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  V2.65 Swift Sidecut
Posted by: renowner - 10-05-2022, 06:08 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Swift sidecut seems to do nothing. The in game tooltip says it can lightning critical, it can't.
It also can't be resized or anything. Just gives a cool sound and little lightning trail as you use it, doesn't seem to increase the damage, change the damage type, increase critical rate, or anything.

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  v2.65b Top left HP/FP HUD disappears if you relog mid-battle.
Posted by: Fern - 10-04-2022, 10:58 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Relogging mid-battle will make your party HUD disappear with no way of recovering it without doing another relog out of battle, as far as I'm aware (tapping the delete key doesn't work either.)

Tested using the .reconnect macro.

Your game should look something like this when you replicate it:
[Image: unknown.png]

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  [v.2.65b] Eliminate Teleportation
Posted by: caliaca - 10-04-2022, 08:11 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)


Video included.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Click eliminate on an enemy

That's all.

As far as I can tell, this is 100% replicable. Or at least, has worked 5/5 times so far.

It also sends you randomly to an ally spawn like in the video.

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  Cotton Seeds
Posted by: renowner - 10-04-2022, 07:25 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Crafting Cotton seeds costs 3 murai each.
As EVERY other seed in the game has no cost associated with it, I assume this is an unintended bug.

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  Cast Order
Posted by: renowner - 10-04-2022, 04:42 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Cast order's skill description says that its supposed to raise the power of the next spell cast. However, its status description says otherwise. And in practice my offensive spells are not gaining any power. 
[Image: 5bb2d14a30.png]

[Image: 5f8a5af1dc.jpg]

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  [v.2.65b] Electro Shield
Posted by: Snake - 10-04-2022, 12:27 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Electro Shield (Engineer) does not activate if the opponent uses skills/spells even if they are attacking with melee weapons. The only instance it activates is upon landing a basic hit with a melee weapon, which is inconsistent with the behavior of retaliation damage from other sources such as Armor of Nails or Fang-Faced Shield.

The skill should either clarify that it only works on basic attacks.


Be adjusted to work on all attacks regardless if it's a skill or not, BUT, only deal damage if the attacker is within 1 range of you. (So it doesn't undergo Dev Logic ™ like the two retaliate effects mentioned above.)

How to replicate:

- Use Electro Shield.
- Be damaged by a basic hit that uses a melee weapon.
>> Works! Lightning damage is taken.

-Use Electro Shield.
- Be damaged by a skill that uses a melee weapon.
>> Does not deal lightning damage...

- Use Electro Shield.
- Be damaged by a spell that uses a melee weapon.
>> Does not deal lightning damage... (However in this case it should be alright, I'm mostly concerned about skills that make contact with you yet ignore the effect)

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  Tiara's Character Ability Request
Posted by: CabbitNet - 10-03-2022, 11:17 PM - Forum: Character Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - CabbitNet

Character Name - Tiara Terraria

Request Type - Ability Request

Request Details - The use of golems instead of robots for engineering purposes.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - As a tamer Trainer and tinkerer alchemist along with her study for medicine she would try to further advanced her abilities to help her people. Along with trying to match the homunculis crafting theme she has. 

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - I have yet to compile a role playing doc. But I have worked on alot of lore. Her studying of chimeras in the past to create guardians has lead her to more unique inventions among her "Failed" Expirements.

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  [V2.65b] Spatial Tiles
Posted by: WaifuApple - 10-03-2022, 06:00 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

The new spatial dungeon floor tiles are only present as a replacement for the tiles in housing. Dungeons of a black door variant still seem to use the old variant, which has been tested via both spatial statics and a generated spatial dungeon.

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  Nyxosa the Shifter - Character Ability Request
Posted by: TorientalVortX - 10-03-2022, 03:52 PM - Forum: Character Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - TorientalVortX
Character Name – Nyxosa Nakiya
Request Type - Ability Request
Request Details - The Ability to invoke cursed blood, magic to increase the duration and in turn, risk factor of Chaotic Form, Grow Appendage, and shapeshifting as a result in pure RP.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) – Nyx is someone who uses the arts of shapeshifting very haphazardly, having grown up with this art it is reasonable to expect she’s attempted her own experiments with it to try and ‘improve’ it with the assistance of her many youkai friends. Many times, having neared this possession and the likes. This request serves to face some of the risks that have thus raised because of it. This method comes to action by using her cursed blood through acts such as the spilling of it, to increase temporarily the duration of her shapeshifting in RP aspects only. This in turn making her able to sustain these temporary forms for longer at the costs of even more risk associated. (Similar to the concept of self-destructive shifting) 
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request –
Roleplay – Nyx has been roleplayed as is, as a character who invokes a new shifted form within nearly every round of combat, maintain constantly new growing appendages from her many various fox youkais at the constant cost of her health pool. The character possessing the cursed blood trait has been roleplayed akinned to part of these risk caused by shifting in suffering light mutations that will likely cause more issues down the line.

It does not seem to me, at the least, too far fetched to assume she may try to make use of her cursed blood in an attempt to prolong these forbidden methods of shapeshifting in her curious yet experimental nature from say, the general perceived minute per form of a rough estimate of install duration to something more akin to 2-3 minutes.  (The healers huts are already becoming all too familiar with her visits as is…)
Lore – Shapeshifting as is lore wise, has been acknowledged already in the taxing effort it places on the host of such as seen on the wiki for reference of in-game. It is also known towards its costing of the user’s own health to manage the abilities that are required through the very painful process involved with things like grow appendage and the likes. IE Meld Form and such costing 5% of hp as is. While cursed blood is implied in flavor text to be cursed by a higher entity or vile sorcerer, it does not seem too far fetched to assume that the mixing of individual and youkai is not something to be seen as unnatural by the greater world and thus an essential curse of a mutation.

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  v2.65 Combination Fighter won't reduce momentum costs more than once
Posted by: Fern - 10-03-2022, 01:25 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

While Combination Fighter is on, using two DH/Soldier offensives won't make the rest of your DH/Soldier offensive skills cost 1M.

Easy way to test is doing Chaser > Rising Tide then checking your momentum costs.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord