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Customized Dice Rolls |
Posted by: HexGirlBestGirl - 12-08-2022, 08:50 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (15)
Simple suggestion. It's been quite a while since I've posted on these forums. It's me. That's right. Detty. Your beloved.
My suggestion? Simple.
Allow us to customize our dice rolls. I want a 1d34 or a 3d89 instead of a 2d40 or 3d100 and such. I think having a 'Custom' button where we can manually pick the amount of sides would be good for more you know. RP Fight oriented things and RP Engagements in general.
That's it.
Really, support the thread and LEAVE.
EDIT: Being able to have modifiers would also be nice. Disadvantaging and advantage as well. i.e 1d20 with a -2 Modifier for example. Or I guess, due to the nature of this thread, 1d37 with a -4 Modifier.
Elemental Impacto |
Posted by: Poruku - 12-06-2022, 07:38 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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Currently, earth elemental impacts are generally fairly meh. It's not like it's super bad, it's just boring and doesn't impart much of a change in playstyle. Not to mention there's no visual effect.
In addition, ice and fire are often rather lackluster. The tiles are just not that good, especially compared to the sheer power of lightning and the incredible mobility that wind gives you.
The only skills you want earth enchant for currently are shinken and heaven's kick.
The only skill you want ice enchant for is crystal rose.
Of course, crescent rook and bishop are good because of the changed scaling, but that's true for any element. Same could be said of ignite power.
Here are some ideas
- Cyclone spear and other skills sprouting vines
- Execute applying and consuming a crystallize effect(?)
- Small magnetize effects on stuff like sidecut and kensei skills
- Since fire is tied to raw destruction I could see it get damage bonuses more than earth. Mostly in the form of something like a little 15 damage-ish fire extra damage instead of making tiles for certain skills (especially the skills that don't place the tiles on your enemy, like hirazuki). This would synergize with salamander sword.
- Maybe the cinder tiles could get a bit of a glowup. Maybe to 15 or so.
- Burn is too strong to freely give to a physical build, but what if there was a nerfed version? Some other kind of fire dot that doesn't shred tanks would be fun, since I think damage over time is such a staple of fire as a whole in gaming.
- Frostbite should probably be applied by a few skills. And what if frostbite made you take extra damage when ice damage is received? So like it amplifies ice damage in a unique way that can't get too crazy. Take a bonus 10 ice damage when you take 100 or more for example.
- Slow is pretty weak, but I think ice could really use some more slowing skills.
What do you guys think? I'd like to see these elements brought up to the level of lightning and wind. When making a kensei for instance, it really feels like going fire is a mistake, and I wish it was at least somewhat spicier to warrant going "yeah this isn't gonna shred like lightning crits, but it has its own niche and is worth using"
Rectifer |
Posted by: Poruku - 12-05-2022, 10:01 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (16)
That one aoe lightning spell from mage is LOUD AS HELL. It's also kinda bad, but I think that's the point.
Please turn down the volume, and make the animation shorter because it just screeches in your ears for like 3 whole seconds
Edit: formerly posted as "Ryeser"
Race buffs |
Posted by: Poruku - 12-05-2022, 09:56 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (11)
I think certain races in the game could benefit from general buffs.
Umbral: Their main feature is that evade buff, however it's really weak, being outclassed by every class skill available. The fp saving mechanic is also not very useful. I'd like to see fade out become stronger and perhaps give them a night-time buff that is actually significant. The dark atk bonus is cool, but to make use of it you need to build RES. And if you build res, you probably aren't building cel which means you don't use fade out. So which is it? I feel like the choice between tank and evade umbral should be a bit more interesting. For instance, dark atk could scale like theno sound atk. And fade out could have traits that make it useful for evade and non-evade builds
Theno: having 60 sound atk isn't very good when you can get that on a normal SAN race. Most sound-based setups use SAN as well (performer is the best example) because of the weapons scaling with san. That's why I think if that concept is kept it should be 1.5 per level instead of 1. I'd like to see something about water or dark water or drowning people, etc. Maybe an actual siren song.
Humans: +1 trait is pretty weak, and the skill pool size isn't the lifesaver it used to be. Could do with some other general buff.
Omina: The payoff for having misfortune is just kinda weak. At best you spend 3m to kd someone which is funny but not very good. I'd like to see some spicier debuffs. And the luck drain is okay but again not amazing.
Hyattr: Buff fire breath plz
Vampire: I find vampires to be decent but they are hard to build properly. Banquet could use a little bit of help. Maybe it could have a trait option to scale from will or guile instead of strength.
Mechanations: mechs could really use a change because all their power is loaded into their special trait. I think their special trait should be put into the base class because most new players wouldn't realise the choice they're making. And aside from agile, they should be buffed or reworked imo.
Wild Elf: Well known that these guys are plain bad. They need a significant buff to feel relevant. I would also like to see them less locked to specific weapons or at least giving them a stronger niche.
Basic QOL Changes. |
Posted by: firehawk11 - 12-05-2022, 05:19 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
- Replies (1)
Classes: Summoner
The Contract - All it does it burn 1 Skill Point for something that could be tied to the class instead.
Food Item:
Shy Snow Flower Feeds - Simple as that.
Hotbar/Quick Bar
- You should be able to double tap a number to confirm a activation instead of using Z.
Economy in Korvara |
Posted by: Latto - 12-05-2022, 12:33 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
Hello, welcome to my annual thesis paper of something or another. Today, we’re going to look at Korvara’s economy! Or well, the lack of-
Korvara as a whole has stagnated rather quickly in terms of economy, in large part due to a lack of things to use resources on.
Money isn't really needed once you finish getting your equipment set up aside from the occasional few consumables. Repair and inn costs are basically nonexistent. In G6, furniture for player housing cost a fortune which actually dumped a lot of resources away along with things like Hikari's buffs. Things you could only get specifically in certain places (Amalgama reset fruit, fishing contests, prayer items, combat like mine raids and doggos) incentivized travel.
Resources follow the same vein. You can get all varieties of fish from any water source, so why bother traveling to Meiaquar (and you can't even find black pearls reliably there- only in Duyuei and Telegrad. Seafood industry dead in the water)? Crops and medicinal herbs grow in abundance and you only need a couple hundred before being set for ages, so why bother traveling to Telegrad to purchase them? Geladyne is ironically one of the worst places for mining, with few types of ore variety and long maps to traverse to mine them. Duyuei hasn't really been an RP hub for monster part trades or cuisine, with snakemen only having mediocre drops.
I was admittedly disappointed when I discovered on launch that each nation did not have monopolies on the trade goods they’re ICly touted for (and gold bars dropping from bosses because I knew they would give money too easily). Unfortunately, it's probably too late to do any changes regarding where current resources spawn.
One example I like to use when referencing IC trading and how it's affected by RP is when Duyuei closed access to the Wastes from outsiders before most people had stocks of items. Snake venom could only be reliably obtained from snakemen, thus driving up the prices for it as supply could not meet demand. This sort of dynamic RP that affected trade prices around the island should be the norm, not the exception.
A remedy would be to start introducing systems along the same lines of medheads in G6 but in the form of resource and murai contribution, with the points gained for certain materials varying for each country. Have a weekly quota with points and "levels" that a territory needs to hit and maintain that allows deployment of certain NPCs (which people pay to get buffs from like Hikari…) for buffs once it reaches a certain level. Utilize further resources to summon a boss fight exclusive to the region.
Examples of possible contributions and systems could be:
All countries: Iron ingots and ash wood for each country (varying for each one) and a certain amount of food items. Alchemy items for healing like bandages.
Mostly needs ingot donations, with non-iron ones giving more points. The farther away/harder an ore is to get, the more points contributed (ie: iron ingots give 1 point each but planetarium gives 5.) Other donations could be weapons, armor (rarer weapons give more points) and training dummies since it is a military country. This would also make blacksmiths much more useful than they are currently and provide woodworkers with more work.
Rewards: Blacksmiths that give a status that increases weapon and/or armor parameters by 2 for x amount of rounds, up to a cap (so people can't just pay for a buff in one go and then not have to maintain country levels or worry about traveling.) Raremetal shop. Increased chance of obtaining gems from ore. Bosses no longer drop gold bars, just straight money and gold bars are added as a percent chance from mining, increased by buffs.
Mostly seafood, with larger fish giving more points. Murai donations and gems along with crafted items give points (at varying point values based on rarity/difficulty to craft, as it is supposed to be the trade city.) This incentivizes trading with other countries and players to raise money and exchange goods as a mercantile society.
Rewards: Increased murai drop rate and small loot chance increase. Fishing contests! Access to an NPC with unique items (that wandering merchant could stop by if they see business is booming- this could apply to all territories if they reach a certain level) like a bauble to craft a super rod. Make rods have durability and have better craftable ones that need blacksmithing + tailoring + woodworking. Chance of treasure chests with a black pearl/items when fishing in Meiaquar. Murai for sold items is increased in Meiaquar.
Mostly crops and lumber. Crop of the week gives extra points to encourage crop rotation so people are encouraged not to just stack one plant to fulfill the quota. Foraged items (hidden violets, hartshorns, mushrooms, etc), seeds and crafted food items give increased points.
Rewards: Increased stamina recovery from food. Increased speed when chopping trees/digging holes/trenches. Increased chance for foraging to be successful. Ingredients for crafting special consumable food items that recover a flat amount of hp/fp out of combat (these won't be subject to fullness obviously or they could have reduced values when full.) Let us make tea and frosted cake and other food items to do restaurant RP again!!
Mostly monster remains ingots with crafting drops like demon eyes or snake venom giving more points. Other donations include training dummies, weapons and armor similar to Geladyne. Maybe handing in mercenaries?
Rewards: Increased monster exp. Increased chance of harvesting remains. Exclusive food ingredients to make food items that give buffs when fighting monsters (these could also be NPC buffs but I think encouraging crafting is better.) Remains trade shop.
>Each territory could then have a special boss they could summon after a certain level that requires items purchased from the unlocked NPCs and will be used in combat against said enemy, like bringing back Jammer Queen from SL1. You'd need pure water, flowers, etc with a level 5 alchemist to make consumable soap that clears/grants you temporary immunity to her slime, etc.
>>(I'd also like something for Wanderer’s Vale/Smuggler's Den too with these changes so it’s not left in the dust but I can’t think of anything that doesn’t overlap with the others. Maybe the traveling merchant could spawn there instead once the other countries hit a certain total level? Or if the ruins come out there could be more possibilties…)
- Introduce more murai and resource sinks that are incentivized but not required (so people don’t have to just constantly grind all the time)
- Have unique stuff for each nation for people to actually want to travel there mechanically and/or will affect things ICly if they choose to close borders, cut off trade with a country, etc.
- Give craftsmen and people who want to do trade better reasons to do so.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk!
More prinny options +korv edition |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 12-03-2022, 03:26 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
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Could we have access to prinny fights at nemalyth crystals in debug mode
also could we add a second version of the prinny fight.
4 prinny mode, where one prinny is green, has the boss tag so they are immune to instakills
Geist's Retort [2.67b] |
Posted by: Sarah54321 - 12-03-2022, 03:11 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)
It appears that when you trigger Geist as the opponent, you still have seven momentum despite having used a spell or skill. It still expends the Special Skill Geist. I'm uncertain if it's the same way with the basic attack Geist, but this is definitely strange.
((For reiteration, if an opponent attacks and triggers a geist, they will remain with 7 momentum instead of losing it. Everything else remains the same.))