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  Sword Polishn't [v.2.68]
Posted by: Trexmaster - 01-01-2023, 02:25 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Sword Polisher only activates when the owner of the trait uses an Inn, rather than any of their party members.

The wording of the trait 'when your party rests at an inn' implies anyone in the party using an inn should trigger it.

Steps to replicate:

Step 1. Be in a party with a character who has Sword Polisher

Step 2. Use an inn.

Step 3. Observe the lack of Polished Sword.

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  Sigrogana/Korvara Player Count
Posted by: Trexmaster - 01-01-2023, 02:21 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

A simple verb or even just on login telling you how many players are on either Sigrogana or Korvara.

That way you can tell how many players are actually in the environment you're in, not just on the game in general.

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  Mozu Otoshi
Posted by: Snake - 12-29-2022, 08:13 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (10)

This skill is amazing visually, but for its 6M cost, it leaves much to promise. I've been testing it and tried to stack as much SWA as possible to use it with that, but in the end, due to DEF and Armor blocking most of its damage, even on bosses like Fenrirberus, it deals quite the inferior damage my basic hits can easily outdo by a long shot.

[Image: image.png]

[Image: image.png]

[Image: image.png]

[Image: image.png]

Painful Grip deals way more damage, ignores Evade and ignores Protection, than literally throwing someone on their heads. This skill could be reworked a little in this manner:

- If the opponent was Painfully Grappled, this skill cannot be used. ("Your claws get in the way of the attempt!" or "Your opponent shakes you off, while in pain!")
- If the opponent is not wearing a Helmet accessory slot, it has a chance to inflict Clumsy for 2 rounds.
- Damage ignores Evasion.
- Damage ignores Protection.
- (OPTIONAL) Damage is (100% SWA) + (35% of the Target's Missing HP).

Reasons why:

- It costs 6M total. (3M to Grapple, 3M to use the skill.)
- Grapple is not a given, it's a chance, so people can't really crutch on this.
- You cannot walk-grapple-slam people, because it costs 6M total.
- Even if this ignores evade, CEL-based people have a trait that allows them to worm out of grapples easier, thus making this less optimal to be used as a counter, but a risky option. (Or at least it will be once it gets changed).
- This costs a sub-hand slot that could be another weapon (for Rogues/Magic Gunners) or a shield (for Soldiers).
- This skill requires your opponent to end their turn in melee range, which is rare in this meta.
- This gives access to more 'grapple' uses for other characters that are not Shaitan.
- This animation is too damn good to not be used because the skill is in need of a tone up.

I don't think the damage needs to be changed, by the way. Nor the extra need of LUC so you can make a full use of the skill's potential. Just the ways of making it a little more guaranteed after so much setup this skill requires.

Here's other desperate attempts, to see if I can get any bigger numbers on it.

[Image: image.png]

[Image: image.png]

Looks like not even high critical modifiers can do this skill justice.

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  RP name highlighting
Posted by: caliaca - 12-29-2022, 04:41 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (2)

Second life has an optional feature that could be useful here. 

In Second Life, there's an option you can click to make the chat box highlight whenever your account name is said. This can be used for any other word alerts that you wish to set up too.

It would essentially be like madness mantra's highlighting of a word. Ex:

Without the option toggled on:

"Oh hello Dahlia! How are you today?"

With the option toggled on:

"Oh hello Dahlia how are you today?"

This is mostly helpful for big RP scenes when there's multiple groups at once going and you mostly wanna pay attention to your group.

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  unique Racial Traits
Posted by: firehawk11 - 12-28-2022, 08:06 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

Some of the unique racial traits like Vampires Bite, Wyverntouched Poison, salamandra Fire should all be buffed and influenced by the SANC stat, giving you an extra reason to build it.

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  Useful out of Combat Talents overhaul
Posted by: Shujin - 12-28-2022, 07:35 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Many talents in the gathering niche are literally not doing anything in Korvara, or do so little that you do not even notice the difference. So I propose a change on how many of these Talents work, and maybe suggest a few additional ones.

Gatherer:  Currently increases chance to gather herbs by 20% per rank. Alas, you already have a 100% chance to get a herb from a node. So this is 100% useless talent in Korvara.

Proposed change: flat +20% chance to obtain an additional herb/mushroom (Wood?) from a node. 
OR: if chance is over 100% you get the additional %chance of a reroll. (technically the same as above just future proving if there is ever nodes that do not give 100% of the time)

Breakdown specialist (new) 5 ranks: Increase the chance to succesfully retrive materials and catalysts from items you break down by 10% per rank. Also increases the minimum material you get from breaking down (Aka: 0-2 cotton for example is more likey to do 1-2 cotton instead as an Example)

Butcher: Currently increases 20% chance of finding an item while using the bonesaw on a harvest.
I am 99% sure this is bugged, to be honest. I have tested 50 times with and without the talent if I get any additional remains with it. and the difference was minimal, I still got roughly 1 remains per corpse on average, it might be that it just increases the base chance by not flat 20% but by 20% of that value which is fairly low already and that's why I probably barely notice a difference.

Proposed change: increase the chance of finding a remain item by flat +20% per rank, if its over 100% chance roll for a second.

Miner: Same as above really, with the exception that it DOES work on those "once a day" nodes...Which is usually only 1 Iron most of the time. So basically the worse version of normal nodes. Normal nodes feel like they give something everytime anyway

proposed change: increase chance of succesfully gathering by flat +20%, if above 100% chance, chance to reroll for an additional drop

Scavenger: Same as above, I would like to include the Junk piles into this though, if they are not already. 

Experienced: Hard to tell if its working or not, from a feeling I say no, cause I seem to get a pulled back/shoulder whatever just as much as before (might just be unlucky though, as its not a 100% resist at maximum and I didn't actually test it enough to get the data.)

proposed change: +20% per rank, so we get a full immunity when maxed, cause fuck losing movement speed from a pulled back! Additionally cause I think that's barely worth the skill points otherwise +20% chance to get an additional log or harvest item from a field.

I think thats all. Some of those changes are made specifically to make active farming more rewarding, versus the passive farming of fields as I personally feel that active methods should ALWAYS be better than passive (well mostly) methods, or at the very least equal. Thanks to taxes/craftig costs, thats not really the case though.

I wanted to add a Talent that reduces murai costs by 10% per rank, for crafts, but wasn't sure where to fit it. Anyway, I'd personally be happy with atleast some of the not-useful ones actually doing something in Korvara.

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  [2.68] The plushie twink that wasn't
Posted by: WhiteHaired - 12-26-2022, 04:33 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

My friend and I were killing stuff when we both got over-encumbered. He traded me some of his stuff to hold whilst we went back to sell our stuff off.

I was able to return everything but an Alraune plushie, however trying to trade it back to him (the same character!) for some reason says the Alraune Plushie was twinked and gives an error message.

The trade occurred around 11am est 26th Dec on thewhitehairedgirl.slot2 if that helps.

[Image: hgA8zLX.png]
All other items were returned without issue it's only the plushie, for some reason.

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  Sigrogana's Ban on Dynamic Objects*
Posted by: Shadbase - 12-25-2022, 08:54 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (6)

You cannot place a a feast table, campfire, or any new dynamic object introduced in Korvara's update ANYWHERE in the Great Six. Not houses, not exterior maps (I.E. Cellsvich Forest or Gate), not the world map. It just returns "System: Error: You cannot place dynamic objects on this map."
This is a bug more-so on the case of feast tables and campfires, which where before Korvara's update, but it does extend into the new ones as well. This is likely caused by the changes from a hotfix on Korvara's first week, where Korvara had the same issue.

This was in QoF suggestions at first since we thought maybe you couldn't put them into player homes, but then we tried putting them outside and got the same error and figured this was now a bug and not an intentional oversight.

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  V.2.68 Full Emote Bubble
Posted by: WaifuApple - 12-25-2022, 02:11 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Once upon a time, a fix was done to opening up the text box to write big posts with it in stuff like say and emote, to allow the white bubble that informs people you're writing to appear for this - and this was nice for making it so that you wouldn't have to manually do so, avoiding people thinking you just weren't there.

This change, however, does not seem to have made it to doing the same in emote-full, and I consider this a bug because I feel like that wouldn't be intended behaviour.

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  Rework and buff of flat stat bonuses.
Posted by: Raigen.Convict - 12-24-2022, 10:17 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (8)

I think that the remaining skills that provide FLAT stat bonuses should no longer be affected by diminishing returns in exchange for a nerf to a number of their numbers... Like eastern wind... And Arbalests skill bonuses... These have plagued classes for far too long and gone UNUSED due to diminishing returns simply returning like... +1 out of a +5 buff.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord