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Pet say/emote |
Posted by: renowner - 11-07-2022, 08:26 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)
So I understand that pets were used for espionage, which was lame. And currently they can still technically do it, being able to go anywhere, and hear anything said around them.
However! Pet say and pet emote do not generate from the pet at all! They still generate from the player character. So the pet cannot communicate with those around them. I assume this is a bug, since it doesn't seem to work as one would expect. If it is intended, i'll move this to quality of life.
I want my dog to be able to go on an adventure!
And that stray cat at the fire festival?! Imagine it being able to roleplay too! You can sort of do it with mask of the night lord, but only as monsters.
Archer Promoted Class Idea |
Posted by: Moku203 - 11-07-2022, 04:42 AM - Forum: Class/Race Ideas
- Replies (1)
I've been thinking lately due to my new build being based heavily around traps, and it just got my brain whirling.
Class Idea: Hunter
Basically it would be a promo for Archer that is heavily trap focused and has bonuses for them and the stats related to them, I'm not good at balancing nor in depth ideas, but something like...
Pitfall Trap:
you can toss down a pitfall trap, if someone steps in it, they take X amount of Blunt or Piercing Damage = to 100% SWA and 150% GUI (like most traps) have their movement ended, and get Immobilized until their next turn (to simulate needing to climb out of the trap) but give it a smaller deploy range 1 at lowest rank, 3 at highest.
I'm sure smarter people than myself could come up with other skills that could relate to this. like maybe something that is like "Trap Marked is 30% more damage rather than 15% if you're Main Class Hunter or something, I'd just like to see more trap love.
O'Rion Life Force Healing Fluff |
Posted by: Satoshi Gawd of Typos - 11-07-2022, 03:01 AM - Forum: Approved Characters
- Replies (2)
Applicable BYOND Key - Accountfour
Character Name - O'Rion
Request Type - Character Ability.
The Ability: Life Force Healing (Fluff)
O'Rion is a Chimera, created for the purpose of serving his original master. This means as protection, as a servant, and as a source of life.
This would mean that O'Rion would have the ability to give an amount of his life force in order to heal someone back from the brink of death. The downside being that O'Rion will get physically smaller and his magic will be noticeably weaker.
Think Juugo from Naruto, but there is no re-growing.
[Request] player-debug output for Hesitation |
Posted by: Kameron8 - 11-07-2022, 02:17 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
Can the testing server get a player-debug output for the chance to hesitate (accounting for talents) and the roll the player made when attacking?
I want to double check to make sure the talents are functional, because purely anecdotal evidence suggests people are hesitating way more than they should with the talents.
Iosefka Priest/Hemomancy reflavour |
Posted by: Red Witch - 11-07-2022, 12:28 AM - Forum: Approved Characters
- Replies (3)
BYOND Key: Oeden Doctor
Character Name/Alias: Iosefka Vanderlin/Cold Military Doctor.
Request: Class re-flavour (Priest to Hemomancy)
My character has been studying hemomancy for some time, under some guidance of knight(Revistartii's player, an expert hemomancer) to make sure everything is lore appropriate and accurate. However, as part of this happening Iosefka can no longer use Gleamweaving as part of her spiritual possession.
I was trying to come up with ways to resolve this character arc, and I had an idea to flavour priest spells as hemomancy ones. Restoration can be restoring blood back into the body, healing burns can be speeding up the body's chemical process of scar tissue so on so forth.
Now I know you can reflavour spells as you want in the RP guidelines, but I am hesitant for ONE reason. That being priest is Mercala and hemomancy is occult. The way that Revistartii's and Iosekfa's hemomancy works is far more restorative based than something like Ghost, more of a control over bodily works than it is curses and voodoo.
If there is any additional information you wish to know I'd be more than happy to provide.
Fire breath |
Posted by: Poruku - 11-06-2022, 03:14 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (8)
Hyattrs used to be kings, but nowadays fire breath is very underwhelming. There are three big issues with fire breath currently:
1: In korvara you can't use prayer which massively nerfs pure fire breath builds.
2: Fire breath does not do enough for a 9m investment. Even with the prayer it's just too weak, especially because you can't benefit from class features like evoker's bonus damage
3: 3m fire breath is laughably weak so you have to spend that 9m to get anything done
I think it could benefit from higher scaling overall, especially its base form before energy buffs. I'd love for fire breath to have an excel sort of playstyle but without excel of course.
Character Creation Request |
Posted by: Satoshi Gawd of Typos - 11-05-2022, 11:30 PM - Forum: Approved Characters
- Replies (1)
BYOND key: Roshin
Chararacter name: Milo (Name Subject to Change)
Request: Character creation
Details: Child character, Starting at about eight years old, standing at about four foot five.
Reason: Complete Honestly, I have a play by I want to use as this character ages. There's really no other reason besides that. That and it would be cool to age another character and see how it goes. The character will most likely end up at the Meiaquar Orphanage, however that isn't set in stone.
Lore: I would probably have a small event for the actual introduction of this character, but I was interested in having this child and his family be ambushed while trying to travel from the east to the west. From there the intention is to just have him grow and let the rp dictate his destination.