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Auto Scroll |
Posted by: Autumn - 01-15-2023, 02:09 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
- Replies (2)
Auto Scroll in the new chat is incredibly jank and a lot of it's problems arise in large gatherings of people where tons of posts are flying by, currently auto scroll will always bump you down to the bottom of the chat when a new post is made, the issue with this is is when you are attempting to scroll up to read a post, as the auto scroll will boot you down to the newest post while you're reading a previous post, even if the scroll bar is being held.
It is not exactly currently a matter of just turning off auto scroll either, as people like to point out very often for whatever reason, as when it is turned off instead, then the post you're attempting to read still goes up slightly when a new post is made, but also the chat at the bottom does not scroll down when a new post is made, it only scrolls down by how much space was erased from the first messages in your log to be overwritten, which as you can predict can be incredibly inconsistent.
I would like it if auto scrolling didn't happen while you were already scrolled up and trying to read a post, most chatrooms already do this and its incredibly frustrating during events when you're just trying to find specific posts you missed or did not completely get to read because everyone effectively posts 20-30 reaction images after a narration. I'm terribly sick of needing to screenshot these long posts that I need to read so I can have a chance of not having my reading experience be severed so abruptly all the time.
Here is another somewhat recent event concerning the topic as well, I don't feel as if it was necessary to bump it though: https://neus-projects.net/forums/showthr...d=8871&
[EVENT] Strange Disappearances |
Posted by: Fern - 01-12-2023, 11:56 PM - Forum: Sigrogana
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There has been a brief 'lull' in activity since the last major outbreak of the monochrome creatures commonly known as the Lost.
The existence of Purgatories, or more commonly known as 'White Doors', continues to be. People across the world still encounter them every now and then.
Rumor has it that people travelling across a specific area of southern Sigrogana have been disappearing left and right. The remote area has garnered curiosity from many people, both concerned citizens and adventurers looking for a thrill.
Some people have claimed to have seen a White Door in the area, suggesting that the culprit may be the monochrome menace. Whether someone seeks to find the answer for themselves or not remains to be seen.
This is meant to be a moderately short and basic event. The event is public, and does not require your character or you, the player to know any established lore about the Lost in order to enjoy it!
This is also probably a good chance to start joining the plotline I will be resuming sometime soon if you were interested in doing that before. There's PVE, so please be ready for that if you plan on attending. You can also just ICly watch others fight if you're a non-combatant or your player character is low level and you don't feel like you can take on the Lost.
Directions towards the event camp will be given the day of the event in both the SL2 Discord and my event server, so don't worry about getting lost! They'll be super clear, promise.
If you want to more easily keep track of/get involved in the plotline stuff I'm running and want to hang out with other folks from the community, feel free to join my event server!
Event Date
Friday, January 13th, 5 PM EST
Estimated Length
Intended to be roughly 1 hour and 30 minutes or 2 hours tops
(Note that this can slightly change based on many factors such as unexpected circumstances)
4,000 Murai and 400,000 EXP
Fern's Event Server
Feesh noises |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 01-12-2023, 11:41 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (2)
Hot take, voice of the depths should only negate sound attack gained from scaled san, it should allow sound attack to be gained from willpower however.
If I'm building any other elemental attack I'm getting roughly 55-60 of it just from the main stat it's associated with before adding in what I'm getting from willpower.
By the power of Greyskull! [Est Lestrada] |
Posted by: Miller - 01-11-2023, 01:45 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
Simple suggestion.
When using Forbidden Charge, can the message be changed from
[Player] draws on the power of the Est Lestrada!
[Player] draws on the power of the [Est Lestrada's Name]!
(AKA just change it so the skill's flavor text uses Est Lestrada's current name)
Live Hard |
Posted by: Ray2064 - 01-11-2023, 10:08 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (9)
The Die Hard trait presents a few flaws
1 : Luck
- The 5+LU/100 chance means that characters with Luck investment would often have something like a 5.7 chance to get back up, against up to even 10 for ones with Luck.
Which is a problem, given the stat is quite hard to justify to invest in in a lot of builds, unless the guy is a CE stacker, basic attacker or lightning mage. Really, I'd mostly just call it a design flaw.
In lengthy team fights where the Trait matters the most, it'll mean some people could very well have nearly twice as much of a chance to get back up than others, meaning that with a case of two last men standing,one of them can possibly find themselves overwhelmed by the other's allies getting back up while their own didn't get a funny lucky roll, which brings us to.
2 -RNG reliant
The trait will sometimes act like you got the plot armor of some random Isekai high schooler protagonist, or will forget about you forever.
Not much to say here.
Have you ever been able to finally knock out someone, but had their little goons of sorts bidding time just for them to get back up ? Be it hoards of Youkais, a kiting guardian spirit, a wraithguard in a corner at the other side of the map... This turns the trait into a whole other new cheese where your opponent can easily utterly overwhelm you just by themselves.
Here are changes I'm suggesting.
Make Die Hard a flat chance , not reliant on Luck, that progressively raises the longer the character is down. Said chance wouldn't raise with the Badly Beaten status.
And make it so the trait cannot proc if the only allies left alive on the field are allied summons of sorts.