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  Axe duelist
Posted by: Poruku - 09-17-2022, 05:55 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (3)

So there is a certain phenomenon

1: I want to make an axe crit build
2: Okay, as a crit build I almost always want fleur
3: Okay, I must go duelist main
4: I guess I'll go Ghost because that's the only duelist promo that works AT ALL with axes, and it's just overall good
5: hmm I am a level 19 axe duelist and I have nowhere to put my sp

It's aggravating to put points into attrait and vent petale as an axe build because the entire class is just sword/spear. If fleur is to be stuck to duelist, then make axe duelist not feel bad. It needs some sort of tiny gap closer, some sort of mini basic cleave aoe. Hell, it deserves a promo to itself. Sword has a whole promo. Spear has a whole promo. Then ghost is all 3 weapons and the base class sucks. Just a strange balance overall... And it's even more strange when axe is still one of the best weapon types just because of its amazing crit bonus and power. 

The alternative is of course bk main where you drop fleur, which almost aways ends up as bk/hexer because it's just too good, or eventually ghost/bk again because that's the only class combo that feels like you can utilize your axe crits to the fullest

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  Korvara Vampires (Cry Post) (Secret Callout Post)
Posted by: Poruku - 09-17-2022, 05:23 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

PLEASE put vampires in Korvara I really like vampires both thematically and mechanically. I love them even if they aren't amazing right now it's so much fun and cool. I want to drink blood attack people in the night make people fear the night, blood, please.

So the reason vampires arent allowed in korvara? Immortality. Just remove it. Hell, remove the misting rp ability it sucks anyway nobody should have op rp powers. Make korvara vampires a new thing and they're weak and kinda suck cause no huggessoa influence idk.

There's a million easy ways to put vampires in korvara it's literally free content just waiting behind a lock why do we have to live in a world where the sun brings no comfort I am so cold.

- Blood drink blood
- Fear the night
- The people should be afraid of the dark
- Make people doubt their neighbor

- So hungry
- The hunger cannot be sated
- Would have to come up with and implement some korvara-specific vampire lore
- Some anime girls drinking blood in a cute way or making it not a big deal and ruining it for the rest of us
- Sweaty nerds being vampires but never doing anything with it besides keeping the secret
- People not caring about people being vampires (It's an evil blood drinking creature of the night bro (I'm not racist))
- Please I just want blood
- More balance fu threads

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  [v2.64b] Mutated Tome Runes
Posted by: Latto - 09-16-2022, 09:04 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (5)

I don't know if this is intended or not but currently if you mutate something into a tome with pierce/blunt/slash damage, Elemental Rune's damage will change to the mutated tome's damage but will only use 100% SWA and have no elemental scaling at all since those three damage types don't have a corresponding ATK.

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  Ice Slide
Posted by: renowner - 09-15-2022, 06:51 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

Ice slide can somehow hit six times if you use it in a very specific way.  If you start it from four tiles away from your target, it will somehow hit six times. This shouldn't be possible, it should cap out at 5 hits based on its range. Its making me believe that the final tile you end on might count as an extra step?

[Image: 051f850d6c.jpg]

[Image: ad450482db.png]

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  [v2.64b] Song Writing Forever
Posted by: Latto - 09-15-2022, 05:44 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

The Song Writer class trait that gives +1 skill points to all Bard classes is not removing on LE/fruit reset even when the trait is unlocked.

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  New Mutato bug [2.64]
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 09-14-2022, 09:37 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

If you have a mutated weapon, and a weapon of the same type that the mutated weapon was originally in the sub weapon slot, then use a weapon skill  for that weapon type, you will use the mutated weapon, not the correct weapon.

I have in my main hand a mutated Braver, now a gun, formerly a sword.
In my sub slot is a wo dao, still a sword.

I use kagekiri.

The weapon selected for skill use by the game is my braver, which is a gun, and not a sword.

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  Let us have pizza ingredients!!
Posted by: Latto - 09-14-2022, 08:47 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

Now that butter churners have been added, can we get craftable cheese barrels? Since the butter churners completely crashed the butter market and it makes more sense ICly, it'd be neat if cheese barrels had you add milk and then have them age a certain amount of time (one to three days OOCly) to produce X amount of cheese wedges.

Another thing I'd like to have are mushroom troughs which are more or less the same thing except with mushrooms.

(Also wheat to be ground into flour, dough recipes to be made into uncooked noodles, etc would be great. I may or may not just want to have more IC craftable things for slice-of-life RP so I can play Stardew Valley simulator ty.)

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  Suggestions Thread and Balance-Fu
Posted by: Snake - 09-14-2022, 08:14 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Those two in particular could use more subthreads. Sometimes it feels like it's hard to find a good place to slot in what you need, and good ideas often get overshadowed by crazy ideas. I know it's a matter of responsibility and respect for each other's opinions, but at the same time I feel like we could benefit more with a sprinkle of better organization here and there.

So, in that spirit:

>> Archer (& Promos) Balance
>> Bard (& Promos) Balance
>> Curate (& Promos) Balance
>> Duelist (& Promos) Balance
>> Mage (& Promos) Balance
>> Martial Artist (& Promos) Balance
>> Rogue (& Promos) Balance
>> Soldier (& Promos) Balance
>> Summoner (& Promos) Balance

>> New Skills/Spells Suggestions
>> Items Suggestions
>> Equipment Suggestions
>> Map Suggestions
>> Mechanical Suggestions
>> Sandbox Items Suggestions

Spending some time on doing this as soon as possible can save a lot of future time, since like that it's possible to pick and pluck out of each forums what gives interest about being worked on, while also making it more comfy for most to know where they'll be putting their opinions on.

Thanks for reading.

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  v2.64b Body Fling and Buster can still knockdown on miss
Posted by: Snake - 09-14-2022, 06:28 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

Don't know why no one reported this yet, but the NPC techniques of the Ice Giant can both still inflict KD even if you fully or glancing avoid them.

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  v2.64b Quicksand can Immobilize when missing
Posted by: Fern - 09-14-2022, 07:56 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Regardless of Glancing or Miss, Quicksand can roll an infliction check for Immobilize and successfully apply it as well.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord