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  No Extensions Allowed (2.64c Version)
Posted by: Sarah54321 - 10-02-2022, 11:58 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: eNWmw6p.png]

You can no longer unlock Legend Extension with Nemalyth, even when you're level 60.

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  Mystery Orb Flashbacks [Version 2.65]
Posted by: Sawrock - 10-02-2022, 06:54 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Using a mystery orb to set a new profile when already having a mystery orb profile will not create a new profile to choose between; it will instead copy the first orb's profile onto the second, deleting your second profile that you wished to set.

The following process occurred when I was attempting to set a new orb profile:

Have an existing orb profile set on the first orb.

Use a second fresh orb to record your second profile variant you wish to set.

Attempt to use the second orb to change to the "blank profile", then back.

Realize it's only recognizing the profile of the first orb.

Send the first orb to the global bank to see if it's causing interference.

Attempt to use the second orb again when it's the only one in your inventory, only to realize it's still using the first orb's profile.

Considering I now have a "dead orb", would it be okay if I handed the dead orb over and got it exchanged back in asagorians or otherwise? My plan is to recreate my profile and then try setting it up with a third orb, but by only having that third orb in my inventory, I hope it'll not still use the first orb's profile.

I’m not sure if this can be reproduced 100% of the time, my apologies.

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  Pray buffs.
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 10-02-2022, 10:03 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

Pray....Kinda sucks, even when your prayers are answered.

1) you should gain guard equal to the momentum spent.

2) The shine knight needs to have its duration enhanced, and scale to like the invocation shine knight

3) the reduce negative status one should be swapped out for just a free cast of phoenix.

4) the radiant lightning bolts are the most -okay- but should probably add light attack to the damage they already do.

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  Re-Leaping Lizard
Posted by: Autumn - 10-01-2022, 05:45 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (1)

Currently Leaping Lizard has a weird stipulation, it cannot be used while you're already airborne, which makes sense but it specifically clashes with Corbies in this case.

I am currently complaining about a very specific interaction that annoys me greatly, so forgive me but this is going to be a rather selfish request and I am fully willing to admit that, ultimately it does not change anything however except make this easier for me to use specifically.

The Corbie's racial ability "Stay Afloat" when ticked on, allows you to stay airborne when using any ability, this pairs well with Windstream enchantment and allows you to remain airborne in 1 cohesive and fluid experience, until the airborne status runs out anyway, this is fine this is what the enchantment is meant for. But the optimal gameplay pattern in the case of being able to refresh your airborne status for 0m cost (Leaping Lizard beside an enemy or with Snake Dancer buff) is to turn off Stay Afloat for the first attack, then leaping lizard, then turn on Stay Afloat, and use the 2nd ability, this toggling becomes increasingly annoying for PvE purposes when you have to do this each time to retain your 1m mobility gimmick.

This toggling situation would be fixed by simply allowing Leaping Lizard to be used while airborne already, this doesn't have to make the most sense, and the momentum refund on Leaping Lizard only occurs once a turn afaik (It could have been changed in the DH update)

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  Heaven Below is too annoying to stack
Posted by: Snake - 10-01-2022, 05:13 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (3)

[Image: unknown.png]

In PvE scenarios, where this is the only time it shines anywhere, it's super annoying to be properly used when you have party members. Could this be changed to make this passive as a whole less frustrating to be used? For example, having to defeat at minimum 3 enemies for a measible +10% EXP/Loot Rate doesn't make all the struggle worth for, and the struggle itself to not be damaged at all makes this a very dull fighting style to go for.

So here's what I'd personally think would make this skill less complicated and more fun to use:

- You gain a permanent, non-dispellable, non-stealable status effect called Heaven Below at the start of combat, at LV1.

- If Heaven Below's LV is higher than 1, every time you take damage higher than 15% of your maximum HP or that you have Weakness to, once per enemy, once per round, the LV is decreased by 3.

- If Heaven Below's LV reaches 0 or under, the effect is removed.

- Once per round, activating Hell Above's damage on an enemy increases the LV of Heaven Below by 3 (max LV = 10).

- Defeating an enemy while under this effect increases Heaven Below to LV10 and restores the HP/FP of all your Bonded Youkai (summoned or not) by LV * 10.

- Damage dealt below Parted Pain's threshold is increased by LV * 3% (Doubled against non-boss, non-monster enemies).

- At the end of combat, you will gain EXP/Loot Rate bonuses equal to LV * 2%.

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  [2.64b] Gel'Naia's Burning Rope
Posted by: Anhita - 09-30-2022, 02:03 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Despite unlocking Gel'Naia's potential, Attempting to use pulling shot does not change the attacks element to fire, nor does its rope leave cinder tiles as per the description of the potential. It also does not raise the FP cost.

[Image: 93c68654f4796a13a56b02ef6d127336.png]
[Image: 4df69241905a37545bceca0abccdcbd2.png]

Edit: Apparently re-equiping the bow in question fixed the issue.

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  Rain Trap
Posted by: renowner - 09-30-2022, 01:03 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Rain trap's elemental augmentation says that it creates ice tiles under the ice enchantment (Kraken.) 
While used with the Kraken enchantment, it did not create any tiles at all.
[Image: e1f5280d00214590ad246173c6534083.png]

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  [v2.64b] Trenchman
Posted by: Trexmaster - 09-29-2022, 11:44 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Trenchman does not appear to be impacting shoveling speed as much as it should.

This was tested by comparing the speed at which an Iron Shovel could dig a hole between r0 Trenchman and r5 Trenchman (35% decreased time to dig a hole).

Steps to replicate:

1. Acquire a shovel

2. Dig a hole (make sure you're on a valid tile first)

3. Observe speed it takes to dig said hole.

4. Buy Trenchman up to SR 5.

5. Dig a hole again.

6. Compare speed of hole digging.

With as substantial a time decrease as 35% of the base speed it shouldn't be difficult to notice the difference. It's about 4-5~ seconds to dig a hole without Trenchman so it stands to reason that with SR 5 Trenchman it'd instead take around 2.6-3.25~ seconds. Instead it's still about the same amount of time.

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  Spirits and how they get lost.
Posted by: Infernalis - 09-29-2022, 05:59 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (3)

Normally this isn't something I would complain about. But having this happen has given me an incredible amount of frustration that I can't really shake off. So here I go. 

Could there be any way in the future to change it so that you dont lose spirits in a fight until the battle ends if you lost?
Because I was counting on last chance for something, and I lost all my spirits regardless. I won the battle in question. Did not actually die at all.  

It just feels incredibly unfair and discouraging to have lost weeks to a month's worth of rng rolling a very very limited pool of spirits to a situation where I made a strategic decision to make use of my class's benefits. 

This isn't such a big issue on the mainland- because you can easily go to a source of spirits in a location which will respawn over a time period, and just run the rng for what you need again. I was willing to deal with that. However on Korvara, I've only ever found one spot that has spirits naturally spawn, and they do NOT respawn there until after the server restarts. Making the grind for this ridiculously lengthy. 

If it were a situation where I actually lost the fight- I'd not be making this post, and I'd have just taken my L and started all over again, still annoyed but at least my head can justify it as a deserved outcome. But in this situation I didn't lose. If this is to be intentional, then theres little that can be done I suppose, but then my question becomes

Can that ONE spot at least refresh it's spirits occasionally? It doesn't have to be a common rate if its meant to be rare, but waiting for a server reset just to roll a chance to get a spirit you need is real tedious.

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  Penultimate Bling
Posted by: Shadbase - 09-29-2022, 03:50 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (11)

I wanted to make two simple suggestion changes to the Penultimate Bling, number one being the most important change, and number two being secondary changes I'd just like to see.

1) To make the Penultimate Bling not take an equipment slot.
      For what the Penultimate Bling does, I don't think it should take up an equipment slot. No other donation item does this, and all it does is lead to "goddamn it I'm fucking stupid" moments when you forget to take it back off during PVE or PVP. It just hogs an accessory slot, which no other donation item does, and seems pointless when all it does is make you sparkle and changes your OOC name. I'd like to see Penultimate Bling just become a normal inventory slot item.

2) Make the Penultimate Bling allow custom colors, and allow an option to affect IC name as well.
      Donation items recently have received a boost in color customization that the Penultimate Bling lacks. The colors offered by default on the Penultimate Bling are okay, but some of them are just flatly unsatisfying - I.E., the "purple" option on it isn't actually "purple", it's more mauve-or-periwinkle looking color. The option to be able to change the color to whatever you wish would be a nice update for the item that puts it back in line with other aesthetical donation items.

     The second part is also a bit of a stretch, but to preface for some of the newer players:
The Penultimate Bling is a lesser version of an item called the "Ultimate Bling", which was created by Dev for a specific player. I don't recall the true reason why, but what I was told was that a specific player from way back when threatened to totally crash the economy after amassing millions of Murai, and Dev gave them the Ultimate Bling to appease them from doing that, since they were so rich. The item itself is actually currently owned by Blissey, fun fact! So it does exist. (Disclaimer that Blissey was not the original owner, though.)
The Ultimate Bling only has one color - gold, but it also affects the in-character name, which also makes it that color.

    What I want to see is that option added into Penultimate Bling's library. At the moment, colored names are allowed for "special" cases - AKA, Eventmins and GMs are the only people allowed to have colored names, due to their access to mob files (of which, thanks to an Eventmin for explaining that to me). The only downside for them is that if you right-click their colored-name character, you get an absolute mess of HTML code which... is extremely funny, honestly, but can kinda make it horrid to look at.
But being able to have an option where it also changes the character's in-game name color would be not only a cool feature for players who donate, but Eventmins and GMs would no longer have to make word-gore in their mob file names to have them (unless they wanted to do a rainbow-colored name, which is something Karidan did once for an event character so it's possible).

   Regardless, at the moment the Penultimate Bling is a very outdated donation item that needs some glow-up to it. It is a 500 Asago ($5) donation item that gives you some barely-visible sparkles and an OOC name color (which is a waste if you aren't actively in OOC chat), at the cost of an equipment slot.
For the same price, you could get a Personal Wardrobe, a Pet Kit, or the Mask of the Night's Lord.
For under that price, you could get the Rainbow Rose, Orb of Mystery, or Rainbow Note.
All of which do more for a character's aesthetics than the Penultimate Bling does at the moment.

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