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Rabbit Leap Nerf - Trait ...
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7 hours ago
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Tablet secrets known.. [v...
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[v2.96d] Nemalyth-free cr...
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Yesterday, 07:06 AM
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[2.96d] Can't pass the AU...
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Yesterday, 03:32 AM
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To accelerate the rate of...
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Light and Dark Tiles
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03-02-2025, 11:57 PM
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[2.96d] Electrostatic Dis...
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03-02-2025, 04:31 AM
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[2.96d] Immortality for a...
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03-02-2025, 03:49 AM
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v2.96d shadow peddling wh...
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03-01-2025, 11:00 AM
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Sawrock's Non-Serious Sug...
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03-01-2025, 06:15 AM
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summoning your pet |
Posted by: renowner - 02-13-2023, 07:50 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Summoning/unsummoning your pet in the middle of combat will remove your overlays, allowing you to potentially hide some things from people in combat, such as your invocation aura now being gone. Coupled with Mask of Metal or Trickery, which negate your ability to see status debuffs and buffs means this could get situationally dumb.
(Also pets still aren't the source of pet-say and pet-emote, making it so they're sometimes unhearable if the pet owner is behind something or far away)
A way to get Preacher trait in Korvara |
Posted by: Coffeeccubus - 02-13-2023, 06:03 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
So... I had noticed, that there is the preacher trait that is available for people who have 100 devotion to a God/Goddess/Divine.
The issue is, you can't do that on Kovara.
So I was thinking, perhaps there can be some kind of thing with the GMs that maybe, if your faith gets large enough, you can get a special item that could allow you to use the preach command. Or just if on click, you get 100 devotion so you may get the preacher item?
I mean, I don't see a reason why it is unobtainable to gain access to a command like that on Kovara. There are cults and such out there that would probably love to get their hands on that, so that they may do sermons or promote how cool their faith is like the Moon cult, or something like that.
Bonesaw/chimera corps-eat Popup conflict [v 2.70e] |
Posted by: tinypause - 02-12-2023, 11:23 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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When going in to bonesaw a corpse while having multiple bonesaws and playing as a chimera and in wasd mode, you can press z to bring up the corpse-eating popup with the bonesaw prompt up where you choose which saw you use. This then layers both the bonesaw selection menu and the corpse eating popup. Clicking on the cancel button closes both menus, and clicking the confirm button both saws the corpse and eats it. I accidentally ate a fish-monster corpse this way, in case the type of monster matters anything.
Crash Cymbals Not Proccing on DB [2.70e] |
Posted by: Poruku - 02-12-2023, 07:51 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Dark bard songs do not trigger crash cymbals.
Steps to reproduce:
1: Equip crash cymbals
2: Use a song such as Hard Note
3: Observe that the enemy only takes one instance of damage.
Dark bard songs do count as "singing" for most other effects but this seems to be an inconsistency.
Metalaegis is better than a BK (Sacrifice, again) |
Posted by: Snake - 02-12-2023, 02:39 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (5)
5 rounds for something Metalaegis can do constantly is too high for a skill that's pretty much its copy-paste without anything extra attached to it. It's also a missing opportunity how it doesn't interact with Black Wind at all, so. Here's my penned wild ideas.
Favorite is just Idea B since it's kinda all it needs, really. The keyword here is frequency, not its effects.
Quote:Idea A
- If you do not have Black Wind active, range is increased to 5 and you teleport to your targeted ally, applying Sacrifice to them.
- If you have Black Wind active, all ally units in 4 range will be affected by Sacrifice (Enhanced), which lets you take damage in their place if they are within 3 range of you instead.
- Cooldown stays 5 Rounds.
Quote:Idea B
- Base Cooldown is reduced from 5 to 4 rounds.
- Momentum cost is reduced to 0M.
- Additional Effect: Cooldown is reduced by 1 round, per Shield or Heavy Armor torso you have equipped. (max. 2)
Quote:Idea C
- Sacrifice gets reworked into a 'Tank Stance'. Costs 6+M to activate and deactivate. Deactivating it puts it on an 8 round Cooldown.
- While active, all damage you deal, your Status Infliction and your Status Resistance are all reduced by 70%, and your movement is capped at 4.
- X% chance you will take any direct damage in the place of any allied unit within 2 range of you, if the unit is not under the Sacrifice status. (X = Black Knight's Level + Scaled DEF/2)
Ghost Scythes |
Posted by: Miller - 02-12-2023, 09:25 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (3)
With the introduction of the scythe subtype(?) that has a few weapons that are otherwise listed as Polearms; can Reaper's Scythe and potentially Dark Imbue be compatible with Scythe weapons in particular?
Just feels weird to have weapons like the Roaring Rose and Sleigher that can't use these skills because they're classified as a polearm.
[v2.70e] Pinballer Strike |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 02-12-2023, 06:59 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
There's currently two issues with Pinball Strike.
1. Its Knockback will always activate regardless of whether it hits or not, despite the text reading 'if the attack hits; they are knocked back'.
2. It has a base of 3 Knockback instead of two, knocking enemies back 8 tiles at Rank 5 (when the game says its Knockback should be 7, as it's a base of 2 + Rank). This was tested at lower ranks to confirm it wasn't just a problem at Rank 5 (as Rank 2 knocked back 5 tiles when it should be 4.)