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  Butter Churners
Posted by: Rendar - 10-14-2022, 04:44 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

Butter Churners not only have 500 health, but are actually worthless.

So if someone decided to place a shitton, and you decide to go the more productive route of picking them up... they are unable to be destroyed.

Or sold.

They have to be re-placed back down to be destroyed.

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  [2.65b] Auto-Tune doesn't apply to self
Posted by: Joseph Jostar - 10-14-2022, 02:03 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

The bard skill Auto-Tune applies the effects of the chosen song to any nearby party members, but not to the bard themself. The bard only receives their bard aura and singing status - and not the actual effect of the song, which is normally applied to the bard as well. This was tested in combat with training dummies and low-level jammers in the Geladyne coastal cave.

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  Vantas - Height Request
Posted by: the homestuck man himself - 10-14-2022, 01:47 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Lenus
Character Name – Vantas
Request Type - Height Request/Playby
Request Details - Permission to make them 7'11-8'0(and appearance, if needed)

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) – Vantas is essentially an older model of homunculi, so I would imagine that he not only would look rather odd, but also be less 'compact' or 'refined', explaining his height.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - As mentioned earlier, my vision of progress in relation to homunculi manufacturing was that it might've started off with bulkier, larger and less 'streamlined' looks- Just like technology in the real world. Vantas is one of the few products of that era that has managed to catch up with the times, being repaired until the effects of his primitive upbringing could be lessed or even ironed out completely. His height, however, was kept as a bonus to his already intimidating appearance.

(if needed i can contact/be contacted by the people who handle the homunculi lore just to make sure this fits the bill for what salamandra and artificial life lore in general entails)

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  v2.65b Wild Ride is not properly compatible with shotguns
Posted by: Fern - 10-14-2022, 01:24 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

If you Wild Ride with a shotgun, there's a chance you will push the enemy away from you because of the gun's knockback, cutting the ride short.

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  [2.65b] Elemental Rune Non-standard Elements (again)
Posted by: Joseph Jostar - 10-13-2022, 10:16 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Recently a change was introduced so that runes cast with a non-standard tome (such as a rexys - a blunt damage tome) used fire attack in their scaling so as not to miss out on a large chunk of rune damage from lacking an elemental attack scaling.

With this change, these tomes no longer apply their damage type (such as slash or blunt) to the Elemental Rune and instead cause it to deal fire damage. Is this intentional? I always found the idea of using the shift-tomes or mutated weapons to apply non-standard damage types to runes to be a very interesting one, so it'd be a shame to see it go.

EDIT: This was tested with a mutated cleaving clarinet. Upon additional testing, it appears the damage type is applied as normal during the 'Trigger' effect - but fire attack does NOT seem to be applied. During the 'Engrave' effect fire attack seems to be applied, and the damage type becomes fire.


System: * Initial Damage: 197 Fire Magic, flags: magic, sk: Elemental Rune (/obj/skill/spell/rune/elemental) , wep: Runic Recorder / /obj/items/equip/weapon/swords/cleaving_clarinet * play_atk_anim was . * 19 Evade VS 200 Hit. (Damage Hit Mod was 0) *2 Roll(s) Remaining. This one was a hit. GLANCE_CHECK_FIRST was enabled and the first hit roll was successful, so no glancing. * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (197) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (197) * amp_multi was 1. (197) * reduc_multi was 91.9. (181.043); 8.1 MAG DEF, PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was 1. (179.233) * armor was allowed. armor_reduc was 2. (177.233) * Damage caps applied. (177.233) * Damage shields applied. (177.233) * Final damage was: 177.

System: * Initial Damage: 107.8 Blunt Magic, flags: magic, sk: Elemental Rune (/obj/skill/spell/rune/elemental) , wep: Runic Recorder / /obj/items/equip/weapon/swords/cleaving_clarinet * play_atk_anim was . * 19 Evade VS 199 Hit. (Damage Hit Mod was 0) *2 Roll(s) Remaining. This one was a hit. GLANCE_CHECK_FIRST was enabled and the first hit roll was successful, so no glancing. * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (107.8) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (107.8) * amp_multi was 1. (107.8) * reduc_multi was 91.9. (99.0682); 8.1 MAG DEF, PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was 0. (99.0682) * armor was allowed. armor_reduc was 2. (97.0682) * Damage caps applied. (97.0682) * Damage shields applied. (97.0682) * Final damage was: 97.

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  Elemental Bash Bonus damage is a scam
Posted by: Ray2064 - 10-13-2022, 02:50 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (3)

So, in theory, elemental bonus damage is kind of nice when using Bash. It's 5 damage, nothing to write home about, but it can help in a bit of situations to finish off opponents when needed or such. Neat, right ?
well no

The damage counts as an attack by itself, which includes maaany disadvantages.

Triggers the opponent's evade skills. Evasive Strike, Flottement, probably many more I don't know about
And the fucking resists, which means you sometimes have no counterplay against players that rely on evade if they happen to resist your element due to a resisted Bash costing 2M.

Could it just be counted as separate damage ? Or just not be a thing at all ?

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  Shine Knighting QoL
Posted by: renowner - 10-13-2022, 02:13 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (8)

Shine Knighting is awful. Truly awful. The fact it takes 15 momentum to cast, leaves you open for three turns to silence or other disruption (Such as knockdown, which doesn't let you cast it the second time that turn), as well as the knights themselves not being too amazing all make this skill never really used outside of roleplay heavy moments.

I think something that would at least make them better would be to allow them to move with full momentum the turn they're summoned, similar to bonder's fast offense skill. Currently they don't, so even in the best case scenario, its four entire rounds to get them to take their first actions.

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  Giant Tree!
Posted by: CabbitNet - 10-13-2022, 01:04 AM - Forum: Submissions - No Replies

Thanks to our Guy Frozen for working on some nice branches I have made a nice Tree In the hopes to share the Love with my Forest lovers. 
With Much love and heavy editing I give you the Great Duyuei Tree (Deku) *Coughs*.
Any who on to the submission I am here to share the many tiles in it by using this picture and just cutting them into 32x32 squares.
[Image: DekuTree.png]
You can Reach me on discord easier to discuss and the attachment is a zip with every tile needed for it.

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  Iconic Caster
Posted by: Autumn - 10-11-2022, 06:57 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (9)

I think it'd be cool if you could name a face icon "Invocation" or "Invoking" and it'll use that icon when Invoking, that is it.

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  [2.65]Chat bugs?
Posted by: renowner - 10-10-2022, 07:26 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

Not 100% Certain these are actually bugs and unintended, but I feel like they could be.
If you're in the chat tab, and untoggle system text, it also toggles off your guild chat. I really don't think this should happen. There's even a separate toggle for guild chat, that doesn't toggle off system chat either. If i'm chopping seeds, I want to be able to not see all of my seed chat spam me, but I still want to see my guild chat! Additionally, toggling off ooc chat also toggles off looc chat. I feel like that's also not something that should happen, we have a looc toggle separately as well.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord