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  (Discussion) What would be a more ideal buff for Monoclassing?
Posted by: Snake - 10-24-2022, 01:00 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (8)

Throw wide the gates, my fellows.

Idk what going Class/Class could reward better that makes it more worth than mixing a pair of classes, since only some combinations are sort of self-sufficient, like Boxer/Boxer. Making it 'deal more damage and take less damage' is simple and effective, but boring, so...

What are your ideas for Monoclassing buffs?

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  Martial Artist Skill Crunch
Posted by: Pyro - 10-23-2022, 07:14 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (5)

Martial Artist and its subclasses, without outright addressing skill balancing, suffer from a significant issue where a large portion of the skills cost an extremely expensive 5 points for what can often be considered mediocre returns. Even on a destiny MA, classes like Monk often lack versatility because you can't really afford the additional offensive options.

I think they need to be reduced to 3 point costs. Some skills also need minor effect changes to be useful (like fighting pace.)

Fortnite Wavelength reviewed this and edited numbers.

Martial Artist

Rank 1: 10 FP -3 DEF/RES + 6 bonus power
Rank 2: 12 FP -4 DEF/RES + 8 bonus power
Rank 3: 14 FP -5 DEF/RES + 10 bonus power

Heaven Kick
Rank 1: 16 FP, 80% Scaled WPN ATK, +2 per tile
Rank 2: 18 FP, 90% Scaled WPN ATK, +2.5 per tile
Rank 3: 20 FP, 100% Scaled WPN ATK, +3 per tile

Light Tomahawk
Rank 1: 14 FP, 80% Scaled WPN ATK, Bonus: 16 - Torso Weight
Rank 2: 16 FP, 90% Scaled WPN ATK, Bonus: 19 - Torso Weight
Rank 3: 18 FP, 100% Scaled WPN ATK, Bonus: 22 - Torso Weight
Urawaza: 1+Rank*33% chance to inflict Guard Break.

Peddling Wheel
Rank 1: 10 FP, 100% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 14 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 18 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK

Rank 1: Bonus Recovery: 5
Rank 2: Bonus Recovery: 15
Rank 3: Bonus Recovery: 25

Protection From Arrows
Rank 1: +4 Evade vs Bows
Rank 2: +12 Evade vs Bows
Rank 3: +20 Evade vs Bows

Empty Palm
Rank 1: +3 Power, Hit, and Critical 
Rank 2: +9 Power, Hit, and Critical
Rank 3: +15 Power, Hit, and Critical


Sturm Shreik
Rank 1: 20 FP, 90% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 2: 24 FP, 105% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 3: 28 FP, 120% Scaled WPN ATK

Rank 1: 26 FP, 120% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 130% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 3: 20 FP, 140% Scaled WPN ATK

Rank 1: 26 FP, 106% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 2: 24 FP, 114% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 3: 22 FP, 122% Scaled WPN ATK

Rank 1: 20 FP

Rank 1: Range: 2
Rank 2: Range: 4
Rank 3: Range: 6

Fighting Pace
Rank 1: FP Recovery per momentum: 4
Rank 2: FP Recovery per momentum: 6
Rank 3: FP Recovery per momentum: 8
(3 momentum min. Still required)


Dense Thunder
Rank 1: 22 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 130% Scaled Weapon ATK

Setting Sun
Rank 1: 22 FP, 100% Fire ATK, 80% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 100% Fire ATK, 90% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 100% Fire ATK, 100% Scaled Weapon ATK

Sky Chariot
Rank 1: 22 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 130% Scaled Weapon ATK

Dragon Gale
Rank 1: 22 FP, 100% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK

Terra Strike
Rank 1: 22 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 130% Scaled Weapon ATK

Rank 1: 40 FP, 120% Light ATK, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 38 FP, 130% Light ATK, 130% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 36 FP, 140% Light ATK, 140% Scaled Weapon ATK

Rank 1: 17 FP, Heal Multi: 140%, Ki +5
Rank 2: 18 FP, Heal Multi: 160%, Ki +6
Rank 3: 19 FP, Heal Multi: 180%, Ki +7

Power Up
Rank 1: FP: +3, Ki: +1
Rank 2: FP: +4, Ki: +2
Rank 3: FP: +5, Ki: +3

Ki Awoken
Rank 1: Stat boost: +6, Ki: +3
Rank 2: Stat boost: +8, Ki: +4
Rank 3: Stat boost: +10, Ki: +5
If the user’s Ki exceeds 5+(rank*10), you will be knocked down and stunned.

Golden Glow
Rank 1: 6% Phys/Mag Def
Rank 2: 8% Phys/Mag Def
Rank 3: 10% Phys/Mag Def

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  Ciara - Affliction / Illness Request
Posted by: WaifuApple - 10-23-2022, 05:20 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Maritime Strategist Apple
Character Name - Ciara Rochelle
Request Type - Character Ability / Illness

Request Details - A unique form of affliction, based off a combination of several things that have formed part of Ciara's IC and mechanical style thus far, with the base of this affliction being the cursed blood trait mechanically.

The affliction is incredibly infectious, and comes from contact with Ciara's blood in any form, similar to cursed blood normally. It shares some traits with cursed blood in that it makes the afflicted more vulnerable, and is incredibly short-lived. Where it deviates, however - or, rather, goes further - is other properties it has unique to it.


The first unique property is in the lingering potential - though claret call as a mechanic inflicts it, it would be considered a:

- Minor form of the affliction - these would be unchanged from what is expected of cursed blood, to ensure that simply being attacked by Ciara does not become an extreme hazard.

- Major exposure to Ciara's actual blood being spilled, however, through open wounds would lead to a more prolonged malady, forcing others to take special care when handling her in this state (consider this most relevant for future medical RP, or messy, serious fights that issue serious wounds), lest they become sick and in need of treatment themselves. Exceptions to this are ghost skills that imply blood loss - there should be no purely mechanical way to 'game' major exposure to the malady. Ciara must be wounded openly and ICly, or her blood extracted from her by someone else.

- Severe inflictions come as a result of prolonged exposure to her blood or grave (see, near fatal or fatal) wounds, and these inflictions require express player approval, due to the nature and consequences of such. In situations where severe inflictions are appropriate but not wished for by the player, major exposure will be the interpretation instead


The second unique property is an entirely new symptom of the infliction, and this comes in the form of an adversity to darkness. As darkness is in most cases just the absence of light, aside from possibly magical forms, this can alternately be interpreted as the body becoming more demanding of light - almost like an accelerated vitamin D deficiency, for real world equivalent.

- Weaker inflictions of the malady will cause this only to become a problem if the inflicted is subject to harsh sources of darkness, through offensive dark magic or other means that pertain to said darkness. The threshold for what counts here should be set so high that no player without approval for some advanced dark magical ability can tap into it - not even Ciara. This tier is essentially flavour, entirely, to flesh out the illness as something consistent in how it works.

- Major affliction, however, can make nights irritating, serving as an almost... opposite form of the irritation an Umbral would feel in light. This does not go beyond irritation, however, so a character will feel uncomfortable but not overly weighed down by the sickness.

- Severe affliction would lead to the player needing to be protected with light at all times, due to the great pain and discomfort of the darkness becoming much more debilitating. I consider this more of an optional opportunity for interesting RP for anyone who wishes it, and that's the kind of angle I want to take with that. Even at this tier, it is not a fatal illness.


The third unique property of the affliction is a pale complexion to the afflicted's skin.

- Minor inflictions make this barely noticeable, if at all.

- Major inflictions make this noticeable - it's clear from this that the person looks ill, and that something is wrong with them. This makes it so that they can be singled out by people and directed to medical attention, because an ailment that is entirely hidden is uninteractive and not good for RP.

- Severe inflictions make this look more ghastly - the paleness of this should be seen as alarming, as a reflection of the nature of this affliction as a player-approved tier of the malady. There are no implications to this beyond appearance, and already mentioned severe infliction consequences.


This covers all of the unique properties to the malady when inflicted on others. Naturally, as this is a sickness Ciara has, and not meant to be solely beneficial, it is conceded that such must come with additional drawbacks pertaining to Ciara's health, as well. The proposal for this is as follows:

Haemophilia - As with real life, this essentially says that Ciara's body is not very well equipped to handle wounds that lead to blood loss. Ciara will have a worse than humanly normal ability for her body to stop bleeding as a result of the difference in her blood compared to others. What this does is make wounds she suffers from more severe by default, as many otherwise minor injuries, should they lead to bleeding, become more severe immediately from the fact that they will not stop nearly as fast and lead to more than intended blood loss instead. It also ensures that Ciara cannot easily use this cursed blood variant to her own advantage outside of purely minor (claret call, mechanical stuff, stuff that anybody could do anyway) situations, which as mentioned do not confer any of the special changes I aim to get approved, aside from the one stated to be essentially impossible for players, including myself, to take advantage of. Trying to take advantage of this malady essentially puts Ciara at increased risk herself for even bothering to do so, making it impractical outside of desperation (where it becomes interesting RP).


Something to note here is that the affliction would linger longer the more severe it is. Seconds to minutes in minor cases. Hours to weeks in major cases, weeks to months in severe cases. This is to promote long term RP around it, and for another reason - I want medical staff to be able to treat this, or at the very least ease it, and develop towards a treatment for it as a goal. If there was no long term potential, there would be no incentive to try for a cure, as it could simply be waited out, instead. What's the cure, though? Well- I want that left open to interpretation. To define a specific cure now would be restricting other players in terms of creative freedom, forcing them to play guessing games and simply get it right. Leaving it up to interpretation means that they can get creative and be rewarded for their own creative ideas on how best to treat things. Learning to treat it in others would be the intended main goal, and treating Ciara a stretch goal that I do not rule out but intend to make much more difficult.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I wish to make this request to enhance the narrative of this character to the people around them, through interesting hooks, dangers, and consequences that should provide interesting medical RP. Considering her tendancy to be a danger to the people around her, I figure it is only a matter of time she herself gets wounded, and for a girl who has simply been 'not quite right' in most aspects thus far, I think it's very fitting for her.

There is also the fact that the cursed blood concept has begun to take hold in her IC, with her mentioning it to other characters and even being set to undergo medical tests around it. To set her malady apart from a simple trait, I wanted to create a much more interesting kind of version unique to my character, to enhance the RP experience that is therefore in store. I think it makes for a more interesting story.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Ciara washed up on Geladyne's shores an amnesiac. This means there are many things about the woman that are shrouded in mystery. She suffers from the curse of an Umbral, though when this happened and if it has any relation to her amnesia remains unestablished, as of yet.

Umbrals are a race of corrupted that are adverse to the light, and thrive in darkness. To me, it makes sense, then, that the affliction Ciara suffers from would play into this in some way, revolving around the darkness. Her affinity for that due to her race would play into why doesn't seem to suffer as much from an irritation towards darkness from her own affliction, where this is instead replaced by a different kind of consequence to her that is not transferable.

Her fighting style thus far has also revolved around darkness. She has used an Eresh - a weapon that has the potential ability to reduce dark resistance mechanically - for pretty much her entire conceptual existence, beyond initial grinding. Instead of tying this ability to the sword wholly, I wanted to tie the concept from this weapon into a more passive ability at first, which has led to the concept of Ciara as a person simply putting others in increased danger of the dark, so this would no longer just be a weapon gimmick for her.

Cursed blood is a trait that she has taken, and she has brought up being sick and not truly understanding what that sickness is to close friends, and even doctors, at this point. No investigations have taken place yet, which leaves room for this to be discovered as something that would not simply come out of left field. While she has wounded others, Ciara herself has not been wounded openly at all, to my memory, which means much of these proposed traits are not currently disputed by RP that says her body has responded otherwise.

A lot of the character has revolved around being seriously unwell - mostly mentally so far. Another common trope for her is hurting those around her because of this, usually because she didn't know any better or purely by accident. Adding an illness to this provides another interesting avenue for that trope, and another way in which the character becomes a danger to herself and others without meaning to, to continue that narrative.

Player Note - As with anything else, player consent to infections still implies. This will not be forced on anyone who does not wish it, even if circumstances should allow. For those who do allow the affliction, care will be taken for them to know what they're getting into.

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  (v2.65b) Last Glance.
Posted by: Moku203 - 10-23-2022, 05:06 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

A pretty simple bug, or perhaps it's intended, either way this is what it is.

Be an evade build, or use a blinding move, get hit to 0hp with a glancing attack, last chance will claim it procs, consume calls, and you will die without retaining 1hp.

it's really all there is to it, I think it's because Glances count as a miss? so the last chance misses some kind of flag of being hit or something. not sure.

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  Overload lack of clarity
Posted by: renowner - 10-23-2022, 12:17 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (4)

The Evoker invocation: "Overload" Does not actually say what the bonus damage per stat point is, per rank. I remember it doing so years ago, doesn't seem to any longer.

I'd like it to do so again, so I know what I can actually expect out of it!

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  My beautiful baby robots
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 10-22-2022, 10:36 AM - Forum: Class/Race Ideas - Replies (2)

Can we please, oh lord, get an update to their optional racial traits, currently mechanations feel like humans, except....without the ability to instant kill you, and with less aptitude.

Quote:Revolver Raid cannon exists in quite possibly Jank of the year awards level gameplay. You can perform fist skills with it, it applies gun on hit skills, it cannot be used for gun skills, you cannot akimbo with it, you can use headshot with it and geldoren with it, you can heaven kick with it, but you cant serpent strike with it, but you cannot parting shot with it.

My suggestion....make it just a fist....A fist that scales on guile with the same stats it has right now, with the sub type shot gun, and the effect that it counts as a gun for gun skills the same way that the violet varon weapon line works.

Oh boy here's the next one
Quote:Chronicling Cabal Memory
"Mech Type Trait (only 1 can be selected). The special memory function of the cabal makes it more capable of memorizing spells than even master magicians. For each accessory equipment slot that you have empty, the Skill Pool cost of Spells is reduced by 0.5."

I cannot in the current iteration of the skill pool and even imagine ever needing this in any possible scenario. Maybe replace it with something that just flat out makes them better with spells or magic +0.5 willpower per spell equipped per accessory slot empty

now for standard....

Quote:It isn't as bad as cabal

Mech Type Trait (only 1 can be selected). Mechanations are typically known as sturdy and none embodies that as much as the standard model. While you have no torso item equipped, you are treated as having 10 Armor, 10 Magic Armor, and your maximum HP is increased by 50.

but there are much, much, much better armors than this in the game, and gigantic gene exists. My Idea to changing this...15 armor and 15 magic armor, 10% resistance to slash/blunt/pierce, enchanted with gigantic gene.

Finally.....the good one....

Quote:Agile accel, a skill 1m, move in a line, become airborne, take 45 fire damage over the next  3 turns...no leg slot for you

Make it not a line, also maybe also have it give stay afloat/Mercury enchant as a buff for 2 turns while its on CD.

These are just my ideas, but I think something needs to be done for the equality of our metal Gs6 locked boys.

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  Conflict and GM Intervention
Posted by: Anhita - 10-21-2022, 03:22 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (37)

Hey. I dont make threads often. Even less often things like this. But theres a blatantly clear problem I am seeing here. Esspecially in the front of clear communication. (A problem that seems to consistantly be mentioned -- but nothing is ever done.)

As I am sure many of you may know, There was recently a conflict between Meiaquar and Fairview where Fairview attempted to declare independance. And Meiaquar clearly had issue with that and member of their community that were meant to be exiled ages ago. By all rights - Meiaquar had the advantage. They were a nation. And ontop of this-- they took the time to gather allies from outside of their own nation from the Astral Order to back up their forces.

During the first day, Fairview fought back against Meiaquar, and it ended in a stalemate. From there was a long 3-dayish span where absolutely nothing seemed to be happening

Just people sitting to watch the siege. Occasionally spars happened between the sides. But otherwise. Nothing productive.

At one point there was even a rumor that Ashvath and Yuri had even straight up left the siege line without RPing. I cannot validate this myself as I had D&D that day.

But its clear none of this went to any sort of plans that were already talked about before the conflict happened.

From my current accounts, and please correct me if I am wrong, it sounds as if the GMs had intervened to force a decision that Meiaquar would not normally make given the circumstances.

 But the Don's still had to deal with the Consequences of their GM-Ordered IC actions (I would like to personally apologize for my Shaitan's shitty attitude)

And by all accounts, it also did not seem like Fairview attempted to garner much in terms of allies on their side before committing to what was seen as a hostile action. This naturally culminated into the siege, where 30+ players were involved, and they were in the disadavantage

I cannot speak for everyone, But as somone who has to consistantly deal with a higher ammount of danger due to my role, Seeing what could effectively be the two leaders that had effectively begun 'rallying' Fairview against Meiaquar get off light feels.. wrong to me? Esspecially when there was alot of player involvement up until things begun to stretch onwards.

Maybe its just me. And overall is generally demotivating, seeing as the conflict had been resolved by OOC means instead of IC-- And makes me generally wonder how much I'll have to play 'nice' when a character or their group begins to blatantly threaten Geladyne. Or otherwise. It overall sets a pretty bad precedent for how future conflicts are going to go, in my opinion.

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Bug Guardian Spirit Bug
Posted by: Pittotwo - 10-20-2022, 04:26 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

So after having more than a few accidents involving my guardian spirit (Apus), I opted to respect and get a different starsign, however even after removing my old star sign, Apus leaving, relogging when prompted... nothing happened, Apus left but the guardian spirit who SHOULD have appeared (Byakko) never did, Asrai didn't even appear at any point. I've never respec'd a starsign before so I don't know if this is a common thing.

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  If Your Character is in an Anime/TV Show/Movie
Posted by: Icraft343 - 10-19-2022, 11:00 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

What would it be called?

Whitehair : Seven Siblings of Snow White's Ash

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  Invocations: 3m per rank
Posted by: Poruku - 10-19-2022, 05:36 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (8)

Instead of being

D: 9m
C: 15m
B+: don't even think about it

What if

D: 6m
C: 9m (current d ranks switched to this)
B: 12m
A: 15m
S: 18m

So on the casting turn, for instance with a B rank, you would simply need the remaining 6m to cast it. Yes this means KD can still shut it down drastically, but I was thinking that instead of being a full momentum cost you just needeed to use an amount of 3m actions, allowing you to put 3m into your invoke even if it isn't yet able to be cast. Would fix the overwhelming power of KD versus C rank invokes. A 6m (new D rank) invoke would just cost 3m initially then the remaining 3m to cast (or 4m if same turn).

This would mean dev can add invocations to the game that aren't just D rank or useless, allowing for a new element to tweak for balance. Meaning something like divine judgement or the weaker hexer invokes could be put on 6m, shine knights 12m, and new skills could get slapped with 6m invoke to make them more powerful while giving them the coolness and synergies of invoke. And with the QoL that makes kd not as punishing, longer invokes, like S rank, could even see the light of day!

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord