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  [v2.70f] Roaring Rose + shells
Posted by: SolAndLuna - 03-03-2023, 07:41 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

The Roaring Rose does function the same as a gun in almost every regard - it lets you use gun skills, it increases range based on the Volley talent, so on... with one key exception - for whatever reason, the shells simply do not apply to it under any circumstances.

I tried attacking normally, using it as a sub-weapon, using spear skills, using gun skills, using Reaping Petals... None of them allow shells to apply.

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  Dynamic Tome, Why not Dynamic Weapons?
Posted by: firehawk11 - 03-03-2023, 03:51 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (9)

Since we have magic seeds now why not include a system for non-tome skills to be made?  We can have an acid sword slash skill or a light based bow attack, or ice axe 3x3 around you, so forth. Simple and easy.

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  where's the Miracle?
Posted by: firehawk11 - 03-03-2023, 03:40 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

So we all know the glorious 6 HP restoring Staff of Miracles. What is it support to be used for and why is the Staff of Mending several times better? (Yes it's 5 FP for 6 HP vs 20 FP for a lot more). Can the staff be used to trigger that one Priest talent if you do not use magic or staffs to heal with? Or perhaps a new effected added on?

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  Impure Elements (VA Skill)
Posted by: firehawk11 - 03-03-2023, 03:27 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (4)

Is there any chance we could get a chance to Impure Elements that gives you the effect of it on any element you are hit by? Since you are taking 1/2 Void Energy as damage, in a high level fight this could actually be quite costly.  This also would allow more classes an oppertuinity to use Impure Elements.

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  Download Ram Here
Posted by: Ray2064 - 03-03-2023, 01:51 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (3)

Right now, the Ram skill provided by the Goat Lord's Helm is...Not too good. It's basically just a better Kick, which in itself is outclassed by a lot of stuff as a repositioning tool, be it skills as simple as Repel or just plain old Bash. Making the accessory somewhat just outclassed by the Snake-Fanged Helmet.

Now, I'm not saying the skill the item provides should be godly, far from that, but I'd like for it to have some actual **use** rather than just having it be a higher damage kick.

My suggestion would be to give it a sort of Charging Strike.

Not exactly a Charging Strike effect per say since I don't really have in mind for it to require to use Movement, but :

If Charge is used before Ram, the user will dash in a straight line equal to Movement , which'll stop at  the foe, uses the Ram skill and knockbacks them ignoring immunity equal to a number of tiles equal to Crossed Tiles(/2 maybe ?) and with Crossed Tiles*4 bonus damage. 
( It could also KD if enough tiles have been crossed, but that might be way too strong ?)

(For clarification, by crossed tiles, I mean the number of tiles the user'll go through before the dash before meeting the opponent. Eg, if the opponent's 7 tiles away in a straight line and I can reach them using the Charged Ram, the numbers of crossed tiles will be 7)

I'm not too sure about this one since it basically requires Base Soldier to make the item better, but it's an idea I'm somewhat proud of. 
Though this could also simply be applied if wearing Goat Lord Hooves too without needing to use Charge beforehand, since those are useless outside of greedily hoarding a singular talent point. That, and it hardly makes sense two pieces of gear named after the Goat Loard aren't part of a same Set.

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Heart General thoughts and Opinions off the chest
Posted by: Dezark - 03-03-2023, 08:28 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (52)

So I'm just going to say this out right, I accept what GMs have put on that; and ultimately it their decision for it, and I can understand the general frustration on the sides of it for the sudden ban drops and the following of the same given things. This post is really just my own genuine opinion and I hold no means honestly toward any of the GMs, players or otherwise with this; this is something I'd prefer to say and let it be there, so that others can add on, address and show their own opinions.

To me, at least on this, I accept whatever opinions others have and I accept if the viewings might not be agreed with or anything else with that, please feel free to disagree with anything and say what you want; the only thing I'll ask is whatever said in response to this, to the GMs, to your fellow players; please keep it civil with whatever said. We all have our thoughts, and processes that we're taken to with it.

So I'm just going to address the general one off the top cause I've heard and already read a majority of people grief to it and how they feel with it. Regarding the private server for IC groups as mentioned, I can understand 100% for GMs why this can give issue with this, cause I know people like to vent their frustrations, anger, or otherwise following these. Balthie post showed this and how people were in response, and the general responses; even those who were apart of that were willing to step up and give their honest thoughts following that. For the regard of not bringing certain people into the server due to their IC power in it, I do want to just state and ask the honest matter if anything was asked on a OOC matter to them if they wanted to join it, yes it questionable and a regard on why one group was left out, but I do feel honestly there is ALOT of servers people are in, be it old or new, that are used for discussion, venting or otherwise about other players OOCly, Meiaquar especially. I've listened to, talked with and been on both ends of that since the beginning of Korvara when the situation with Blade happened, cause I honestly played a part as a whole on this.

On the matter of information not being shared due to this, or things regarding a nation being spoken OOCly, this is something that followed constantly as I've said, it'll happen in DM groups, in Voice Chats, in private servers, you name it and they've been there. We've all experienced this over the years, same with GMs both before and after they've come to this. My person opinions on this there needs to be some sort of check up at the very least regarding what players do. I know we are all teenagers, adults or old (like kira) and should know better on this, but even adults can forget things or be stubborn on this. So I'm asking for GMs on consideration (and you can of course give your thoughts if this can or can't work) to have something to just check in with the higher up channels, set up a day of some kind and just check in and see what happened; if anything that went down, make sure everyone knows; if not remind them to speak with the others and keep people up to date. Cause time zones exist, life exists, SL2 by no means is priority for people and it shouldn't be on that.

This one is a more minor part that I just want to ask, and this is free to ignore to be honest by all groups if you wish, in regard to the private servers as mentioned with the GMs, with the private servers as a whole for IC groups, would you like us to pass a invite to you so that you can keep watch on things for that or anything else of the sort? I know some groups exist in the area of certain nations (Astral in Geladyne, Yakuza in Meiaquar, Fairview with Meiaquar, etc.) so that it can be passed along to keep the appropriate leaders and a GM of whomever is free for it at the time; even if they decline at the time. (As said this is more minor and welcome to be ignored, I just want to know as being apart of certain groups or future groups to come; I'd like to just confirm any following especially if something is apart of a nation area on that.)

Moving onward, the regard of the Metagaming, this is something I feel everyone agrees with on a honest matter. It something that shouldn't happen or be pushed, and for any that punished, I accept that it deserved to be honest, I've seen multiple cases of people using their OOC dislike to someone as a reason to openly hate characters at the start of their existence, or using it against someone for how they are OOCly as a hold against them ICly, or for something they did at the time OOCly or didn't do, the list goes on. There no reason for this, and my main wish to this is to ask what comes to the point that there is OOC agenda to kick out someone from a position of power vs what is drove toward ICly because of disapproval to what your fellow leader, partner, etc. agrees to. Typically so I understand the following to it on that, but I do know as well with how the system is set up specifically for Korvara, that if someone wishes to overthrow another, they have to give genuine IC following on this matter that the GMs will read over, look at the logs supplied for it and give their general feeling for a "Yeah no, this is genuine OOC hate. Try again later." I don't know what followed, what people have done to go around this to try this regard more so, that why I accept GMs decision for it cause they're the one who hold the final call on that.

On the regard of Harassment, I've seen both sides do this since the beginning still in nearly every argument that follows, disagreement or otherwise, so I honestly agree with the GMs honestly need to punish on this personally, as someone who been in some regard of target for that in the past over the years, and I know that no one deserves this. I know how people can be emotional given that, and I know how others can be stubborn in return following it; and I know that there only so much that can be done on that matter. All I can ask on that is GMs give more response to people who do so, even if it without mentioning others, or just reminding them of the past times they've done so, obviously you can only warn someone so many times but I'd like to believe that there some warning even if just giving something of a "Don't do that, you know it gonna make it worse, don't fuel it."

On the regard of OOCly preventing people from doing their roles.. I can only add more on my request of the check up following that more so. I admit as someone who was in a higher up role for a time, there was issue on it where I grew frustrated and felt player X was not doing their position at the time, and I spoke with that player on it and voiced my disapproval to them not doing so, and gave my explanation at the time to the player what the Role needed, as they didn't feel or know what was honestly expected of them in return and needed to be given, and made sure that it was known as well to future players of that position.

That said, the regard of OOCly preventing someone from their role isn't something that should be done, but I also want to just encourage players who do have these roles, please reach out and speak with your fellow higher rank players on this, I've heard more than a few times where someone doesn't get on, or they do only for a short time to stop after and later get upset that they're not called for. People are forgetful and there are times where you need to reach out to them and let them know your still free and want to be apart of it if something happens on it. Every role has a purpose, be it guards, military, ambassadors, judges, leaders, etc. please do not fear to reach out often to others and just speak with them on it. Even if you have to bug them multiple times it better to confirm things even if the answer following is a no, it does wonders for everyone.

This all said and written, please understand I have no issue again with what the GMs decided ultimately, I didn't want to post on their forum specifically and cause issue, but I didn't want to just sit in my thoughts and let it simmer cause I want to be honest and show my support to both sides given this. No one deserves grief for what followed, or happened. GMs have to be what they feel is best for these and even with my own disagreement with how things might of followed, I still support and will continue to work with GMs, cause I know they will do the same in return and show the same respect we hold to them following this. This is another moment in the cogs of SL2 that will grow from.

So my final say, to the GMs of SL2, thank you for being diligent even when things are given response, thank you for working hard and doing what you can to keep SL2 stable in it own way on that, I understand that not everything you do will be accepted, and no matter what disagreement we might have; or what might follow or otherwise. Please focus on your personal health as much as you do on SL2, you are all wonderful people in the end and I know more than a few have been hit with stress, please don't be afraid to step away and just bap the players with a newspaper to bug someone else. Thank you for being amazing. Heart

To those who were banned for what followed, I understand the frustration, anger, disappointment, sadness, anxiety, anything that you might feel. Please know your always welcome to talk in DMs if you need to vent and just have someone to distract what happening, take a small break from it for whatever long, distract yourself, kick ass in a game you haven't played in forever, you don't have to feel stressed or worried, things will still be here for you after your able to return. And there will always be a community willing to welcome you back at the end of the day.  Heart

Thank you all for your time reading this, or even skimming it, please have a wonderful day, afternoon or night where you are, and one final thing to everyone..

Your all cute and amazing people, thank you for playing SL2 and giving wonderful interactions.

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  Character Ability Request - Justice
Posted by: Silka - 03-03-2023, 08:16 AM - Forum: Character Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Zilkat

Character Name - Justice

Request Type - Character Ability

Request Details -  I'd like for Justice to be able to make magical contracts: In similar fashion to how usually one "deals with the Devil", a contract that binds to the soul of the person, similar to a curse somewhat, and allows the caster to set the rules, whilst the one signing agrees to the conditions with blood. 
The original goal of this was to set-up the contracts for the band that Justice runs "The Disciples of Justice". Though, it isn't applied yet ICly, the idea is that these contracts, while active, help the band members be bolstered during their passion(music in this case) so that they may be better musicians, whilst also receiving the benefits of having a "Death Ward" so long as they remain loyal to Justice. The counterpoint was, should they break the contract, their passion is completely stripped from them, and any damage mitigated by the death ward would come back.
This overall, would be the idea of how contracts work, but I think their functioning has to always remain in a similar format:
The contract has certain pros, that the cons interact with directly.
However, the idea of Justice being able to make these contracts for other people would be interesting too; Where for example, a cult wishes a new member, so they rely on Justice to have their newest addition be loyal, at a benefit to the new member.

Examples of this could be the following:
A religious figurehead wants to have their words be divine, as such they make a contract with Justice that makes their words extremely affable, and Justice puts the condition of having to entertain them every now and then, and failing to do so will strip their voice away forever.

A couple wish to bind their souls together forever, as such, they make an equal contract that binds their life together, should one die, the other will too.

The limitations on it could be related to who bares the contract, using focus, ideally. Such as the usage of the Death Ward being an exhausting power that is kept by the fact Justice needs to be close-by for it to work in the first place, and that it can't happen multiple times within the same day. But this can be spread out for all contracts, those that do not include Justice as part of the contract would have a toll on the "contractor", if the contract has that possibility. Some contracts will offer tolls on both, and some on none.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I want Justice to be able to have a type of magic that isn't exactly seen in Korvara, only on Youkais, so why not have someone contract on people?

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - 

Roleplay - Justice is roleplayed as the teacher of the Disciples, mysterious in nature of how they came together, and it's been allured about his talents, though, not completely(as to avoid not having the inconsistency of not knowing if this is approved), and it'd make for an interesting method for Guild recruitment, as the group is interested in creating a Guild.

Lore - There is no lore supporting this idea currently, as far as I'm aware of, as it seems contracts with Youkai are different than what these contracts are supposed to be.

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  Ban Clarification
Posted by: Croakie - 03-03-2023, 07:27 AM - Forum: Unban Requests - No Replies

  • Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legends 2

  • In-game name (key): TheDonOfMeiaquar

  • Reason you were banned: "For repeatedly gatekeeping, metagaming, harassment, and OOCly preventing others from being able to exercise their roles fairly."

  • The length of the ban, if you know: Seven Days

  • Who banned you, if you know: The GM team as a whole, there wasn't a notice on who itself, but this is what I was told after the fact.

  • Why we should unban you:
    You're not going to, but I need to clear up misinformation.
- I believe that, the posts from some of the other people treated by this do well to summarize why this seems as problematic as it does, but, despite this situation being incredibly stressful and managed poorly, I am going to try and clarify why I believe the GM's decision here doesn't make the most sense in hopes that they can improve they way they handle things like this in the future.

One of the issues I personally find with the way these were delivered, was the fact that the writting of the ban was admitted to be a copy-paste of a previous writeup for TCBlade when he eventually got banned. I believe it does not lend itself well to the post, and while it might have seemed fitting to mirror it, the fact that it was handled this way only makes the 4 levied bans come off as more of a blanket sweeping ban.

No valuable explanation or reasoning was given to myself, or really anyone else involved during the initial posting, making it further difficult to defend myself. While after the fact I was able to get a few examples from GMs, and they had eventually posted a clarification, they have left me more confused than anything else, as they did not make much sense and seemed to be misconstruded or used as strange justifications. These bans have not seemed to be paired with any communication, and attempts to clarify or gain information have been denied.

To start
While it is not the first listed reason in for the ban, it is the one that I believe to be actually justifyable and makes sense. I will not pretend that I am without fault here, as many know I have a history and a knack for being very mean spirited toward people in DMs and saying sarchastic and chiding remarks in hopes to 'get back at' or 'get even' with others, when I feel upset or particularly transgressed by them. I am fully accepting that I have been below standard and have dropped the ball in this instance, as I know I've hurt quite a number of people. None of the times I have gone this route were the correct course of action whatsoever, though in my emotional state, I thought that it was the reasonable thing to do.

To them, I am sorry. I am problematic when it comes to talks like this, due to my nature to speak directly, and emotionally instead of thinking about how my words may come across or their purpose, failing to practice polite ettiquitte, and kindness. I'm not going to refute this point because there is nothing to fight or excuse. I want to improve here, as I don't want to continue being as awful as I have been, and I am sorry to those I have negatively impacted. I've been trying to break off conversations faster when I find myself falling into this mood, and its my hope that this will allow me to consider things, and keep myself from blowing up on people.

=Gatekeeping and OOCly preventing others from being able to exercise their roles fairly=
Onto another part of the reasoning. I'm combining these because they seem to be the same point, and I happen to find these justifications to be strange and unreasonable. This is something that I am hard pressed to agree with, unlike the previously listed reason which I know to be true and that is has occurred. 

The explanation I was given seems to be that it largely concerns my interactions with the other Don, Satoshi. They say that I actively kept him out of Meiaquar-related discussions, claiming it was on the same level of Blade who came before me, which I have to disagree with entirely. Discussions on such did not develop to reach an understanding. Instead, it has come across as the GMs seeing instances where I feel I attempted to act as a leader, and construde a malicious intent behind it, stating that I was underhanded and hypocritcal in how I acted, claiming that I was actively and oocly motivated to prevent my other leader from doing their role. They additionally state that I have a pattern of doing such to him or potentially others(?), which, given I had zero idea what they were even talking about, they seem to be misconstruding things thanks as well to the lack of communication.

Their further justification was the fact that Satoshi was excluded from a guild server for a guild that had appeared in Meiaquar recently, which, as stated by both sides of the matter, both parties are not on friendly terms. Their argument was that it was on the same level as Blade excluding myself from the Meiaquar server for a number of weeks, which didn't make sense to me, because one was a closed server of friends to organize group activities and discussions, while the other was a server meant for the population of meiaquar, to discuss guard activity, and talk over national matters. It doesn't help the argument that a GM was also openly a member of this server, but it was used against me that, while not being the server owner, and just invited due to my relation to the guild leader, I was compliciet in keeping him out and obscuring information from him. Others have informed the gms of the issue of this claim as well, but I am just going off of what I was given.

This server was ran by people that Satoshi does not particularly enjoy, and those who have felt tension between themselves and satoshi. I can't really understand this argument. If this is the case, any server that others are not apart of, that is loosely related to korvara or contain discussions about it is a form of gatekeeping, and I know there are many servers that exist in this field. In their clarification post, they mark this as one of their main points, which I find quite a degree of fault with. Satoshi was informed of major information needing to be brought to his attention, with the only exception being the initial meeting with Duyuei over Talia Dechart, which, he was informed about the meeting, and the day it would occurr on, directly replied to him, and the only reason he was unable to attend was due to recieving the notice to arrive only a handful of hours prior to the meeting itself, which was on a very pressing timelimit.

Satoshi and I are on what I would consider to be good terms. I have spoken to him personally on these matters, and he has been very open to state that if he held issues, he would bring it to my attention. Meiaquar does not function the same as any other nation, due to the two leader system, and in recent months, the cabinet system that we have enacted to spread around the responsibilities of leadership. A few instances have arisen where small busywork type tasks happen upon our desks, and each of us as leaders have undergone sorting them on our own. If there are actual, legitimate cases of gatekeeping and preventing people from performing their role, then, of course I am sorry. I have done so much to prevent anything of the sort, and I actively talk against preventing people from doing the type of roleplay they enjoy, so if I have gatekept people legitimately, then that would be heartbreaking to learn. 

"If you make it nigh impossible for others to be included in what your side of things does, it does make it hard for them to do anything. Meetings, prisoner transfers, almost anything short of directly ignoring them ICly."

Again, this makes it seem as though people were directly kept in the dark to prevent them from interacting with roleplay, which I can once again assure was not the case. Nothing was actively done to harm the other Don, in terms of denying him the ability to interact with things, and he was largely informed if anything major was to occurr. The argument of the server is faulty.

"But that doesn’t detract from the crimes we did see. Enacted multiple times over and with clear intent to sow OOC dissent amongst players for some level of IC gain."

As is this, blatantly incorrect, which, is just incredibly unfortunate, because I was hoping for more from the post. Again, this also ignores that a member of the GM team was apart of this server, and seemingly had no qualms with it, and I dont believe this holds up at all.

Similar to the previous point, I am hard pressed to find any times where I had exhibited such things. I am prone to talk to people in order to work out confusion or misinformation that increasingly convolutes things, because I think being transparent and talking to people can help keep everyone on a similar page. I'm mostly confused what the GM's mean by this bit, and as I've been told randomly trying to guess only harms me, I'm not sure how to defend it. I try to work with people, while also trying to limit any knowledge I might know OOC from entering IC. I've asked GM's directly to clarify things I had been confused on, and I have spoken to people to try and elaborate or explain certain things.

I was largely uninvolved in the claims of metagaming made in the clarification post, as I was operating off of what people had physically told me. After reviewing the clarification post, I can fully state that the gm's are unfortunately incorrect on those terms. Its weird, because they all personally know how much I am an advocate against doing the very thing that I was accused of doing, and I have spoken to and worked with them to a large degree to ensure it was not happening. I've spoken to multiple gms to prevent this mindset.

"It also includes making up reasons ICly to try to justify an OOC agenda of kicking someone out of a position of power that’s inconvenient to your aims of attacking another faction for more OOC reasons."

This reasoning is also problematic, seeing as, everything I've done has been to try and prevent this exact thing from happening, and the GMs know fully well that I have been trying to prevent misinformation, while only listening to what I've been told in an ic sense. There was no complicentcy in it, because I had actively tried to go against it. I cannot speak for others, but I went off of what I was told, and even then, I tried to peacefully work through and discuss it in order to solve any budding issues. 

This wasn't a scenario where people know exactly what they did and are upset that they are caught. It was a scenario where everyone who was smacked with a ban have zero idea where the GM's are coming from, and don't understand the terms at all, given how no one else who've made the appeal have any idea what the GMs mean. I am fairly confused, because I do not see how a lot of these terms have occurred. Players who commit wrongdoings cannot improve when they have zero idea what they've done wrong. I want to believe the Gms have the best of intentions, but I am just left unsure of what to think of things based off of what I've seen from what has been said so far. I've been told not to grasp at random straws, or make guesswork as to why this ban was delivered, when they are under the assumption I even know in the first place, when I honestly don't. I wish the discussion had been more productive, as all this could have been avoided.

*After having seen their clarification, I unfortunately have to disagree with a large amount of it, barring the terms of Harassment, as that is a problem I do have. 

To those that do read this, understand, that things being put out have been blatantly miscontruding of things, and it has been highly disappointing. I already had this fully written up, with minor amendments made based on the clarification, but I still planned on releasing it.

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  Regarding the Ban of Lumi, Aegis, Croakie, and Mewni.
Posted by: Rexan - 03-03-2023, 06:45 AM - Forum: Unban Requests - Replies (9)

Ban Notice for Lumi, Aegis, Mewni, and Croakie

With the bans covering the same issues; and much of the appeals posing the same arguments against their bans, this post will be a Net-Cover of all appeals; as they are all concerning the one ‘Four-Person-Ban’ which occurred.  We will in our best efforts attempt to make it clear explicitly why this ban was enacted, and hopefully make it clear why there will be no repeal for a ban of this caliber. As well as communicate with all hope, that this was not a crack-pot decision of one or two GMS; but a unanimous decision by the team to go forward with them. We’ll start from the top, and go through each of the cases, charges, and explanations to the best possible clarity without putting other players at open-risk of Harassment. 

"For repeatedly gatekeeping, metagaming, harassment, and OOCly preventing others from being able to exercise their roles fairly."

This caught our attention and was investigated over the course of a few months, starting sometime in January. This was not an abrupt decision, it’s been a coalescence of evidence stacking up against them over time to form a clear pattern and equally clear intent.

The reason these four got the same ban message, the same sentence (barring Croakie’s time, which included a slight typo that we’ll remedy when the correct time is up), and were lumped in together is because they all acted with coordinated efforts to achieve the same goal.

You might remember that this is the same ban that Blade was dealt, for excluding the other half of the donship. This is also intentional, as they perpetrated the same thing.

With the added harassment charge, in this case.

So with that in mind and the way that we always handle harassment cases and try to curb the potential for backlash, we’ll explain the charges as best we can.


Normally private game-related servers for IC groups are an issue due to the fact that GMs can’t moderate them effectively and sometimes echo chambers tend to bring out the worst in people, as one of our previous threads mentioned.

But in this case, one was used to completely exclude not just one player in a position of IC power that’s meant to be on equal footing, but a host of other players on that side of Meiaquar.

It would be one thing to have a private echo chamber with the usual problems that come from them, but it’s another thing entirely when said chamber is used to discuss and plan important nation-related things that should be done in a place where both sides of an IC faction can see, on an OOC level.

To throw a metaphorical ‘benefit of the doubt’ bone, if the concern was that someone might metagame with that information if it were made available to them on an OOC level, then that should be discussed with GMs instead so we can ensure everyone plays fair.


Also known as OOC in IC, this includes things like fabricating IC reasons to be upset using OOC information for something that doesn’t exist and didn’t happen ICly.

It also includes making up reasons ICly to try to justify an OOC agenda of kicking someone out of a position of power that’s inconvenient to your aims of attacking another faction for more OOC reasons.

Likely with enough time and enough people turning a blind eye to it (or worse, being complicit in it), these things could have amounted to something of actual IC substance and the lines would have blurred too much to act upon.

Especially with a coordinated effort between several different parties.

But thankfully, we caught it early.


All of these things were targeted attacks for OOC reasons and a history of issues between the offending parties and the victims.
[Image: image.png]
Harassment is a broad, blanket statement that we use to include things that fall under the umbrella of targeted attacks towards others. (Highlighted in case any of you were unaware.)

* This includes dragging your fellow players whether or not it’s done to their faces.

* This includes unsubstantiated claims of wrongdoing in an attempt to get a fellow player in trouble.

* This includes spreading misinformation/false narratives about your fellow players in multiple semi-public spaces to ostracize them from their peers and increase the divide you created in the first place.

* This also includes hiding under objects to monitor what your fellow players are doing.

* And of course, DMing people to incite them because you didn’t like something they did/said ICly or otherwise.

As you know, in the past we’ve had to ban several prior offenders for posting inflammatory statements in SL2-related discords. The consequences of which were often not felt until months after their initial attempts to ostracize others.

We were lucky this time to catch things as early as we did.

OOCly preventing others from being able to exercise their roles fairly

It’s more or less been stated above, but multiple players were excluded from important discussions and things they should have been made aware of on an OOC level.

This makes it all too easy to say things OOCly and ICly to fit the narrative you’re trying to peddle, like:

“So and so doesn’t do anything, they’re unfit for their role”.

If you make it nigh impossible for others to be included in what your side of things does, it does make it hard for them to do anything. Meetings, prisoner transfers, almost anything short of directly ignoring them ICly.

But then, you wouldn’t have to go as far as Blade did if you simply didn’t allow them to exist in the same IC spaces as you, by keeping them in the dark.

Needless to say, it’s not something we can ignore.

Whilst the team in whole agrees we ought’ best create a more conducive system for enacting bans; both to give more deserving players the punishment they have avoided in the past, and to give those who are harassed or elsewise more confidence and support that they need to bring their issues forward; this ban and it’s enactment was something we all saw fit to push through. 

This whole situation’s development over the months of investigation have made it clear that we need to have a far stricter ‘format’ when deciding bans, punishments, and warnings. In that niche, we do understand and agree 100%. But that doesn’t detract from the crimes we did see. Enacted multiple times over and with clear intent to sow OOC dissent amongst players for some level of IC gain.

To those who were banned, we hope that the time off from the game, short as it is, can be used in some medium of self reflection over one’s own actions and how they’ve affected the players around them.

To those who are unconvinced, and see this as a matter of GM overstepping. It is a shame. But it’s also an argument we can only fight so much personally; as opinions like those tend to be set in stone and infallibly hard to deter, only through action can they elsewise be proven

It is an established policy for a long time, (See rulings by Balthie, Pandos, & Dyst) that we will not place evidence in harassment cases out for public review. This is due to the amount of backlash as well as direct and indirect targeting either victims or informants receive. This is not a decision made by the team to obfuscate our motives for bans, but to protect the individuals who are victimised and those who inform us.

And to those who are simply taking the time to read this, we hope this has at least offered some level of clarity as to the depth and scope of this situation.

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  About the Loli playbys...
Posted by: damycles - 03-03-2023, 04:54 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

Honestly, I'd rather have 'em banned all together but for the sake of the odd exception can we just make all child looking playbys have to get approval first? Legit it is weird how some technically adult characters can look like straight up kids and I am just not okay with that on a visceral level.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord