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  Dormeho Clinic No Nurse [v.2.68]
Posted by: Pyro - 02-05-2023, 03:12 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)


The Dormeho Clinic doesn't have a nurse for its blood drives.

This makes it very challenging to get blood.

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  Cypelle Communism
Posted by: Trexmaster - 02-05-2023, 05:22 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Currently, all party members need to individually hit a Cypelle node, with no easy indicator if a party member has or hasn't mined the node.

Can we have all party members harvest a Cypelle node when the party leader hits a node, if they're eligible to hit the node for the day?

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  Dullahan Soul Exhaust [2.68]
Posted by: Bryce_Hego - 02-04-2023, 08:27 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Currently, Dullahans are incapable of triggering their 0 FP soul exhaust state if they have even a single point of FP regeneration between rounds.
This is a bug, and I know it's a bug or it would have probably been mentioned as an obscure questionable change. This was not always how this worked.

I don't need to explain how having 3 FP regeneration from the Capacity talent is not worth being stuck at 0 FP as a Dullahan. I'll simply show some screenshots I took on the test server, proving that soul exhaust works with 0 FP regeneration, and instantly stops working the moment any type of FP sustain is introduced.

To explain, the Gear I ran involved no witch hats or magic cloaks. I did use maylia armor though, to make the soul exhaust proc easy to notice.

[Image: 1.png]
[Image: 2image.png]
Working as intended so far. You can tell it's procced even though there's no message for it.
Then I turned on Absorb power after hitting 0 FP a second time.
[Image: image_1.png]
[Image: image_3.png]
You can see by the HP regeneration and FP regeneration, I only benefitted off absorb power exclusively. If this was an interaction specific to absorb power, I wouldn't think much of it...but it's worse than that.

The following screenshots my subclass was changed to grand summoner, and my absorb talent is rank 3
5 FP regen + 10 FP regen + 3 FP regen. All from passive effects.
[Image: image_4.png]
[Image: image_5.png]
If having even a single point of FP regen between rounds, Dullahans are now unable to trigger soul exhaust. This forces Dullahans to respec and build around 0 FP regen. This sucks bad if the Dullahan is playing an FP intensive class such as Boxer, Verglass, Engineer. Having that passive sustain between rounds is very useful for making their exhaust state actually let them rebound if they aren't immediately killed during it.

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  Talis Bugs [v2.68]
Posted by: renowner - 02-04-2023, 06:31 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Skills that travel in a line when used by a deployed talis will only face in the direction you are facing, or only face upwards.
You can still move it to the right, left, bottom, etc as per normal, or in every tile in the case of Libergande, but it will still face upwards regardless.
This applies to all line based attacks it seems, including Vydel.

Additionally the Ghost Arrow move despite being chosen to fire from the Talis, only fires from your character. . .And only straight forward.
(You use ghost arrow from the talis, you choose any direction the talis faces and press Z, the ghost arrow fires from your character NOT the talis in whatever direction you're facing.)

Steps to replicate:
Get a staff that deploys a talisman of the type of the spell you're trying to use.
Use a line based spell, or ghost arrow.
Notice how the spell always faces upwards even when selecting other directions.

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Posted by: renowner - 02-04-2023, 11:40 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

I think Staff items should be exempt from all the normal spearhead customization items, like how daggers can't use huge blade.
In turn I Think we should get a slew of new staff only spearhead items, that act as spell foci or something. Bonus to your starsign's element of elemental attack or something?

Doesn't make much sense to me that you're tying a huge spearhead to your. . Quarterstaff. . .or . . .Monk priest staff . . . or. . .your Carialite head staff. The head is a gem! Did you sharpen it into a speartip?! You monster!

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  Double QOL Suggestion Hour!
Posted by: firehawk11 - 02-04-2023, 11:32 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - No Replies

First suggestion is to simple have a preference toggle that stops asking which tool I wish to use (Having bot rusty picks and decent picks) it be nice to take which ever is first and just roll with it without asking. This would immediately speed up collecting items in a dungeon when you have more then one tool on you. 

Second Suggestion - Add in a thing that lets you see hit rate of skills similar to basic attacks.

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  Evil Force
Posted by: renowner - 02-04-2023, 10:48 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (8)

Evil Force still does less for guns despite guns changing how they function.
I'd love if this stipulation would be removed.

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  Ongoing Events: An Address
Posted by: Balthie - 02-04-2023, 08:13 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (18)

Due to the attitude of certain players in private, the way they choose to treat fellow players and events, and the potential fallout of targeting behaviors shown, this post has been written to address the ongoing situation.

As part of an ongoing effort to readdress how we as a team respond to OOC hostility and toxicity in the community, we GMs have been undergoing an investigation behind the scenes for the best part of a month.
This post can be considered a precursor post to a larger address regarding policy changes in the works.

Unfortunately, some of the backlash occurring following recent events has indicated that involved players may end up on the receiving end of hostile OOC treatment, prompting this early post and clarification.
Please treat one another kindly. Any hate, hostility, or harassment sent to any involved parties, including those redacted in the logs, will be met with harsh punitive action.

To upcoming new hire Eventmins, please don't let these logs dissuade you.
To the player base at large, know that we treat your reports of mistreatment very seriously, and strive to improve the OOC atmosphere of the game to best keep Korvara free of harmful behavior.

Here's the doc.

We want the player base at large to be able to enjoy Korvara in the vision that Dev intended, divorced from OOC politics and hostility.
Lately, the sheer quantity of evidence the team has had to read to the contrary has been kindling for severe burnout.

Feel free to use this thread for open discussion, we'll be monitoring any discourse here for feedback.
Keep. Things. Civil.

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  Cruel Commander
Posted by: Poruku - 02-04-2023, 07:39 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (12)

1: Make the buff 5 rounds (that's a lot of investment for a measly 3 rounds)

2: make it proc rapier of resent

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  Enma's Summons
Posted by: Snake - 02-03-2023, 02:18 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

Global, 3 round CD, subject to farshot penalty, easy to be avoided due to the nature of tomes, isn't a multihit and also does not blind.

Can Enma's Summons be in similar power to Divine Shower and ignore Evasion too? Or at least gain bonus hit alongside its bonus damage the more HP the enemy is missing, or whatever.

The cooldown really put it not in a fine position when compared to its more holy sibling.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord