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Forceful Exorcist |
Posted by: JamOfBoy - 02-23-2023, 02:22 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (28)
New Trait for Reaper and Apertaurus.
Upon reducing a character's HP to zero (except in spars), you forcefully exorcise all spirits currently possessing them, ignoring any effects from items, traits, or skills that would prevent this.
Give our bone-horned friends some love, I beg you.
For clarity, since there seems to be some confusion:
This does not alter HOW spirits are lost. Having your HP reduced to 0 outside of a spar by ANY MEANS will cause you to lose spirits. This trait simply serves as a guarantee that your target/victim will lose spirits if they have any form of spirit-loss mitigation, such as a Frosted Dog Collar, the Amalgama Trait, or the newly introduced all-race Trait.
NPC Turn Flash |
Posted by: renowner - 02-22-2023, 11:39 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)
Normally if you're tabbed out of the game and your turn begins, the game will begin flashing to draw your attention to it. Additionally, a sound plays when your turn begins too. However, it seems that for Youkai and likely all other NPC characters this isn't the case.
There is no start of turn sound, and no window flashing when they begin their turns.
Rogue and Toggles |
Posted by: Yashatari - 02-22-2023, 06:44 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
Incognito and Twin Dance, Make them toggles, Please.
Examples include, Sometimes enemies ignore you cause incognito and range, toggling it off you can get them to focus you again, instead of ignoring you towards an ally whos on deaths door. Niche situations, But there are times when i wish i could be bait for a minute. Although i can also see this being abusable, By toggling it on and off to get an enemy to constantly switch priority targets. Though if there was a fix for that potential issue....
As for Twin dance, This one is more straightfoward. If i have a fire weapon and an ice weapon equiped, But the enemy absorbs fire, Being able to toggle Twin dance, I can prevent them from absorbing the fire damage, and vice versa for ice. Another niche situation, But i feel it would be useful.
Priest - Devocation |
Posted by: Snake - 02-22-2023, 05:15 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (6)
The skill is worthless to pick because of a certain Talent. It should have a bonus effect of some sort that discourages enemies from attacking you during it. So here's an idea:
"While under an Invocation status (or only Mercalan Invocations), you will receive -25% damage taken and there is a chance the enemy will be smitten by Divine Lightning (The one from Pray) upon attacking you."
Class Points Trait : An outdated system ? |
Posted by: Ray2064 - 02-22-2023, 04:33 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (11)
In a current era where stats are for the most part sread so thin, I don't believe invested stats being mandatory to obtain traits such as Daily Prayer or Bad Egg is fair. Builds who in the first place would've been fine investing in the stat eat good, while the rest is basically stripped of a class point unless they bother to invest in the stat, which sometimes outright cannot be afforded.
Class points and Stat points both being the few remaining resources that feel 'tight' as it is, so the trade-off of going out of your way for an extra point is usually not worth the cost.
Not every MA will be investing in CEL (examples like tankier variants of Monk or Boxer) , not every rogue will have some GUI (VAs who mostly want the class for Impure memes, or STs that don't particularly benefit from the stat at all) , an Aquamancer won't always bother to build FAI, and I'm sure there are many, many other examples that could be pointed out here.
Could those traits just be available with enough levels of the class instead ? LV 20-30 sounds like a good idea to me. Or require the actual stat rather than the base one.
Rogue - Rough Tumble |
Posted by: Snake - 02-22-2023, 04:21 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (14)
This is a quick repositioning tool, but it's also not very fun to use and I believe it could have a Trickery effect on it too.
Trickery: A chance to make you go Airborne and gain +20 Evade for 1 Attack, 3 Rounds.
[2.70f] Woe, slot loss be upon ye |
Posted by: Shadbase - 02-22-2023, 11:49 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
If you name an outfit on a Personal Wardrobe nothing (so like only spaces), those slots will become unselectable and lost forever.
This also happens if you accidentally name an outfit the same thing as another.
Stats running thin |
Posted by: firehawk11 - 02-22-2023, 07:30 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (5)
I can't be the only one who thinks since the skill change and removable of most auto-hits that 4 stat points per level is not nearly enough to handle the demand of all the stats, especially since you need to go to 60 scaled skill which is 15 levels worth by default. If there any chance we can get 4.5 stat points per level or perhaps less investment required in some areas? Perhaps it is just my own lack of build experience that is making it hard to plan builds now a days.
Phase Fang |
Posted by: Snake - 02-22-2023, 06:17 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
Make its animation be the same as Argent Bite for the time being. It's the Youkai biting, right?