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Posted by: Neus - 06-25-2023, 11:40 PM - Forum: Unban Requests - No Replies

The Unban Requests forum is being retired.

If you have been banned and need to seek an appeal or conversation about your ban, please contact ModMail via direct message in the Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord server. You can find a helpful link to this bot in the pinned posts in #gm-help.
Link: https://discord.gg/SvBYGRB

If you do not have access to the Discord for some reason, send a PM to me with your Discord username so that I may set you up with access to do so. If you have issues contacting ModMail or getting a reply, then you may also PM me. Otherwise, please only contact me regarding your ban as a last resort - if you need to discuss it, you should do so with a member of the GM team first.

Thank you.

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  Pie Movement
Posted by: Sawrock - 06-25-2023, 07:28 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

This is a very niche suggestion- have weapons affected by Item Regalia be allowed to use movement states in the .dmi format. The easiest example I can think for this would be, say, if I iconned a pie. The pie has four directions- north, south, east, and west. As it is currently, if we use Roundtrip with the pie, only south is used, despite the other directions being present. It could be used for cool things like weapon energy strikes, or such.

Example pie attached below, big thanks to Tana for helping test the pie and reminding me there's a test server so I didn't use an item regalia for nothing.


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  Melding Winds, more like Melding Mids.
Posted by: RedtailPinny - 06-25-2023, 01:02 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (2)

So as any shapeshifter probably knows, we used to be able to Meld Form with an Ascended Seiryuu to get access to the Punishing Winds passive.  Now, this interaction got removed due to how oppressive Seiryuu was, which I had no problem with.

Now that Seiryuu's Punishing Winds got bit and requires the youkai to be within a certain range to work, I think Meld Form should work with it again.

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  Farming for specific drops
Posted by: Autumn - 06-24-2023, 11:30 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (8)

It feels like the drop rate on monster-specific drops is too low for those monsters, it makes gathering things like Mindstars difficult when that's the intention of grinding in the lvl 40 goblin caves. I feel like I shouldn't only get 1-2 mindstars for farming them for an hour so I'm just requesting that monster-specific drops get a buff in drop rate. So I can farm for these goods so I can keep people supplied on tools when needed be.

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  Kensei Adjustments Thread
Posted by: Snake - 06-24-2023, 04:05 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (6)

This is just my personal wishlist and what I observed could be changed or shrunk to give way for new, cooler things.

  • Absolute Death/Fear/Pace --> Reiatsu
This is to reduce the clutter with Kensei's skills, and as said above, open up opportunities to get new skills. Ideally, it will only apply one Absolute at a time, but it'd be cool to add all Absolutes at once too, because of the previous momentum investment to apply the spiritual energies from other skills.

Quote:Reiatsu (3 Ranks)

By utilizing the art of spiritual pressure, the Kensei can addle their opponent's minds and forms. On use, targets all enemies within 1 range of you, and depending on which spiritual energy your opponent is inflicted with, this skill will have different effects:

Rank 1: Touki - Absolute Pace
Rank 2: Sakki - Absolute Death
Rank 3: Kenki - Absolute Fear
  • Sacred Art Elemental ATK scaling --> Kensei LV + 10 scaling.
This could probably be the "Kensei LV" passive of the class, like you'd see in Ghost's Claret Call, or Firebird's Magical Feathers. Rather than counting on your own Elemental ATK, it could simply deal a flat, unresistable and unavoidable damage when it procs. Since more often than not, the damage tends to be a flat 0, or too small to even be notable.

Quote:Sacred Art (2 Ranks)

Kensei often utilize multiple techniques in succession, turning their swordplay into an art rather than a skill.

When you deal damage to an enemy using a Kensei Offensive Skill, the next Kensei Offensive Skill this turn does not require FP to use, and if it hits the enemy, it will deal elemental bonus damage based off your Kensei LV + 10, which ignores protection. (Each Kensei Offensive Skill uses an unique element; If you have a Starsign, its element will be used instead).
  • Kagekiri, Toiken, Hirazuki, Raijinken, Sharenzan --> Can critically hit, their ranges start maxed (similar to Korkenzieher and Chaser, but can be shortened) and Animation Speed is increased by (Critical Hit - 25)%.
It'd be cool if this was a norm for Kensei skills.

Depending on the Kensei's Critical Hit, the animation's speed would be higher. Admittedly, the only reason I'd use Lightning badge over the other badges is how cool it is to just blitz through an enemy in the blink of an eye.

Additionally, range starting maxed more often than not makes you take your turn faster. Having to always increase the range by 2 is very inconvenient, so it would be an improvement.
  • Toiken --> Its range of effectiveness should be THICCer
I don't need to explain this. Toiken has a ridiculously large dead zone, which makes it the most clunky skill in Kensei's arsenal. Here's an example of what I believe could be the new Toiken:
[Image: image.png]
  • Katana Master --> Also works with Bows and Spears. This now checks every round, in case you lose this to a dispel effect, or enter a fight in the middle of it.
Since Samurai were also known to use bows and spears, this could be a good reference to that, while enabling Kensei to be used with other classes, albeit limited to their general theme. We can easily say that other weapons that are not the two mentioned make it hard for one to focus their spirit.

Over time, Two-Hand Katanas have and will always be more optimal. This is mostly to let more themes flourish with Kensei without ruining their core gameplay.

Quote:Katana Master (1 Rank)

Needless to say, Kensei are masters of the katana. At the start of every round, if you do not have Katana Master active: If you have a Katana weapon, and don't have other weapons, aside Polearms or Bows, gain a permanent status that boosts the power of your Katana weapons, Sakki, Touki and Kenki. This boost is lost if you swap weapons.
  • Counter Edge --> Should deal its bonus damage separate from Riposte's damage.
Why, you ask me? Because Riposte will reduce that damage by -50%, so this passive technically deals only 12 damage. Besides, an extra slash is always flashy, so here's what it should be (with an added flavor text):

Quote:Counter Edge (3 Ranks)

Kensei are known opportunists, exploiting gaps better than anyone. Attacks made through Riposte and Sheath Sword deal a separate instance of bonus damage (based on Rank) of your weapon's damage type, which ignores protection.

  • Yomidori --> Should be a stackable defensive passive, and have an extra effect.
This was honestly destroyed by the nerf. Bonus parrying chance is extremely small on top of its general use being mostly on RNG. But I see this as an opportunity to give Kensei something to live by this skill's flavor text:

Quote:Yomidori (3 Ranks)

Yomidori is the act of predicting your opponent's movements with such precision that it becomes akin to mind-reading. When you are attacked by a person who has already attacked or damaged you this turn, your opponent grants or empowers a permanent status named Yomidori by LV X (X = Rank), which grants an additional +LV% trigger rate for parry skills against the causer.

Additionally, there is a LV/2% chance for damage dealt from their attacks, skills or spells that are not evaded or a glancing blow become a Glancing Blow. (This will remove the status and put it on a 1 round cooldown).

  • Tekagen --> Remove this. Make it a Trait anyone can pick.
Really, why does this exist? Being able to hold back without any form of tactical advantage tied to it doesn't really look like a thing that should be exclusive to Kensei. This is yet another contributor to unnecessary clutter that's better off as a trait everyone can use.

And finally, new things! Or er, "new".

  • Oarashiken
A skill to make PvE more convenient for Kensei. Like I joked, the 'katana weeb's version of Divine Shower, except it doesn't blind.

Quote:Oarashiken (5 Ranks)

You are the storm that is approaching. Sheath your sword and focus your spirit, using 6M+ and gaining Kenki Meditation for 2 rounds, which heals 8% of your maximum HP and FP at the start of the round, and disables Riposte for the duration.

If you use the skill while under Kenki Meditation, it will cost 3M, and you will teleport to all enemies, slash through each of them 4 times in random directions. Each slash ignores evasion and protection, and have a 50% chance of applying Kenki, Touki or Sakki to them for 5 rounds (If the status is not active). Then you will return to your original position, facing away from the last enemy you attacked.

If you activate Hidden Cut while under Kenki Meditation, it will consume the status and increase the damage by 20% (+10% per Sakki, Kenki or Touki) of their missing HP (halved against players and bosses).
  • Yamasakeru
The legendary Mountain Render technique, a single target big shot move that leaves the Kensei exposed, but not after utterly ruining a single target's life and leaving a mark for them to remember through all the fight.

Quote:Yamasakeru (5 Ranks)

A strike to rend mountains and hearts alike. Sheath your sword and focus your spirit, using 6M+ and gaining Touki Meditation for 2 rounds, which heals 10% of your maximum HP at the start of the round, and disables Riposte for the duration.

While in Touki Meditation, if you use this skill again, it will only cost 3M. You will shoot forward to the battle border directly infront of you, and any enemies, tiles or constructs in the path of a 5 wide range line will be destroyed in a flurry of mountain-rending strikes. Enemies will also be knocked down, or knocked airborne if they cannot be knocked down.

If you activate Hidden Cut while under Touki Meditation, it will consume the status and create Pillaged tiles in a huge circle area around the targets, making it impossible to create new tiles, for 5 rounds.

  • Zettai-tekinashi
And finally. The 'True Absolute Death'. Kill an unwise opponent before they even notice they're already dead. By now I'm mentally exhausted and out of ideas. Thanks for reading.

Quote:Zettai-tekinashi (5 Ranks)

Kill the unwise before they notice their spelling mistake. Sheath your sword and focus your spirit, using 6M+ and gaining Sakki Meditation until your next round, which heals 10% of your FP at the start of the round, and disables Riposte for the duration.

If an enemy attacks you while you are under Sakki Meditation, you will draw your blade and counter-attack with such power that it deals no damage but marks the enemy with Shindeiru for 3 rounds (LV = 200% of their maximum HP). Once the status expires, the opponent will take LV physical slash damage that ignores protection and evasion.

Against non-monster enemies, it will inflict Delayed Damage for 3 rounds instead. (It starts at LV0, and every time the opponent takes damage, it will increase the LV by a random amount between 1-50% of the damage taken. Once the status expires, they take the damage. If the LV is above 150, it will also ignore protection. Max. LV = 200.)

If you activate Hidden Cut while under Sakki Meditation, it will consume the status and immediately trigger any Shindeiru or Delayed Damage the enemy has, but it will only deal 25% of its original damage.

Please go easy on my balance-fu, I'm a new player.

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  Firthrower Mid Syndrome
Posted by: Toffee - 06-24-2023, 06:00 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

One of the most forgotten guns in SL2, the Firthrower. I've never once seen a player use this and for good reason. Give hellhound bullets to a Jackhammer and you do its job and better.

I won't claim to know anything about balance, but much smarter people than I have thrown around ideas that really stick. Turning the line of fire into a cone with LB's damage falloff, adding some lingering damage (fire) effect, changing the lukewarm potential into something more fitting of a (magic) flamethrower. Making a proper close-range gun that creates a burning trail/cinder tiles. All fun ideas, although I'm sure there are more ways it could be changed.

Firthrower needs some kind of rework, and badly. Flamethrowers should feel like flamethrowers.

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  Ya-Ha! In another light..
Posted by: Dezark - 06-23-2023, 02:03 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (11)

So there a little interaction that happens when people wield the Swordfish Sword, on it own it a pretty normal sword and all that yeah? It has a fun little mechanic? Trait? Whatever you wanna call it, to which at the end of your sentences, you'll randomly go Ya-Ha!
So I'm making this as a request cause I'd like to see more little interactions like this, it neat and honestly fun to see as a fluff moment, especially in Korvara where you can just look at someone who made a random noise and get a laugh out of it, or whatever else.

A added effect to taking Play Cute, when your doing your say/shouts, there a random % chance; same as what the swordfish swords' is, that you'll go "Nyaa!~" or something similar on that, will it make people take the trait even less? Maybe. Is that really a loss? Not really.

Only feel mildly cursed for suggesting this but I'd also just find it to be funny/cute interaction over all really.. only disadvantage I can think of this aside from possibly making people cringe and go off OOCly for someone taking it [Insert the joke of "haha cat girl did the cringe nyaa here] is your going to know when someone has the play cute trait.. but that isn't going to really give any mechanical advantages or anything like that, since you can already tell when someone takes the one-hand trait cause it shows up in the equipment page after all.

Anyway I ask you all to help encourage this, and honestly suggest if there any little interactions you'd like to see a item/trait/etc. give similar to the Swordfish Sword! I know it a older item by far so I can understand why it not really followed, but I support giving more little fluffs on that for roleplay personally!

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  Tuning Forkn't
Posted by: Rendar - 06-23-2023, 09:59 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (1)

The Tuning Fork's On-Hit effect is as follows.

On Hit: Deals up to X (X = character level or 10, whichever is higher) Sound magic damage to the target. (Depends on enemy armor. Heavy Armor = 100%, Light Armor = 50%, Unarmored = 25%)

So, 60 damage if they're in heavy armor. 30 in light. 15 in Unarmored.

This looks/sounds like a good on hit...

Except it's affected by armor. And defence. On the Dev Room Fenribus.. it does nothing.

Ren Brown attacks Fenrirberus with Tuning Fork!
Critical Hit! Fenrirberus takes 119 Blunt physical damage.
Fenrirberus takes 0 Sound magical damage.

I'm not really asking for much, but changing this to BONUS DAMAGE = 50% of Sound Attack if enemy armor = METAL, or 25% of Sound attack if enemy armor =/= METAL...

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  Looking For (a) G
Posted by: catabur - 06-23-2023, 06:35 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (1)

[Image: lmKyzTH.png]

[Image: 1053340589598441473.webp]

Ever notice LFG? 'Cuz I really don't. Especially on my 2k monitor. It's so tiny up there. So small and insignificant that it's all I've been thinking about for the last two weeks. It's why I want to offer a small adjustment. Simply put: when someone puts something up on LFG, it displays on main chat. If you don't wanna see it, you can disable it appearing in the settings. Oh, and you can't spam it! That's important. There's a 10 minute cooldown before it'll appear in chat again, but will still appear updated in the LFG tab.

It should probably be kept to about 50-100 characters or something, though. And it'll use whichever FI you have on, or something! I know most people tend to use pings in the discord, but it still upsets me when I notice 3 hours after someone set up a LFG.

[Image: Q6eM4Am.png]

Here's what I think it should look like! And maybe give it a tab in newchat.

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  New abilities for two characters
Posted by: goreclover - 06-23-2023, 04:18 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND key: Goreclover

Character name: Merto Sanwine, Mia Morr

Request type: Ability request

Request description:

For Merto would be seeing things as they truly are, that means he can recognize people and things through illusions and/or any physical change.  I know this could be considered as metagaming so it wont work if he isnt suspicious or requires him to have a close bond with the person, wich means requires ooc aproval for it to work.

For Mia its partial dream manipulation, resting or sleeping in her presence will induce a dream based on how people feel about her, if they hate her it will probably be a nightmare or they feel close to her it will be a nice dream. If also allowed, i would like that with enough practice she would gain total dream manipulation. She would still be unable to put people to sleep on her own

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