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  Mercalan Mist
Posted by: Snake - 02-11-2023, 10:37 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (19)

Mercalan Mist (Rank 5) should grant a buff to the Priest after casting it, let's call it 'Sacred Veil', which reduces any attacker's Hit by (25 - their Scaled FAI/2), and lasts as a substatus of Mercalan Mist's field effect duration.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

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  A few 'super spatial' bugs! (Spoilers)
Posted by: renowner - 02-11-2023, 07:16 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Firstly, and i'm not sure exactly how this happened, but it seems to be possible to break the Starlight Caller's Invocations despite a passive saying it should not be possible. It wasn't even with the dark bard thing, just a basic attack.
[Image: bdc4437688.png]

Additionally, the Offensive Momentum Up status that can be given to your party during the fight also seems to increase the momentum cost of items, including magical stones, which aren't really supposed to be considered an offensive skill I imagine?

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  Boulder Material Armor [v2.70d]
Posted by: Bryce_Hego - 02-11-2023, 10:02 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]
This is a bodyguard that was not originally made of Boulder material.
It's fully upgraded. (Except the upgrades from tools)
Boulder was placed on it. Yet only the Evade and Weight have changed
7 base armor + 8 UL = 15
0 base magic armor + 5 UL = 5

Boulder lists itself as giving +7 of both Armor and Magic Armor.
It's currently not applying to this one, for whatever reason. Relogging and Re-equipping it didn't fix it.
It should be statistically impossible to have less than 7 on magic armor after putting Boulder on it, unless you had grimey, which it doesn't

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  [Korvara] Nation Resource and treasury banks
Posted by: Blissey - 02-11-2023, 03:43 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (10)

Hi. It's me.

Resources being managed by a nation on specific characters (see: using their inventory space or their own banks) is a bit of a mixed bag. Sometimes people leave inexplicably and don't transfer on the items; other times they're nefarious. Some people just lose track or don't keep track. It leaves a lot up to chance.

My suggestion (bare-bones) would be for each nation to have some form of bank that anyone in that nation can access, so long as they meet certain criteria imposed by the leader of that nation. I imagine this would theoretically work with the guild system in place, and then the guild leader would adjust permissions for each rank. Though that's just me assuming how the guild system works at the moment.

The bank would probably have a limit depending on the nation, I don't know. GMs may also have to oversee this to prevent any misdeeds or rule-breaking. As far as transfer of power goes, if a nation's leader changes, that would probably fall on the GMs to make sure that transference goes through. In the event that a nation's guild leader disappears and leadership can't be transferred, then maybe GMs can have a tool to switch the overall permission of who 'owns' which nation's bank?

I don't have a very good idea on how to systemically arrange something like this, but I haven't seen it seriously suggested. Maybe others who have the brainpower or ideas will chime in and make this better. I figured I'd start paving the way.

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  Tannis Black Beast Alerts [2.70c]
Posted by: saikyogroove77 - 02-10-2023, 06:24 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

I've noticed that, when it comes to in-game alerts for normal events in such as Dormeho Fishing Tournaments, monster attacks in the mines, etc.- Alerts for Tannis being attacked by Black Beasts are not showing up in-game.

This includes all Black Beast messages regarding Tannis. "Black Beasts have been seen prowling the hills near Tannis..." "Black Beasts are attacking Tannis!" and "The Black Beasts attacking Tannis have retreated!"

When looking into the channel on the SL2 Discord "#game-messages", the Tannis alerts are appearing there, but when looking in-game to check for them, they are not there.

Dormeho Black Beast messages are still appearing, as are all others aside from the Tannis Black Beast messages (from what I can tell).

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  Re: Anti-Soundcloud Gang [2.70c]
Posted by: Shadbase - 02-10-2023, 06:19 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

So, I've already made a bug report about this in the past, but that'd be a HUGE ASS necropost of over a year or so, so I wanted to just make a new thread.

As per... introduction of the system, Soundcloud embeds in profile are both unable to be lowered volume-wise, and will continue playing after closing a profile after muting said max volume music until you can open your own profile and mute it.
This leads to people being consistently hit with 100d1000 sound damage, because people often use hard rock, or bas eboosted EDM dubstep in their profiles on Soundcloud.
This is presumably a bug, because I doubt that this sort of thing is intentional when the YouTube embeds work perfectly fine as long as you let them load before muting or closing the profile.

The running theories after asking more knowledgeable people than I about those systems is this:

Soundcloud's volume issue:
---- > Soundcloud may no API control for volume.
This would mean that SL2's volume slider cannot control Soundcloud's volume slider, because there is no code assisting it to do so. YouTube embeds do this, but as it is, nobody can tell if this is something that is a part of SL2, or a part of YouTube's embedding feature.
Also, going onto Soundcloud itself and lowering the volume so it's site-wide (which is what you could do for YouTube before the volume slider added in new chat), does not work. I have tested this myself, and it just doesn't.
---- > Possible venues to look at for a fix:
- Seeing if SL2 can be coded to fix the possible API control so that Soundcloud now works the same as YouTube in volume.
- Seeing if SL2 can be coded to allow changing the volume by the user.

Soundcloud's nonstop pain after muting issue:
---- > SL2 is not sending a proper "stop" command that Soundcloud embedding will listen to.
Soundcloud's unending sound damage tends to happen more often than not in this scenario:
- > I open a profile to see who just walked by as a glance.
- > This user is using Ram Ranch (base boosted) on Soundcloud.
- > I rush to hit the mute button and cry about my ears over OOC or Discord, cursing Soundcloud users who do this to me.
- > I close the profile after reading it in peace
- > Soundcloud starts again, at the same volume
- > I scream and open my own profile, with a YouTube embed, to make it stop.
It's good to note that hitting the mute button and then closing a profile will make the song start from where you muted it, and not at the beginning.
As well as that, if someone also doesn't have any music set on their profile, the mute button will now control that same Soundcloud music, which can only be solved one way (beyond closing the game):
[Image: image.png]

The guess is that Soundcloud is either ignoring, or doesn't have some sort of "stop" command that tells the embed to go away after the profile is closed if the music gets muted. I could not tell you HOW the hell it works fine if it's not muted, but if it is muted it doesn't.
----> Possible venues for a fix:
- > Look for some sort of inconsistency with how SL2 is handling Soundcloud songs when unmuted and muted.
- > Check to see that closing the profile is sending the proper command when it's closed, as right now it seems to not be doing so.

I'll likely keep checking this in every time I have a new thought about what could potentially cause this, but I'm not familiar with BYOND code, so I can only guess at things and confer with people that sort-of do.

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  Raging Flame/Burning Strikes [2.7]
Posted by: renowner - 02-10-2023, 03:14 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Raging flame is currently evadable. It doesn't explicitely say its bonus damage, but I feel like its supposed to be. 

Additionally, Burning strikes, Suzaku's install passive is evadable despite it explicitly saying its bonus damage.

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  Expert Tracker
Posted by: caliaca - 02-10-2023, 01:11 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Currently, if you come upon monster tracks in the dungeons you have no idea how long it'll be before they clear. Did the boss just run away a few minutes ago? Or has it been an hour and it's about  to clear?

I propose the ability to click the monster tracks and get told how many in game hours it's been since it spawned. 

This could potentially be tied to a trait called Expert Tracker that allows it. Or it'd just be nice period.

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  Sorting Items by Type
Posted by: Shadbase - 02-09-2023, 11:54 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - No Replies

Minor request to be able to sort items in the inventory by type (cloth, ore, pages, etc.)

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  Character Application - Toad Playby
Posted by: CabbitNet - 02-09-2023, 10:30 PM - Forum: Character Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - CabbitNet
Character Name - No Name Yet
Request Type - Height and Concept Approval 
Request Details -  A Toadstool Playby Varient, The 3'5" Mushroom Doriad.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) -I am making it mostly for fun and to come up with an interesting concept of using the content given.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Doriad Grow within Many Things that have plant life even within Cacti, It wouldn't be hard to think a Mushroom Doriad isn't that far off.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord