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SL2 - Version 2.62 |
Posted by: Neus - 09-10-2022, 05:11 PM - Forum: Announcements
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Map Adjusments - - Consensually added interiors, and slightly changed exterior, of a certain location. (Courtesy of Autumn.)
- - The Duyuei library now has an upstairs. (Courtesy of Appo.)
- - A small hidden area in Duyuei has been added. (Courtesy of Appo.)
- - The surprisingly spacious and clean graveyard manor in Telegrad-Meiaquar Highway has been re-opened. (Courtesy of Slydria.)
- New Preference Setting; Resource Distribution - can be set to Random (default) or Gatherer, setting is based on the party's leader, and changes the way items are gathered at non-daily resource nodes. If Random, the gathered item will be given to a random party member. If Gatherer, the person who initiated the gather will receive the item. (As you might guess, this is intended to be a way for people in parties to fairly distribute resource nodes, if they desire.)
- New (Experimental) Preference Setting; Area Transition. While on (default), a short fade-to-and-from-black effect plays when transitioning between rooms and areas.
- Increased maximum Guild member size to 100.
- Added an animation to the typing bubble that plays when someone sends a message via the IC talk channels.
- Added a ladder in Meiaquar as a shortcut to the waterways.
- Added a few more spawn locations to Korvara battlefield maps to prevent units from being stacked up when mercenaries are used.
- Metal Bucklers can now be bought at various shops in Korvara.
- Boss encounters in Korvara now come with a number of extra enemies based on your party size.
- Boss enemies are now immune to Stun.
- Ice Palace monsters now have some SAN and FAI to give them more than 0 status resist.
- Geladyne now has Enchanting craft tables in the blacksmith and general stores.
- Say/emote range increased to 14 tiles (old Shout range). Shout/lemote/preach range increased to 18 tiles.
- Monster mercenaries have received some behavior changes.- - HP/FP totals carry over between battles.
- - Master's food HP/FP regen applies to them.
- - Capable of gaining XP and leveling up.
- - Maximum level of 60.
Rogue- Stealth Traps - Traps made invisible by this skill will now show up to the placer.
Engineer- Jetpack - Sped up movement animation slightly and fixed the visual effect.
Dancer- Rest Beat - Now classified as a movement skill. Status effect cleanse changed to 1 per 2 Tempo (from 1 per 1 Tempo).
- Quaking Tap - Now only affects enemies within 7 Range. Earth ATK ratio change to 100% + 20% per Rank (from 100% + 25% per Rank.)
- Idol Step - If Idol Step hits the same target more than once, the damage and healing they take is reduced by 50%.
Tactician- Order skills - Max rank changed to 3. (Base FP cost/scaling/etc changed to old Rank 3 cost.) Added skill info help link.
- Assault Order - Extra damage bonus from Tome weapons changed to be Tome weapon Power or 50% Scaled GUI, whichever is higher.
- Guard Order - Extra HP recovery bonus from Tome weapons changed to be Tome weapon Power or 50% Scaled GUI, whichever is higher.
- Cast Order - No longer reduces FP costs of spells; now increases damage of the next Offensive category spell, similar to Assault Order. Extra damage bonus from Tome weapons changed to be Tome weapon Power or 50% Scaled GUI, whichever is higher.
Formation skills;- - Max rank changed to 1.
- - FP cost changed to 10.
- - Effect scaling/etc changed to match old Rank 5.
- - Maximum Range is now increased by 1 per 15 Scaled GUI.
- - Added skill info help link.
Arcane Formation:- - Effect changed to reduce FP costs of spells and Incantation protection by 25% (per ally).
Tactician Spells: Max Rank changed to 3. (FP, SWA, Elem ATK scaling at max Rank at the same. A few effects that scaled based on Rank were adjusted for this, but are functionally the same at max Rank as they were previously.)
[*]Frigid Formation: Base FP cost changed to 26.
Void Assassin
- Impure Element - Now its self-damage effect triggers after using any skill that benefits from the current Elemental ATK bonus. (Instead of any spell. Specifically, if the skill used has elemental ATK scaling of that type.)
- Embrace (Lilu) - FP cost increase per level changed to 0.2 (from 0.4). Range increased by 8 and now teleports to the target if used by Lilu. Now attempts to apply the Grapple skill instead of Immobile. (success rate if target is charmed by the user is still 100%; otherwise uses monster formula of 25 + level).
- Gigantys - No longer has a hit penalty based on its Weight.
- Fixed a bug where Frost Tyrants had a few stray pixels in their icon.
- Fixed a bug where monsters in Ice Palace could escape into the void.
- Fixed a bug where emote bubbles didn't follow the character while moving.
- Fixed a bug where the windows in Castle Geladyne were open during the night.
- Fixed a bug where the Premier's Throne was offset oddly.
- Fixed a bug where multiple recipe cards could be dropped from a single chest (again).
- Fixed a bug where while in Total Control, Grindylows could use Ice Spike without being Burrowed.
- Fixed a bug where non-trade versions of Chimeric Eyes could be found in chests (again). Subsequently added normal Chimeric Eyes to the craft drop table, as they were not included before. (As a reminder, you can still use both versions of Chimeric Eyes at the same time to unlock a potential.)
- Fixed a bug where the stat distribution screen would show incorrect 'preview stats' in the following conditions: when a skill which modified stats was active; when in possession of a memory shard that modified HP or FP.
- Fixed a bug where the HP/FP total shown on the party UI wasn't updated after stat points were distributed.
- Fixed a bug where logging out inside of a new dungeon and then deleting that character could lead to unintended behavior.
- Fixed a bug where Beat It could be used in PVP battles.
- Fixed a bug where skill damage could trigger Battle Spirits's FP Recovery.
- Fixed a bug where you could spam close NPC dialogue to trigger multiple parting messages.
- Fixed the OCD of Geladyne characters.
- Fixed a bug where some of the open dungeon/caves would think you entered them, when you really didn't.
- Various other bug fixes.
SL2 Version 2.61 |
Posted by: Neus - 09-10-2022, 05:07 PM - Forum: Announcements
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New Interiors - - Meiaquar Casino (Courtesy of Autumn)
- - Meiaquar Prison (Courtesy of Autumn)
- - Telegrad Library (Courtesy of Appo)
- - Telegrad Prison (Courtesy of Appo)
- - Wastes Wall Prison (Courtesy of Slydria)
- - Duyuei Great Hall (Courtesy of Slydria)
- - Duyuei Healer's Hut (Courtesy of Slydria)
- - Duyuei Inn Backroom (Courtesy of Slydria)
- Added Chinchiro to the Meiaquar casino.
- Added Attendant/Casino Master NPCs to the Meiaquar casino.
- Added a staircase to Geladyne, near the entrance gate.
- Added a Drill Sergeant NPC (functionally an inn) to Geladyne near the training grounds.
- Added a few jump spots to Telegrad.
- After a Korvara dungeon boss despawns, it will leave behind tracks indicating it recently left.
- Adjusted the typing indicator to use the animation layer, allowing it to appear over most other objects (such as chairs) that obscured it previously.
- Optimization for tree refreshing.
- Optimization for random encounter steps.
- Fixed a bug involving recipe cards dropping in high quantities from chests.
- Fixed a bug involving some traits showing up in the trait 'locked' list despite being unavailable for the player character's race.
- Fixed a bug where the progress bar for smelting would jump around a lot.
- Fixed a bug where Korvara enemies (and some others) did not have the proper elemental affinity modifiers applied to them.
- Fixed a bug where whispers of the past, enemy corpses, and other resources could spawn on boss battlefields.
- Fixed a bug where, if gauge text was set to always on, it would not show the HP/FP text of others after you join a party.
- Fixed a bug related to event tools and list propagation that caused performance problems (see: server lag).
- Fixed a bug related to NPC allies being able to use multiple actions via the hotbar if Total Control was turned off.
- Fixed a bug where, if a character profile was open, opening another character's profile would not update the page text.
- Various other bug fixes.
- Various bug fixes.
Line Spacer? I barely know her! |
Posted by: Kiss - 09-10-2022, 11:19 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
Following the latest update of SIGROGANA LEGENDS 2 v2.64b, we are now able to add LINE BREAKS to emotes, which let me be the FIRST person to say fan fucking tastic, in specific this is what is said in the Update Notes.
- You can now use a limited number line breaks for in-character chat channels (6 max); extra line breaks will be converted to forward slashes as per usual.
At first I had thought: "Oh, this means ill be able to add multiple lines of spacing to my huge Multi-Paragraph posts please I do NOT have a problem"
And I was....Half right.
The Limitation of 6 Line Breaks add a small problem, now its not REALLY a problem, but its a nick pick. In my head (And I know this isnt how Linebreaks typically work), I would have assumed this meant you could add a total of 6 Spacing per piece of text.
How it actually is, this.
Now the major problem with this is, when you actually have large spaces of Text, you dont ACTUALLY notice the Linebreak, its useless for all intensive purposes since the text is already so close to each other. If you wanted for example to Emote with a proper SPACE in between text like how standard speech would play out in a script for example you would do.
The ONLY downside of this is, due to this 6 Limitation the last piece of Text is unable to be spaced due to the limitation, leaving you unable to add space for ending your speech with a sentence for example, looking like this:
My suggestion for this is could we simply up the Line Break limitations to like 8 or 10? I understand why there is a limit, its to prevent spamming in the chat from filling up, but it would totally look nicer if it had juuuust a bit more.
Make Prolong Affect More |
Posted by: Poruku - 09-10-2022, 05:59 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (9)
The following skills could do with being affected with prolong and it would make them actually usable:
- Brine blade
- Ensui Veil (these two just make sense considering ring of pearls works)
- Quickness
- Invigoration
Maybe brighten but it's already a decent skill.
Enchantment Skill Icon |
Posted by: Shujin - 09-10-2022, 05:41 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
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I do not know why this isn't a thing already buuut...Could we get something that indicates which spells are actual enchantment class skills and which skills are not?
I see no rhyme or reason which spells are actually effected by the Talent or not. For a while I thought it was the yellow white icon border, but thats just support.
Some sort of icon in skill description would be nice. Cause some skills feel like enchantments, but they are not (Like Brine Blade of Aquamancer, the first word in its description even says Enchantment) and others do not really feel like enchantments but are! (like Ring of Pearls)
So I do not even know what of these are bugs or not. An Icon to clarify that would go a long way. It feels very inconsistent to me.
Unsneaky Rouge |
Posted by: Shujin - 09-10-2022, 05:09 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (5)
Rouge lacks something in its kit, thats really useful for atleast 2 of its promos. SNEAKING.
I know VA has blind spot to apply sneaking but, I think it would be really cool if Rouge had a trickery effect in its kit that would put them into sneaking, maybe tied to Incognito so its not a PvE skill exclusively.
Maybe like
"If incognito is equipped, and you use quickslide there is a trickery chance to enter sneaking for 2 rounds"
Anything really, I think that be really cool.
So long and thanks for all the fish |
Posted by: Roland_Staghare - 09-10-2022, 04:02 AM - Forum: Fruity Rumpus General
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As some of you have may noticed, I've been exceptionally absent as of late. I have been grappling with the current state of the community, and what to do for some time, or perhaps more appropriately my inability to to engage with it, so I'm going to use this post to put my thoughts in order and say my goodbyes.
With the release of Korvara, I'd expected to see a split community in derision, but the result was, ultimately, different. The response was very unified, and positive on Korvara's release, which is quite good to hear and witness. Unfortunately, I really never had any particular interest in it. What held me to SL2 for so long was its setting and the Great Six. I had hoped to see mechanics and a structure like Korvara's built up around it instead, if possible, but the decision was made to keep such play separate, and so I had, bounced off my attempts to play in Korvara with the larger community, as it in and of itself held no interest to me beyond player integration with the pre-established national powers.
Unfortunately for me there isn't much activity, if any, to speak of back in the Great Six of course, as the playerbase has taken so wholeheartedly to the new setting. Most that do remain are typically distracted by their mains being on Korvara or are more inclined to the slice of life style play which had left me only tenuously hanging on beforehand. And as my LFGs were largely met with ridicule, and my disinterest in being pushy in my attempts to sway others to join me in a setting or at least system they have little interest in engaging with, I've been left in a rut of just staring at the player count and occasionally logging in to characters to prevent their housing slots from expiring. This has not been in the least beneficial to my emotional wellbeing.
So, that said, I'm wishing you all a fond farewell, and I hope you the best of luck and high adventures in the future. SL2 has at points been a wonderful experience to engage with and will be permanently etched into my memory. I'm undecided as to whether I will maintain the Dormeho Chapel housing slot, but I may choose to log in monthly to keep it in place, barring some demand for it to be replaced. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Character approval request |
Posted by: goreclover - 09-10-2022, 03:33 AM - Forum: Character Applications
- Replies (1)
BYOND key: goreclover
Chararacter name: Merto Sanwine
Request: Character creation
Details: i made a kid character that is 11 years old
Reason: i want an innocent and child character contrast with the dark and malicious powers he has (ghost and void assassin)
Lore: doesnt remember his past, only his identity and his wish to become an adventurer. Young and naive, a really good kid that in the wrong moment cant control himself.
he is always in bad condition due to his powers or monsters