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Boxer QoL passive suggestion |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 10-07-2022, 08:57 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (2)
A main class boxer ability to give it some flexibility
Dirty boxing
A multi rank passive that prevents the loss of sturm upon the first use of a non boxer skill/spell in a round.
Rank1 Utility skills
Rank2 Support skills
Rank3 Defensive skills
Rank4 Offensive skills
Rank5 All martial artist skills count as boxer skills and generate sturm.
Daemyra - Grimweaving - Ability request |
Posted by: Imotepchief - 10-07-2022, 08:08 PM - Forum: Approved Characters
- Replies (1)
Applicable BYOND Key - Imotepmechythings
Character Name - Daemyra Salrel
Request Type - Character Ability, grimweaving fluff rp healing
Daemyra is known to be a potent grimweaver, recognized as such by multiple people of note across Korvara, such as the leader of Skouge, often teaching and imparting knowledge about the art to others, alongside utilizing it upon numerous occasions to apply debuffs and boon to others.
Using Spirit pain as a basis, an ability in the hexer tree, that under the right circumstances can provide healing to the caster, I would like to possess a more advanced varient 'vitality and affliction transfer'.
This would confer no in combat advantage, as the pace of combat wouldn't allow for spirit pain to be used beyond its most basic mechanical state, but out of combat and specifically for the intents of rp, I would like to be able to use the advanced version to be able to transfer life force and potentially physical afflictions between two entities.
Eg. Person A has a laceration. Daemyra able to use her own vitality (health), to heal said wound, though by extension becoming visibly weakned and or sickly.
Eg2. Person A has multiple injuries and is to die without immediate, potent, treatment. Daemyra would be able to transfer a measure of vitality from a third party (person B), who is in a better state to able to endure the drain, thus stabilizing person A.
Eg3. Daemyra would be able to draw the life force of a willing or suitibly subdued individual, to invigorate/heal herself. Such potentially leading to the death of the targetted individual (generally npc's, monsters and the like, but also players with their consent - I don't like to kill people so the latter is highly unlikely to even come up.)
This is not mercana (gleamweaving), Daemyra's affinities with the dark preventing her from accessing such abilities and is very much a toll/price form of healing, requiring essentially a sacrifice of some kind in order to achieve. I would also consider there to be a less than 100% efficiency to the process and as such, the entire sacrifice of one life wouldn't fully heal a person, should their wounds be serious enough, still requiring down time to recuperate and recover.
I think that a dark, almost sadistic form of healing would fall in line with the rp around grimweaving and its various rituals. I'm thinking visually speaking, very similar to WoW's, Gul'dan's life absorption and transfer, with less of the green skin and more just general fluff visuals.
[v2.65b] Lag Storm |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 10-07-2022, 07:01 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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When using Lead Storm on multiple (3+?) enemies the server may sometimes take a noticeable amount of time to process the action.
This processing causes the entire server to halt while it resolves the Lead Storm in question.
When testing it was hard to tell how many enemies it took exactly, it wasn't 100% consistent but it seemed more likely the more targets there were to process for Lead Storm.
Steps to replicate:
1. Have lead storm.
2. Enter a fight with, ideally, 3 or more enemies.
3. Hit as many enemies as you can with Lead Storm at once.
4. Observe the server's response time during the resolution.
If it happens, the server will halt everything it's doing while the Lead Storm is processing.
v2.65b Excel Crash Turnover does not happen |
Posted by: Fern - 10-07-2022, 06:20 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)
Steps to replicate:
1. Get Excel Charges (I used Forbidden Charge)
2. Use Turnover (normally or with Charging Strike)
3. Notice how the charges aren't spent, and nothing changes with the skill when it's used.
Fight as One thought |
Posted by: Raigen.Convict - 10-06-2022, 04:01 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
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What if Fight as One got an addition to it where when you move it moved the youkai with you if it was in 2 range required, and caused them to, if possible, basic attack the nearest target when you basic attacked, as well as when it basic attacks a target in the same range, it causes the summoner to basic attack if possible as well. Maybe make the added attack weaker for balance?
Test Server Patrion Items |
Posted by: Shadbase - 10-05-2022, 08:57 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
- Replies (3)
Please make the patrion items on the test server free, like the rest of the donation items. They're impossible to get without asking Dev for patrions, which makes it a pain in the arse if you just want to check them for bug testing. Or if you want to make sure a regalia doesn't look like poop on the main server, where you can accidently screw it up.