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Racial trait reaper/appertuarus. |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 09-24-2022, 12:41 AM - Forum: Class/Race Ideas
- Replies (1)
A Trait for Reaper/Apertaurus that would change which weapon their Affinity is tied to.
Shinigami Affinity-Swords
Ancient Affinity-Fists, A tradition dating back to before weapons were created.
Wraith Affinity-Daggers
no bow affinity, bows aren't made of remains (yet)
Seeking Shinken buff ? |
Posted by: Ray2064 - 09-23-2022, 05:38 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (3)
I'd just have two suggestions for the pretty much only real perk of the Venus badge as of now-
1 : Shinken-basic attack doesn't reduce the projectile's range.
-It's pretty much always better to go for an actual AOE / Something close to it when there are two opponents in front of you, and due to how the seeking projectile's trajectory works, 5 tiles is way shorter than it sounds like. I don't feel like it'd even be that strong ?
2 : Don't home in downed opponents
-Self explanatory, I hope.
Character Approval Request |
Posted by: NoirHatter - 09-23-2022, 04:33 PM - Forum: Approved Characters
- Replies (1)
Applicable BYOND Key - NoirHatterAlt
Character Name - Syreila Praxelis
Request Type - Character Ability Fluff, Character approval
Request Details - So, I'm making a Naga who has snakes that appear and disappear in her hair. The main reason for this is purely fluff. With this being approved [If possible], her gorgon-like hair will just be allowed to talk and other things that limitations allow snakes to do. Ie, bite, hiss, eat for her, and the ability to appear and disappear on command.
Reasons why I'm making this request - I found it a bit unique to add as fluff that doesn't conflict with character abilities. Having snakes in a Naga's hair just seemed rather interesting and I'd be quite happy to see how it goes.
Lore: Being that this Naga has dabbled a lot with dark magic, her inner thoughts are displayed through these snakes. It doesn't allow her to dislike the growths, but they are well easy enough to manage and have each their own personalities that were split from the Naga herself. [Still working on lore reasons, but I can settle on just being a birth thing. Perhaps related to being a ShapeShifter.]
If you have any questions, Dm me at D'Joey#2669. I'm pretty terrible with these things, but thanks for reading.
Winter's Nibble (Winter's Bite CD is too much!) |
Posted by: SpaceShibe - 09-23-2022, 06:00 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (18)
Winter's Bite's 8 round CD is frankly way, way, way too much for what it can do. This move forces you to be within 3 range of someone to negate their absorb, immunity, and resistance to ice. This move does not damage (though it does inflict frostbite which is neat, I guess) and puts you in a spot to receive punishment for DARING to use it.
Considering the fact Winter's Bite only has a duration of 3 rounds? You'd have to constantly reapply it against someone that doesn't like you using ice.
Verglas is strong, but it's not because of Winter's Bite. Please remove or lower the cooldown(preferably remove).
Fire Step Buff |
Posted by: SpaceShibe - 09-23-2022, 05:05 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (6)
Please adjust Fire Step to be more like its superior older brother Ice Slide! Or change it in a way that it's actually not inferior to Ice Slide's massive flexibility, stat spread, and longer range.
Looking at facts...
Fire Step has:
1-5 LINE range max, 14 fp cost(that increases the more you extend the range, +2 each IIRC), +25 base damage at rank 5. It uses fire ATK, which is tied to STR, a stat not many really care about if they can help it.
Ice Slide has:
6 line range max, 20 FP cost, no base damage increase. Note that you can adjust Ice Slide's range to go diagonal, like Falcon Strike. It uses ice ATK, which is tied to SKI, a mandatory stat that everyone who cares about hitting someone(and isn't relying on evasion ignores) has.
Builds are far more flexible with Ice Slide compared to Fire Step, who has to either build STR or luminary element WIL. For obvious reasons!
I don't know exactly what the best way to buff Fire Step is, but I welcome anything that makes it much better than it is, right now, because at the moment it definitely feels like the most unused Dance for Bard/Dancer.
Unnecessary Mutation Nerf pls revert |
Posted by: SpaceShibe - 09-23-2022, 04:43 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (10)
Please remove the -5 hit on mutation. Mutating weapons is already pretty niche(and grants access to a few unique builds that imo aren't that absurd) but giving an enchant that's incredibly hard to get, at least in Korvara, a drawback seems way too silly and unnecessary given what it does.
We have enchants that literally do not give any drawbacks and only benefits, and are actually far better generally speaking, so why is this niche enchant getting hit by a -5 accuracy nerf? Especially in the current era of hit or miss against dodge users.
(Edit: Grammar. I will not be called illiterate despite the fact that I am!)