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  [v.2.71] Ping words missing
Posted by: Pyro - 03-08-2023, 07:34 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Ping words disappear when the client is closed.

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  The Ultimate QoL [Fishing]
Posted by: Miller - 03-08-2023, 05:01 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

Simple suggestion, new verb for fishing rods that simply... pulls out the rod but there's no minigame or timer attached to it. Allows you to cancel at anytime by using the same verb again, purely visual.

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  Boxer - Fighting Pace
Posted by: Snake - 03-08-2023, 12:03 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (3)

It barely sees use, and when you use this, you don't have a single Boxer skill that costs 10 FP that you can benefit of on the next round.

Could be changed to this instead:

Quote:When you select End Turn with at least 3 Momentum, you recover FP, based on Rank and your Schwarz Sturm LV. The recovery is doubled if Boxer is both your Main and Sub Class.

(This will reduce your Schwarz Sturm LV by half, min. 1; Effect has a 3 round CD.)

Rank 1 - 2 FP + Schwarz Sturm LV * 1
Rank 2 - 4 FP + Schwarz Sturm LV * 2
Rank 3 - 6 FP + Schwarz Sturm LV * 3
Rank 4 - 8 FP + Schwarz Sturm LV * 4
Rank 5 - 10 FP + Schwarz Sturm LV * 5

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  [2.71] Farmable Tiles Changed
Posted by: ChibiFox - 03-07-2023, 02:29 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

First post here, so apologies if I've gotten any of the formatting incorrect.

Since the most recent restart, as far as I can tell, several of the tiles I had previously been farming have reverted back to their untilled state after harvesting. You can still dig a hole on those tiles, but no longer use a hoe to till them. The tiles appear to have small stones, weeds, or other small 'obstructions' on them. I checked both the Telegrad Outskirts and the region just south of it to try and confirm this is the case. Another player has checked around some of the other farms and confirmed seeing missing patches with similar rocks, weeds, and the likes. When attempting to hoe a hole on these tiles, it comes up with the standard message that you get indicating the tile is invalid, sand, snow, etc.

"System: You'll need to use the hoe on a hole, or else it won't do you much good. If the hole is in sand or snow, it won't work, either. Furthermore, if you're too close to an NPC, you will feel uncomfortable being watched, so try and distance yourself from them."

Looking at the recent patch notes, this may be related to a change made to Worsong Canyon? That's just a hypothesis, though.

Summary: Dirt tiles which have small stones or weeds on them can no longer be tilled.

This may not be a bug but instead an intentional change, but it seemed best to report it just to be on the safe side. Especially since it would seem reasonable to be able to knock aside stones or flatten weeds in order to grow crops in a location as prior. Apologies if this is incorrect.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Circle of Flowers
Posted by: CabbitNet - 03-07-2023, 03:06 AM - Forum: Submissions - No Replies

[Image: NWFlower.png] [Image: NFlower.png] [Image: NEFlower.png]
[Image: WFlower.png] [Image: CFlower.png] [Image: EFlower.png]
[Image: SWFlower.png] [Image: SFlower.png] [Image: SEFlower.png]

I have worked a bit on flowers Hoping to add them as playable within the grove.

[Image: flower.png]
A place for one to Attune back to nature.


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Posted by: Autumn - 03-07-2023, 12:07 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (16)

a low level item meant for budding adventurers, anyone can get them so they should still not be worth running just on their own, but there should be a plus version that enables someone to at least consider them for their build, I want to say lets make it a shield that isn't actually a shield, it sounds weird but I think it could play out to be a pretty unique shield option that enables Martial Artists more than knights.

Shield classification -> Offhand classification
Grants Skill: Guard

Buckler Plus
Increases parry rate for parry skills by 15%
Grants Skill: Guard

I think this to be fair.

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  Skull Shield
Posted by: Entropy - 03-06-2023, 10:30 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

The shield slot isn't particularly competitive, and it's not even because of a best-in-slot option so much as it is that most shields don't really do anything.

With Skull Shield's recent introduction to Korvara, it got shot in the leg on the way in, with it's main gimmick being locked only to a 3m guard or higher. I would assume this is to discourage getting large benefits from something as accessible as a 1m guard, in the same vein as the Mirrored enchant being nerfed similarly in the past.

However, this nerf has made this shield, which was already not particularily commonly used, effectively null compared to just slapping on a 30% dark res shield that gives +3 defense to boot.

My proposal would be for the Skull Shield to also give the wearer the skill Riposte itself, letting it be used by more than just duelists, who rarely want to use a shield in the first place. (Edit for clarification: I would propose the caveat be that Riposte would also only activate on a 3m or higher guard.)

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  Have You Seen This Knight?
Posted by: WaifuApple - 03-04-2023, 04:49 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (10)

[Image: TheKnight.png]

It is imperative that you report all sightings of this Knight to your local authorities.
Do not make eye contact.
Do not make physical contact.
Do not think.
Do not breathe.
He is upon us.

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  [v.2.70f] All the NOOOOOISE Bear!!
Posted by: Shadbase - 03-04-2023, 01:43 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

I don't know when it happened. I don't know why. But I am constantly plagued by the sound of the armor clanking noise even when I am buck naked (in terms of gear.)
I've cleared the cache, but it doesn't seem client-side, because other people hear it too.
I've relogged several times.
I've tried slowly taking off my gear and trying to figure out a cause. There is none. I am government assigned clink clank.
I do not have any armor or helmet related traits.
Debug is not showing anything abnormal.
I do not like this noise. It makes me irrationally irritated when it's coming from me.

Saw and Aut said to just post with key and slot, and pray.

Here's what debug had to say, just in case:

[Image: 80GhJc0.png]

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  Cypelle in Exchange for Legend Inks
Posted by: Balor - 03-03-2023, 11:36 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (8)

Are you Dev?
Do you like resource sinks?
Are you tired of the cypelle burning a hole in your pocket?
Well do I have a suggestion for you SL2 Community, Staff, Mods and Affiliates! 

Give us a new way to purchase Legend Inks without legend extending in Korvara! As we all know the grind can at times be the least engaging part of the SL2 experience, most of all when you need to contrive an injury, amnesia or stubbed toe to justify your DOOMSLAYER-esque build being reset to level 1! 

Well rather than grind EXP, let's grind cypelle. 

500 cypelle in exchange for a Legend Ink would feel "Fair" in terms of time investment! Though I would accept other suggestions and compromises, but I personally feel this would be a nice way to spend cypelle in a meaningful way.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord