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(Farming) Minerals
Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
Last Post: Poruku
11 minutes ago
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Animals when
Forum: Suggestions
Last Post: Raigen.Convict
03-07-2025, 05:36 PM
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It's Always 48 Scaled APT
Forum: General Discussion
Last Post: Raigen.Convict
03-07-2025, 05:31 PM
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[2.95]OH GOD I FORGOT TO ...
Forum: Bug Reports
Last Post: Entropy
03-07-2025, 03:49 AM
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City of Heroes
Forum: Fruity Rumpus General
Last Post: Sawrock
03-07-2025, 03:07 AM
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[v2.96d] Sharen-can't
Forum: Bug Reports
Last Post: Autumn
03-06-2025, 11:59 PM
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Rabbit Leap Nerf - Trait ...
Forum: Balance Fu
Last Post: Raigen.Convict
03-06-2025, 11:31 PM
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[v2.94b] Consistent and r...
Forum: Bug Reports
Last Post: Veacari
03-06-2025, 11:42 AM
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[2.96d] Glancing Crumblin...
Forum: Bug Reports
Last Post: Rendar
03-06-2025, 03:31 AM
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Invention App - The Sea L...
Forum: Applications
Last Post: Cogster
03-05-2025, 08:46 PM
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Ravaging Requiem |
Posted by: Poruku - 10-19-2022, 05:10 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (2)
Performer skill
CD: 1 round
Song skill, deals 100%SWA + 80/90/100/110/120% sound atk damage.
<insert random extra mechanic like fear inflict chance or bonus damage based on amount of buffs>
(Why is this not in the game?)
The Final Shard |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 10-19-2022, 02:19 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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It's been close to four months now since Korvara released.
Can we finally have a way to access the 45th Worxar Shard in Terra Flamma?
I understand it was meant to be locked behind a puzzle but unless the last shard is being purposefully kept from the players for some future update reason, it'd be nice if we either got the puzzle implemented soon-ish OR had some more simple way of accessing it and have the puzzle reward be something else when implemented fully.
Otherwise this is just a reminder we're all still stuck at 45/45/45/44 and we desire sweet release...........
Empty Pockets Buff |
Posted by: Shujin - 10-18-2022, 08:58 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (4)
Empty pockets is a fairly simple thing.
It boost success chance for a steal, alas only after you evade which...Lets be honest. You will have plenty enough Cel on a dodge build to have 100% steal chance even without maxing steal itself out.
The item belt thing is...Extremly Situational, given the conditions and only 1 Turn length, but I guess it can be nice?
I would like to add something else however, that might also make it useful for other classes with Trickery effects:
+15% to trigger a Trickery effect once, after a dodge.
Simple enough change, Either alone or on top of the steal success chance which...I do not think anyone really cares about. Or I don't know, let you go into sneaking after a successful steal.
Sentry Mode (ft. Use More Gun!) |
Posted by: Snake - 10-17-2022, 11:28 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (6)
Could Turret gain a skill called 'Sentry Mode'.
Once it's activated, the Turret becomes Immobilized as a sub-status of Sentry Mode, and becomes unable to use Offensive Skills.
- Turret's weapon, Chain Gun, gains a few additional bonuses.
>> Attack Range increases by 3.
>> Gun Rounds increases by 3.
>> Power increases by 25.
>> Accuracy increases by 25.
>> Critical increases by 25.
>> On Hit: Increases Momentum by 1.
Sentry Mode reduces the Turret's FP by 15% every round. Once the Turret's FP is reduced to, or below 0, the mode ends.
Taking Lightning or Water damage while Sentry Mode is active has a 100% - (LV) chance of stunning the Turret.
Arne (Geladynian R&D) - Research Results |
Posted by: Rendar - 10-16-2022, 10:29 PM - Forum: Character Applications
- Replies (1)
Applicable BYOND Key - Maid-Chan
Character Name - Arne (Prodigal Corpal)
Request Type - In Universe Research Results
Request Details - Arne, as of current, is working on building a Salamandra for Geladyne. While the results of such may be in the far distance, they had a work that they have been putting effort in to for some time. Gathering multiple samples of Lifeblood (Lava) from Terra Flama to gather a wide array of data-- they have also enlisted the assistance of Corpal Gishin, a Wyverntouched. To gather venom samples from them, as well as blood.
Arne is a skilled alchemist, and while their handiwork with Homunculi creation is still in the early stages, they are more seeking to see if they can make an artificial brew of Wyvern's Blood that holds up to Salamandra creation.
tl;dr : investigating into sourcing Wyvern's Blood from synthesis involving the blood and venom of Wyverntouched.
Dunno how it'll turn out! I'll leave it to the admins!
Quick Rise (to your doom) |
Posted by: PantherPrincess - 10-14-2022, 10:14 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (3)
Rogue's Quick Rise is incredibly underwhelming for a main class skill. This is simply due to the fact that you have to jump through a relatively large hoop of evading while knocked down to proc it, which is pretty slim to none considering being knocked down already lowers your evade by a specific percentage (not a flat number). In my experience trying to utilize it multiple times, the chances are you are not likely going to evade anything and continue to get beat on simply due to the state of hit and evade. It procs once in a blue moon and it's specific to how much hit your enemy has which is always going to be high in many scenarios. I'd like to suggest a change in how it works and maybe introduce a formula. Something like if attacked while knocked down your chances to proc glancing/evade are increased by guile or celerity/4 % chance through trickery and if done so you get up. Also open to suggestions!
Butter Churners |
Posted by: Rendar - 10-14-2022, 04:44 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (4)
Butter Churners not only have 500 health, but are actually worthless.
So if someone decided to place a shitton, and you decide to go the more productive route of picking them up... they are unable to be destroyed.
Or sold.
They have to be re-placed back down to be destroyed.
[2.65b] Auto-Tune doesn't apply to self |
Posted by: Joseph Jostar - 10-14-2022, 02:03 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
The bard skill Auto-Tune applies the effects of the chosen song to any nearby party members, but not to the bard themself. The bard only receives their bard aura and singing status - and not the actual effect of the song, which is normally applied to the bard as well. This was tested in combat with training dummies and low-level jammers in the Geladyne coastal cave.