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  Make gold bars easier to carry.
Posted by: zericosmic - 11-18-2024, 12:00 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (8)

Gold bars are heavy af, when I was trying out G6, I could kind of see why, given the random chests full of gold bars.

But on Korvara, you kill one level 60+ boss and you're suddenly carrying 30+ more weight on you, the feeling is miserable if you don't have much encumbrance or are carrying a lot on you.

If you're grinding bosses you have to constantly go boss > shop > boss > shop, and it's such a hassle that at this point when I get a gold bar, I delete it from my inventory, not to mention the people getting suddenly encumbered when you do the dark shard boss repeat fights and having to also delete their gold bars.. 

I've gotten to the point where i'd rather avoid doing high level bosses just so i don't have to spend a minute destroying gold bars so I can move again.

And now we're also getting recipes that use gold bars as part of the craft.

Make them stackable, or 1 weight.. Or heck give us a unique enchantment or tailoring-crafted 'bag of gold holding' item.

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  [v2.92b] Melted Mimickry
Posted by: Autumn - 11-18-2024, 07:39 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

For whatever reason, this seemed to not be working.

When I copy over Ice Point Guard and Ice Point Greaves to my youkai, it treats it as an until next turn effect for whatever reason, expiring after the next round despite having a 4 round duration.

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  [2.93v4] Healer's Legacy
Posted by: Rendar - 11-18-2024, 06:10 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Healer's Legacy applies to Curate Battle-Item class staves. Healer's Legacy itself states that it applies to healing SPELLS, which battle items. Well. Aren't.

When healing an ally or themself with a healing spell, the base Power of that spell is increased by your Scaled SAN. In addition, when creating potion items with Alchemy, they gain +1 craft xp

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  Creatura - Unique Homunculus Shell
Posted by: Treantfence - 11-18-2024, 01:08 AM - Forum: Character Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Hoolheyak

Character Name - Creatura

Request Type - Character Appearance

Request Details -  Four arms.

Specific Request - I would like my Homunculus to have four arms, with the intent behind the creation being to make general purpose multitasking easier. Think like a multi-tool.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I was suggested to by a GM after asking them if it should be done through an application or not.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Homunculus, and specifically, Chimera, can have a lot of extra things to them due to Chimera Evolution and how Homunculus shells can be created differently to some degree even if we don't know the full process.

I'll be honest I wasn't sure what to put for this whole thing necessarily, so if you want more details I can work on that too.

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  [v2.92b] Lare Grystale Full Swing
Posted by: Druby - 11-17-2024, 03:12 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Lare Grystale is unable to be used with Full Swing from Two-Handing. I realize this has been addressed before, but the recent Sol Blader update did specify that things that give you a shield bonus no longer act as if you have a shield equipped (thus allowing Full Swing to proc). This does not seem to be the case for Lare Grystale, unless this is a unique case, in which case should probably be noted out in the weapon description.

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  Celia Pernet - Youkai Co-Habitation/Posession
Posted by: Latersatyr - 11-17-2024, 02:05 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Latersatyr
Character Name - Celia Pernet
Request Type - Roleplay Request

Request Details
- I'm requesting that Celia Pernet, an Elf Shapeshifter, be at risk of being fully possessed by a Youkai (in this case a Drowned Woman) that would take control of her body for extended periods through willing Install, potentially indefinitely if left unchecked for long enough.  

Specific Request - The way I would be playing the character, she is currently in a state of co-habitation with the Youkai, willingly handing over control to it at times. As this continues, her control over her own body would become less and less stable, and if she continued this habit long enough she would eventually be sequestered to the body's subconscious as the Youkai takes over permanently.

Additionally, the ability for this Youkai to put the Summoner in an unaware, blissful dream state while installed, and to access it's host body's memories.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - Was told this would require an app when I asked in the discord

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Celia and her lover Leilani couldn't take life in Mersales anymore, being kept apart by rigid social structures, and they fled across the sea, making their way to Korvara to live out eternity together. Unfortunately for them, only Celia makes the journey, their ship sunk and through a mix of dumb luck and aquamancy only she survived.

In immense grief over losing her partner, and distraught at the idea of living in this strange, backward land alone forever, she is contacted by a Drowned Woman, who takes the guise of her lover, claiming to be her ghost (she is not). She claims that if they make a contract, the two of them can live together, maybe not as ideally as they had hoped, but she'll still be here, and they can even share Celia's body together. Always at her side, closer than she ever could have been before.

The Youkai is malicious, and seeing Celia's grief seeks to use it against her to manipulate Celia into handing over more and more of herself to it. It seeks to enact revenge upon the world that hurt it so for some long forgotten grudge, at this point a being of pure malice. But to Celia, it acts sweet, comforting her when no one else can (because it drives them away, purposefully). Falling deeper and deeper into escapism if un-stopped, Celia would gradually become less and less present in her own life, the Drowned Woman taking over.

If left to fester long enough, the Drowned Woman would be in control of Celia's body so often she would be able to take full control of the body, leaving Celia in her dream-state forever and becoming a malicious, antagonistic force on the world around her. But if other characters intervene in her life, they may be able to keep her away from it's influence and on to a better path in life.

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  Gone Nuclear
Posted by: Autumn - 11-15-2024, 10:17 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (28)

This is a complaint I've had for a little while, but I do believe that absurdly high elemental ATKs need to be addressed, Impure Element is one of the primary abusers of this but there can be others, Sound ATK can get absurdly high, Ice ATK can get absurdly high, fire ATK can get absurdly high.

Anything with Luminary tends to just get some ridiculously large numbers, to the point where you can see like 100-150 elemental ATK on people without impure element at all, 100 seems fine to me but anything beyond that really starts to push out how much damage skills that scale purely elemental ATK can do, dances are one of the more primary abusers of these pure elemental scalings but you can also see stuff like Summoner Evokes, Water tentacles, Solsphere etc. take the wheel as well.

Some ideas were thrown around and the one I really liked at the time was potentially introducing a soft cap for elemental ATKs, this would make them work more similarly to stats do in that they can't get way too high for players to min max and abuse, I can't exactly say right now what would be the most balanced numbers, but I'd like to see 200 elemental ATK memes go away, hell I think even 130 ice ATK should be hard to reach, the main problem arises with elemental ATKs exceeding 100 for the most part.

Or perhaps the issue solely lies upon Luminary Element and Impure Element, both of these are the absolute primary abusers of letting people achieve just absurdly high elemental ATKs, with Luminary ignoring the soft cap of WIL and with Impure Element being the largest elemental ATK boost in the game, I feel like Impure Element was never meant to be abused by sources of self damage either to begin with.

Either way, staunching the ability to achieve over 120-130 elemental ATK is my primary focus, this is the line where it goes from being "Really high" to just downright stupid, it is straight up not fun to have to deal with a thunder steps that deals literally 300-400 damage per proc, or similarly ice slide, or lord's flame, etc.

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  Verglas Stance Basics
Posted by: Rendar - 11-14-2024, 07:41 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (1)

Currently, the Stance Basic attacks in Verglas are not classified as.. Well.

Any type of 'Stance' skill.

I am unsure of the full ramifications of making this change, but could we make them all count as skills from their respective Stance? Hare Kick counting as a combination skill for Hare, so you can shift from Hare Kick (3m) > Icicle Spear (2m) > Expanding Ice (2m) ?  This would be a Hare > Fox > Fox interaction.

The only issues I can see playing out is in cases with things like... Fleur. Wherein the extra 1m of a crit would make it Hare Kick (3m, regain 2m) > Icicle Spear (2m) > Expanding Ice (2m) > Cold Front (2m)

Which. Might be a problem, but it also requires you to be using a fist weapon in your mainhand and not MMA.. So. It's potentttttttially fine.. Except Ghost Exists and doesn't care about weapon.

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  Absolute Death (Kensei)
Posted by: Snake - 11-14-2024, 01:05 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (1)

The additional effect where you slash all nearby enemies should use your main weapon, so it properly tags enemies for things like Hidden Cut.

I also think the effect's damage should be able to critically hit, to add a little more RNG to Kensei and value to building LUC. This is also to streamline it with the other balance request involving All Fight. (https://neus-projects.net/forums/showthr...?tid=11503)

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  [2.92b] Needle-ss To Say
Posted by: TheCommonNoob - 11-14-2024, 07:11 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Incredibly minor and kinda funny bug, but will be confusing and misleading for new players so it should probably get fixed.

The description for the Kensei passive, "Katana Master", has a bug where the word, "Needless", hyperlinks to the, "Needle" status effect from Priest's ability.

[Image: CqVbWtx.png]

[Image: mf9u9gW.png]

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord