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Rabbit Leap Nerf - Trait ...
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Racial Synergy Buff |
Posted by: Poruku - 02-02-2023, 06:44 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
Pack alpha and pack follower are insanely weak traits. Even if you were to make a team of 4 people who are utilizing that trait to its maximum potential, it would only be kinda decent. The issue is that the payoff is so tiny, there's no reason to go for that (and the game is too easy but that's another thing).
I suggest the traits be merged into "pack wolf" and make lupines share their hunted statuses because that's really cool.
I also think we should have racial synergy traits for more races. It would massively increase racial identity and it would make rp reasons for people of the same race to rp together in interesting ways.
Corbie - Coordinated flight: bonuses when flying near other corbies.
Omina - Fortune black hole: bonus effect when someone has luck drain from two ominas
Redtail - Gamblers: get a bonus when you witness another redtail get a high roll on their colorful flame thingy
Wyverntouched - Venom Boost: you can bite an ally wyverntouched, which also grants them an extra bonus
Hyattr - Competitive Destruction: If you get competitive buff and another hyattr is in the fight, you also get a power bonus.
Human - Camaraderie: Charisma buff lasts 1 round longer on other human allies.
Leporidae - Fluffle: Call out dangers to your allies. Each leporidae benefits from instinct as if they had the same health as the lowest % health leporidae in their team. (When a leporidae turns around due to an instinct proc, all of them also do the little exclamation mark bubble)
Vampire - Covenant: When you use silvermists, allied vampires gain 20% of the healing from it.
Vampire - Blood pact: When another vampire use lunar lunatism, you gain 20 essence and blood crest if it was not already active.
Lich - Arcane conduit: When you cast a spell, allied liches channel power through you, doubling the power bonus of overload magic, but double the extra fp cost is taken from them.
Glykin - Shared Purity: Glycon's blessing gains power when fellow glykins share focus. Grants a skill that reduces the duration of all debuffs on an allied glykin by 1, with a cd.
Dullahan - Shared Soul Engine: Soul engine also applies to allied dullahans within 2 range.
Doriad - Forest Pals: Casting song of nature on an allied plant or doriad gives them a buff in addition to normal effects.
Just an idea. I think it's perfect for what the trait system is supposed to be. Flavorful interesting stuff that can reward you for playing a certain way and partying up with your bros.
Youtube BGM start time |
Posted by: Poruku - 02-02-2023, 03:48 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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Sometimes, you find the perfect song for your profile, but the only version available on youtube has like 20 seconds of bullshit at the start. Or maybe you just wanna get right into the good part.
It would be a really big help to implement a way to choose what time the video starts, since that's a thing you can do with embed.
Wyverntouched SAN Scaling adjustment |
Posted by: Autumn - 02-01-2023, 02:39 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (6)
I think that Wyverntouched have it rough in the early game, and their SAN investment can be downright brutal when attempting to go for the coveted 100% poison resistance, I also think that early level/low SAN wyverntouched should be able to resist poison fairly well as well, given that it's kind of their gimmick. It confuses me even more that Wyverntouched don't start out with any poison resistance at all technically. On a sidenote, I do think this change is a bit necessary given the shift in stat point requirements, that seem to not favor SAN builds in the current metas.
Therefore I propose that Wyverntouched's poison resistance be changed in the following ways:
-Base amount of resistance is increased from 0% to 40%
-Scaling is reduced from 200% of SAN to 150% of SAN.
This WOULD reduce the total SAN needed to get from base to 100% from 50 scaled SAN to 40 scaled SAN (The same amount where poison LV30 on poison bite is present, as is the standard among most poisons)
Thank you for your consideration.
[v2.68] Old Bones (QUERY?) |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 02-01-2023, 06:25 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)
Another thread already mentioned back in early Korvara that Dragon Remains were inaccessible.
After looking through the debug verbs on the test server, I noticed what might be the issue.
Old Bones are meant to yield remains of certain mobs based on their location, but in practice, Old Bones always yield nothing.
Going by the debug information, Old Bones in Duyuei Underground for example are meant to yield Accursed Remains, though when harvested they yield nothing and Chimeras cannot eat them.
Most importantly, and relevant to the linked thread, is that the Old Bones in the Wastes Cave with Gigas Rexes are meant to have Dragon Remains, but yield nothing.
So, the question is:
Are Old Bones meant to function as the debug details imply? Which is to say, yielding a variety of remains dependent on their location akin to a resource node but for remains.
And if they ARE meant to function that way, would Chimera be able to use them like other remains to gain traits?
Steps to reproduce:
1. Find Old Bones
2. Attempt to harvest
3. Get nothing
4. Intended?????
Orb of mystery (2.68) |
Posted by: firehawk11 - 02-01-2023, 02:00 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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It seems like if i have more then one orb of mystery set to my F-keys it defaults to the first one in my inventory no matter how much I have set. Yet I can do into my use items and right click and still activate any of my others. It seems my F-keys only registery the first one despite multiple of them being named differently.
Custom Roll Wrong number v2.68 |
Posted by: caliaca - 01-31-2023, 07:00 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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The minimum of the custom roll says it's a 2, but if you enter a 2 or a 3, it rolls a d4.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Hit the custom dice button
2) enter two or three
3) Watch it roll a d4 instead.
I'DEAL' Gambling |
Posted by: Shadbase - 01-31-2023, 01:07 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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(Wow I'm in this forum a lot lately. I blame my Adderall being doubled.)
While nothing super remarkable, I wanted to talk about the possibility of adding further games to the SL2 Casino sphere. Namely, Blackjack - and Roulette too, but I prefer Blackjack a lot more.
The only real gambling we have are Japanese-styled games, which where originally made for Oniga in theming, and these games are fine. (Also yes, I only remember Yenten but I know there's two. I swear I'm not hallucinating). I'd really like the addition of western-styled casino games, for the following few reasons:
- The games we have come with unfamiliar/original rulesets that can be hard for people to understand, especially alone and if numbers already aren't their strength - which is entirely possible and a reality for a lot of people (like myself).
- These games were originally specific to Oniga. These're fine... in Oniga, but now with the addition of Korvara they're extremely out of place at the Meiaquar Casino, which can be explained by old shipwrecked foreigners bringing the game over, I would think that Meiaquarise would've developed their own games in the meantime too. (This also makes sense for the games in Arjav, but I know Sigro is not in the focus at this time.)
- Blackjack and Roulette are extremely simple games, even when it comes to math, and are very familiar with a lot of people on and offline. I would also think they wouldn't be extremely hard to code.
Fourth (unofficial) reason is I just don't like playing Yenten but am criminally addicted to Blackjack in games where I don't gamble real money. :)
I'll sprite the spinner and cards myself if I have to. I will do it. Don't test me. Just let me have new casino games...
Skill Points Situation |
Posted by: Senna - 01-30-2023, 08:04 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (6)
So I’ve noticed some classes are getting the points touched up. Enough to make them usable/viable outside of raw support. Which is pretty good. I figure I might as well suggest a few that also need this attention as well, given their current state.
Classes that feel like if you don’t have destiny, you can only play them in a niche way due to how heavy on points they are. Classes that needs the 3 points adjustments.
- Lantern Bearer - 85 points. A class that consists of mostly 5 point burners. This includes both skills and passives. By the time the player gets the passives for the classes, they’re stuck with two offensive skills if they’re lucky.
- Void Assassin - 103 Points. This class can be played in only two ways. Even then, it’s almost impossible to make it as effective in both give the SHEER amount of points needed to burn through for it to even be functional in the slightest. Due to this, a good portion of the class skills/passives go ignored for what’s mandatory.
- Engineer - 93 Points. This class is very functional; strong no less, but the problem is that it has only one way to play. You get Grenade Launcher, Jet pack, bots. There aren’t enough points to get more creative stuff without sacrificing anything of importance/mandatory.
- Hexer - 122 Points. A class that’s rendered to poison and silence spam. A point spread so wide, it forces the class to focus mainly on inflicting either poison or silence and applying the Hex and sometimes Enma’s summons after getting a few passives or just Death Knighting into smaller supports such as Spirit pain, Bloody karma and so on. This turns the class into raw support or ‘I hope I can poison this person’.
- Mage - 111 Points. Two elements, Blink and mandatory passives. That is all that can be afforded for mage. Getting the other enchantment is almost a dream. God forbid if the player wants three elements.
- Priest - 89 Points. This is still a very functional class, but due to how many points are being used, there is only one effective build path, thus creating a samey situation. The class does not allow the player to spare much points into getting other skills/spells such as treatment spells or even spells like Divine Judgement without losing effectiveness.
- Archer - 89 Points. A class that ends up with the same niche layout. Occasionally, pop up with something different but in return, losing important/value skills an Archer needs/requires. While it is mainly for Bow builds as Gunslingers will/more likely can’t use much of the available skills there.
Honorable Mentions
These are classes that are just fine the way they are however built very niche/Samey due to their spread situation.
[EVENT TOOLS] v2.68 Changing a mob's pixel_x and pixel_y values can offcenter ring |
Posted by: Fern - 01-30-2023, 07:35 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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If you change a mob's pixel_x and pixel_y values in the monster editor, then load it while you're in a fight, your battle ring (the colored one denoting if your HP is green/yellow/red, etc.) will be off-centered, presumably because its visual position is being changed alongside the icon. This was not an issue before, but it's very inconvenient now since if you need to make last minute adjustments to your mob's icon (such as changing it for an alternate phase) then your position in battle can become very confusing to the players.
Vampires in Korvara |
Posted by: Snake - 01-29-2023, 09:35 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (11)
We don't need a new race for Vampires in Korvara nor Huggessoan Vampires to be enabled, just saying before I get swarmed.
This could be great as a "simple" disease that you can contract while fighting specific mobs or bosses, sort of like how you'd get Porphyritic Hemophilia while fighting Vampires in The Elder Scrolls series. And this disease/injury would become worse over time, increasing its effects but having worse drawbacks on you.
With that idea in mind, here's what I have in mind, keep in mind that those names are all placeholders and numbers may be changed accordingly, my goal is to sell the idea for now.
Hemophilia Disease
Type: Debuff
Duration: Permanent
LV: 0 ~ 100
Cleansable?: No
- Reduces all HP healing by LV.
- Reduces your Light Resistance by LV.
- Increases your Darkness Resistance by LV. (Questionable!)
- Increases Scaled Weapon ATK by 25% of LV. (Questionable!)
- Grants the skill 'Bloodsucking Bite'.
- Grants the skill 'Deadly Claws'.
- Every hour tick, LV will raise by 5.
- Every round in combat will increase the LV by 5.
- Receiving an Injury will increase the LV by 10.
- Being defeated in combat will immediately raise the LV to 100 and revive you with 15% of your maximum HP. Upon being revived the LV cannot be reduced by any means until combat ends.
- It can be cured with an Hemophilia Antidote made from very specific materials which require a lot of investment and Mental Stamina to be refined with multiple Crafting classes having to work together to concoct it, and extracted blood from an infected enemy. (Syringe will need to be made by Metalworker, and equipped in your Item Belt.)
- Once Cured or upon taking the Hemophilia Antidote, you will have a buff that cannot be dispelled which lasts 50 rounds. (You can still manually dispell it by clicking on it. Multiple uses will stack indefinitely, for those dedicated Paladins who refuse being infected out there.)
Bloodsucking Bite
3M, 10 FP, 1 round CD
Targets: Ally/Enemy
Range: 1 range.
Target a Grappled, Immobilized or Confused enemy within 1 range and savagely bite onto them, sucking their blood. Reduces the LV of your Hemophilia Disease equal to the target's Scaled VIT, to a minimum of 0. (This will not cure the debuff, only ease its side-effects.)
There is also an infliction chance (only 25% of your Status Infliction + 50% of Hemophilia Disease LV) that you will afflict them with Hemophilia Disease, and it will start at LV10. Some races, such as Glykin and Homunculi, are immune.
Infected Claws
3M, 10 FP, 4 round CD
Targets: Enemy
Range: 1 range.
Slash at your enemy with blood-made claws, dealing Slash, Darkness and Water physical damage equal to (25% Scaled STR + 25% Dark ATK/Water ATK + 50% Hemophilia Disease LV).
For the next 3 rounds, any attempts at inflicting Hemophilia Disease will have a 50% chance of instant success on the target, and their Status Resistance will be lowered by 15.
Final Considerations and Lore:
- This will not grant IC immortality or longevity. Perhaps it can work for the purposes of stopping your aging if you keep constantly feeding, but that'd be something I would like discussion first.
- The ultimate goal of this is to bring a more grim facet of Vampirism to Korvara without a convoluted lore or gods tied to it.
- This is an infectious disease, which can be spread from both infected monsters, or players.
- Monsters in particular will gain a different Skill called 'Savage Bite', which require no Grapple and only target uninfected allies or enemies.
- The goal is to promote RP towards that, not to give mechanical advantages, so the disadvantage is intended to be very crippling.
- PLEASE HELP ME FLESH THIS OUT BETTER. Do you like it? Do you hate it? I demand your opinion, -now-!