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[v.2.68] Avoid Eviter |
Posted by: JamOfBoy - 12-23-2022, 02:12 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (6)
Eviter means avoid. That's the joke in the title.
Eviter, even when toggled off, overwrites other parry skills. They overwrite their checks entirely, meaning if you have Eviter equipped...
Bullet Barrier? Bullet Avoider.
Know No Pain? Sorry, you're Avoiding No Pain.
Ring Of Pearls? Evasion only. Better Avoid those blows.
Ice Point Guard? I've run out of jokes
I tested this with Desperado's Bullet Barrier, and I only started triggering Bullet Barrier when I had unequipped Eviter. I had a weapon applicable to parry with Eviter, but naturally Eviter doesn't work on guns.
I'm posting this as a bug report because I have (admittedly vague) memories of multiple parry skills working where applicable.
If I can't parry with one parry skill, why can't I parry with the other? Considering Demon Hunter is home to two parry skills, it'd be awkward if they conflicted too - I'm almost sure they don't (please correct me). I can't see any reason why Eviter should intentionally work like this.
Custom plain |
Posted by: adamkad1 - 12-22-2022, 11:36 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)
What title says, it would be nice if 'plain' talent was customizeable. Show things to someone and then hide them right away? Show your armor without showing weapons? etc. Could do nice for RP. Maybe non rp too.
RP Ping |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 12-22-2022, 03:58 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
- Replies (10)
Simply put, have an option that pings your game window if you get an IC post, that way if you're doing something on the side you don't have to constantly watch your screen to catch the moment someone posts at or near you.
This would be immensely helpful to avoid people walking up to you, posting, then not pinging you before leaving thinking you're AFK, among many other benefits.
Monoclassing buff |
Posted by: Poruku - 12-21-2022, 01:40 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (11)
Trait - specialization
If your main class and sub class are the same, gain +2 to all stats except APT.
I think monoclassing is an interesting part of the game that is quite difficult to pull off because it's very far from being remotely viable, even taking into account the existance of things like aquamancer monoclassing stuff. A very generic buff that makes it at least worth considering is something that is imo missing from the game. There are a lot of people that might want to monoclass if it made sense, but instead just destiny and grab whatever second class has the best passives.
The best solution would be to add monoclassing buffs to every class, but that would take a long time.
I think this stat buff is fine enough to not be op but still be interesting. +2 to all except APT is 20 total stats. Considering something like hexer subclass can give you +6 total stats and a buff for +8, along with 10% hp, it feels in line to me. It's a bit hard to find something that will benefit every build in the game but I think it can be something simple like this.
Matador Vs Monster |
Posted by: WaifuApple - 12-20-2022, 09:03 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (6)
Simply put - when dungeoning as a DH - more specifically a Matador focused DH, the fight is usually over before you truly get any mileage out of your skills. This is because it takes a little bit to get rage energy stored up - at which point the battle's already over.
Can Matador start with 50 rage energy in fights against monsters, to allow builds that focus on that side of DH to have fun with it more consistently in dungeons? I'm not asking for this to make them stronger, I just find Matador skills to be fun to use, and want them to be more easily usable out of the gate in PvE.
Professor Pink's Newbie Hell [2.68] |
Posted by: renowner - 12-20-2022, 08:25 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (5)
This has been a bug for quite awhile now but I keep hearing newbies suffer from it constantly.
If you die as a new character before using an inn after leaving Professor Pink's study, you'll end up back there.
Unable to leave, if you're over level 1.
This has lead to many newbies having to reset their characters, lose their icons and levels, or wait hours or days for admins to be able to summon them.
Horrible first impression for many.
Grand loser |
Posted by: adamkad1 - 12-19-2022, 06:43 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (4)
BK's grandmaster has a fairly large problem. You cant parry if bk isnt your main class, and tactician is useless if not main class because OMM is MC now. The orders are the easiest and most reliable way of getting rank, and its impossible to do with offclass tac unless you allways go first, which requires cel, which is not a BK stat. So my idea is to make grandmaster enable stalemate or give its own parry if tactician is your other class, regardless of if BK is your main or not
Paper Accesories! [2.68] |
Posted by: renowner - 12-19-2022, 08:48 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
Currently having an accessory made of paper will still show a weapon's benefit's, as shown below.
In testing I've noted that the benefits listed don't actually apply. No power, hit, or weight are given to the accessory or any equipped weapon. Even the spell cost reduction does not apply.
![[Image: e6e20ce348.png]](http://puu.sh/JuuaF/e6e20ce348.png)
Spell cost reduction at least, or maybe some elemental attack for paper accessories would be a nice change.
Additionally, only Protective Paper Charm is a paper accessory;
Goldie fox autograph, Goldie fox poem, White seal, Blue seal, and Red seal are all metal items for some reason. I imagine that if paper accessories are going to be fixed, that perhaps adding them to the paper gang would be more fitting.
Orb of Mystery++ |
Posted by: caliaca - 12-19-2022, 08:20 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
I wasn't sure whether to post this in the donation item thread since it's not a NEW donation item or as a thread itself. Please lemme know if I need to move this and I will.
Simple suggestion: When using a mystery orb, allow us to use the current profile as a base for the new one optionally. This is helpful for when making new outfits for the same character and you generally wanna keep the same layout/feel for it.
[v.2.68] Login Equipment bonuses do not apply |
Posted by: Snake - 12-18-2022, 03:35 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)
In some characters of mine, whenever I log in, accessory items that grant bonus stats, such as High Mage's Cape, fail to load properly and count as if they are not equipped, despite being in my equipment slot.
In cases where you need the extra WIL to give you a skill slot, the skill becomes unequipped as you log in. And if you are careless enough to get in a fight, you will be in combat without your Accessories counting as if they're working.
The only known bootleg "fix" for this, is re-equipping your items.
This is not easy to be replicated between character given its inconsistency, and I suspect this only happens to characters who have spent Stat Points while they have not chosen a Race yet. (I.E, when they're a Soul), in the Tutorial. But alas, I also have no basis for it.
An easy fix would be giving us a verb named "refresh-equipment" so we don't need to do the three-step hassle that is re-equipping your lost stuff. Even if you'll keep relogging and losing one skill slot every time.
Good examples to investigate are redmedic.slot2 and gbynx.slot2 if you want to load them up and see for yourself.