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Zerans in Korvara |
Posted by: renowner - 09-22-2022, 08:53 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (16)
So hear me out! I understand that Zerans aren't allowed in Korvara specifically because they were created in Sigrogana by Zera. . .However! What if we allowed the race in Korvara anyway?
We could flavor them as a Reaper variant, like how we have elves and wild elves. They both have horns. And the crown of heaven, and self belief could be easily interpreted as them being a prideful group of reapers who consider themselves above those who have not reached Lazarus as they had?
Zerans are cool and have cool racials, and i'd love to see them playable in some capacity!
[v.2.64b] Shared Potential bug |
Posted by: Shujin - 09-22-2022, 05:27 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (10)
I have found a Hikage and Tsukikage, I unlocked the potential on the Tsukikage but it doesn't seem to share it with Hikage and toggling Limit Potential on and off doesn't actually activate muddle.
So not sure what's exactly going on here.
Terra Flamma Battle Positions |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 09-22-2022, 03:24 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)
Since this isn't a bug I'm making this a suggestion.
Please make the battle positions for Terra Flamma more uniform in that Team 1 starts on the western side of the map and Team 2 starts on the eastern side of the map.
Right now there appears to be no uniformity in the spawn positions of Team 1 and Team 2, both teams spawning haphazardly across the map and making for strange battle positions unlike any other dungeon where it is expected that each team will spawn at least in the same half of the map within 5-6~ range of each other.
Tiara of Hawu - Character Ability Request |
Posted by: CabbitNet - 09-22-2022, 05:45 AM - Forum: Character Applications
- Replies (2)
Applicable BYOND Key - CabbitNet
Character Name - Tiara Terraria
Request Type - Ability Request
Request Details - The Ability to use grafted eyes such as Spatial Eyes Demonic eyes and even Chimera eyes into living creatures. Their abilities used are based off the eye used.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - As a tamer Trainer and tinkerer alchemist along with her study for medicine she would try to further advanced her abilities to help her people even if it meant deforming her own body.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - I have yet to compile a role playing doc. But I have worked on alot of lore. For her characters deep obsession with the spatial corrupter Eyes that seem to constantly talk to her and tell her deep dark alien secrets.
What grandmaster needs |
Posted by: Poruku - 09-22-2022, 05:35 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
BK/tact is a neat build. Grandmaster is funny in concept. There is just one issue.
BK subclass makes you very squishy. Tactician subclass means your orders are useless due to being only one round.
I suggest on my mark be made into a non-mainclass skill as it's too essential to tactician. If not, grandmaster should make on my mark work as subclass.
Clock with the Star |
Posted by: Senna - 09-22-2022, 04:35 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)
I suggest the laplaceNET for Korv also telling us what color is the star at the moment. To help corrupted know how they should be feeling right now than waiting for the star announcement.
So something like:
System: It is currently Hour 2.
System: Iahsus is currently glowing an ethereal purple light.
Worker's Golden Dream |
Posted by: Dezark - 09-21-2022, 05:43 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (6)
So as it stands lumberjack have a number of axes they can use for differing speed or effects, and while that fine and dandy I feel it finally to add another to our golden collection for all the Lumberjacks & Farmers in the world..
Golden Axe - Works at the same speed as a Galdric Axe without the risk of breaking, simple and same in the process of the other golden tools and their functions on that.
Along with this for the love of farmers & treasure hunters alike, golden shovel and golden hoe; same work speed as their galdric versions without the risk of breaking, all under the case of donation items but this'll just add the rest to the golden item line for those that don't want the extra work or hassle of crafting/buying new tools when theirs ends up breaking ultimately.
Set at the same cost as the Golden Pickaxe, Lockpick, Bonesaw & Bucket with 100 asago/patrions; just a simple suggestion/request if anything.
Impure Element with Lightning enhanced skills? |
Posted by: renowner - 09-21-2022, 09:23 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (7)
Impure element recently was nerfed to also apply to skills that benefited from elemental attack. I've noticed however that lightning enhanced skills still gain their bonus lightning attack damage on critical, but never force you to take the null damage to use them.
I personally feel that lightning enhanced skills are still extremely powerful, and if you're gaining an extra 60 lightning attack with impure element,that it should still hurt the caster.
But that's just my opinion, what do all of you think? The issue is that, if they DON'T critical, then you're taking the damage for no reason. But at the same time, if they DO critical, you're doing a bajillion extra points of damage. That usually isn't even lightning element, so rarely resisted.