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  Korvara Mercenaries
Posted by: firehawk11 - 03-25-2023, 12:47 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

Add in different mercenaries you can hire but in each of the major cities on Korvara.

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  Mass Buy Treasure Balls
Posted by: caliaca - 03-24-2023, 05:30 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (2)

Being a dodgey trying to get candy is painful for my carpal tunnel.

Please let us mass buy these. Just let us buy 50 at once. Please.

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  [2.71b] Able to summon guardian spirit on wrong astrology sign
Posted by: rath111 - 03-24-2023, 02:11 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

1. Change to a different astrology sign
2. Get the Guardian Spirit trait again and summon them
3. Notice that you just summoned the guardian spirit of the previous astrology sign

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  Extra fonts to express different handwriting
Posted by: Milodon Junior - 03-23-2023, 06:19 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

While there are various options regarding the use of commands to make IC text, I think that the variety of fonts available is not enough for some RP flavoring. I would love to see more options to use, as the more organic way to make letters, books or signs stand out if there is more than one person writing them.

We have this:

And even if there is the option to change the hex value of the text, it is not the same.

I think it can give much more flavor to some IC sign to have some sort of thread, like for some announcement signs for the main cities, that way there is less of a need to describe how the handwriting looks like or just know that, for example: the ones asking for butter are not the same as the ones asking for gorgon workable remains, or just a reply on someone's "property sign", like for some farms; multi-author books, that may be used for libraries; some IC and Discord free Submission-box, for messages to different organizations, for example: Lesser reports of concerns to legal authorities, a way to contact or try to schedule a meeting with a political figure instead of DMing or standing outside some place for many IRL hours; maybe some mystery events of notes left by some unknown person... but multiple people are signing by the same alias? Is this an organization? Someone trying to steal that persons identity or trying to give directions and clues that are not really from that unknown person?

I think that the RP value that updating the safe/friendly HTML Fonts that SL2 has access to will open some nice little details, either for secret identities and fake aliases, writing a note or a book feel more personal or just an easier way to tell apart two people on the same "popup message window"

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  The camping experience
Posted by: Poruku - 03-23-2023, 04:51 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

I feel like we're missing out on a HUGE opportunity to foster awesome rp within the main gameplay loop.

If you rest near a campfire, every hour game tick you'll gain +5 lvl to a status called well rested, which increases your experience gained from combat by 25%, losing one lvl every battle. You don't get it while idle.

In addition, eating food near a campfire while well rested will give you a bonus to its regen.

In addition, resting one whole hour at a campfire counts as going to an inn. And traits like sword polisher apply to all the people around the fire, not just party. So you don't need to trek all the way to town and back every time.

In addition, campfires no longer require gunpowder and violets to craft. Instead, it only requires wood.

And finally, campfires can be spawned in dungeons but they are non-dense, you can pass through them.

You can craft and put down stools and logs to sit on, and bedrolls to sleep in, so you can get the full camping experience in the wilds.

You gain rp xp when you rest with a group of people

Extra bonus
Placeable tents

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  Throwing A Punch (Away)
Posted by: Ray2064 - 03-23-2023, 10:40 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (14)

I'm going to go to the point with this one, Fists weapon are underwhelming compared to all of the other available types.

- Horrendously low crit damage for some reason, despite the few scarce incentives to run crit amongst MA and Promos (Geldoren, Serpent Strikes , Bear's might, Scharfe) and the number of fist weapons that encourage Basic Attacking (Ymir, Fenri, Burst Claw..)

- While these do get +10 hit through Martial Artist,  it first of all is way more of a necessity than a bonus with how little the weapon type has going for it, and systematically takes 3 skill points away from MA, unlike Sword/Dags' Reliability talent which is way more....well, reliable.

- The talent of the weapon itself is mediocre too, really. Don't think I need to elaborate as of why.

-It's usually a headache to try to reach a good SWA without specialized equipment, too. No 2H or real ways to directly increase damage.

in short buff fists please

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  Nation Resources and Status
Posted by: Poruku - 03-23-2023, 07:20 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

If you look at the official Korvara website, you'll learn that Geladyne is a place with not much food. And Telegrad is a place with a lot of food. This sort of concept is crucial to the world's dynamic. However, if you go into the game... Not only is that not really visible, it's also something people disagree on in certain cases. The existence of player farming, and grinding, and all those mechanics, means that as players, we live in a world of post-scarcity. There is no way anyone is going to go hungry or struggle because the first random person will simply give you food and money. That being the case, the nations and the setting feel mostly meaningless to a person who isn't purposefully playing up the harshness of the world. You can go anywhere and live as a nameless drifter without experiencing any hardship. By extension, this also means nations are not very different from one another. Unless players come to agreements and post stuff on discord we just never really know what is up. Should we expect everyone to read the 4 lore documents and keep themselves updated on the political shifts? How can the player feel like the world is alive without going through the work of informing themselves about all that's going on? And even if they do, there isn't that much happening in the world that impacts nations as a whole. Why is not much changing? I believe it's in part because... Everyone is prosperous and chilling. Why would they be at odds? The only problems nations face are usually mismanagement, crime, power shifts and drama. Events as well, but those are usually solved as soon as they arise.

I would like to propose a system to change this. Simple but significant.

Korvara Nation Status Message
Each nation would have stats and a status. When you enter a nation or log in inside it, you get a very short system message that describes the current situation as well as the resources it has. Here's an example that should explain what I mean.

[Image: 58c534c08e3d9c217e8c89c22d080a14.png]
You could make the values have a little clickable link that explains to you what the number means. For instance:
2 food: People are starving and many are dying. The people are angry and close to rebellion

3 food: People are very hungry and restless
4 food: People are going hungry
5 food: People have just enough food to survive
6 food: People have enough food, but aren't always satisfied
7 food: People are satisfied
8 food: People have plenty of food

These values don't represent a stockpile, but production. Meaning the values aren't going to accumulate, they are just the amount you get, for instance, per year. This means that if you trade 1 food for 1 treasury, those values are changing exactly once and as long as the trade deal is in effect, that change will remain. If the trade deal is off, then boom, the values return to what they were before. This means there is a finite amount of resources "available" in the world, and the factions must trade or fight over them.

So, how do we change it? And how do we determine what nation has what resources? Well, that's simple. Dev decides the starting values because he made the game. Then, the values can only be modified via trade, conquest, or gm-approved significant changes in the nation, and never from mechanics such as farming. GMs would be the ones who can tweak the values in the first place, while the status could be modified by the nation leader. So once a trade deal is done, one of the leaders message modmail, and a GM makes the change.

What effect will this have?
From a glance you might realize how useful this would be. First, the status itself would allow people to quickly learn what the hell is actually happening in a nation without needing to dig. Additionally, it would let people know of the IC conditions of the nation. It would let people know in-game that, oh yeah, this is actually the amount of food we have. How about we trade it? How about we go take it from another nation? Oh, we lack this or that, how will we get it? These are things that can't just be fixed with gathering 1000 tomatoes, you actually need to interact with people and make shifts in a nation, a movement, interact with OTHER nations. Make big projects that cause visible changes to the nation, not just in the map, but in the actual IC of the nation in a quantifiable manner.

The obvious issue that arises would be that players naturally tend to want to fix every single problem that arises in the game. It would be good if those people could be pointed to what they can do to change that value. You want to fix your nation's economy? Well first of all, you can't do it alone, and you'll need to make it a significant movement with rp to back it up. I'd like to see an SL2 where things are allowed to not be perfectly ok in every way all the time, and as such, it should be a difficult endeavor. Something that takes a lot of time and interaction with many people.

Furthermore, this system would introduce a way to have a war with much lower stakes. Currently, the only real point of war would be conquest for the sake of it. With a resource system, war could have an actual purpose people could get behind. You could just take a small part of territory and steal one point of resource. No nation-ending conquest needed to have some conflict. Just... We want to be better off, so we'll take some of your land.

I'd love to hear thoughts about such a system. I think a departure from the "just let the players figure it out as they go" mentality and the hard mechanics is needed to have meaningful inter-faction roleplay. We need broad game-ified systems, because this is a game after all, and without something being written down as truth, people simply cannot agree on what "should be" on that scale.

Although my example is crude, it would obviously be more elegant when/if implemented, without being too complex. We would need to decide what resources are relevant, and what exactly is required to shift a resource one point up or down.

In addition, the status message is kind of a secondary suggestion to the resource thing. Both can be addressed individually.

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  [v.2.71b] Whispers can't be heard no matter what range
Posted by: Pyro - 03-22-2023, 08:12 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: d0uu1gO.png]
[Image: 5PglXyk.png]
[Image: image.png]

I'm not entirely sure how to collect evidence for this bug. But for awhile, I haven't been able to hear whispers from certain people, like the Regent of Geladyne. Here are two screenshots of the same scene. The first from my perspective, and the second from theirs. Including a reference for distance.

No injuries.

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  [v2.71b] 2x Summoner's Tandem Daggers and Summoner's Dancing Shoes (query)
Posted by: Latersatyr - 03-22-2023, 06:57 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

I'm currently weilding 2 Summoner's Tandem Daggers and a pair of Summoner's Dancing Shoes. I am Spellthief/Grand Summoner, and using impact call.

I had tested this combination on the test server and there the order of the items went boots -> main dagger -> off hand dagger -> allowing me to summon, move toward an enemy, and then do two 1/2 damage attacks. 

I made the same character on the live server and got my daggers/boots, only to find I can"t do the same combo as it goes main hand-> boots -> off hand. I was advised to submit a post here about it to see what it should be, as the two servers are inconsistent.

I've tried unequipping and re-equipping in various orders, changed enchants and materials, changed my other gear and class, and no matter what, it always happens in the consistent different order on each server.


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  Darkness Toggle or bigger torch
Posted by: firehawk11 - 03-21-2023, 08:38 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (13)

I know this may seem like a crappy call out but if weather can be a toggle, by chance can darkness also be a toggle. The game gets really dark and traveling is sometimes a hinderance. Not to mention darkness seems to be very buggy. Sometimes it is darker then others, when tabbing out it can sometimes get brighter when u tab back in. Others times when you go into areas it gets so dark you can't see more then your torch radius.

Perhaps we can get a torch upgrade that has a much bigger radius, maybe a flashlight/Latern which can be crafted using a torch as one of the ingredients?

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord