong. Just an idea. The counterattack could be included in a skill that gives temporary DR%, not stats. These two changes would make arbalest actually feel like it has tankiness on its own.

4: Make any melee weapon usable as armament

A simple change. Why not? Shooting an axe out of a massive arbalest doesn't sound any more far fetched than shooting a rocket punch out of a cannon or a dagger from a crossbow.

5: Make arbalest as a whole work with guns and bows equally.

Rifle arb is very sad right now. Why not give guns the passives? Biggest one is the +power for heavy weapon innate, and the armor piercing.

6: New passive: active reload

Using a chain skill reduces reload time by 1. You can use chain skills while reloading

Let me know if you guys have more ideas.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord