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  [V2.71] Special Arrows Too Special
Posted by: sadbot - 03-09-2023, 01:29 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

Special arrow levels are consumed by many things that don't actually make use of them. This is true for all arcane arrow skills that I tested with stone arrows, except the placement of cherry blossoms even when hitting an enemy with it. The annorum cherry blossom aoe does consume levels. Even regular spells outside of the ranger class are consuming special arrow levels while gaining nothing from them, when the bow is used as a casting tool while you have a special arrow buff. It's worth noting that attacks that hit multiple targets at once are consuming an arrow for every target, not that it matters when they're receiving no benefit anyway.

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  [V2.71] Sound Setting Issues
Posted by: sadbot - 03-09-2023, 12:55 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

This is a twofold problem. The first may well be a beyond the game and an issue with dream seeker as a whole, though a solution or workaround would still be appreciated if known. The second is definitely a bug.

Firstly, dream seeker's volume settings aren't saving after I close the game. If I mute the game, it's unmuted next time I open it. If I change the volume, it's returned to my system default next time I open it. I had this issue several years ago if memory serves, and it's not exclusive to sigrogana. At some point dream seeker/my system just decided to start remembering the volume settings I set after closing the game, but to this day I have no clue what made it start working. After daring to change sigrogana's volume in my volume mixer recently, the issue has returned. This may well be a dream seeker issue rather than anything to do with sigrogana specifically, but if the cause or any kind of solution or workaround is known that would be appreciated.

Secondly, the sound effects slider in game has no effect on sound whatsoever. The music slider works fine, and I can move it and hear the change even in real time while playing profile music, battle music, etc. The sound effects slider doesn't seem to cause any change to any of the game's sound effects at all, as far as I can tell.

I don't know if these two issues are related in any way, but there you are. Let me know if there's any further info I can provide that might be helpful.

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  [v2.71] SpellEdge + Ranger
Posted by: VibeEntertainment - 03-08-2023, 11:40 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

[Image: mpZb9yD.png][Image: eDVCl8Q.png]

This has been a big problem with bug reports lately. I'm not asking for an essay per bug report, but it should be clear that when you report something you want fixed, you should provide details concerning the bug itself as well as other factors.

1) Spelledge isn't allowing someone not using a Bow Weapon to cast the Magic/Arcane Ranger Spells? I was told this should work since SpellEdge can cast Void Assasssin Spells though I'm not sure. I'm still fairly new and learning myself.
'When casting, spell uses highest applicable scaling. Bow is only enabing spell usage'

2) I tested this in the screenshot above in a spar and with a training dummy, in both instances it did not work and was not highlighted.
2) Again, not sure if this is intended or not or what other details I can really y'know... add here? But this is the report.

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  Korvara and new players
Posted by: Aleccia Rosewater - 03-08-2023, 09:54 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (27)

As a new arrival how am I supposed to get into Korvara?

People are very spread out, there are fewer mechanics, fewer hooks to get players interacting with each other, not to mention that the crystal-hunt thing rewards solo exploration. The factions are supposed to all have a nationalist feel as a unifier but there's no mechanics to get you attached to any one group. The overuse of player housing and "dont touch this" signs only gives less reason to get invested as the early days where you could influence things are already over. (also a problem with Sigrogana but to a much lesser extent). Currently the roadsigns are still half-frozen. I want to see this insane frozen wasteland but that event is long past

And I tried to get into it. I wanted to like Korvara but if I end up aimlessly wandering around while watching others doing likewise I have to question what is the point of playing. There are just not enough hooks to get people interacting with each other. And I went through all that effort brainstorming an aquamancer/water druid and writing up a decent profile! like would the GMs even notice if i moved my aquamancer from korvara to sigrogana its not like i had more then one meaningful interaction ("oh crackers that jam just mauled the kraboid"). dunno maybe i should have done a tourist rp where i go around annoying everyone with a photography camera until the GMs tell me to stop~

I'm guessing that you guys asked for a more pure RP experience but without thinking about what you might get or how it might split the playerbase? It really is a case where people need to be careful what they ask for

Hrm? Redesign Korvara? well I would try to create a urban fantasy (yes, with sigrogana races) that takes inspiration from superhero comics and children's cartoons where absurd tech is everywhere and daily life is so often interrupted by monsters. Instead of a large empty sandbox dev time would be spent creating a densely-packed environment where player regularly run into each other and every event and location is backed up by mechanics. Rent an apartment, work a temp job, fight the government, buy a car and crash it, hide from the fifth zombie apocalypse, take good care of the environment and carve out your own niche in a world that has long sense stopped making sense. I dunno if it would be any good or if you lot would like it but in my mind its a better vision of what a second shard should look like

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  [v2.71] Stun Oddities
Posted by: Autumn - 03-08-2023, 09:46 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

There are a multitude of jank issues that arise from stunning an enemy in multiple scenarios, I will do my best to explain them as I see how they are working currently:

1) First off the first oddity is that Stun does not expire when an enemy ends their next turn, allowing them to gain DR for longer than intended, though I believe if this would allow you to chain stun someone ever other turn if it did expire, I'm not sure if there's supposed to be a stun immunity or not attached to the status expiring but if there isn't, there should be.

2) If you are faster than someone in a 1vs1 scenario, and you stun them, you will take away their next turn, but due to round robin turn order, their team's slated to move first next round, given they are the only one on their own team, that means they will precede you in the turn order instead, letting them move ahead of you for the remainder of the match, effectively this means that the opponent is not stunned at all, and to top it off, the previous issue occurs where stun does not expire on their turn, making it so that they do not effectively miss a turn AND you deal 50% reduced damage to them. I am not sure of any non-jank workarounds other than forcing a stunned player to end turn.

3) Players can stun themselves with certain mechanics (air pressuring rocks) and have themselves remain with 1m to trigger stun on themselves, lose only 1 momentum in the process, potentially heal themselves with Mayelia's healing, and gain 50% DR for the entirety of the next turn, due to stun not expiring.

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  Orichalcum Buff
Posted by: Shujin - 03-08-2023, 09:07 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (13)

Hello and welcome to my Ted-talk as to why Orichalcum needs a buff.

simply put, the cap of 10 (atleast in PvE), is a bit too low.

effectively its +9 anyway, given the base attribute of -1 to all. Outside of grinding highlevel dungeons, aka in PVP its entirely useless, and in PvE we have plenty materials that do what Ori does at max capacity better in standard. Well, sort of at least in more specialized ways. 

The truth is that most builds do not need Hit, Crit and Power at the same time, they are mostly fine with one of them, but most importantly power. (sometimes weight cause Twohand), and cause in high level dungeons the mobs evade you more likely than not, you often use Autohits for surefire hits. 

And if you are one of the sad people who do actually need hit and crit, to deal with the highlevel mobs, +9 to both is good, buuuut..Kinda not good enough to outweight the huge stat difference.

Soo can we maybe buff Ori, atleast in PvE, to a higher cap? So it becomes the dedicated "PvE-Material"? Currently its so much around the same level of other materials even if conditions are met, that you never really consider having an Ori item laying around or its not worth Material swapping just for some dungeons.

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  Animal Husbandry (Korvara)
Posted by: Snake - 03-08-2023, 06:12 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (2)

Let us have a Sandbox Item that allows us to tend to animals such as Chicken, Cows or Monsters.

Similar to how Farming works, but we use food stocks to feed them and watch them grow, until they're ripe enough to be karate-chopped into Poultry or Beef.

Monsters would give more exotic materials, such as Demon Eyes or Mindstars.

At the moment, it's a very clear hassle to get certain mats, so this would be a good alternative.

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  Better Custom Text Colors for Chat!
Posted by: Blissey - 03-08-2023, 05:05 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

Hi. First and foremost this isn't to knock the colors Dev already included for us to use in the chat, but I kind of figured since this is now a feature we can all use, why not improve upon it a bit?

My suggestion is, hopefully, simple both in explanation and practice. 

Allow us to input CSS into a 'chat style sheet' of sorts so we can make our own parenthetical shortcut (like (ind) for indigo, etc.) for our chats. That way we can not only: add a thicker or thinner outline to colors, as well as a brighter outline to colors for ease of access, but also have a more diverse palette without putting all the coding onous on Dev to add them in.

This would work similarly like adjusting the style sheet for profile names and guild names and tab names, etc. But it'd be for the chat colors. I hope this made sense.

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  Regarding Instant Kills & Divine Ease Extra
Posted by: Snake - 03-08-2023, 04:38 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

TL;DR of the idea for dummies:

Quote:This is an aesthetic suggestion.

>> Akashic damage should be reserved for 'magic' instakills.
>> Vorpal damage should be reserved for 'physical' instakills.

Basically, add a new damage type named 'Vorpal', that utilizes either a new animation or Vorpal Strike's animation. (Alternatively, make it so when 'Physical Akashic damage' is dealt, the damage becomes 'Vorpal' instead.)

The 999999 damage should be reserved for Akashic damage (For "magic" instakills), while Vorpal damage should deal 100% of the target's Maximum HP as its damage (For "physical" instakills).

Both Instakill instances will also reduce the target's HP to 0, for extra measure. (In which will play a 'Mirror Shattering sound' from Divine Eyes, as its queue.)

Both Instakill instances cannot be modified by damage modification effects.

'Tis all. I think this would look better. Akashic's animation isn't cutting it for physical techniques, so this could likely be an opportunity to introduce another fun aesthetic to the game.


Now for Divine Ease...

Quote:Could it skip the mini-game in its entirety, and use Fray's animation followed by the final Mirror Shattering noise of the last Divine Eyes line? I think that'd look cooler than how it is now.

If skipping is not possible, just add two new skills and have the trait replace them. 'Mastered Eyes of Elimination' and 'Mastered Divine Eyes', which only play those requested animations and the rest being Ctrl+C and V.

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  Sandbox Locks
Posted by: Sawrock - 03-08-2023, 03:20 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

When I had a character who lacked fluency/the ability to read, I was still able to read signs by interacting with the sign and choosing the read option (as opposed to right-clicking and choosing read). This was useful for instances where there would be OOC information on the sign (such as Duyuei's mask policy sign, which requests a discord ping in certain circumstances).

Although I'm methodically opposed to conveying information in such a way, I understand that others favor it.

As signs now make you read rules before interacting with them, and some people might not be able to read signs if they've been banned from the sandbox system, I have two suggestions.

1. Make a type of sign designated for OOC purposes, and thus able to be read by those who lack fluency.

2. Allow access to the Read sandbox option despite sandbox ban status.
This one I favor less, because it gives people an excuse to say they didn't read the sign if rules pop up and they just choose not to interact.

I have no plans on getting banned from the sandbox system myself- just worried about potential snags of the system in the future.

Finally, if someone knows a better way to say you oppose a system due to the way it functions and interacts with a larger system than "methodically opposed", please let me know. I was trying for a while to phrase that better but was unable to and now it's bothering me.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord