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  Samson - Height Request
Posted by: Conteville - 11-28-2022, 07:14 PM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - PiedrasPlatas

Character Name - Samson

Request Type - Height 

Request Details - Permission for Samson to have a height of 9'3

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I would like for my character to have a height appropriate to their exaggerated sprite size. I made my character large to emulate the great size of bosses that players must beat, such as the Goblin Giant. I intend for this character to die in a duel after I've finished preparing them, dropping their weapon similar to special drops from bosses. I have exaggerated the size of my sprite for precisely this reason, and would like for it to be reflected in-character.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Genetics have shown cases of creatures exceeding the average height and build typical of their species, this is reflected by the Goblin Giant. Rare occasions where just the right set of conditions are met can allow for people to reach a height tall enough to tower over the heads of the average person. Another example of the previous arguments can be seen in the armor stand in the Duyuei blacksmith shop. The armor in the shop seems made for a giant as it greatly exceeds the height of all players.

(Sprite Size for Scale: https://imgur.com/a/4c1widc)
(Dropped Weapon: https://imgur.com/a/NZbPpur)

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  Revi - Application For Special Height/Body Modifications
Posted by: Creationcastel - 11-28-2022, 06:01 PM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (6)

Applicable BYOND Key - Creatingcastel.slot1

Character Name - Revi

Request Type - Application For Character Details (Height, Special Body)

Request Details -

The character is heavily based on the person who gives you Shapeshifter in Lispool. That NPC shrouds themselves in a cloak and you can't see their face, but it can be assumed that whatever is underneath their guise, it's something inhuman. Because of (my character's) blatant abuse of their Shapeshifter powers, their body has become different. For now, I've written it that because they've shapeshifted too much or tried to shapeshift too much of their body for too long, their body has warped and twisted, and become different from its original shape. Their favorite shapeshift was (non-ascended) Byakko. Because of that, their body is now completely black, and their body has shrunk down so that they're underneath four feet tall.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -

Shapeshifter in Lispool, and some subtext.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) -

I completely misassumed that the height only extended to extremely tall characters. I've been on a hiatus from SL2 for some time, so I've forgotten about the rule when I returned. I'm very sorry - if the application doesn't go through, I'll rewrite the character's backstory to properly heed the guidelines.

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  Butter!!!! [2.67b]
Posted by: renowner - 11-28-2022, 01:38 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Butter churners and cheese presses say they take 15 stamina when used but. . . Currently. . .

They are giving 15 stamina each use.

How to replicate: Have less than full stamina.
Use one of the above items.
Check stamina again.
Notice you've gained 15!

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  New Traits Idea and Food!
Posted by: firehawk11 - 11-27-2022, 11:43 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

New trait:
Tireless Thinking
You gain +50 Mental Stamina (Mental Stamina version of Workhorse)

Adds +25 carry weight to your character just because you know how to pack things well.

Slow Healer (Only 1 Healer Trait can be chosen) 
Reduces the HP & FP regen of foods by 3% but increases their duration by 3 rounds.

Food Lover Trait: Sugar Lover
Does the same thing as Green Lover/Meat Lover but only if the food has sugar in it.

New Food & Ingredient:
Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Ice Cream (Milk, Egg, Sugar, Vanilla)
Strawberry Ice Cream (Milk, Egg, Sugar, Strawberry)
Chocolate Ice Cream (Milk, Egg, Sugar, Chocolate)
Vanilla Cake (Milk, Egg, Suar, Vanilla, Flour)

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  v2.67b [EVENT TOOLS] Menus linger in screen when going into a battle
Posted by: Fern - 11-27-2022, 10:33 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

The out of battle hotbar and the rightmost UI menu remain present in-battle. In addition to that, the battle menu stays on-screen when selecting actions. This happens specifically to GM slot characters.
(Thank you Zerg for the information and GIF.)
[Image: d3dxzuZ_-_Imgur.gif]

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  Swap Position Bugs [2.67b]
Posted by: renowner - 11-27-2022, 12:35 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

In a battle i Had today, I used swap position on one of the create shade shades in Korvara. I swapped onto their tile, and the shade was still there. On me. And the player was now invisibly in my old location. He was there, but invisible.

The new round started, he took his turn, everything seemed fine. . . Until he used create shade again.
I hit him with lords flame twice, and the shade didn't break. I was hitting the correct one, but the player didn't show up, I still couldn't examine him, and he was still a shade.

His next turn, it showed he was in fact on that tile and taking damage from the attacks.

Additionally: You can space swap on your own tile. So you just . . . Swap in place. This feels unintended, and also has the poor effect of ALWAYS defaulting to that. So if you're used to the skill auto targeting the nearest enemy, like I am, you might just instantly hit Z after using swap position, and just. . . Waste your momentum by swapping in place.

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  Spell Power buffs not applying [2.67b]
Posted by: renowner - 11-27-2022, 12:32 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (6)

It seems that Youkai Evoke spells don't receive any boost from power from effects that boost the power of spells.
They're still considered spells, and they're still able to be stopped with silence, so this does seem like a bug, as nothing says that this should be the case anywhere in the game.

I've tested with cast order, and with pure power, and with evocation. (The Evoker passive)

This also applies to Needle, (Equipping and unequipping pure power while having nothing equipped didn't change the initial damage of the spell at all, nor the final damage against the prinny)
These are so far the only spells to have this issue that I've noticed. Even runes get the damage boost.

If I had to guess, its that it isnt applying to spells that don't take SWA into consideration? 
Needle even uses a casting implement, so it can't just be spells that don't use weapons.

Also the evocation passive of evoker doesn't seem to trigger at all, while you have no torso equipped, despite it supposedly supposed to count as going unarmored. It does specifically say 'unarmored torso item' but I think that's just what it normally is supposed to say?

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  Phase Python Bugs [2.67b]
Posted by: renowner - 11-27-2022, 12:15 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

A few bugs I've noticed with the Phase Python Youkai:

1: When Phase Python is defeated, the poison he's inflicted stops doing damage. The opponent will remain poisoned, it'll tick down every turn, but absolutely no damage is dealt.

2: Phase Python's hit rate seems to be. . .Showing incorrectly. I'm not sure if its not taking flanking into account or what. But his evoke skill shows a lower hit rate than his basic attack, and he managed a clean hit on a character that showed a -11% chance to hit against, with the evoke skill.

Steps to replicate: Summon a phase python.
Use the evoke skill.
Poison someone.
Get killed.
New round won't do poison damage.

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  New Donation Item!
Posted by: firehawk11 - 11-26-2022, 02:03 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

A new Donation item the Asago Radio! It has only one purpose to play in-game tracks that only you can hear rather it be Sigrogana music or Korvara music.

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  Make Evade A Teensy Bit More Available
Posted by: Latto - 11-25-2022, 12:29 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (15)

Evasion builds are already incredibly feast or famine while requiring major stat investment. You ideally want to hit and maintain the upper cap of 50 in buffs, with extremely dedicated evade builds often maxing out at around a little under or over 200 depending on race. This ends up being an issue in that very few classes actually give consistent enough evade buffs to hit the 50, which seriously restricts builds (you're basically forced into using a rogue class for most builds if you ever want to hit it for more than 1 or 2 attacks since they're versatile enough to pair with most other classes.)

With changes to things like Windswept Gi being reduced to 15 evade for 1 hit only and many other evade buffs only lasting for X (usually 1) amount of hits (miragewalk, dancer dodge, disengage, etc.) this becomes a serious issue in any sort of teamfight where multiple instances of damage are being hurled your way on top of evasion ignoring skills.

Could things like windswept/mirage walk/dancer's agility be perhaps changed to have their evade instances stack (if you use a wind spell twice, you get 2 dodge buff charges) instead of one? Increasing them to give two dodge charges instead of one would be welcome but that might be too strong in certain situations. Another alternative is to give them lower initial buffs but make them gradually stack higher like Chaos Reflex or Verglas' Hare's Agility.

Also more consistent evasion buffs even if they have to have certain activation requirements (Firebird's Feather Veil or the aforementioned gradually stacking ones like Chaos Reflex) being available to other classes would be nice for build diversity. The windswept gi change actually butchered almost all the alternative janky mage builds I wanted to do. Sad

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord