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Dullahans Are never in heavy armor - Can't unlock black knight |
Posted by: noblekame - 02-21-2023, 11:03 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)
So while playing as a Dullahan in attempts to unlock black knight under its normal conditions (Heavy armor, level 20 soldier, move like a knight in chess) I was unable to unlock the class. I tried this both with an Orichalcum Breastplate, which is heavy armor, and without any armor equipped as Dullahans are considered to always be in heavy armor.
How to Recreate: Be a Dullahan, try to walk two tiles forward, and one to the side with 20 ranks in Soldier as your main class. Try with or without heavy Armor.
As an interesting note, when attempting to unlock Black knight, I instead unlocked Evoker as mage was my subclass. This was with an orichalcum breastplate (Heavy Armor) equipped when the unlock condition for evoker is to be unarmored.
[v2.70f] True Arcane (?) |
Posted by: SolAndLuna - 02-21-2023, 10:18 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
If you have an Arcane weapon equipped in your main hand, and a non-Arcane weapon in your off hand, for some reason the Spelledge ability applies to both weapons instead of just one, thus using the stronger of the two, even if it isn't actually enchanted with Arcane.
If the Arcane weapon is in the off hand, however, everything works as normal, only using the Arcane weapon as a casting tool.
For example, I have these weapons equipped. The first description is Glacies Anima (Regalia'd Spine Leash), the second description is Eisjaeger (Regalia'd Fenri). To clarify, both weapons are made out of Dragon Remains, and I'm testing this with a Grimalkin.
![[Image: image.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076459713878835260/1077711462778282014/image.png)
![[Image: image.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076459713878835260/1077711463055114270/image.png)
![[Image: image.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076459713878835260/1077711463310950482/image.png)
So long as these weapons are exactly in this order, Eisjaeger gets used as a casting tool, despite very definitely not being a Spelledge weapon:
![[Image: image.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076459713878835260/1077711462467895377/image.png)
If I swap the weapons around, however, Glacies Anima is used as the casting tool instead.
Youkai and Summoners |
Posted by: firehawk11 - 02-21-2023, 05:08 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (7)
When going through level 55+ Dungeons with my Youkai as a Grand Summoner I feel like my level 60 Fire Elemental & Kerberos both have a lacking amount of Skill at just 55-56 (This is including the +5 stats from the Summoner boost). Everyone knows you need around 60 scaled Skill. (At least that is what people been telling me) It feels like my Youkai, any Youkai I summon has a lack of being able to hit. Can this be altered somehow?
Class Skill Renaming |
Posted by: Shadbase - 02-21-2023, 02:16 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (12)
Alright, just hear me out.
I think that, if at all possible, the possibility to rename the skills in our classes would be REALLY cool.
I think a few people at least have thought about the IC strangeness of everyone using the same techniques despite being totally separate from each other!
As such, I think it could bring a tiny bit of uniqueness to characters to be able to just rename their class's skills. This would not change them in any substantial mechanical way or anything of course, since that would just be... well, a bit much, but I think the cosmetic of flavoring names could go a long way.
The act of renaming skills could also be a salve to players with racial skills that they don't want to be blasted in battle (though Vampire is in a... state, there has always been rather prominent metagame of Banquet when it's used in battle, and I've also been victim to that.), or if they would prefer to not exactly be a by the book Evoker, Black Knight, Bard, etc.
In terms of Korvara as well, it'd be a nice way to be able to never have to explain how we're using concepts unique to Sigrogana (Priest coming to mind...)
Of course, I know I'm making a suggestion for something that could be abused. However, something like this has to be subject to the same rules that player/youkai names, weapon/equipment names, and everything already has. If it's abused, you get slapped.
Not to mention that a name change wouldn't change the description of the skill either. You can just click it's name in both new and old chat and still get the same description...
I just want to suggest it - because even if it comes on as a "Class Regalia" Patreon item, it'd still be a worthwhile thing for a lot of people...
[v.2.70f] The Squiggly Skoogly |
Posted by: Snake - 02-20-2023, 06:57 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (6)
When you use basic movement, your character nudges to the East direction and then move as they should afterwards, proccing the tile effect under them for some reason.
How to replicate:
- Use basic Movement.
- Pay CLOSE attention.
- Notice that your character will flick to East and proc tile effects under them. (Which may or not be intentional, and the bug here.)
- Movement will then continue as expected.
[v2.70f] Chimera Racial Crisis |
Posted by: Miller - 02-20-2023, 10:19 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (4)
Currently Sharkfang Necklace and Firefoe Shield don't apply to Chimeras with the applicable races.
Tested with an eventmob with the skills that apply the selected race along with a regular player to no effect. Setting the Event mob's actual race to shark or fish seemed to work just fine and gave me the intended 15% DR. Not sure if this is a matter of Chimera having these races applied in the first place or if the items themselves are strictly meant to be PvE only. (Haven't checked anything with bonus damage towards those races yet)
If the intent is to only work in PvE; can we get a rewording of the description for these racial DR items so they specifically state monsters instead of enemies?
Blue potions |
Posted by: renowner - 02-19-2023, 09:13 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (19)
Kinda stupid to have infinite FP in battle this easily.
Please make them not be infinite in battle, with only one item slot used.
Or at least give potion sickness so they can't be spammed forever.
Maybe make some larger versions of blue potions too, if they become unstackable. Base blue can stay giving 0 potion sickness. Larger ones give potion sickness.
Currently you can just quaff two of them every round forever. Which is about the same FP per turn, or even more so than what Hyattyrs with high sanctity get spamming channel magic. . . And you can even just buy blue potions in any town pretty much, for cheap.
Very lame. We already have so many ways to have infinite fp, between so much fp regen, low-no cd moves that regenerate a bunch, and weapons that can restore it too, the recycle talent. . . I don't think Blue potions need to be the way they are, and really just come across as being kind've lame.
But maybe i'm the weird one!