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  Lilu related bugs:
Posted by: renowner - 09-21-2022, 09:15 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (7)

There's two bugs i've noticed concerning Lilu and her embrace ability.

1: Embrace, if lilu is diagonal to the person, will still grapple without teleportation. So she can stay grappled from 1 diagonal space away.

2: If Lilu is killed, or potentially unsummoned while grappling somebody, as her turn never starts again, they will remain grappled for the full ten rounds.

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Thumbs Up Spellthief duplication
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 09-21-2022, 09:05 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (16)

I would appreciate being able to steal multiple copies of the same spell, maybe 3 max, each with a separate cool down as a means to specialize.

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Posted by: Rendar - 09-21-2022, 06:41 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (7)

A way for players to friend each other on their characters.

What this, in effect, does is allow for them to view if the other person is online-- like the GUILD system already allows for players of the same faction.

No more wondering if your good pal is online when you're running around looking for them.

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  [v.2.64b] Non-Dense Tiles
Posted by: Latto - 09-19-2022, 04:58 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

The Earth Crystal cavern currently has two non-dense tiles at the end of the staircase that lets you walk into the abyss if you use diagonals.


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  Mask of the Night Lord- buff
Posted by: Shujin - 09-19-2022, 07:37 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

I do not know why that limitation is in for an entirely cosmetic item that you buy with donation currency but...
 Can we have it also copy the image of Boss Monsters?

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  Muridae (Rodent) Kaelensia
Posted by: InsainArcaneBirdbrain - 09-18-2022, 10:44 PM - Forum: Class/Race Ideas - Replies (4)

Welp, while I did originally joke suggest it on Discord a while back, I spent some time thinking on what this sort of race could actually look like after hearing a lot of interest from the community. In any case, here's the race pitch:


Muridae are part of the human-like Kaelensia, and are denoted by their short stature and rodent-like features. The exact appearance of Muridae are quite varied however, such as some having large floppy ears, while others hold smaller rounded ones. Other Muridae meanwhile have short, fluffy tails akin to a hamster's rather than the long, limber ones associated with a mouse. Despite these variations however, their small frame is universal with adults averaging a standing height of around 3'5" to 4'5".

Among the Kaelensian races, they are know for being the quickest and craftiest of the bunch, utilizing their small size and sharp wits to their advantage when it comes to sneaking about, often committing less-than-legal activities. Because of that, they tend to have a somewhat poor reputation among the populace as rogues or thieves. 



*Golden eyes (Same as the other Kaelen races)

*Fleetfoot - Being the fast creatures that they are, Muridae gain +1 base Move.

*Small Frame - Muridae are easily one of the smallest races of Sigrogana, which comes with its own ups and downs. You only gain 8 HP per Vitality (instead of 10), and you gain Battle Weight Capacity at only 75% of the rate per Strength. However, you gain a 1.5% bonus to total Evade per 6 SAN (capping at 7.5% at 30 SAN) thanks to your small stature. You're also less likely to be targeted by monsters, due to being hard to spot among a crowd of tall folk.

*Instinct (Muridae) - Muridae are instinctually capable at getaways and trap avoidance. They can avoid tripping a deployed trap or a hidden pitfall with their movement based on a [(Level * 1.5) + 5]% chance. They also gain an increased chance to avoid a grapple attempt by a scaled SAN%.

Trait Ideas:

*Infiltrator - Much like their animal counterparts, Muridae are especially apt at breaking into places they shouldn't have access to. By utilizing small hands, long tails, or large ears to assist lockpicking attempts, you gain a SAN% increase to lockpicking success and speed, stacking with talents and other traits.

*Honed Smell - Unlike most of your more timid or skittish brethren, you focus all of your efforts into landing key strikes rather than avoiding incoming blows by relying on your especially keen sense of smell to track a target. The best offense is the best defense in your mind, swapping the Small Frame racial bonus from boosting evade% to boosting hit% instead.

*Stealthy - Quick and quiet on their feet, Muridae can sneak around with particular ease. Their footsteps are nearly silent (reduced footstep noise), and monsters don't spot them unless they are especially close (Does not stack with quiet person).

*Razor Fang - Muridae often have naturally sharp teeth that are especially good at chewing things apart, or causing a predator to jump back in surprise. Grants an equipable skill (2m, 1 range, pierce damage, 2 round CD, [50% SWA + (Level/2)] damage scaling, can target and damage field objects for 20HP damage, causes an enemy to jump a tile away if hit).

*Foul Fang - Said bites can also be rather sickening, lots of natural germs and bacteria after all. Adds a luck-based chance to apply one of poison/blind/confusion/clumsy/lingering damage at random, all for 2 rounds and at status LV(Scaled SAN/2). Requires the Razor Fang Trait.

Racial Icon Parts (Credits to Skullcat! Very talented sprite artist.):

[Image: RATBUTREAL.gif][Image: LoneBackEndRatTail.gif] Pink Rodent Tails
[Image: BlackRATBUTREAL.gif][Image: BlackLoneBackEndRatTail.gif] Greyscale Tails
[Image: EarFront.png][Image: EarBack.png][Image: EarSide.png] Mouse Ears

.zip   Muridae_Bodyparts(fixed).zip (Size: 1.8 KB / Downloads: 193)

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  Custom Idle Status
Posted by: lalchi - 09-18-2022, 09:46 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (12)

I was thinking after observation. 

Some players likes to sit somewhere and just go idle to see what will come to the place after a while.

This tends to have Idle people laying around, and when other players see them (on the exception if a LFG is up) They don't necceserally know what they are up to.

They could drink, play a card game, drawing, attending something or plotting evil scheme.
But if a player is idle, we just think. "Well, they icly sleep."

An item, or an option, giving us the possibility to make our own status, could help greatly on setting an alive environment. 

So instead of having the classic player with

Ren Brown

We can have :

Ren Brown
Taking a break, sipping tea.

And who knows ? It even may, maybe, make other players confident to walk up on other at the sight of an opportunity.

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  Disappearing Act [v2.64b]
Posted by: Rendar - 09-18-2022, 05:40 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Void Gate's teleportation effect doesn't break grapple effects.

Even though it's a teleport.

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  Rhyst - Korvaran Character, Youkai, and Weapon Ability
Posted by: Sarah54321 - 09-18-2022, 05:21 PM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Butlerusk
Character Name - Rhyst
Request Type - Character Ability Fluff, Weapon Ability Fluff
Request Details -
a) The ability to vaguely 'sense' when something in the Cursed Forest is wrong (IE. It's under immense danger/pain, or something appears to be changing drastically). This is under very specific circumstances.

b) The weapon ability to be able to absorb/copy and keep memories based on those it's cut, and the ability to spew out these memories into a different person either on command or on accident depending on how well the user can control it.

c) The youkai being out and able to connect to the world as a sort of miniature version of itself, like a half-summon in a smaller form. Unable to communicate fully with anyone that isn't her contractor, however.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) -
a) The first one would be merely for plot purposes if in the future, the Cursed Forest becomes something that can be interacted with. Also it's just purely for a stronger connection to the fact that my character comes from the Cursed Forest near the ruins.

b) This one is moreso a gimmick and a cool plot idea for later. In general, it's a pretty niche ability and won't see that much usage outside of specific scenes. However, I still think it's good to know if I can do it.

c) This is just so the youkai can be there visually and bully Rhyst sometimes, I was told to add this to the application for posterity.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -

Character Ability Lore - It's stated in the lore document that Doriads have slightly stronger affinity and understanding of their birth forest. I don't plan to ask for the ability to know what exactly is wrong with the forest, nor will I ask for the ability to know from anywhere. I want to have the abiilty to pinpoint something vague, such as 'This Forest is in pain' or 'This forest is changing'. Also, Rhyst would require being right next to the forest edge, or even inside of the forest to do this.

Weapon Ability Lore - I've seen eventmins do something similar, having magic or objects that can manipulate or absorb, take, or eat the memories of others. I've also been informed from previous conversations (I don't have said conversations because they took place in Skype help) that it's possible items can do this, too. The idea would be that someone stabbed or cut by the blade could have some of their memories either taken or, conversely, 'copied' over into the blade (In Game it's a Rapier of Resent). The memories could then be transferred by holding onto the hilt of the sword, or through stabbing someone else and injecting it into them via a burst of Focus to activate it. The Blade wouldn't be able to give someone full on amnesia, unless the player of the character REALLY wanted it, I feel. Even then, I would require permission from the player to use this item on them anyway, as with most abilities.

EXTRA WEAPON STUFF: The more memories this blade has, the brighter it shines, until it's nearly pure white. It could probably be used as a torch at that point.

The amount of memories it can take us unknown, unless a cap would need to be added.

This item was probably a relic from the Cursed Ruins or someone who was in the Cursed Forest previously, depending on what's allowed.

Youkai Ability Lore - I'll be honest I've just seen people do this before, with fairies or other types of youkai all the time. I'm uncertain there's much thought to put into this, unfortunately, but hopefully it'll work out. No other abilities other than just- existing as more of a projection that can't really touch anything except her contractor. Meaning that she can't harm anyone, or even really talk to anyone. She can hear and understand what's going on, but that's about the most of it aside from her visual projection.

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  'Aiden' - Korvaran Salamandra Character Ability
Posted by: SpaceShibe - 09-18-2022, 09:27 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Holy Blades Tamaki-Kun
Character Name - Aiden
Request Type - Character Ability
Request Details -  
a) The ability to project/spill magic lava from the Salamandra's tail.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - 
a) To add flavor to the character as well as to further give credence to the backstory.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -

a) I wrote up a character biography riiiiight here, detailing a good portion of what was done to provide this character its heightened aptitude for its innate abilities. He also has the capability to use earth attacks along with the natural penchant for fire.  

The biography in question! (https://neus-projects.net/forums/showthr...6#pid46626) Please note that I put this through to Bready to get his OK before posting it!

The tldr is that he was pumped full of the raw materials needed for Salamandras to be Salamandras, that being the magical lava in Terra Flama. There were 40+ subjects prior to him, which all mostly either blew up or didn't match up to their standards, deemed as failures to then be scrapped/thrown aside/made to do other things.

As a result of him being the only 'success', his speech is wholly impaired, his voice being perpetually strained and his words always forced out as though he's got a dry throat, his mind is a lot slower to process everything around him, often spacing out for several moments before things 'click'. He needs people to direct him the majority of the time, else he's nothing but clueless. His body's all sorts of messed up, forgoing everything in favor of pure killing efficiency.

He's the perfect war machine, but a failure when it comes to being a normal person.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord