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Scrambled Stat Points? [v.2.65b] |
Posted by: Jaemin_Glider - 10-29-2022, 01:43 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (4)
Very new as a player so I don't know how to look for a debug for information that might help. Working with what I can:
Character "Sabertoothed Man" / "Veezara Makani".
Logged out 10/27/2022 after playing without issues.
Logged in 10/28/2022 and received this alert:
"System: You do not seem to mee the requirements for Trait Last Rites, so it was removed."
That's odd because I specifically put 20 points into Faith for that exclusively.
So I did the numbers of adding up my invested base stats and found I have 148 pts at level 36. Yet I noticed my Faith was now 19 points and Luck at 2 points of invested stats. I'm fairly sure I have not invested in Luck as I am not going for lightning damage or an evade build.
So, with nothing to show for how it would have happened, I'm suspicious my stats were mildly scrambled with Luck stealing 2 pts from somewhere else, Faith being one of them.
I have taken a level-up to put points back into faith and get my trait back. I reckon this can be solved with one of the forgetting fruits when I have currency for it.
Eventmin Application-Logzy |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 10-28-2022, 08:58 AM - Forum: Applications
- Replies (3)
Hello I'm logzy, lolzy, owner of the illustrious sigroganalegend ckey.
You can also call me Andrew, I've been playing for years on and off. During the off times I've spent a lot of time running tables and organizing Adventurer's league 5th edition for a local store, local conventions in florida, and helping out with online conventions during the pandemic. Often I end up with 5-7 people, usually only casually knowing half of them the rest new players at my table, running a "4 hour" adventure for them (oh boy does it go longer with groups that go rp heavy) or on occasion helping multiple tables playing an Epic keep the timeline of events synced up between them (as an example if the lower level 5-10 table defeats a certain group of enemies it would weaken a fight that the higher level 11-16 table has in the next time slot).
I often see Eventmins being overwhelmed or atleast drained to a lesser degree by the sheer volume of players that turn up to events in korvara, even the more private ones often end up attracting 1-2 full parties of players that may complicate/slow down the event.
I am applying to assist the event staff in whatever capacity they need as an extra hand at the wheel. I also want to give back to the community for all the years of joy it has and continues to bring me, I feel that by offering to help run and organize events, hopefully allowing them to be completed to satisfaction by the participants in a timely manner.
Not sure if this the correct avenue for this sort of thing, but I've been wanting to apply for over a year now and was just never sure how to make the offer to help out. So here it is, I want to help out and give back to you all.
Ban Notice - Mother |
Posted by: DerpyMcPandos - 10-27-2022, 07:00 PM - Forum: Unban Requests
- No Replies
This is a notice informing that Mother has been banned from Sigrogana Legends 2 for a period of one week.
The rationale for the ban is that it has been instated for Mother's acts of repeated harassment against multiple parties, for general belligerence towards other members of the community and incendiary behavior to that effect, and the attempted use of blackmail to sway a more recent OOC discussion into a favorable IC outcome for them.
It is our hope that this period of time can be used to reflect on the many chances that have been given and to forewarn that there will likely be no more following this.
The unusual format for providing notice of this ban has not been selected for any reason beyond practicality, as we couldn't do it the way we normally would. This is due to the fact that Mother shares an IP with other individuals who play the game.
The work-around required to ensure that the innocent third parties remained unaffected meant that the usual means of a publicly broadcast ban message was not possible.
However, the GM team has no interest in shadow-banning any individuals, hence this course of action.
If Mother wishes to appeal this, they are welcome to use this thread for, rather than opening a new one.
Rayvolia's Character Concept Request |
Posted by: CabbitNet - 10-27-2022, 09:01 AM - Forum: Approved Characters
- Replies (3)
BYOND key: CabbitNet
Chararacter name: Rayvolia
Request: Character creation
Details: I made a chimera that is rather young and is a Creation of a Spatial Creature and a Shark. age request to be 13
and Height to be around 5'4"
Reason: I wish to Create a monster in Human Clothing her clothing is actually part of her flesh. She was created for one thing and one thing only. Thats to learn how to become a Spy and research other nations.
Lore: Her body made of Magic Mud and the Remains of Spatial Corrupters and Shark Remains. And within A strange Core.
One of Geladynes Unknown Experiments. Also she has a fascination of taking the eyes of Monsters she kills.
Devil's Tome rework |
Posted by: renowner - 10-26-2022, 06:09 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (8)
Currently Devil's tome feels far too limiting, the drawback being too huge in my opinion.
It only affects fire damage the weapon does, which doesn't even affect elemental augmentation, and already requires strength and wil scaling.
The main issue I have with it, is the lack of non fire related spells, because it also negates your ability to use blink, space swap, and a few other spells that feel like they should be usable. (Like Riagiri for example, which can be changed to fire, but still counts as a general spell.)
So I propose a simple solution: Devil's tome sets all of your elemental attacks to zero, except fire while its equipped. This would effectively make all of your non fire domain spells pretty terrible, while still allowing you to utilize non damaging spells like Blink.
I would also be fine with non damaging spells being fine, but that would require more coding I imagine.
Alternatively, allow it to also cast Huggosean spells, which fits the devil's theme and also would still allow you to cast blink.
Unholy Bug |
Posted by: Hyunckel1 - 10-24-2022, 07:37 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (4)
Ok, so to put it simply, the trait "Pious Upbringing" doesn't seem to be working as intended. If I remember correctly, it's supposed to let us select a God of our choice upon doning the trait, which in turn, gives us the prayer tool and sets the devotion to 40. What is happening instead is quite litterally nothing, it just stays on the traits window, as if no trait had been selected, the window can't be closed, although it can still be navigated through, to some extent. This forces the player to exit and re-enter the game, except when they do, the trait has already been selected and no God has been picked, making it virtually useless, since you have no prayer item, no god affiliation and therefore no devotion gained from taking the trait. The bug should be reproduceable easily, as I have tried it five times already and it kept doing that. I hope my description of the issue is clear enough that it'll be helpful.
Cantrips Trait |
Posted by: Snake - 10-24-2022, 01:43 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
Cantrips are fun in any setting, so why not in SL2? Here's the idea in its entirity.
Trait: Cantrip Knowledge
15 WIL, 15 GUI, 30 APT
Some spells are easy and basic enough to be learned with enough dedication. Upon selecting this trait, you will be able to pick ONE cantrip spell from a list as a Cantrip.
Cantrips can be used while Silenced and uses any weapon type for its power scaling, but can only be used once per combat. They are determined if you do not have the chosen spell in your Skill Pool. If you do, it does not count as a Cantrip and can be used normally.
The List:
- Kel
- Holy Arrow
- Rescue
- Graft
- Brighten
- Invigorate
- Quickness
- Blink
- Swap Position
- Fir
- Miu
- Rye
- Vyd
- Isendo
- Redgull
- Nerhaven
- Kraken
- Galren
- Talvyd
(Discussion) What would be a more ideal buff for Monoclassing? |
Posted by: Snake - 10-24-2022, 01:00 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (8)
Throw wide the gates, my fellows.
Idk what going Class/Class could reward better that makes it more worth than mixing a pair of classes, since only some combinations are sort of self-sufficient, like Boxer/Boxer. Making it 'deal more damage and take less damage' is simple and effective, but boring, so...
What are your ideas for Monoclassing buffs?
Martial Artist Skill Crunch |
Posted by: Pyro - 10-23-2022, 07:14 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (5)
Martial Artist and its subclasses, without outright addressing skill balancing, suffer from a significant issue where a large portion of the skills cost an extremely expensive 5 points for what can often be considered mediocre returns. Even on a destiny MA, classes like Monk often lack versatility because you can't really afford the additional offensive options.
I think they need to be reduced to 3 point costs. Some skills also need minor effect changes to be useful (like fighting pace.)
Fortnite Wavelength reviewed this and edited numbers.
Martial Artist
Rank 1: 10 FP -3 DEF/RES + 6 bonus power
Rank 2: 12 FP -4 DEF/RES + 8 bonus power
Rank 3: 14 FP -5 DEF/RES + 10 bonus power
Heaven Kick
Rank 1: 16 FP, 80% Scaled WPN ATK, +2 per tile
Rank 2: 18 FP, 90% Scaled WPN ATK, +2.5 per tile
Rank 3: 20 FP, 100% Scaled WPN ATK, +3 per tile
Light Tomahawk
Rank 1: 14 FP, 80% Scaled WPN ATK, Bonus: 16 - Torso Weight
Rank 2: 16 FP, 90% Scaled WPN ATK, Bonus: 19 - Torso Weight
Rank 3: 18 FP, 100% Scaled WPN ATK, Bonus: 22 - Torso Weight
Urawaza: 1+Rank*33% chance to inflict Guard Break.
Peddling Wheel
Rank 1: 10 FP, 100% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 14 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 18 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 1: Bonus Recovery: 5
Rank 2: Bonus Recovery: 15
Rank 3: Bonus Recovery: 25
Protection From Arrows
Rank 1: +4 Evade vs Bows
Rank 2: +12 Evade vs Bows
Rank 3: +20 Evade vs Bows
Empty Palm
Rank 1: +3 Power, Hit, and Critical
Rank 2: +9 Power, Hit, and Critical
Rank 3: +15 Power, Hit, and Critical
Sturm Shreik
Rank 1: 20 FP, 90% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 2: 24 FP, 105% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 3: 28 FP, 120% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 1: 26 FP, 120% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 130% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 3: 20 FP, 140% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 1: 26 FP, 106% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 2: 24 FP, 114% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 3: 22 FP, 122% Scaled WPN ATK
Rank 1: 20 FP
Rank 1: Range: 2
Rank 2: Range: 4
Rank 3: Range: 6
Fighting Pace
Rank 1: FP Recovery per momentum: 4
Rank 2: FP Recovery per momentum: 6
Rank 3: FP Recovery per momentum: 8
(3 momentum min. Still required)
Dense Thunder
Rank 1: 22 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 130% Scaled Weapon ATK
Setting Sun
Rank 1: 22 FP, 100% Fire ATK, 80% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 100% Fire ATK, 90% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 100% Fire ATK, 100% Scaled Weapon ATK
Sky Chariot
Rank 1: 22 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 130% Scaled Weapon ATK
Dragon Gale
Rank 1: 22 FP, 100% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Terra Strike
Rank 1: 22 FP, 110% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 23 FP, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 24 FP, 130% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 1: 40 FP, 120% Light ATK, 120% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 2: 38 FP, 130% Light ATK, 130% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 3: 36 FP, 140% Light ATK, 140% Scaled Weapon ATK
Rank 1: 17 FP, Heal Multi: 140%, Ki +5
Rank 2: 18 FP, Heal Multi: 160%, Ki +6
Rank 3: 19 FP, Heal Multi: 180%, Ki +7
Power Up
Rank 1: FP: +3, Ki: +1
Rank 2: FP: +4, Ki: +2
Rank 3: FP: +5, Ki: +3
Ki Awoken
Rank 1: Stat boost: +6, Ki: +3
Rank 2: Stat boost: +8, Ki: +4
Rank 3: Stat boost: +10, Ki: +5
If the user’s Ki exceeds 5+(rank*10), you will be knocked down and stunned.
Golden Glow
Rank 1: 6% Phys/Mag Def
Rank 2: 8% Phys/Mag Def
Rank 3: 10% Phys/Mag Def