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  [v2.70c] I Castlen't See (I tried)
Posted by: The Alpha Bat - 02-09-2023, 03:24 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Castle BDP battle map cameras are borked on the map with the pillar in the center.

On battle start, the camera for all players will be placed onto the center of the map right in the middle of the pillar, meaning you can only see the five stone pillars tiles and everything else is black.

The same issue as a spectator trying to watch a battle on one of those maps, no one can see what's going on.

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  [v2.70c] Counter Edge
Posted by: Kameron8 - 02-09-2023, 02:47 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Counter edge appears to be adding 5/10/15 damage to counter attacks, instead of 15/20/25.  See four different Quick Draw attacks with Sheath Sword below, each with varying ranks of Counter Edge:

No Ranks in Counter Edge:

Quote:Quick Draw! OOC Allaina draws their sword with lightning speed!

System: Debug: Total Power for Orichalum Yukijin / Orichalum Yukijin was 92.
OOC Allaina attacks Prinny with Orichalum Yukijin!
Prinny takes 94 Slash physical damage.
* Initial Damage: 94 Slash Physical, flags: counter, sk: null, wep: Orichalum Yukijin /

Counter Edge 1/3:

Quote:Quick Draw! OOC Allaina draws their sword with lightning speed!
System: Debug: Total Power for Orichalum Yukijin / Orichalum Yukijin was 92.
OOC Allaina attacks Prinny with Orichalum Yukijin!
Critical Hit! Prinny takes 122 Slash physical damage.
* Initial Damage: 99 Slash Physical, flags: counter, sk: null, wep: Orichalum Yukijin / 

Counter Edge 2/3:

Quote:Quick Draw! OOC Allaina draws their sword with lightning speed!
System: Debug: Total Power for Orichalum Yukijin / Orichalum Yukijin was 92.
OOC Allaina attacks Prinny with Orichalum Yukijin!
Prinny takes 104 Slash physical damage.
* Initial Damage: 104 Slash Physical, flags: counter, sk: null, wep: Orichalum Yukijin /

Counter Edge 3/3:

Quote:Quick Draw! OOC Allaina draws their sword with lightning speed!
System: Debug: Total Power for Orichalum Yukijin / Orichalum Yukijin was 92.
OOC Allaina attacks Prinny with Orichalum Yukijin!
Prinny takes 109 Slash physical damage.
* Initial Damage: 109 Slash Physical, flags: counter, sk: null, wep: Orichalum Yukijin /

The initial damage parameter gets upped by 5 with each rank up.

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  Version 2.70
Posted by: Neus - 02-09-2023, 02:41 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

2.70 - Diastrophism #1
Dark Bard

  • Added a brand new promoted class for the Bard base class called Dark Bard.
  • 21 new skills with many new animations.
Map Requests
  • Wanderer's Vale Floors 2+3 (Courtesy of Slydria)
  • Geladyne Construction Workshop (Courtesy of Appo)
  • Fairview Renovation (Courtesy of Appo)
  • Telegrad Southern Fields Urbanization (Courtesy of Autumn)
  • Various minor map changes (Courtesy of Dev)
New Areas (Korvara)
  • Added 6 new large exterior areas.
  • Added 5 new dungeon areas.
  • Added many new interior areas for the above.
  • Added 12 new battlefield maps.
New Enemies
  • Added 3 new boss monsters.
  • Added 13 new monster enemies.
  • Added several dozen new monster skills and many new animations for the above.
New Equipment Items
  • Added 30 new equipment items to the Korvara item pool.
New Materials
  • Added 20 new item materials;
  • 5 Ore
  • 5 Wood
  • 5 Page
  • 5 Cloth
New Enchantments & Adjustemnts
  • Added 8+ new enchantments.
  • Volcanic (Weapon); Damage effect now hits all enemies except the original target within 5 Range.
  • Volcanic (Armor); Effect changed; +25 HP. Being hit by an attack creates Cinders at all tiles within 2 Range (LV 15, 2 duration, once per round.)
New Special Strikes & Adjustments
  • Added 10 new Special Strikes to various weapons.
  • Added animations to all pre-existing Special Strikes which did not have them.
  • Maou; Damage now ignores armor.
New Item Potentials
  • Added 10 new Item Potentials to various weapons.
  • XP requirement to unlock potentials has been adjusted.
New Crystal Terminal Upgrade
  • Added 1 new Crystal Terminal upgrade.
New Traits
  • Added 15 new character traits.
New Youkai
  • Added 3 new Youkai; Fire Elemental, Wind Elemental, and Kerberos.
  • Added an animation for Snow Crow's Creysr.
New Donation Item
  • Added Sticker Set 2, containing Air and Risu stickers.
  • Added Ashe Padoru and Nemalyth Padoru as free stickers.
New Craft Recipes
  • Added 22 new material change kit recipes.
  • Added 12 new Tailoring recipes.
  • Added 1 new Metalwork recipe.
  • Added 4 new Alchemy recipes.
  • Added 8 new enchantment catalyst recipes.
  • Added 8 new recipe books (available in various shops on both Korvara and G6).
  • Added over a dozen new music tracks, including a new Korvara battle theme and boss theme.
  • Added animations for Absorb and Reflect effects.
  • Spiritualism spirits will no longer leave you if your talent rank is insufficient; instead, they will simply not take effect. (IE, if you have 5 spirits and only rank 4 Possession, the 5th spirit will not give any bonuses.)
  • Battle rings now have a flashing state for enemies who have 1 HP (which makes tracking things such as Winged Serpent's final attack HP threshold easier).
  • Walking monsters over level 70 are now immune to traps placed on the map. (Not traps which are used in battle.)
  • Execute; Bonus damage capped at +100.
  • Watchful Eye; Now has a 3 round CD.
  • Strangling Etacof; HP damage capped at 50, FP damage capped at 25.
  • Ice Point Guard; Can now parry monster weapons.

  • Icicle Spear; Now has a 3 round CD.

  • Crawling Spikes; Now has a 1 round CD. Damage bonus for multiple hits reduced to 25%/100% max per extra hit (from 50%/200%).

  • Rapid Kick; Now has a 1 round CD. 3 round CD if the enhanced version is used.
  • Fenri; Base Power changed to 11 (from 15), base Weight changed to 15 (from 6).

  • Hisen; Fatal Stroke adjusted. New animation effect. Damage can now critically hit and restores 5 FP for every enemy defeated by its effect.

  • Throwing Dagger; No longer receives Farshot penalties within its default attack range.

  • Elytra; Blunt resistance changed to 1*UL%. Effect which activates on knockdown removed.

  • Red Letter; No longer absorbs Fire damage or gives an Ice weakness. Now deals Fire bonus damage equal to 50% of Fire ATK on hit.

  • Circle Ring; Effect changed; Gives Skill

  • Circle Nine. (Prove to everyone you're not an idiot by dealing 99% of your Ice ATK as bonus armor-ignoring Ice damage to all enemies in a 3 range Circle. You also gain Absorb Ice (Limited) LV 1 for 9 rounds. 9 round CD.)

  • Reactive Armor; Fire damage effect must now come from an enemy and has a 1 round CD. Damage increased to 10 + UL (from 2 + UL).

  • Guard Riposte item effects; Now only triggers if the Guard LV is at least 30.

  • Masking Trail; SWA Ratio is now 100%. Skill now goes on a 3 round CD when invoked successfully.

  • Luckiness Dance; Now has Dance tag.
[b]- Fixed a bug where Conductor's Misdirection didn't work when used on a player character.
- Fixed a bug where weather effects would persist if you were defeated in battle.
- Fixed a bug where resistances given by prayer statuses were calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where elemental resists weren't updating if you used a material kit on an equipped item.
- Fixed a bug where skill/movement usage while airborne sometimes didn't break the airborne effect.
- Fixed a bug where Jet Stream knocked back enemies who dodged its damage.
- Fixed a bug where certain bonus Critical Damage modifiers for basic attacks weren't applying.
- Fixed a bug where Excel Crash Plus effects for Turnover weren't activating.
- Fixed a bug where Critical Damage calculations that didn't involve a weapon didn't actually provide a critical multiplier above 100%, leading to no damage increase.
- Fixed a bug where Frostbite applied by Chilling Rune was using an incorrect value.
- Various other reported bug fixes.

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  [v.2.70c] Hidden Crit! (Where Has It Gone??)
Posted by: JamOfBoy - 02-09-2023, 01:26 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (5)

Hisen's potential doesn't seem to factor in weapon crit damage modifiers or weapon crit chance for Hidden Cut's chance to crit.
Other crit buffs might also not apply to Hisen Hidden Cut - all I could test with was Poise, which didn't work.

The first point is important as the Hisen has an innate 125% crit modifier. The second part is important because without weapon crit or crit buffs, this thing isn't going to crit anything with even a mote of crit evade.

[Image: tPvd3td.png]

We're looking at the Critical check and the Critical hit multi of these debug logs. This is a basic attack! All very well and good.

[Image: 67r1dYQ.png]

Hisen's Hidden Cut is down by 25 on the Critical hit multi and 27 on the Critical check! If we look at the Hisen in question...

[Image: icfZLmk.png]

125% Crit multiplier and 27 critical, the values absent for Hidden Cut. Hence, Hidden Cut doesn't use any value from the weapon other than SWA.

This makes sense since Hidden Cut has only ever had the potential to Lightning Crit before, which works off of a different, pre-existing calculation that has been on many skills, whereas raw, regular skill critting like this is new and Hidden Cut has never had any need to draw on such values.

I'm electing to assume this is a bug because, while most other skills that can crit either have fixed crit damage modifiers, (Flame Art: Explosion and Dancer (i've never played dancer so this could be wrong)) or scale off of something other than GUI (Lightning Crits), they also use crit chance buffs and weapon values, unless I'm mistaken. They should do if they don't, but you didn't hear it from me!

Ranger's Twin Shot might also be subject to this if it works similarly, but I'll limit this to Hisen alone for now.

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  Aerial Attacker [v2.70b]
Posted by: Trexmaster - 02-08-2023, 10:41 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Aerial Attacker's bonus to power appears to be scaling based on the power of your weapon.

With 59 Scaled SAN for what should be a total bonus of +18 (17.7 + 1, rounded down) I get this instead:

[Image: image.png]

^Using a 100 SWA weapon, my power goes from 100 to 117. About within expectations, right?

[Image: image.png]

^Using a 200 SWA weapon you can see where the problem is. I'm getting +35 Power for being airborne when I should be getting +18. The bonus is doubled (17.7x2=35.4, rounded down for 35) after having doubled the initial SWA.

So it's safe to say that currently Aerial Attacker is scaling its power bonus based on the power of the attack used, instead of being a flat power bonus based off your Scaled SAN.

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  Break down (2.70v)
Posted by: Senna - 02-08-2023, 01:58 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

So turns out you can't break down Boulder items to obtain its material. Unsure if this applies to the other newer materials.

[Image: image.png]

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  Cam (v2.70b)
Posted by: Senna - 02-07-2023, 10:56 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

For some reason, the camera view for those in the party members is currently bugged (Not updating/Adjusting). It does not update when they enter certain battle maps or certain area.

For example, Sea of Cloud's entrance or Castle battle map.

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  [V 2.70b] Speech Bubbles & Verbs
Posted by: Niezan - 02-07-2023, 07:07 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Before this update, in v2.68 or prior, pressing Say or Emote as a macro (bind say to T, and press it) would automatically bring up the speech bubble.
Now, the speech bubble will not appear if you press them as a macro or directly type them into the command bar, only if you explicitly do Say text or so on in the command bar.

I presume this behavior isn't intended to be like this.

1. Bind Say to T as a macro.
2. Press T.
3. Say Bubble doesn't appear.

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  [v.2.68] laPlace Not Paying Attention
Posted by: The Alpha Bat - 02-06-2023, 07:59 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Accepted the laPlace request Enchanting Practice. Simple objective: Enchant any item (0/1)

Well, it doesn't register. 

Enchanting an item or creating one through the enchanting skill doesn't fulfill the objective, not at the mage's guild enchanting table, the mage's guild shopkeeper or with the portable science kit.

This may actually be an older bug no one's noticed until now, possibly introduced with the crafting update. It may have affected the other laPlace requests as well.

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  "Are you quieter now?" "No, I'm louder faster." [Quiet Person]
Posted by: Shadbase - 02-06-2023, 01:44 AM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

I have two coupled suggestions today!

[Image: image.png]

As of current, even if someone has the Quiet Person trait, you can still hear their horrid "seems to say something" message from THIS far away.
Quiet Person 'mumbling' shouldn't be able to be heard from this distance, given the purpose of the trait, so I would like to ask that Quiet Person also lower the distance you're able to be heard from at all - like how Loud Person extends it just a bit - and not just to be able to see the meat of someone's post.
(I had this happen on live, but it'd be a dick move to just post someone I don't know's stuff, so I just remade it on testing to show what I mean.)

Hand-in-hand, I think a lot of people also would really appreciate these options finally being added to new chat more visibly and appropriately, as Quiet Person is extremely spammy, especially when someone tends to send a burst of small posts with the trait... but I don't even think a lot of people realize that these work for new chat now.
[Image: image.png]

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord