Is there any chance we could make it so Ki lasts between battle now similar to Void Energy? That be interestign since it would speed up Monks from needing to power-up at the start of every combat.
Enchanting a Boulder material weapon (Dagger, Shuriken) with a Feather has failed to halve the weight.
My weapons are the Venomous and Knock Down variants of Shuriken.
Boulder material is very heavy, so naturally I've enchanted them with the Feather enchantment to alleviate this.
I did the enchants myself. I am a level 1 Enchanter +1 from LE.
My weapons still weigh a ton with no noticeable changes in combat.
5 Base Weight +25 Mat Weight 30 Total Weight
-7.5 Talent Reduction -2 Lightweight
12 Base Weight +25 Mat Weight 37 Total Weight
-7.5 Talent Reduction -2 Lightweight
So, if my numbers are right- Depending on if Talent and Thinning weight are taken before or after the weight halving-
The top one should weigh 10.25 at most, 5.5 at least.
The bottom one 13.75 at most, 9 at least.
With my other equipment weighing 0, this should make me at heaviest 24 weight.
Even if the calculations are played out differently, the numbers aren't adding up to any difference granted by the enchant.
I have no idea if this is intentional or not, but I found it worth bringing up since I've a feeling this should work proper.
Quick question, I assume its not a bug but I kinda liked the idea so I ask anyway:
Is it intentional that the Special basic attack from Verglas does not trigger twice with Twindance?
Whats happening right now is:
Example Hare stance-> Use Hare-kick-> One attack is a Kick, the other is a usual basic attack without it.(meaning no kick boni applied)
I thought it be cool to combine it with Phoenix Talon to get two procs since I twindance two kicks, but I fear that was never intended?
I have been testing out insanely low hit rate stuff recently and found that frayed void gates and gravestone are both evade able and scale hit off bare fists
I originally believed gravestone always hit prior to this as it reads that any enemy on the tile it is created on takes earth damage, as for frayed gates, they are static special tiles and we can't evade cinders or poison tiles or frostbite. interactions
An Invocation that doesn't deal damage, targets one enemy and replaces their RES Stat with their FAI stat. So I don't see why this in a invocation, if it effected the entire battlefield or did a lot of single-target light magic damage. Or gave them a chance every time they try to heal or deal damage they get a divine lighting bolt similar to that one Pray ability where it deals Light ATK damage to all targets.
I suggest Divine judgement either effects the entire battlefield or does high amount of light damage which is reduced by the amountr of faith the target has.
A special potential that turns Sear's cindertiles nto special Hellfire Cindertiles which change the damage to hellfire damage instead of normal fire damage.
Apologies if this has been discussed before, or if I'm missing an option or adjustment that lets you fix it on your own, but I didn't find anything in my brief search of the forums; at least nothing that seemed specific.
This won't affect 99% of people, or so I assume, but it does become a potential issue for those that take Undeniable Innovator. I'm having a tonne of fun with the trait and it's potential combinations, but after you possess a number of skills or spells -- especially on smaller resolutions and window sizes -- the list gets cut off during combat. This won't be an issue for larger window sizes or people running fullscreen on 1080+, but it may be for others. I'll attach some images below for ease of reference, and explain them at the bottom.
This doesn't... Break anything, per se? But it does make clicking, or glancing at, your skills and spells somewhat awkward. You end up having to use the keyboard to blindly find the right one. It's name and description does appear at the top as always, so this isn't a major issue, but it would be nice if there was some way of displaying even cut off abilities. I'm not sure what the best way to do this would be, but perhaps...
1. The menu could scroll up and down as you go through the list? In particular, if you jumped to the bottom then the list would jump down with you, then return to the top if you go back again.
2. The menu splits into two or more columns, so that it is easier for those who would rather click through their abilities.
3. Perhaps a simpler solution may be to raise the position of the combat menu, or allow it to be adjusted by each player to their own preference.
3a. As a side suggestion, the ability to also temporarily hide the UI in combat could be helpful, too.
The first two images attached below show the menu being cut off at my preferred window size on laptop, which is a fault of my own, but the third shows how close it is to being cut off at 1080p fullscreen. Again, this won't affect 99% of people, but it just seemed like something at least worth bringing up on the off-chance it could be addressed. Due to how minor of an issue it it, I completely understand if this isn't something worth addressing.
[Item Suggestion] Sharpened Heel Heels
Cloth Material
+2 GUI A pair of ruby high heels crafted in which the heel has been sharpened like a knife. Clicking them three times does nothing, though you might find fewer dance partners than before.
Grants Skill: Party Foul
[Party Foul]
Targets 1 enemy within 3 range and has an unoccupied tile next to them, and deals Pierce physical damage to them that ignores evasion.
The target is cured of Knocked Down (without paying Momentum.)