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  [v.266b] Too many arrows
Posted by: Autumn - 11-17-2022, 09:39 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

I think this is a bug due to the amount of arrows consumed but I would share my opinion here too while I'm at it:

When using an ability in Archer that consumes an arrow stack, it will consume 1 (for the skill) + the amount of targets hit, this means that if you hit a starbow on 1 target, it will consume 2 gust/fire/ice/stone arrows instead of just 1, likewise if you hit 2 enemies it will consume 3 stacks and so forth.

This currently applies to:

-Aerial Razor

I do think that the extra arrow consumed is a bug, but consuming 1 arrow per target hit is a little much for a skill with only 7 charges by default as well. My personal opinion is that I think it should only consume 1 arrow when using either skill, though I Think what is 'correct' is that it only consumes 1 arrow per target hit.

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  [v.2.66b] Hands on Research
Posted by: WaifuApple - 11-17-2022, 05:46 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: Screenshot_2022-11-17_174427.png]

In the basement of Geladyne RnD, in the left section, you can stand on this chemistry desk. So it's more like... feet on research than hands on research, but that could probably be changed.

Quick note: this also applies to the version of the table in the first floor of RnD, too.

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  Regalia For Engineer Bots
Posted by: SpaceShibe - 11-15-2022, 01:39 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (13)

Please let us be able to regalia Engineer Bots like we do with weapons. Except their name should remain the same to avoid confusion in game. I would like to have steampunk-ish robots on my team!

People are willing to regalia Youkai, and they can already be renamed and changed to another Youkai's icon, so this shouldn't be a big deal, right? Please Dev!

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  Fruit Picking Item
Posted by: Moku203 - 11-15-2022, 07:11 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

A quick little suggestion really, but it recently came to my attention that on G6 when cutting down many types of trees, they'll give you things (Mixed Nuts, Apples, Bananas)

On Korvara this is not the case, so I'd like to suggest that we have a way to grow these items, or an item that lets us harvest them from trees, or even if when clicking on a tree it asks if you'd like to harvest X item, and it will take X stamina to do so, and have it only yield a few times before needing a cooldown. 

Just a little thought I had really.

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  Kunai's Weapons
Posted by: Snake - 11-14-2022, 01:36 AM - Forum: Submissions - Replies (1)

Disclaimer @ Dev: This can be modified however you deem like, the following is just a suggestion of how I'd observe this as a weapon, but this is an initial idea for a weapon that I think should be more generalized, so more character themes can fit in SL2. The only requests in particular are A) Make it 9* so it cannot be mutated, and B) Make it shoot a lot of rounds. The rest is more for funsies. Do it for my birthday, boss man!

[Image: image.png]
Name: Minigun / Gattling Gun
Worth: 150 Murai

Power: 20
Critical: 0% (110%)
Accuracy: 70%
Weight: 20

Attack Range: 4
Rounds: 8

Material: Iron
Damage Type: Pierce

Type: Heavy Gun
Sub-Type: Launcher

Rarity: 9*

Description: A heavy firearm that fires multiple bullets through a cycling triad of barrels, which make it attack more often, but the weapon can overheat easily and cause horrible burns if overused.

Item Effect(s):
- Every time you basic attack an enemy with this weapon, you gain or empower the effects of Warming Up, for 2 rounds.

- Warming Up increases Hit and Critical Damage of this weapon by (LV*5) (Max LV = 5). At LV5, attacking with this weapon also deals Fire physical damage to yourself and your enemy, equal to the weapon's Power. (Ignores protection, cannot be resisted nor absorbed).

Stat Scaling - Firearms
60% GUI
40% SKI

Potential Skill - Spread Shot
- Target a Cone shape (5) ((Enhanced Fire Breath, for reference)) and inflicts them with Covering Fire LV15 for 2 rounds, then perform a basic attack on all enemies in the area with a penalty to Hit (-10).

If your Warming Up is at maximum level, they will also be inflicted with Burn LV(Weapon Power * 3) for 5 rounds.

.rar   no one can outsmart boolets.rar (Size: 413 bytes / Downloads: 0)

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  The Name Game
Posted by: Sawrock - 11-13-2022, 07:06 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (8)

As I repurpose my characters a lot, I'm often asking GMs to change my name. They're very busy people- I've had one request since late October (and others to other GMs when it became apparent they were not available).

This is perfectly fine, I have no complaints- everyone has a life- but in order to streamline the process and also make it easy for people who might get in-character married, could there be a NPC who could change your name for the price of, say, 1000 murai?

Put them at the bottom of the snakepeople wastes.

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  Quickdraw Rework
Posted by: Snake - 11-13-2022, 06:49 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (11)

The passive tends to be ruined by how turn order behaves right now, especially if you hit Skip. The weapon is not living up to its theme anymore of "be a faster shot than them", so.

Could it be changed to something simpler, like:

- If your total Celerity is equal or higher than your enemy's total Celerity, it will increase the amount of rounds fired by UL/4 (min. 1, rounds down).

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  Trait Rework
Posted by: Poruku - 11-13-2022, 05:37 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Currently there are 3 types of traits

Type 1: Must-have
things like stability, +1 skill point, sentimentality, etc. Straight up buffs that everyone simply takes because they can

Type 2: Good on some builds
Lovely face, spiritual sensitivity, some racials. Stuff that isn't an autopick but is useful to some degree

Type 3: Flavor/useless
Disposition traits, chivalry stuff, mantra, arrow catcher, allergy. Stuff that doesn't give you much of an advantage but might be flavorful

As it stands, most people simply have enough points to get literally every must-have and good traits they can get, then have space for some flavor ones. Cool in theory when said like that, but it's a very strange system. What it means is that trait points aren't actually valuable at all, you always have at least one point of "eh guess I'll put it there cause there's nothing good". Instead, I feel like traits should be about making choices that make your character unique.

Do away with the staple stuff like stability and history traits and replace it with a system that makes you take choices. Since gr1, stat points in traits have become functionally meaningless. Skill points and health regen are all things that should exist as a choice, not generic buffs. Because all it does is add bloat to character creation. Talents suffer from the same issue but at least those have more choices involved.

Thus, I propose a new trait system

At level 1 and every 10 levels, you make a choice between a selection of powerful boosts to your character. These should be focused only on things that make you stronger in combat (no PVE-only traits). Make characters more unique in a way that compliments their preferred playstyle

- charisma except it lasts at least 2 rounds
- blow kiss but without the guile req and it can scale from guile OR will (would need some balance)
- strong trait for each weapon type that deepens their niche, for example +1 bow range, spear attacks hit behind your target too, etc.
- heal on kill
- mitigating flank hit bonus / KD evade loss etc
- bring back stuff like charisma aura for supports
- guardian spirit but a bit better

At the same time, parallel to this, we should have PVE/flavor traits that work off of different points, reminescent of many of the current traits

- bonus healing from food and such
- bigger shout range, maybe traits to make your shout text bigger or something like that
- don't lose spirits on death
- durability help
- monster hunter
- etc

Then we should have racial traits that are a choice starting from level 1 and aren't linked to the non-racial traits!

- vampire: fasting or not? What status on your bite?
- naga: garden scale or whatever
- oracle: preordinance frequency
- papilion: insanity type
- etc

autopick traits like painful grip should just be added to the race because as it stands they basically are just part of the race, it's a trait point tax that has basically no bearing on the final build because trait points are so plentiful.

I'd say the most egregious part of traits is that they add a lot of decisions to make that aren't impactful. In reality they should be distinct from talents and be more rare but very significant. Talents should probably use some work too but that's another topic (who doesn't take 3 fp regen?).

So, in conclusion

Traits as they are now are simply not a very useful or engaging part of build creation. It's generally more of a pain than anything. So even if my solution isn't used, I just want to get the ball rolling on discussing this. Because I'm tired of being forced to pick sentimentality and I'm tired of getting the same 10 traits every time I reroll or LE. I'd like to see traits reworked so they are actual traits, things that make your character stand out, and have you make choices that impact your build and spice up matchups. While also reducing the amount of things you pick when creating a char to hopefully reduce bloat (talents are a bit more guilty of this). When I get a trait point, I wanna be like "Oh yay, a trait point! I wonder where I'm gonna put this bad boy. Let me think what would be good and fitting for this char". But right now it's usually like "Oh I guess I should put this trait point somewhere uhhhhhh this one I guess, since it's better than nothing"

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  Preparation Declaration
Posted by: Sawrock - 11-12-2022, 08:32 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

Add two new sub-talents to Preparation.

Move Up - Adds a togglable skill. When starting fights on a back-attack with Move Up, as many enemys will be in melee range as possible.

Move Back - Adds a togglable skill. When starting fights on a back-attack with Move Back, you will be out of melee range of any enemy, but within range of your weapon. If your weapon is melee range, it would function as a normal back-attack.

If both are toggled on, you'll spawn against the edge of the battlefield with as many enemies next to you as possible.

This suggestion is mostly so I don't have to have half a talent point slotted in to getting disgusting inn slop.

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  [v.2.66b] Kadou-huh?
Posted by: JamOfBoy - 11-10-2022, 06:20 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Kadouha's rank got reduced to a max of 3. Well and good for our skill point enthusiasts, however, an issue arises:

Kadouha can now only ever use a max of 20 Ki. The calculation seems to be 5 base, +5 per rank - and we lost two ranks, meaning we lose out on 10, meaning we can't get the 30 Ki bonus.

[Image: Screenshot_4270.png]

The 30 Ki bonus is pretty good. Sort of makes Kadouha worth it.

The skill description doesn't state that the max Ki used is affected by rank, and by all means it shouldn't be. The old skill description, or at least the one I could find on the player-run wiki, states that it "consumes Ki up to a max (based on Rank)" so I assume this is just an oversight of the SP changes.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord