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  [v2.66b] Triggered Runes incompatible with non-standard tomes
Posted by: Joseph Jostar - 11-10-2022, 01:40 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

A recent fix was introduced to cause non-standard damage-type tomes (such as slash/blunt/etc.) to default to the Fire element when using Elemental Rune. This currently applies only to Engraved Runes; Runes that are Triggered use the non-standard element and do not gain an increase to damage from elemental attack. 

This was tested against various mobs in singleplayer combat. The weapon used was a Cleaving Clarinet enchanted with Mutation to become a 'Tome' weapon that deals 'Blunt' damage.


System: * Initial Damage: 226 Fire Magic, flags: magic, sk: Elemental Rune (/obj/skill/spell/rune/elemental) , wep: Runic Recorder / /obj/items/equip/weapon/swords/cleaving_clarinet * play_atk_anim was . * 12 Evade VS 208 Hit. (Damage Hit Mod was 0) *2 Roll(s) Remaining. This one was a hit. GLANCE_CHECK_FIRST was enabled and the first hit roll was successful, so no glancing. * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (226) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (226) * amp_multi was 1. (226) * reduc_multi was 97.3. (219.898); 2.7 MAG DEF, PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was 0. (219.898) * armor was allowed. armor_reduc was 0. (219.898) * Damage caps applied. (219.898) * Damage shields applied. (219.898) * Final damage was: 219.

System: * Initial Damage: 138.6 Blunt Magic, flags: magic, sk: Elemental Rune (/obj/skill/spell/rune/elemental) , wep: Runic Recorder / /obj/items/equip/weapon/swords/cleaving_clarinet * play_atk_anim was . * 12 Evade VS 208 Hit. (Damage Hit Mod was 0) *2 Roll(s) Remaining. This one was a hit. GLANCE_CHECK_FIRST was enabled and the first hit roll was successful, so no glancing. * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (138.6) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (138.6) * amp_multi was 1. (138.6) * reduc_multi was 97.3. (134.858); 2.7 MAG DEF, PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was 0. (134.858) * armor was allowed. armor_reduc was 0. (134.858) * Damage caps applied. (134.858) * Damage shields applied. (134.858) * Final damage was: 134.

Triggered (Chrono Rune):
System: * Initial Damage: 322 Blunt Magic, flags: magic, no_evasion, sk: Elemental Rune (/obj/skill/spell/rune/elemental) , wep: Runic Recorder / /obj/items/equip/weapon/swords/cleaving_clarinet * play_atk_anim was . * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (322) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (322) * amp_multi was 1. (322) * reduc_multi was 97.3. (313.306); 2.7 MAG DEF, PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was 0. (313.306) * armor was allowed. armor_reduc was 0. (313.306) * Damage caps applied. (313.306) * Damage shields applied. (313.306) * Final damage was: 313.

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  Thunder Steps (in PvE)
Posted by: Trexmaster - 11-09-2022, 05:41 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (4)

Short and simple:

Thunder Steps recent nerf to go on cooldown for being outside of 3 range of an enemy doesn't work well with PvE.

If you kill a monster (and thus remove it) with thunder steps, it goes on CD as if you used it for movement and not damage as I suspect the CD is meant to punish if no other monsters are left nearby.

What I'd suggest is making an exemption that if a monster is damaged that the cooldown won't apply.

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  Allow twinking
Posted by: Poruku - 11-09-2022, 01:36 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (19)

Twinking is the act of sharing items or gold or things like that between your own characters.

Here are things you can't do:
- Give yourself murai
- Give yourself items
- Party with yourself for fights/grind
- Support yourself in rp

Here are things you can do
- Give yourself donation items
- Sell donation items for real murai (but then you can't trade that murai of course)
- Use your alt's publically available crafting station (I remember someone asking and being allowed to do this)
- Have someone stronger give you money and items at level 10
- REPURPOSE CHARS aka retire a char/die ic but change it to a totally different person. Aka the only way I'm able to play antags without shooting myself

So I ask thee: please let us transfer murai and items. It would save tremendous headache and unnecessary repetitive grind. Like it doesn't feel good to get a good drop on one dude but it'd be better on your other char. But oh if your party member was the one who got the drop he could trade it to your alt. Also professions, I can't trade myself hi potions even if I'm an alchemist, so everyone who plays an alchemist needs an alchemist friend etc. A funny thing is when you trade patrions over to an alt then you sell those patrions.. But couldn't just give him money even though functionally it's the same thing. And it doesn't take away enjoyment, quite the opposite, cause look I just don't enjoy farming murai.

So all in all... I feel like the benefits of the rule (making each char get its own stuff for progression) far outweight the positives of saving people tons of pain.

Also I'm just gonna say it, people circumvent this rule all the time. Especially when you're on your 43rd char and you are not feeling like grinding for days again while your other char sits on exactly what you need. Not me though I never break the rules.

I just think it's time to legalize murai and item trading between alts. I know it would make me enjoy the game a LOT more. Especially when so many adjacent acts are allowed it feels like a dated rule.

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  Pyong Nyong - Request for Extra Limbs
Posted by: Bryce_Hego - 11-09-2022, 12:43 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Pollyl
Character Name - Pyong Nyong
Request Type - Four Arms
Request Details -  Fusion based Chimera within Korvara that possesses two additional arms. No mechanical advantages and is for the purpose of roleplay. Image Here
Amount of Legs is still only two. Character has a lot of fluff but is clearly (mainly) humanish
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - To have express permission in having a four arm fluffy looking Chimera
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - 
Just like most products of Geladyne, Pyong Nyong (A name she stubbornly chose for herself) was a Chimera brought about through fusion, with the base compromising of additional structures within it's figure to accommodate two extra appendages.
The many monsters that went into what they are now...
Insects, Vorpal Rabbits, Scarebears, and even small portions of a Fenrirberus all went into making them into a inhuman ball of fluff and hate. (Refer to the Image above)

From inception they were outwardly hostile, but with behavior correcting shocks from a high voltage collar Pyong was eventually 'coaxed' into properly performing their given duties, as is typical repayment for their creation.
A result of their treatment up to this point, they are especially on edge when dealing with several humanoids on a physical or emotional level.
There's still something human about Pyong, it's up to IC interactions to see if they lean into the persona of a monster they were built to be or learn what it's like to be a person as they are finally free of their restrictive duties.

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  LE and Traits
Posted by: Yashatari - 11-08-2022, 01:14 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

First, Class traits. They give +1 to [Class + promoted variants]
I'd like to suggest changing these to a Legend Extension option, [Class mastery] ill call it for lack of a better name.
As a trait, You grab it, Get your +1 to class, spend the point, etc. But you're probably going to LE back to level 1, you lose the trait, but you retain that +1 skill point effectively giving you +1 free trait point.

Or, Just remove them entirely. Most classes have been reworked from 5/5 to 3/3, Do we even need them anymore? Plus humans racial exists.


I'd like to also suggest [Weapon telepathy] requirement be changed slightly. Fai/Wil/Apt to Fai/Apt.


I'd like to suggest a Trait to proc [Intervention] talent under the [Devotion] Section, Without an active prayer.
I'll call it [National Pride] with the same 5% chance to reduce damage at the trade off of "Reducing damage by half your scaled faith"

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  Gunpowder Crafting
Posted by: Moku203 - 11-08-2022, 12:51 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Not sure if this has been asked for before, or if it is even a thing that has been thought of and all but here we go.

I suggest we have some way to make Gunpowder in Alchemy, since we have all the means for making bullets and bombs, it would only make sense to have the ability to craft Gunpowder. 

this mostly comes from how just...rare I've noticed gunpowder to be in Korvara as it seems to only drop randomly from chests(?) and Pale lauders.

if it's because bombs are broken in terms of damage, and this helps to regulate them, then might I suggest bombs requiring more to craft to mitigate it slightly?

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  destiny spellthief white spirit QoL
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 11-07-2022, 11:04 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (1)

Okay so the only way to regain lost white spirits as a destiny rogue on stolen spells is to Legend extend and spend TWO inks to disable and re enable destiny then Re-level to 50 again on those classes

Could we please allow White spirits to Select stolen spells as candidates for enhancement.

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  Razing Salamander / Kraken's Sigh
Posted by: Poruku - 11-07-2022, 09:44 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (6)

These weapons are cool in theory, however, they are useless as main weapons. If you attack with the bow, there is a % chance your attack will be entirely negated and replaced with a projectile that deals less damage. No on-hit effects proc, no crit, etc.

I think the proc should be an addition to the attack instead of replacing it

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  V 2.66, This Bandit WeirdnessTM happened.
Posted by: RandoCookie - 11-07-2022, 07:03 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

I wish I was making this stuff up, but this is what I got to see today when leveling Bard Promos as subclasses and went to a Bandit Den dungeon... xD[Image: MWSnap191.png]

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  Dar'Ensha Plus Doesn't Count Promo [v2.66]
Posted by: Toffee - 11-07-2022, 06:00 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

I'm playing a Destiny Rogue with main-class Engineer and subclass Spellthief. I also have a Dar'Ensha Plus equipped and have noticed that, while my Rogue skills receive the -10% FP cost, both of my skills for my promoted classes aren't discounted at all. Every engineer robot costs the same 50 FP in both the skill list, hotbar previews, and the FP bar itself (I triple-checked to make sure it wasn't just the skill previews). Spellthief skills also cost the same, meaning that my promoted classes aren't being discounted at all.

[Image: southern_wind.png]
[Image: quick_slide.png]
[Image: snatch_spell.png]
[Image: turret.png]

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord