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  [v.2.93 v5] Starry Underworld
Posted by: AkaInuHime - 12-05-2024, 05:45 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Underworld Drain's targeting, while working correctly, displays oddly. It shows a star pattern along with the circle, though you can't actually recenter the AoE. You can otherwise turn and use the skill as normal.

[Image: zz5qf0.png]
[Image: 89ikrh.png]

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  [2.93v4] Grenaden't Under Pressure
Posted by: Rendar - 12-04-2024, 10:20 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Traps were fixed so that if they were Air Pressured into someone, they would detonate with impunity.

Red Bear used Air Pressure.
Evaded! Zanni avoids the attack!
Weak! Zanni's Metalaegis takes 103 Wind magical damage. (Air Pressure / Raging River)
Red Bear takes 86 Fire magical damage.
Zanni recovered 1 FP.
The Mini-Bomb - 3... smacks against Zanni!

Grenades do not follow this same logic. Sad

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  Rematch RSVP
Posted by: Autumn - 12-04-2024, 07:29 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (5)

This is mostly a Quality of Life thing but in doing the good old grind again (for a friend this time), it would be inscrutably helpful for one simple change to occur for rematch boss fights, this is already present in the Bandit Boss Fight.

Could we please have it so that the rematches always spawn 1 of each type of monster present in the dungeon? It could be like the Bandit Encounter and have them be additional encounters or just to be assured 1 of each unique monster per fight, this would vastly help in looking for specific 10 stars and remaining consistent across each encounter, nothing hurts more than doing 3 rematches and seeing in the last one that the monster you're looking for just isn't in that fight.

Thank you for reading.

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  The Guile in the room
Posted by: Rendar - 12-03-2024, 11:08 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (9)

Evade has a tough time existing in the current game of Rocket Tag that is "I have 360 hit."

Which, as Filia has shown, is unfortunately a thing that Can Exist. Between hitting 280 hit on your own, if not higher, with the +50 bonus (which Evade only can get to.. GENERALLY, 210~215 before things become next-to-impossible to pass through)... Hit gets an added bonus in the terms of Flanking.

Flanking is a modifier that can just give + (10+GUI) hit to you if you have an ally adjacent to them and hit their rear. Without an ally adjacent, you can get + ((10+GUI)/2) hit if you smack their rear end. Which... doesn't sound like a lot, but for flanking someone and getting +35 hit. It gets nutty quick. Especially if the person ALREADY has hit their +50 hit cap bonus. Making 280 hit into.. 305. Which makes it a Near Guaranteed attack.

Hit Negative stacking was removed from field tiles because being able to get -70 to someone's hit was toxic.

Flanking needs to just start counting as Bonus Hit that is limited to the +50 cap, because evade already is eating shit most days of the week whenever they can't get their buffs up or Evade Ignore spam (Legitimately almost died to a summoner throwing out sazae oni / Suzaku to double-tap me before I could kill either).

[Image: aZ3OnLS.png]

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  Prinny Buff
Posted by: Snake - 12-03-2024, 01:39 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

Give Prinny a dagger. So its basic hits don't happen twice every turn.

This is so due to how Bare Fists's two strikes spam your Player-Debug like crazy when you're just trying to check for your evade and hit, for example.

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  [2.93v4] Static SHOCK
Posted by: Rendar - 12-03-2024, 06:45 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Static Air's 'damage' bonus effect says it deals Level times 5. Which is, in solo usage.. 5 * 5 = 25...

But the skill itself actually does 5 * 5 * 3. For.. Whatever reason.

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  [v.2.93 v4] Grand Finale, Tough Crowd
Posted by: AkaInuHime - 12-01-2024, 06:20 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Grand Finale's repeat action tracking reset doesn't reset the skill that actually defeats the monster.

I used Attack on a firefox which didn't kill it, then Double Dao which did. As you can see, Attack is back down to 3m (only one pictured, but I checked both in case I misremembered which I used), but Double Dao shows a 4m cost. Grand Finale otherwise worked as intended (I got the +3m and 3 stacks of Heaven Below).

[Image: 08h1ud.png]
[Image: iz5b4i.png]

I noticed this earlier with Warp Strike not resetting, which would be an actually nice skill to chain, but didn't think much of it at the time and didn't take a screenshot then.

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  Body Hydrofication
Posted by: zericosmic - 12-01-2024, 05:06 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Zeridragon
Character Name - Gekota
Request Type - Character Ability

Request Details -  Body Hydrofication! I know what you're thinking "but zeri, that's not a real word".. And I concede that you may just be correct on that one. What I actually mean is that my character is capable of liquifying her body partially, kind of like Suigetsu from Naruto, you know Suigetsu from Naruto, right? Of course you do.

Specific Request - Due to a unique core, this homunculi's body, or rather the mud that was used to make it, was heavily diluted with a special kind of enchanted water, due to this she is resistant to
physical damage (drowned woman install), she is capable of reforming her body and recovering from physical wounds rather quickly as long as she is able to keep in contact with water, and is capable of going through obstacles such as grates. This ability is hampered by nullstone. She is difficult to injure permanently unless a strike hits her core.

She is also particularly weak to freezing magic as it simply freezes the water she is made out of and makes her breakable, and also weak to interference as it prevents her from reforming properly.

She is not capable of altering her body at will, it tends to just reform itself, she does become somewhat smaller if she loses water without regaining it.. She can never become too small through, as the core would simply be unable to fit.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I want to portray Drowned woman install in a different and unique way, and portray monster spine healing through her reforming. And make a character with unique strengths and weaknesses. Also suigetsu is fucking cool.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Homunculi are wacky, there's plenty of unique quirks one can come up when making one, the core for this one is meant to be a unique-one off kind of deal where it was created through an artifact, it is not something that can be easily replicated.

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  [2.93v4] No Mom I Don't Want To Hear About your Invocation
Posted by: Rendar - 11-30-2024, 10:17 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Ear Injuries still muffle Combat Messages. Things like forced say (Invocations) and Stance Switching (Demon Hunter).

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  Three Approaches to Omina
Posted by: FernGilly - 11-30-2024, 09:32 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (2)

Thesis: Omina is in a problem spot right now.

There are a few notable traits about Omina that keep them from greatness. Their stat distribution isn't terrible, but it is lackluster compared to other species and, lore-wise, doesn't totally match up. Their racial abilities are screwy and they lack a racial identity that makes them stand out as an option.

What follows is the result of a detailed discussion between three Omina players about how to resolve the issues with Omina and breathe interest into the class as a whole.

Approach One: The Stat Switcheroo

This is the easiest approach to implement, but too many changes risks invalidating the work that players have put into their builds. Hesitance when it comes to stat redistribution is definitely warranted, but Omina are desperately in need of adjustments.

Lore-wise, what kinds of stats work well for an Omina? The answer feels easy, but a quick overview of each stat and where it sits for then right now reveals complications.

Omina favor evasion builds. They have CEL 7 and LUCK 4, both of them justified as having 'supernatural senses for danger'. These together are so overwhelmingly strong that any attempt to build outside the paradigm of the species (I run a Destiny Mage myself!) is fighting against their statblock... but what does their statblock do for them? They have GUI 2, which means they can't use guns very well. STR 4 gives them access to some Ranger approaches, and WIL 4 means that they have magic options open to them. Even so, nobody plays Omina to be good at dodging; they'll play species like Redtail or Felidae to maximise their ability to dodge. They won't play Omina for their damage output, either. A crit-based build could find success, but at what cost?

The question becomes: where is the flavor? What is the design philosophy of their statistics?

For a species which has been through hell, what sorts of stats are actually supported by the text? Ironically, they're the stats most neglected on an Omina-- VIT, RES and DEF. Vitality is a vital stat used by everyone, so having Vitality at 4 is at most decent... but their RES and DEF are a pitiful 2 each. For a species which, per the lore docs and their racial passives, drain the luck of everyone else, they should be good at casting curses. Instead, they're some of the weakest hex casters... which is ironic, given their high SKI also supports the concept of an infliction-based mage.

SKI 5-- Skill is a great stat to look at when making a lore-friendly statblock for Omina. Skill increases the odds your victim is inflicted with a status debuff, decreases their ability to dodge your attacks and increases ice damage. Why is this an Omina stat? Two of the racial moves-- Red Misfortune and Green Misfortune-- have strong relationships to ice. Green Misfortune trips someone-- almost like they were sliding on ice. As for Red Misfortune, making someone who steps on a tile lose movement... in this case, their whole turn? It sounds exactly like Ice Sheet tiles.

Sanctity 4 and Faith 2 are not doing much for Omina. With its poor choice of racial passives and Faith being a pitiful 2, these stats make no impact on any Omina-friendly build. Their stats could be appropriated elsewhere and few would blink or miss them.

Consortium notes about Approach One:

- Polkjim suggests increasing Omina's Guile. The text seems to support this, as they are more perceptive, and it would improve their flexibility.

- Nekojinn warns against shifting stats in a way that overly punishes evadie builds. Most players have already built to be evasive Omina.

- FernGilly thinks that increasing Skill has good lore synergies, as Skill is the stat most represented by their racial passives and abilities.

- Both FernGilly and Nekojinn agree that Resistance should be raised, even if it comes at a cost to something else; it feels more lore-friendly.

- Everyone agrees that Sanity is not doing very much for Omina. Sanctity can be lowered to 0 without damaging the racial identity at all.

To summarize: Omina's best stats should be CEL, SKI, LUC and RES, rather than the current statblock.

Approach Two: Adjustments To Racial Abilities

As anyone who has played an Omina can attest, Omina have pitiful, nearly useless abilities with some niche applications. The second approach to fixing Omina would be to adjust each ability slightly to make them more usable. Changes don't need to be big to have big impacts on each move's viability. An Omina SAN build does nothing special at time of writing, so the goal would be to make SAN a worthwhile stat to invest in.

Firstly, the racial move Omina's Curse is a non-button. What it does is that, for 3m and 10FP, you can apply three stacks of Fortune Vacuum... for two rounds. I don't think it's an exaggeration to call this the worst move in the entire game with no applications in any use case. I'm sure the veterans of this game could workshop a move that was worse than this one, but I'd be hard pressed to agree with them. 

Omina's Curse needs to scale based on SAN. At high levels, this move barely even removes 1 point of effective luck. Alternatively, lowering the cost of Omina's Curse to 1m momentum cost makes it a viable way to quickly build up Fortune Vacuum stacks and build the Unluck resource; many builds could make use of an ability like that, and it would support many of the other suggested move changes.

Speaking of Fortune Vacuum, that ability sits in a weird place. It applies one stack of Fortune Vacuum to every enemy... except boss monsters, and those who are in stealth, and not if you're confused or suffering from interference, and not to anyone already suffering from Fortune Vacuum at 3+15% of your SAN... not that you'd ever build more than three stacks of this, since there's no point making a SAN build and many fights end within five rounds. Flame forbid you are in a 1v1 PvP match, this passive is going to do nothing for you.

To buff Fortune Vacuum, you'd need to examine the premise-- increasing the maximum amount of -LUC this move inflicts is probably not the play, but making it easier to apply -LUC and to apply more in a 1v1 situation. My suggestion is to have it inflict 1 stack of Fortune Vacuum to 3+15% of SAN targets chosen randomly each round. Additionally, stacks of Fortune Vacuum applied to someone who is immune should still generate Unluck, preventing this species from being starved of their class resources.

Next up, Yellow Misfortune; no notes. This is an Omina's best move, and it has power equivalent to a class move. -15 to hit for 3m is incredible for dodgy classes! The only suggestion I would give is to make this move cost less Unluck, but if the other moves are buffed and the species is adjusted to better produce Unluck more consistently, this one wouldn't need any changes.

Green Misfortune suffers from a high cost for a small effect; a 3m trip which costs 10 unluck (requiring rounds and rounds of combat) for 15 FP... it's not bad inherently. Lowering the Unluck cost considerably and reducing how much momentum the trip requires would go a long ways towards making it viable as a move. A 2m Green Misfortune wouldn't be much different, but it would give many players more setup opportunities; otherwise, the 10 Unluck cost requires a considerably long time for a move which only reduces the victim's momentum by 3m.

Nekojinn believes these changes aren't enough, and we should be looking at a 1m Green Misfortune or even giving it area of effect. While I'm inclined to agree, those kinds of changes might fall under the next approach, Radical Realignment.

Red Misfortune needs to go. Even if it were effective and easy to cast (and with the 15 Unluck cost, you will not be using it), it would be too toxic to keep around. People being deprived of their turn is not a meta we want to encourage. Axe it entirely. Remove it from Omina's skillset. Replace it with something, anything else.

Consortium Notes about Approach Two:

- Nekojinn loves Yellow Misfortune. They DID suggest having it scale off stacks of Fortune Vacuum or SAN instead.

- Right now, 1v1 fights as an Omina are unreliable; racial abilities do nothing. Bosses are immune to Fortune Vacuum, putting us in a weird place.

- Red Misfortune is one of those moves we think people might balk at removing, but it needs to go, especially if the other moves improve.

- We want Unluck and stacks of Fortune Vacuum to be generated more consistently with high SAN.

To Summarize: The Omina's Moveset Could Do With Some PvP Friendly TLC

Approach Three: Radical Realignment

Well, this is the part of the suggestion box where we throw the baby out with the bathwater and suggest something COMPLETELY different. Omina are in such a bad place, literally adding anything to their kit would be seen as a positive. Let's go over a few 'wild' ideas that aren't so wild.

Replace Red Misfortune with the choice of temporary Flight or the Play Cute ability. There are two kinds of Omina, and having the ability to pick a trait for free which allows them to take a temporary Flight or Play Cute (exclusive to bird or cat Omina) would fill the gap Red Misfortune leaves behind. It's been suggested in another thread (Omina Deserve to Be Cute!) and should be reiterated here, since everyone seemed to agree on that thread.

Rework Omina like Hexers. Basically, give Omina hexes-- change their statblock to be about inflicting debuffs (high SKI, high WIL), make their debuffs matter more, give them a debuff that's inflicted when they're attacked, so forth. Really enable Omina to make other people suffer. Polkjim suggested this after I made my Skill being supported by lore remarks, and I like it so much I really want to push it.

Omina could use more Fae-related abilities. Omina are Fae, definitionally, and leaning into this fact might produce interesting moves and combinations of racial passives to make use of. Make us crave honey, make us trail feathers behind us, give us resistance to something fae are resistant to, give us an immunity to some debuff. Something to tie Omina to their heritage or show that they're a product of agglomerated Focus.

Make Good on Lore Doc promises.

Quote:While many Omina see their curse as that and nothing more, there are those who manage to become intune with it, learning to harness its potential and managing to assert some amount of control over it, having it target those who they wish to inflict with ill-fatedness, ranging from a simple inconvenience, to something potentially fatal.
None of Omina's racial moves can do damage. We can change that. We can make things worse.

Give their bad luck IC influence over dice rolled near them. This one is just a bit of flavor, but if we're throwing ideas at the wall, why not? Snack it, give them bad dice rolls. We're completely reimagining Omina in this approach.

Ice Ice Omina Baby. Rework Omina so they're all about ice. Putting down ice sheets, slipping on ice, ice sliding. Whatever. Any element works, really-- darkness, fire, lightning. Omina being elemental would be very flavorful. Okay, this one's a joke suggestion, but...

Forget the lore! Catbirds! Give em all flight after a Legend Extension! These suggestions are getting a little silly. I'll wrap the discussion here.

To Summarize: The Omina Needs A Fresh Coat of Paint

I hope this long, extra long message brings with it some long-awaited TLC to a maligned species and helps bring it out of the shadows of the Redtail. I love playing as an Omina, I love being an Omina, and I want to share this love with other Omina players, but players avoid the Omina like the plague. Perhaps that's appropriate. Perhaps I've said too much; in any case, I hope that you can all find it in your heart to give more suggestions on ways to treat Omina right in this messed up world of Korvara.

-FernGilly, Local Catbird Enthusiast Who Made An Account Just To Say All This

Before anyone asks; I do not know why there are so many spaces...

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