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City of Heroes

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  hot potato ruled by gravity
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 11-04-2022, 11:13 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Hot potato when cast, immediately bounces south 5 tiles as if it had been stepped on.

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  Excel Equality
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 11-04-2022, 07:20 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

Can we change all the old Excel crashes to function like the new ones. Specifically not requiring an excel weapon to function.

The basic mage spells requiring the use of the excelgraph despite so many more ways to mechanically gain excel charges is a bit of a bummer.

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  Item belted weapons over empty slots
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 11-03-2022, 04:40 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (6)

When testing item belted daggers in conjunction with hot potato unequipping my main dagger I have discovered it won't in any case equip the belted dagger to the empty slot.

If your other weapon  is a tome in the sub slot and you select swap main, it will swap your subbed out tome anyway.

If your other weapon is in the main, you won't get an option swap sub.

this is a problem, I would prefer to just be able after hot potato'n my dagger away to be able to equip the dagger from my belt to an empty slot.

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  Sentimentality two step verification
Posted by: Senna - 11-02-2022, 09:26 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

Sentimentality confirmation. To avoid accidents such as getting a random battle with your gears unequipped (by someone accidentally walking into a tag-less hostile area), a class switch that unequips the weapon but the lack of levels to buy the talent or even situations via IC where you have to drop your weapon for a moment or fight without your weapon equipped. Instead of allowing the person to lose their Sentimentality stack right away, I wanted to suggest a 1 battle confirmation grace period.

When the battle ends, if they do not have the sentimentality weapon equipped, it sends a message to the player, notifying them. If they end another battle without it equipped, it will reset to the new weapon. If they end a battle with it equipped, it will change reset the confirmation process.

System: Sentimentality (Weapon) has been unequipped. Ending another battle without [weapon name here] equipped will result to a reset.

System: Sentimentality (Weapon) verification has been confirmed.

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  Milo Kaldereta - Exorcism Spell Request
Posted by: Mokat00 - 11-01-2022, 03:05 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (3)

Applicable BYOND Key - Cgamerxxdroid
Character Name - Milo Kaldereta
Request Type - Isepian based exorcism technique/spell
Request Details -


Warden is an isepian based spell that utilizes geomancy to primarily draw, trap, and repel spirits or spirit-based entities via a barrier, with very limited effects to non-spirits. 

The barriers are set up with totems with Duyueian runes engraved onto them, acting as nodes to where the barriers meet and end. One single cast of warden can have up to 2-5 totems connected to each other. The maximum distance where two nodes can be connected is 5 feet.

The totems need to be made with materials that have attunement to the isepian domain such as rockdirt, isepian pages, wood, and etc. The barrier’s durability is based on the quality of materials used and the level of craftsmanship of the totems. The more uniform these are the better, but can be made in any design according to the user’s taste. The shape does not affect the properties of the barrier.

A somatic component is required in order to cast the spell, where the caster must trace the sigils of the totems in order to activate them. The casting time takes at least 10 seconds to raise a barrier with two nodes, and the bigger the barrier is the longer it’ll take. Since this is a spell, any magic dampening effects/silences also affect the casting of this spell.

If one of the nodes breaks, then the barrier disconnects from that point. This combined with the long casting time make it impractical to use in-combat situations and is best utilized before most spiritual encounters. 

The barrier is primarily used for spirits, spirit-based entities, and undead. Spirits are unable to phase through the barrier by themselves, but the caster has the ability to let it through if they will. In an enclosed barrier, the caster may even draw spirits to the area. The strength of the spirit and the quality of the totems determine if the spirit can be drawn and trapped in the first place and for how long.

Warden can last for as long as the caster wants it to a maximum that’s dependent on the material’s quality, and if the caster decides to stay and pour their share of focus onto it or leave it be. Its durability and duration go hand in hand, so the barrier can erode overtime along with its totems so fully ‘refreshing’ the barrier is not possible. Replacing the totems and creating a new barrier is the only real way to get it back to full health. 

The max duration a high quality barrier can be placed however is at most 10 hours if left by itself, 24 hours if the caster continuously shares their focus to the barrier, but for practicality’s sake it really is at most 12 hours.

For non-spirits, the barrier can only give whoever passes through the feeling of getting repelled. Like a light tug away, but not enough to really pull them, acting more as a warning than an actual wall. For possessed things whoever, the tugging is more powerful, where the barrier acts more like a soft-wall. Not impassable but it requires a lot of energy to get through, still depending on the barrier’s quality and by how possessed the individual or thing is. 

A side effect too for anyone who passes through the barrier is that illusions get dispelled because of its isepian properties to remove illusions. Less an intended effect for the barrier and more something that came with it being geomancy in nature. In kind it also takes in its weakness with water, easily breaking it down too.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable)

There’s currently no listed technique that centers around specifically dealing with spirits. So I wanted to create my own. I wanted to create something that could hopefully assist my character or anyone with access to this spell, in their spirit shenanigans without it acting as a crutch spell for said activities.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request

Different styles and techniques have arrived in Meiaquar after the whaling hour, passed down and shared between each other and their students giving rise to a colorful variation. One which being a technique penned as Warden. Originally a Duyueian technique based around the use of Geomancy to trap, repel, and draw in spirits from the surroundings, usually used in their own crypts. It had arrived in Meiaquar, perhaps by an opportunistic exile, and fell in the hands of Copper.

The spell was first learned by him through his father’s notebook, who was a member of the skogue back in Duyuei before deserting from the tribe and the village. The relation to Duyuei has been approved by its current leader, Efen.

There isn’t much basis in regards to exorcism techniques or spells, mostly that it either requires empathy or force to drive a spirit back to lazarus. But nothing states about being able to draw, trap, or repel spirits. Besides the Hexer things, which are centered more on the bad kind of spirits than general ones. 

Geomancy is utilized in this spell for its magnetic properties and innate durability.

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  Training Ground
Posted by: Senna - 11-01-2022, 02:11 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

Suggestion: The other training grounds getting their own little inn option attach to them.

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  Worth it
Posted by: lalchi - 10-30-2022, 05:40 PM - Forum: Fruity Rumpus General - Replies (4)

This is my 69th post.

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  [v2.65b] Sigrogana Force vs. Indestructible Object
Posted by: The Alpha Bat - 10-30-2022, 02:26 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

The entirety of the crafting/trait list is shared between Korvara and Sigrogana, meaning that one has access to things they may have no use of. Or can't get rid of in this case.

Crafting a placeable item intended for Korvara, such as a placeable sign, while on the G6 will leave an item with weight stuck in your inventory. The destroy item verb does nothing, it can't be sold, it can't be broken down and it can't be placed anywhere to destroy it in the intended way.

If it isn't possible to create separate trait/crafting lists at this time, another way to remove these items outside of GM assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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  [v2.65b] House Cushion
Posted by: Trexmaster - 10-30-2022, 03:03 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

[Image: unknown.png]

The cushion in front of the piano in the graveyard manor doesn't seem to have an actual seat on it, so your positioning is a bit awkward and not centered.

Could there be a seat made so characters are centered on the cushion?

EDIT: See below, any Piano like this (Ice Palace, Meiaquar Inn, one of the Don's houses?, etc) have seats that aren't actually proper seats that center your character onto it.

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  Muddle Me This
Posted by: Sawrock - 10-29-2022, 11:53 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (1)

My ego told me to post this in Bug Reports, but I'll post it in Balance-Fu to be safe.

[Image: ww3IfHb.png]

Muddle's potential skill does not impact Hellhound Bullets' property to change damage to fire. Whether this is intentional or unintentional, could it be changed so Muddle also ignores Hellbound Bullet's damage change? I want that delicious +crit without having to have fire damage, for I am a weenie and I do not wish to roast.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord