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  [v2.70f] Disaster Realized vs Runes (QUERY)
Posted by: Trexmaster - 02-17-2023, 07:55 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

As of the most recent hotfix Hyattr's Fire Breath with the applicable traits no longer destroys runes, like it used to prior.

Is this intentional?

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  Battle Potions
Posted by: Senna - 02-17-2023, 07:49 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (9)

Battle potions! And their current problems. These potions currently have little or no real purpose; relics of the past that require updates. The game at the moment is a game of momentum. How you use said momentum is very important. The elixirs in question offer a tiny benefit for far more momentum used. These potions require the user to already be banking on a large amount of stats from the get-go. Thus, the soft cap not only affects it, but the slots needed for those potions don’t outweigh magical stones and healing potions.
I have a few suggestions for the potions in question. These potions are:

Mind - Increase will by a certain %

Muscle - Increase strength by a certain %

Body - Increase Defense by a certain %

Ward - Increase Resistance by a certain %

Arcane - Turns STR scaling to WILL, change attack damage to magic but half the power and additional power included.

Firebreather - Gives access to breathe fire which operates without SWA or Hit. It uses only fire attacks. This is easily out-shadowed by any other fire attack in the game.

Snakebane - It gives poison resistance. There’s a potion that can outright remove the potion, as well as many other different things.

The rest are still viable, however, they simply can’t keep up with things like the magical stones and healing potions.

My suggestion towards fixing this is odd.
Mind, Strength, Body and Ward - require one’s stats to be high from the start to truly be effective, else the boost itself will be quite small. Even then, with the soft cap, the boost itself will still be small, regardless. The suggestion for these is to assign the boost to be static and with Perfect talent to improve the numbers. For example, Small = 10, Medium = 15 and Large = 20, however, with perfect, a certain amount affects base/cap to improve the value similar to the Dragon King Set or even the Dragon Queen.

Arcane Potion - This one is simple? With the recent changes to weapons, this potion isn’t exactly that needed as there are weapons of many types and the strength stats are a lot easier to pad than others.
The suggestion for this potion is to apply the Magical tag to a weapon. A weapon gets -30% its main scaling and +40% Will scaling with the damage changed to magical instead. (Without the power drop, just give it potion sickness)

Firebreather - I’d suggest this works similar to that of a Youkai. 100% Fire attack + 2.5% per character LV while scaling with the hit of the equipped weapon similar to Vampire’s bite. With each size of the potion, the main fire attack increases by 25%. So at large, it’s 150% + 2.5% per level. If used by a Hyattr, increase the per a level by 50% and treat their next Fire breathing as if Channel Magic and Channel Destruction is applied.

Snakebane - This is still okay as it is. At most, I’d suggest it also getting status resistance against poisons as well; making it harder to be inflicted by poison attacks.

This will only fix their usefulness, but they would still run into two fundamental problems. Momentum and slots. The first suggestion I had in mind for this was these battle potions operating like Blue potion. Whereas they need only one on the belt. This would help with the slots situation.
As for the other? A trait.

Quote:Master Alchemist (5 points in Alchemist talent): When equipping potions (Not healing, Sal Volatile, Anti Toxin and Blue potion.), it increases the item bag slot by 0.5. 2 lower momentum cost for each potion (1 min.) (Not healing, Sal Volatile, Anti Toxin and Blue potion.) but would instead put each potion on a round one cooldown after usage.

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  [v2.70f] Gasprock Armor
Posted by: Trexmaster - 02-17-2023, 05:34 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]

The only modifiers that seem to be doing anything with Gasprock is the evade, which is currently giving +5 instead of -5, and the weight that's correctly give +5.

Armor and Magic Armor are unaffected despite being -3 and +3 respectively (the +2 mod is from quality).

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  Rune Magician
Posted by: Trexmaster - 02-17-2023, 03:51 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (11)

A few suggestions to try and alleviate the current issues with Rune Magician.

1. Chronos rune detonates when it gains a Count while at 4 like it was originally intended to.


There was no good reason for the change to Chronos rune. Having it detonate earlier now means it's borderline impossible to stop a fully stacked Chronos rune as you only have one turn where it is vulnerable without the use of Air Pressure to remove Smoking rune's effect, if Swift Rune Casting is used to create it.

2. Focus Tuning gets a 3 (or 2 round if suggestion 1 is implemented) round cooldown.


This is mostly due to Chronos rune's interaction, as now with Focus Tuning being 1m there is little reason not to cast it twice per Chronos rune to have them detonate within 3 rounds. Another alternative is to have this cooldown only if a Chronos rune if affected by it, given it is the prime offender.

3. Haste Rune gets a 3 round cooldown.


Haste rune lacking a cooldown means Rune Magician doesn't even need to invest in Skill or Hit whatsoever to deal its damage efficiently. Resulting in the optimal build being to dump all your points into defensive stats + WIL for damage.

4. Herons can no longer cast runes while silenced.


Stacking runes is on par in power if not greater than invocations can be, possessing the same ability for extreme damage if given the momentum equivalent of a Charge Mind boosted invocation, while being much, much harder to stop compared to an invocation. There are multiple methods to cancel an invocation, whereas if you are facing a rune covered in smoke your only option is Air Pressure and against a Heron you can no longer stop them from casting runes without killing them outright.

While there may be other contentious points to Rune Magician as it stands these are the major problems with the class at the moment.

I don't expect that all my solutions are perfect but I hope it at least illustrates what's currently wrong with Rune Magician in how overbearing it is.

I will give a special mention to the fact that currently Rune Magician is, once you learn how to use it, extremely boring. There is no diversity in how they're built as they can buy literally all their SP's worth of skills without destiny, the only thing that changes is what flavor of explosion you make (which is usually going to be Sound or Acid due to how difficult those elements are to resist given the lack of 30% resist items for them, bar running Luminary to abuse one of the applicable elements for max damage instead, resists be damned). Though this would be more inline with overhauling the class entirely to address, right now I am only trying to fix what we currently have to be less oppressive.

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  [v.2.70f] Twin Dancing Different Weapons
Posted by: Latto - 02-17-2023, 03:11 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (12)

Right now it seems that if you have Innovator along with Twin Dance, you can attack with both weapons even if they're different types and even if they're out of range.

I tested this by having a Crazy Coyote and a Hikage equipped at the same time and attacking from both melee and range on both weapons on a character with Innovator and a character without.


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  Patient Prayer + Mass
Posted by: renowner - 02-17-2023, 11:18 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Chorusaf's potential skill; 'Patient Prayer' has this range to begin with: 
[Image: 59906a00ac.png]
This is the normal 2 range diamond its supposed to be. However, if you use Mass, it grows to become this size, regardless of mass's rank:
[Image: ac9cf6130c.png]

Making it a three range diamond. However, I believe this may be a bug as i'm not sure Mass is supposed to grow it at all, since it remains this size regardless of how big your mass's boost is to begin with. (In the above example, my normal mass graft has this area of effectSmile
[Image: ecca05133d.png]

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  Trait Suggestion: Mystical Galdr
Posted by: Autumn - 02-17-2023, 12:49 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (8)

A trait I rummaged around in my head, thinking it to be worth suggesting just on it's own, one that I think would be a fun little idea that follows the same logic as Mixed Martial Arts, but with a little bit more limited of a nature. I think that it would be both thematic and kind of cool for the races with natural born galdr magic to be able to use their voices as an instrument for the new bard classes.

Quote:Required: Theno, Doriad, Heron

Born with the natural gift of an enchanted seeming voice, singing comes so naturally it could be considered a helpful tool when utilized correctly. When you are equipped with no instrument weapons, you will always be able to use instrument skills anyways through singing, the Scaled Weapon Attack for your singing instrument will be equal to your Character's LV + 40, and has no additional effects when singing.

Thank you for reading and/or consideration, feel free to post your thoughts etc.

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  Seeker Flame Kamikaze
Posted by: renowner - 02-16-2023, 06:21 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (12)

Its evadable. Seeker flames are already weak and already have like. . . 1 in skill.
Please make it unevadable?

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  Turn order Shenanigans [2.70f]
Posted by: renowner - 02-16-2023, 05:26 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (6)

This has been an issue in the game for a good long while, and its infuriating to have it happen to you, and also infuriating to have it happen FOR me, as I don't like winning to buggy shenanigans. The main issue seems to be that when summoned units die, it reorders turns to allow slower people to move first. This generally allows for one side to get a double turn.

If you're fighting a summoner or an engineer, and you go down and they only have one unit left, it tends to allow them to move first in the next round.
Example: Summoner Joe goes down to Axeman Bob, Carbuncle remains standing. Turn order was always Joe, Bob, Carbuncle, now its suddenly Carbuncle, Bob which allows Carbuncle to move twice in a row, winning the battle despite always acting slower before then.

In 1v1 combat this tends to always allow the summoner with auto summon to move first even with no celerity too, as turns like to be staggered.

When your wraithguard dies it can still flip-flop turn order.
50 cel ghost with a wraithguard vs a 5 celerity black knight: Ghost always moves first as expected.
Instant wraithguard dies? Suddenly the 5 celerity black knight moves first. (Starting from the next round onwards, of course.)

This is often game determinative in the least fun way possible. 

Other issues:
Summoned units always act in the same section of turn order. Generally the bottom. But this becomes problematic when summoners fight each other. There's no staggering of turns for summoned units, so I've had battles where:
Which seems a bit silly for ten youkai belonging to one person to move before all ten youkai belonging to another person's.

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  Cerron Scepter, Burngada, and Similar.
Posted by: renowner - 02-16-2023, 02:26 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Doing a lot of tests with the +10% Power to X types of spells line of weapons, I got these results:

Quinlogram with 56 SWA and 25 lightning attack:  91 power Ryemei
Screaming tome with 56 SWA and 25 lightning attack:  86 power Ryemei
Quinlogram with 61 SWA and 40 lightning attack:  114 power Ryemei
Screaming tome with 61 SWA and 40 lightning attack:  109 power Ryemei
Quinlogram with 61 SWA and 40 lightning attack and pure power with only the weapon equipped:  169 power Ryemei 
Screaming tome with 61 SWA and 40 lightning attack and pure power with only the weapon equipped:  159 power Ryemei

Cerron Scepter with 105 SWA and 62 water attack, 189.4
Impaler with 105 SWA and 66 water attack, 184.2  (Used 120% Water scaling kel for both) So effectively:
189.4 vs 179.4

Seems that its only adding 10% of the weapons scaled weapon attack to the spells? So +5, +10? Except then, why was 61 SWA quinlogram only adding 5 more power? And then why was +50 or 60 spell power from pure power and maybe evocation adding an extra 5? It seems a little strange to me how this works, and if its not bugged i'd at least like the effects of those weapons to be stated a little more clearly. 

+10% Power to Aquarian spells sounds like they should get a 1.1x multiplier for example, if its really supposed to be +10% SWA, it should say +10% SWA.

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