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Remains and Bonesaw |
Posted by: firehawk11 - 12-12-2022, 03:29 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
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Since mining got buffed to always be three minimal not that long ago can we up Remain Bone-Saw to 100% with the butcher 5talent? It is a pain somethings needing to use 1-5 stamina for 1 remain where ore is 3 minimal. This seems greatly unfair where corpses are always generated.
Final flare bugs part 5 no cast |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 12-10-2022, 03:36 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (5)
A number of spells fail to cast at all when cast via final flare
All lantern bearer offensive skills
Air pressure
Black static
Frigid formation
(assuming similar aoe casts fail, will test and add to the list once I have the free time to go through it all)
(please add "steal spell" verb to the test server)
Final flare bugs part 4 "It does what?" |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 12-10-2022, 03:31 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)
Going to update this one with more once I finish testing but final flare allows you to do some hard core jank
Focused beam - pure magic damge
Riagri- pure magic damage/Contract tres/uno versions depending on what was last equipped last time you had bonder equipped.
Steam Sear/Frigid formation/Detogate/- don't require normal targetting conditions.
Final flare bugs part 1 the Controversy |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 12-10-2022, 03:26 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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This is the bandaid that will hurt my soul
Spells cast from final flare do 100% damage
Spells cast from hot potato do 100% damage
I....Don't think this is unbalanced, but its not intended, and its been working like this as long as I know.
My argument that its fine, its 6m to load the flare, 3m to deploy it by a hit or hot potato, On a hit it knocks you down potentially costing another 3m for a total of 9-12m for 3-4 spells cast at full damage. Each spell still having hit checks if they originally had them.
Rain sound toggle |
Posted by: Imotepchief - 12-10-2022, 03:08 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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Please god, I want the rain sounds to stop without needing to mute the whole game. Hearing footsteps and slithers is pleasant and allows you to know what's going on around you but the rain sounds are so deafening, like dangerous white noise that gives you tinitus after a while.